Open-Source Python Code for Modeling of Adsorption Breakthrough Performance of Zeolites for Direct Air Capture of CO2

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The objective of this research is to create a python program that can describe the adsorption breakthrough performance of direct air capture of CO2 by zeolite and other adsorbents. The purpose of creating this open-source code is because many commercial

The objective of this research is to create a python program that can describe the adsorption breakthrough performance of direct air capture of CO2 by zeolite and other adsorbents. The purpose of creating this open-source code is because many commercial simulation software for adsorption process simulation can be extremely expensive and typically are yearly subscriptions which can be a costly expenditure for academic research labs and chemical engineers working on adsorption processes development and design. The simulation models are generated by solving the governing mass and energy transfer equations and validating the models with experimental data. The typical inputs for the adsorption process simulation include adsorption equilibrium of both CO2 and N2 on selected adsorbents, mass transfer coefficients information, adsorbent bed length and void fraction, and other physical and chemical properties of the adsorbent being tested. The outputs of the simulation package are the dimensionless CO2 concentration profile as a function of dimensionless time, which is usually used for evaluating the adsorbent performance for CO2 capture. The models created were compared to the commercial package gPROMs and they performed extremely well. The main variation between the models created and gPROMs was that the models tended to underpredict the breakpoint of experimental data and gPROMs tended to overpredict. This M.S. research is part of the major research efforts for developing an open-source adsorption process simulation package for carbon capture and conversion in Prof. Deng’s group at ASU. The ultimate goal of this research program is to reduce carbon emissions and develop a sustainable solution for a future carbon-free economy.
Date Created

Production of Organosiloxane-Modified Hydrophobic Geopolymer Materials

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The possibility of creating inorganic/organic hybrid materials has yet to be fully explored within geopolymer research. Using PDMS as an organic precursor, the surface of sodium and potassium geopolymers of varying precursor composition were functionalized with degraded PDMS oligomers.

The possibility of creating inorganic/organic hybrid materials has yet to be fully explored within geopolymer research. Using PDMS as an organic precursor, the surface of sodium and potassium geopolymers of varying precursor composition were functionalized with degraded PDMS oligomers. Both types of geopolymer yielded hydrophobic materials with BET surface area of 0.6475 m2/g and 4.342 m2/g for sodium and potassium geopolymer, respectively. Each respective material also had an oil capacity of 74.75 ± 4.06 weight% and 134.19 ± 4.89 weight%. X-ray diffraction analysis demonstrated that the PDMS functionalized sodium geopolymers had similar crystal structures that matched references for zeolite A and sodalite. The potassium geopolymers were amorphous, but showed consistency in diffraction patterns across different compositions.
Date Created

Design and Isolation of a Novel Phosphine Functionalized Carbodiimide as a Versatile Precursor to Accessing Hemilabile Amidinate and Guanidinate Ligands

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Amidinates and guanidinates are promising supporting ligands in organometallic and coordination chemistry, highly valued for their accessibility, tunability, and comparability with other popular anionic N-chelating hard donor ligands like β-diketiminates. By far the most powerful way to access these ligands

Amidinates and guanidinates are promising supporting ligands in organometallic and coordination chemistry, highly valued for their accessibility, tunability, and comparability with other popular anionic N-chelating hard donor ligands like β-diketiminates. By far the most powerful way to access these ligands involves direct metal-nucleophile insertion into N,N’- substituted carbodiimides. However, the majority of reported examples require the use of commercially accessible carbodiimide peptide coupling reagents with simple alkyl substituents leading to low variation in potential substituents. Presented here is the design, synthesis, and isolation of a novel N,N’-bis[3-(diphenylphosphino)propyl]carbodiimide via an Aza-Wittig reaction between two previously described air stable substrates. At room temperature, 3-(diphenylphosphanyl-borane)-propylisocyanate was added to N-(3-(diphenylphospino)propyl)-triphenylphosphinimine, leading to product formation in minutes. One-pot phosphine-borane deprotection, followed by simple filtration of the crude mixture through a small, basic silica plug using pentane and diethyl ether granted the corresponding carbodiimide in high purity and yield (over 70%), confirmed by 1H, 13C, and 31P NMR spectroscopy. In addition to accessing different central carbon substituents, modification of phosphine substituents should be easily accessible through minor variations in the synthesis. With these precursors, anionic amidinates and guanidinates capable of κ4 -N,N,P,P-coordination may be accessed. The ability of the labile phosphine arms to associate and dissociate may facilitate catalysis. Thus, this carbodiimide provides a tunable, reliable one step precursor to novel substituted amidinates and guanidinates for homogeneous transition metal catalysis.

Date Created

Microwave-assisted Sol-gel Synthesis of the MAX Phases Cr2GaC, Cr2GeC, and V2GeC


MAX phases are ternary carbides or nitrides that possess unique material characteristics, often simplified as a mix of metallic and ceramic properties. Many aspects of MAX phases are still being researched, but they have exciting potential applications in high-temperature structural

MAX phases are ternary carbides or nitrides that possess unique material characteristics, often simplified as a mix of metallic and ceramic properties. Many aspects of MAX phases are still being researched, but they have exciting potential applications in high-temperature structural systems, the next generation of nuclear power plants, and concentrated solar power. This project aims to benefit further research into these applications by validating a rapid unconventional synthesis method: microwave-assisted sol-gel synthesis. Three MAX phases (Cr2GaC, Cr2GeC, and V2GeC) were successfully synthesized via this route, which should open the door for more rapid prototyping and ultimately more efficient research.

Date Created

Investigating geopolymer-mediated adsorption of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus cells and secreted proteins

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The rise in community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections and the ability of the organism to develop resistance to antibiotics necessitate new treatment methods for MRSA. Geopolymers (GPs) are cheap, porous materials that have demonstrated adsorptive capabilities. In this study,

The rise in community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections and the ability of the organism to develop resistance to antibiotics necessitate new treatment methods for MRSA. Geopolymers (GPs) are cheap, porous materials that have demonstrated adsorptive capabilities. In this study, GPs were investigated for their ability to adsorb whole MRSA cells and MRSA secreted proteins [culture filtrate proteins (CFPs)] as a complementary method of controlling MRSA infections. GPs have been synthesized with variable pore sizes (meso/macro scale) and further modified with stearic acid (SA) to increase surface hydrophobicity. Four GPs (SA-macroGP, macroGP, SA-mesoGP, and mesoGP) were incubated with whole cells and with CFPs to quantify GP adsorption capabilities. Following MRSA culture incubation with GPs, unbound MRSA cells were filtered and plated to determine cell counts. Following CFP incubation with GPs, unbound CFPs were separated via SDS-PAGE, stained with SYPRO Ruby, and analyzed using densitometry. Results indicate that macroGP was the most effective at adsorbing whole MRSA cells. Visual banding patterns and densitometry quantitation indicate that SA-mesoGP was the most effective at adsorbing CFP. Ultimately, GP-based products may be further developed as nonselective or selective adsorbents and integrated into fibrous materials for topical applications.
Date Created

Development of homogeneous first row metal catalysts (Fe, Mn, Co) for organic transformations and bond activation

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Transition metals have been extensively employed to address various challenges

related to catalytic organic transformations, small molecule activation, and energy storage

over the last few decades. Inspired by recent catalytic advances mediated by redox noninnocent

pyridine diimine (PDI) and α-diimine (DI) ligand supported


Transition metals have been extensively employed to address various challenges

related to catalytic organic transformations, small molecule activation, and energy storage

over the last few decades. Inspired by recent catalytic advances mediated by redox noninnocent

pyridine diimine (PDI) and α-diimine (DI) ligand supported transition metals,

our group has designed new PDI and DI ligands by modifying the imine substituents to

feature donor atoms. My doctoral research is focused on the development of PDI and DI

ligand supported low valent first row metal complexes (Mn, Fe, Co) and their application

in bond activation reactions and the hydrofunctionalization of unsaturated bonds.

First two chapters of this dissertation are centered on the synthesis and

application of redox non-innocent ligand supported low valent iron complexes. Notably,

reduction of a DI-based iron dibromide led to the formation of a low valent iron

dinitrogen compound. This compound was found to undergo a sequential C-H and C-P

bond activation processes upon heating to form a dimeric compound. The plausible

mechanism for dimer formation is also described here.

Inspired by the excellent carbonyl hydrosilylation activity of our previously

reported Mn catalyst, (Ph2PPrPDI)Mn, attempts were made to synthesize second generation

Mn catalyst, which is described in the third chapter. Reduction of (PyEtPDI)MnCl2

furnished a deprotonated backbone methyl group containing Mn compound

[(PyEtPDEA)Mn] whereas reduction of (Ph2PEtPDI)MnCl2 produced a dimeric compound,

[(Ph2PEtPDI)Mn]2. Both compounds were characterized by NMR spectroscopy and XRD

analysis. Hydrosilylation of aldehydes and ketones have been studied using

[(PyEtPDEA)Mn] as a pre-catalyst. Similarly, 14 different aldehydes and 6 different


formates were successfully hydrosilylated using [(Ph2PEtPDI)Mn]2 as a pre-catalyst.

Encouraged by the limited number of cobalt catalysts for nitrile hydroboration, we

sought to develop a cobalt catalyst that is active for hydroboration under mild conditions,

which is discussed in the last chapter. Treatment of (PyEtPDI)CoCl2 with excess NaEt3BH

furnished a diamagnetic Co(I) complex [(PyEtPDIH)Co], which exhibits a reduced imine

functionality. Having this compound characterized, a broad substrate scope for both

nitriles and imines have been investigated. The operative mechanism for nitrile

dihydroboration has been investigated based on the outcomes of a series of stoichiometric

reactions using NMR spectroscopy.
Date Created

Synthesis and characterization of ZIF-71/PDMS membranes for biofuel separation

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Membranes are a key part of pervaporation processes, which is generally a more

efficient process for selective removal of alcohol from water than distillation. It is

necessary that the membranes have high alcohol permeabilities and selectivities.

Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) based mixed matrix membranes (MMMs)

Membranes are a key part of pervaporation processes, which is generally a more

efficient process for selective removal of alcohol from water than distillation. It is

necessary that the membranes have high alcohol permeabilities and selectivities.

Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) based mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) have

demonstrated very promising results. Zeolitic imidazolate framework-71 (ZIF-71)

demonstrated promising alcohol separation abilities. In this dissertation, we present

fundamental studies on the synthesis of ZIF-71/PDMS MMMs.

Free-standing ZIF-71/ PDMS membranes with 0, 5, 25 and 40 wt % ZIF-71

loadings were prepared and the pervaporation separation for ethanol and 1-butanol from

water was measured. ZIF-71/PDMS MMMs were formed through addition cure and

condensation cure methods. Addition cure method was not compatible with ZIF-71

resulting in membranes with poor mechanical properties, while the condensation cure

method resulted in membranes with good mechanical properties. The 40 wt % ZIF-71

loading PDMS nanocomposite membranes achieved a maximum ethanol/water selectivity

of 0.81 ± 0.04 selectivity and maximum 1-butnaol/water selectivity of 5.64 ± 0.15.

The effects of synthesis time, temperature, and reactant ratio on ZIF-71 particle

size and the effect of particle size on membrane performance were studied. Temperature

had the greatest effect on ZIF-71 particle size as the synthesis temperature varied from -

20 to 35 ºC. The ZIF-71 synthesized had particle diameters ranging from 150 nm to 1

μm. ZIF-71 particle size is critical in ZIF-71/PDMS composite membrane performance

for alcohol removal from water through pervaporation. The membranes made with

micron sized ZIF-71 particles showed higher alcohol/water selectivity than those with

smaller particles. Both alcohol and water permeability increased when larger sized ZIF-

71 particles were incorporated.

ZIF-71 particles were modified with four ligands through solvent assisted linker

exchange (SALE) method: benzimidazole (BIM), 5-methylbenzimidazole (MBIM), 5,6-

dimethylbenzimidazole (DMBIM) and 4-Phenylimidazole (PI). The morphology of ZIF-

71 were maintained after the modification. ZIF-71/PDMS composite membranes with 25

wt% loading modified ZIF-71 particles were made for alcohol/water separation. Better

particle dispersion in PDMS polymer matrix was observed with the ligand modified ZIFs.

For both ethanol/water and 1-butanol/water separations, the alcohol permeability and

alcohol/water selectivity were lowered after the ZIF-71 ligand exchange reaction.
Date Created

Development and characterization of chemical resistant water separation composite membranes by using impermeable polymer matrix

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Water recovery from impaired sources, such as reclaimed wastewater, brackish groundwater, and ocean water, is imperative as freshwater resources are under great pressure. Complete reuse of urine wastewater is also necessary to sustain life on space exploration missions of greater

Water recovery from impaired sources, such as reclaimed wastewater, brackish groundwater, and ocean water, is imperative as freshwater resources are under great pressure. Complete reuse of urine wastewater is also necessary to sustain life on space exploration missions of greater than one year’s duration. Currently, the Water Recovery System (WRS) used on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) shuttles recovers only 70% of generated wastewater.1 Current osmotic processes show high capability to increase water recovery from wastewater. However, commercial reverse osmosis (RO) membranes rapidly degrade when exposed to pretreated urine-containing wastewater. Also, non-ionic small molecules substances (i.e., urea) are very poorly rejected by commercial RO membranes.

In this study, an innovative composite membrane that integrates water-selective molecular sieve particles into a liquid-barrier chemically resistant polymer film is synthetized. This plan manipulates distinctive aspects of the two materials used to create the membranes: (1) the innate permeation and selectivity of the molecular sieves, and (2) the decay-resistant, versatile, and mechanical strength of the liquid-barrier polymer support matrix.

To synthesize the membrane, Linde Type A (LTA) zeolite particles are anchored to the porous substrate, producing a single layer of zeolite particles capable of transporting water through the membrane. Thereafter, coating the chemically resistant latex polymer filled the space between zeolites. Finally, excess polymer was etched from the surface to expose the zeolites to the feed solution. The completed membranes were tested in reverse osmosis mode with deionized water, sodium chloride, and rhodamine solutions to determine the suitability for water recovery.

The main distinguishing characteristics of the new membrane design compared with current composite membrane include: (1) the use of an impermeable polymer broadens the range of chemical resistant polymers that can be used as the polymer matrix; (2) the use of zeolite particles with specific pore size insures the high rejection of the neutral molecules since water is transported through the zeolite rather than the polymer; (3) the use of latex dispersions, environmentally friendly water based-solutions, as the polymer matrix shares the qualities of low volatile organic compound, low cost, and non- toxicity.
Date Created

Development of homogeneous molybdenum catalysts for the activation of small molecules

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Over the last few decades, homogeneous molybdenum catalysis has been a center of interest to inorganic, organic, and organometallic chemists. Interestingly, most of the important advancements in molybdenum chemistry such as non-classical dihydrogen coordination, dinitrogen reduction, olefin metathesis, and water

Over the last few decades, homogeneous molybdenum catalysis has been a center of interest to inorganic, organic, and organometallic chemists. Interestingly, most of the important advancements in molybdenum chemistry such as non-classical dihydrogen coordination, dinitrogen reduction, olefin metathesis, and water reduction utilize diverse oxidation states of the metal. However, employment of redox non-innocent ligands to tune the stability and reactivity of such catalysts have been overlooked. With this in mind, the Trovitch group has developed a series of novel bis(imino)pyridine (or pyridine diimine, PDI) and diimine (DI) ligands that have coordinating phosphine or amine arms to exert coordination flexibility to the designed complexes. The research described in this dissertation is focused on the development of molybdenum catalysts that are supported by PDI and DI chelates and their application in small molecule activation.

Using the phosphine containing PDI chelate, Ph2PPrPDI, several low-valent molybdenum complexes have been synthesized and characterized. While the zerovalent monocarbonyl complex, (Ph2PPrPDI)MoCO, catalyzes the reduction of aldehyde C=O bonds, the C-H activated Mo(II) complex, (6-P,N,N,N,C,P-Ph2PPrPDI)MoH was found to be the first well-defined molybdenum catalyst for reducing carbon dioxide to methanol. Along with low- oxidation state compounds, a Mo(IV) complex, [(Ph2PPrPDI)MoO][PF6]2 was also synthesized and utilized in electrocatalytic hydrogen production from neutral water. Moreover, with the proper choice of reductant, an uncommon Mo(I) oxidation state was stabilized and characterized by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray diffraction.

While the synthesized (PDI)Mo complexes unveiled versatile reduction chemistry, varying the ligand backbone to DI uncovered completely different reactivity when bound to molybdenum. Unlike PDI, no chelate-arm C-H activation was observed with the propyl phosphine DI, Ph2PPrDI; instead, a bis(dinitrogen) Mo(0) complex, (Ph2PPrDI)Mo(N2)2 was isolated. Surprisingly, this complex was found to convert carbon dioxide into dioxygen and carbon monoxide under ambient conditions through a novel tail-to-tail CO2 reductive coupling pathway. Detailed experimental and theoretical studies are underway to gain further information about the possible mechanism of Mo mediated direct conversion of CO2 to O2.
Date Created

Synthesis of mesoporous metal oxide materials

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Nanoporous crystalline oxides with high porosity and large surface areas are promising in catalysis, clean energy technologies and environmental applications all which require efficient chemical reactions at solid-solid, solid-liquid, and/or solid-gas interfaces. Achieving the balance between open porosity and structural

Nanoporous crystalline oxides with high porosity and large surface areas are promising in catalysis, clean energy technologies and environmental applications all which require efficient chemical reactions at solid-solid, solid-liquid, and/or solid-gas interfaces. Achieving the balance between open porosity and structural stability is an ongoing challenge when synthesizing such porous materials. Increasing porosity while maintaining an open porous network usually comes at the cost of fragility, as seen for example in ultra low density, highly random porous aerogels. It has become increasingly important to develop synthetic techniques that produce materials with these desired properties while utilizing low cost precursors and increasing their structural strength. Based on non-alkoxide sol-gel chemistry, two novel synthetic methods for nanoporous metal oxides have been developed. The first is a high temperature combustion method that utilizes biorenewable oil, affording gamma alumina (Al2O3) with a surface area over 300 cm3/g and porosity over 80% and controllable pore sizes (average pore width 8 to 20 nm). The calcined crystalline products exhibit an aerogel-like textural mesoporosity. To demonstrate the versatility of the new method, it was used to synthesize highly porous amorphous silica (SiO2) which exhibited increased mechanical robustness while achieving a surface area of 960 m2/g and porosity of 85%. The second method utilizes sequential gelation of inorganic and organic precursors forming an interpenetrating inorganic/organic gel network. The method affords yttria-stabilized zirconia with surface area over 90 cm3/g and porosity over 60% and controllable pore sizes (average pore width 6 to 12 nm). X-ray diffraction, gas sorption analysis, Raman spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and electron microscopy were all used to characterize the structure, morphology, and the chemical structure of the newly afforded materials. Both novel methods produce products that show superior pore properties and robustness compared to equivalent commercially available and currently reported materials.
Date Created