A Sustainable Solution for Off-Grid Solar Power in Remote Communities

This honors thesis report aims to propose a sustainable long-term solution for providing off-grid solar energy to rural communities that lack the necessary grid energy infrastructure. With this in mind, we aim to establish the framework and documentation for people

This honors thesis report aims to propose a sustainable long-term solution for providing off-grid solar energy to rural communities that lack the necessary grid energy infrastructure. With this in mind, we aim to establish the framework and documentation for people to be able to build and maintain their own off-grid solar power systems. Due to recent pushes for clean energy both nationwide and statewide, the team will discuss the current renewable energy market and the incentives to justify the future growth potential of residential solar energy systems, which includes off-grid or remote solar. This discussion will include comparing pre-built solar systems currently offered for purchase against the proposed design outlined in this report. Notably, the outlined design has been made with an emphasis on system sustainability, low initial cost, reliability, ease of manufacturing/maintenance, and material selection. Lastly, the team will discuss the project’s approach to documentation with a user manual draft to ensure the system's long-term sustainability and troubleshooting. Although the efforts of this project have increased over time, this project remains active within the ASU EWB chapter, meaning that not all aspects described throughout this report are fully complete. The Native American community of Shonto, Arizona, will be used as an example to understand a rural community's needs for designing a solar panel system that provides sufficient energy for a single household. The project was completed in collaboration with Arizona State University’s Engineering Projects In Community Service (EPICS) program and Engineers Without Borders (EWB) chapter. Both these organizations aim to connect ASU students to the professional mentors and resources they need to design and implement low-cost, small-scale, easily replicated, and sustainable engineering projects.
Date Created

Investigating the Mechanical Properties of a Platinum-cyclovinylmethyl-siloxane Complex Catalyzed PDMS Network

In this report, a PDMS network formed from catalysis of a linear, bifunctional polymer by Ashby-Karstedt’s catalyst is analyzed. An exploration of the crosslink density, shear plateau modulus, and glass transition temperature is performed to display some of the material’s

In this report, a PDMS network formed from catalysis of a linear, bifunctional polymer by Ashby-Karstedt’s catalyst is analyzed. An exploration of the crosslink density, shear plateau modulus, and glass transition temperature is performed to display some of the material’s mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties. The softness of this network in addition to the biocompatibility and thermal stability of PDMS make this elastomer useful for a broad spectrum of applications.
Date Created



Mixed Matrix Membranes (MMMs) combine a continuous organic polymer phase with a distributed porous additive, i.e. filler, and benefit from the ease processability of polymers as well as the improved gas separation performance of diverse porous filler materials. MMMs may

Mixed Matrix Membranes (MMMs) combine a continuous organic polymer phase with a distributed porous additive, i.e. filler, and benefit from the ease processability of polymers as well as the improved gas separation performance of diverse porous filler materials. MMMs may have separation qualities that outperform the selectivity/permeability trade-off reported in pure polymer membranes. All MMMs require a polymer phase and a filler, and in this research a Pebax-1657 is used as a matrix and for filler a Covalent organic framework (COF) as it is less understood. Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) represent a category of porous organic polymers that have garnered significant interest across various fields, including gas adsorption and storage, catalysis, sensing, and photovoltaics. These frameworks offer outstanding characteristics such as permanent porosity, high surface areas, and easily adjustable frameworks [3]. Additionally, their entirely organic composition can lead to enhanced interactions between fillers and polymers, mitigating the formation of nonselective defects during mixed-matrix membrane (MMM) preparation that are often seen with using other sorts of fillers such as silica and metal- organic frameworks (MOFs). Once synthesized the MMMs which are based on COF will be tested in an in house built gas permeance setup to test for single gas permeance, giving us deep insight into the performance of the COF bas MMMs.

Date Created

Founders Lab: Intellectra

Our mission is to provide a valuable experience for the everyday consumer that both tests personal attributes, like logic or memory, and is also legitimately fun. We want our product to be a hands-on, exciting puzzle box experience that anybody

Our mission is to provide a valuable experience for the everyday consumer that both tests personal attributes, like logic or memory, and is also legitimately fun. We want our product to be a hands-on, exciting puzzle box experience that anybody can use. Our goal is to become a leading brand of puzzle boxes and be able to provide fun, educational experiences to everyone. We also would like to serve schools by providing learning experiences all over the world at an affordable price.
Date Created

The Impact of FOXM1 Knockout on FGF1 and CHIR99021-Induced Cell Proliferation in Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes

As the need for whole heart transplantation to treat heart failure grows faster than the supply, alternative methods are in increasing demand. Transplantation of cardiomyocytes to replace injured myocardium after MI has shown promise. Myocardium is notoriously ineffective at proliferating after switching from

As the need for whole heart transplantation to treat heart failure grows faster than the supply, alternative methods are in increasing demand. Transplantation of cardiomyocytes to replace injured myocardium after MI has shown promise. Myocardium is notoriously ineffective at proliferating after switching from hyperplastic to hypertrophic growth. FOXM1 has been established as having a strong role in cell cycle regulation in cancerous tumors and cardiomyocytes, and these experiments show the relationship between FOXM1 and iPSC-derived cardiomyocyte proliferation and attempt to improve a treatment option for heart failure through manipulation of this gene. Our experiment concludes that FOXM1 knockdown increases iPSC-CM cell proliferation, and can be further explored to better increase cardiomyocyte proliferation.
Date Created

Depolymerizable supramolecular polyethylene from bio-inspired nucleobase units

Given their manufacturing versatility, plastics have fundamentally changed commercial consumerism. Unfortunately, two of the largest drawbacks to current plastics on the market is their dependency on fossil fuels and their lack of circular recyclability. In this paper, the focus will

Given their manufacturing versatility, plastics have fundamentally changed commercial consumerism. Unfortunately, two of the largest drawbacks to current plastics on the market is their dependency on fossil fuels and their lack of circular recyclability. In this paper, the focus will be on the latter issue. Circular recyclability can be described as the idea of minimizing waste through its reformation back into a commodity. Currently, the primary method of recycling plastics, mechanical recycling, can only be achieved through melting and reshaping plastic for reuse. A significant drawback to this method is the reduction in chain molecular weight and subsequent loss of mechanical integrity through multiple reheating cycles. Chemical recycling provides an alternative where the polymer is broken down through chemically reactive sites, allowing the material to be recycled a theoretically infinite number of times and maintain its mechanical properties. Polyethylene, one of the largest classes of industrially produced plastic, does not have any commercially relevant chemically recyclable derivatives. The structure of polyethylene is primarily composed of long, nonpolar hydrocarbon chains that provide the material’s signature tough property. To make a material that can be depolymerizable for chemical recycling, polar ester functional groups must be added throughout the chain, allowing for chain scission by hydrolysis. Unfortunately, while the incorporation of ester functionality into polyethylene has been studied previously, material strength decreases as a result of this modification, sacrificing the integrity of the final product. Herein, I propose the incorporation of nucleobase pairings into the ester-containing polyethylene, which will add supramolecular hydrogen bonding reinforcements to improve the mechanical performance while maintaining chemical recyclability. This addition to the polyethylene backbone will be achieved by the synthesis of a ureido cytosine (UCy) diol, which contains 4 complementary hydrogen bonding sites for enhanced intermolecular forces between polyethylene chains.
Date Created

Stabilizing Relations in Vietnam: How a Nation Recovers from War

After the Vietnam War the Communist party faced the issue of unifying the minds of the Vietnamese people beyond just the outward signs. The party experienced both successes and failures in these efforts but overall found a valid way to

After the Vietnam War the Communist party faced the issue of unifying the minds of the Vietnamese people beyond just the outward signs. The party experienced both successes and failures in these efforts but overall found a valid way to normalize relations in the country. This thesis finds that unity did not come so much from forced indoctrination as from establishing prosperity and finding common points of unity. In Vietnam’s case, its shift to a more flexible and tolerant political and economic atmosphere paved the way for more positive views of the government, and by employing a nationalist appeal to historic figures and symbols, the government further shaped the minds of the rising generation. The use of Ho Chi Minh as the symbol of both modern Vietnam and the Communist party is a particularly telling example. Upon visiting Vietnam today, it is difficult to find outward expressions of disunity between the north and south. Accordingly, some of the strategies employed in Vietnam may be useful in other countries struggling with unity.
Date Created