Human Brain Cell Type Classification Using Spatial Proteomics

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Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia affecting the population over the age of 65. AD is characterized clinically by increasing difficulty with memory and language, resulting in a loss of independence. This is due to the

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia affecting the population over the age of 65. AD is characterized clinically by increasing difficulty with memory and language, resulting in a loss of independence. This is due to the presence of two characteristic protein aggregates in the brain: extracellular amyloid plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). Utilizing multiplexed immunofluorescence and dimensional reduction analysis the types of cells present in the hippocampus, the region of the brain most affected by AD, can be explored. Understanding the kinds of cell subtypes present, the mechanism behind how AD develops can be explored. Multiplexed IF was performed on human hippocampus FFPE tissues to detect a total of 37 proteins. Dimensional reduction analysis was performed to identify the four major cell types in the brain: neurons, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and microglia. After identifying each cell type, further dimensional reduction analysis was performed within each cell type to identify cell subtypes. A total of 21 neuron, 41 oligodendrocyte, 20 astrocyte, and 22 microglia subtypes were identified. The location of cell subtypes in each region of the hippocampal formation was found to match previous reports, further validating the findings of this project.
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Time Temperature Visual Indicators for Cold Chain Tracking of Biospecimens

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For cold chain tracking systems, precision and versatility across varying time intervals and temperature ranges remain integral to effective application in clinical, commercial, and academic settings. Therefore, while electronic and chemistry/physics based cold chain tracking mechanisms currently exist, both have

For cold chain tracking systems, precision and versatility across varying time intervals and temperature ranges remain integral to effective application in clinical, commercial, and academic settings. Therefore, while electronic and chemistry/physics based cold chain tracking mechanisms currently exist, both have limitations that affect their application across various biospecimens and commercial products, providing the initiative to develop a time temperature visual indicator system that resolves challenges with current cold chain tracking approaches. As a result, a permanganate/oxalic acid time temperature visual indicator system for cold chain tracking has been proposed. At thawing temperatures, the designed permanganate/oxalic acid reaction system undergoes a pink to colorless transition as permanganate, Mn(VII), is reduced to auto-catalytic Mn(II), while oxalate is oxidized to CO2. Therefore, when properly stored and vitrified or frozen, the proposed visual indicator remains pink, whereas exposure to thawing conditions will result in an eventual, time temperature dependent, designed color transition that characterizes compromised biospecimen integrity. To design visual indicator systems for targeted times at specific temperatures, absorbance spectroscopy was utilized to monitor permanganate kinetic curves by absorbance at 525 nm. As a result, throughout the outlined research, the following aims were demonstrated: (i) Design and functionality of 1x (0.5 mM KMnO4) visual indicator systems across various time intervals at temperatures ranging from 25°C to -20°C, (ii) Design and functionality of high concentration, 5x, visual indicator systems across varying targeted time intervals at temperatures ranging from 25°C to 0°C, (iii) Pre-activation stability and long-term stability of the proposed visual indicator systems.
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High-Resolution 3D Printed Microfluidic Devices for Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Proteins

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Insulator-based dielectrophoresis (iDEP) has attracted considerable attention due to its ability to precisely capture and manipulate nanoparticles and biomolecules. A distinctive approach for effective manipulation of nanometer-sized proteins employing iDEP technique by generating higher electric field (E) and gradient (??2)

Insulator-based dielectrophoresis (iDEP) has attracted considerable attention due to its ability to precisely capture and manipulate nanoparticles and biomolecules. A distinctive approach for effective manipulation of nanometer-sized proteins employing iDEP technique by generating higher electric field (E) and gradient (??2) in the iDEP microfluidic devices is delineated. Strategies to generate higher ??2 in the iDEP devices were outlined using numerical simulations. Intriguingly, the numerical simulation results demonstrated that by decreasing the post-to-post gap in the iDEP microfluidic devices, the ??2 was increased by ⁓12 fold. Furthermore, the inclusion of channel constrictions, such as rectangular constriction or curved constriction into the straight channel iDEP microfluidic device led to a significant increase in ??2. In addition, the inclusion of rectangular constrictions in the straight channel iDEP microfluidic device resulted in a greater increase in ??2 compared to the incorporation of curved constrictions in the same device. Moreover, the straight channel device with horizontal post-to-post gap of 20 μm and vertical post-to-post gap of 10 μm generated the lowest ??2 and the ??2 was uniform across the device. The rectangular constriction device with horizontal and vertical post-to-post gap of 5 μm generated the highest ??2 and the ??2 was non-uniform across the device. Subsequently, suitable candidate devices were fabricated using soft lithography as well as high resolution 3D printing and the DEP behavior of ferritin examined under various experimental conditions. Positive streaming DEP could be observed for ferritin at low frequency in the device generating the lowest ??2, whereas at higher frequency of 10 kHz no DEP trapping characteristics were apparent in the same device. Importantly, in the device geometry resulting in the highest ??2 at 10 kHz, labeled ferritin exhibited pDEPtrapping characteristics. This is an indication that the DEP force superseded diffusion and became the dominant force.
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Optimizing a Point-of-Care Lateral Flow Assay for Measuring Eosinophil Peroxidase in the Esophageal String Test

Background: Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is an increasingly prevalent allergic disease characterized by eosinophilic inflammation and symptoms of esophageal dysfunction. Diagnosis and monitoring require repeated, invasive endoscopic esophageal biopsies to assess levels of eosinophilic inflammation. Recently, the minimally invasive esophageal string

Background: Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is an increasingly prevalent allergic disease characterized by eosinophilic inflammation and symptoms of esophageal dysfunction. Diagnosis and monitoring require repeated, invasive endoscopic esophageal biopsies to assess levels of eosinophilic inflammation. Recently, the minimally invasive esophageal string test (EST) has been used collect protein in mucosal secretions as a surrogate for tissue biopsies in monitoring disease activity. From the string, assessment of the eosinophil-associated proteins major basic protein-1 (MBP-1) and eotaxin-3 (Eot3) is used to assess disease activity; however, this requires measurement in a reference laboratory, for which the turnaround time for results exceeds the time required for histopathologic assessment of endoscopic biopsies. In addition, MBP-1 and Eot3 are not markers unique to eosinophils. These obstacles can be overcome by targeting eosinophil peroxidase (EPX), an eosinophil-specific protein, using a rapid point-of-care test. Currently, EPX is measured by a labor-intensive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), but we sought to optimize a rapid point-of-care test to measure EPX in EST segments. Methods: We extracted protein from residual EST segments and measured EPX levels by ELISA and a lateral flow assay (LFA). Results: EPX levels measured by LFA strongly correlated with those quantified by ELISA (rs = 0.90 {95% CI: 0.8283, 0.9466}). The EPX LFA is comparable to ELISA for measuring EPX levels in ESTs. Conclusions: The EPX LFA can provide a way to rapidly test EPX levels in ESTs in clinical settings and may serve as a valuable tool to facilitate diagnosis and monitoring of EoE.
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Analysis of Retroreflective Glass Beads in Soil Samples for Forensic Investigations

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Trace evidence is an essential component of forensic investigations. Anthropogenicmaterials such as fibers and glass have been well studied for use in forensic trace evidence, but the potential use of retroreflective beads found in soils for forensic investigations is largely

Trace evidence is an essential component of forensic investigations. Anthropogenicmaterials such as fibers and glass have been well studied for use in forensic trace evidence, but the potential use of retroreflective beads found in soils for forensic investigations is largely unexplored. Retroreflective glass beads are tiny spheres mixed into pavement markings to create reflective surfaces to reduce lane departure accidents. Retroreflective glass beads are a potentially new source of trace evidence for forensic investigations. Analysis of the spatial distribution and chemical compositions of retroreflective glass beads recovered from 17 soil samples were analyzed and compared to see if there are striking variations that can distinguish samples by source. Soil samples taken near marked roads showed significantly higher concentrations of glass beads, averaging from 0.18 bead/g of soil sample to 587 beads/g of soil, while soil samples taken near unmarked roads had average range of concentration of 0 bead/g of soil to 0.21 bead/g of soil. Retroreflective glass beads come from pavement markings, thus soil samples near marked roads are expected to have higher concentrations of glass beads. Analysis of spatial distribution of glass beads showed that as sample collection moved further from the road, concentration of glass beads decreased. ICP-MS results of elemental concentrations for each sample showed discriminative differences between samples, for most of the elements. An analysis of variance for elemental concentrations was conducted, and results showed statistically significant differences, beyond random chance alone for half of the elements analyzed. For forensic comparisons, a significant difference in even just one element is enough to conclude that the samples came from different sources. The elemental concentrations of glass beads collected from the same location, but of varying differences, was also analyzed. ANOVA results show significant differences for only one or two elements. A pair-wise t-test was conducted to determine which elements are most discriminative among all the samples. Rubidium was found to be the most discriminative, showing significant difference for 67% of the pairs. Beryllium, potassium, and manganese were also highly discriminative, showing significant difference for at least 50% of all the pairs.
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Investigating Protein Co-Crystallization for Improved Sensitivity in Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (MALDI) Mass Spectrometry


There are limited methods and techniques to quantitatively assess protein content in single cells or small cell populations of tissues. The standard protein insulin was used to understand how potential changes in the preparation or co-crystallization process could improve sensitivity

There are limited methods and techniques to quantitatively assess protein content in single cells or small cell populations of tissues. The standard protein insulin was used to understand how potential changes in the preparation or co-crystallization process could improve sensitivity and limit of detection through matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry analysis in Bruker’s Microflex LRF using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) reservoirs. In addition, initial imaging tests were performed on Bruker’s RapifleX MALDI Tissuetyper to determine the instrument’s imaging capabilities on proteins of interest through the use of a single layer “Christmas tree” microfluidic device, with the aim of applying a similar approach to future tissue samples. Data on 2µM insulin determined that a 95% laser power in the Microflex corresponded to 12-15% laser power in the RapifleX. Based on the experiments with insulin, the process of mixing insulin and saturated ɑ-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (HCCA) matrix solvent in a 1:1 ratio using 10mM sodium phosphate buffer under area analysis is most optimized with a limit of detection value of 110 nM. With this information, the future aim is to apply this method to a double layer Christmas tree device in order to hopefully quantitatively analyze and image protein content in single or small cell populations.

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Ultra-Trace Quantification of Plasticizers at the Tres Rios Constructed Wetland


Plasticizers are plastic additives used to enhance the physical properties of plastic and are ubiquitous in the environment. A class of plasticizer compounds called phthalate esters that are not fully eliminated in wastewater treatment facilities are relevant to the ecological

Plasticizers are plastic additives used to enhance the physical properties of plastic and are ubiquitous in the environment. A class of plasticizer compounds called phthalate esters that are not fully eliminated in wastewater treatment facilities are relevant to the ecological health of downstream ecosystems and urban areas due to their ecotoxicity, tendency for soil accumulation, and the emerging concern about their effects on public health. However, plasticizer concentrations in a constructed wetland environment have rarely been studied in the United States, prompting the need for a method of plasticizer quantification in the Tres Rios Constructed Wetlands which are sustained by the effluent of the 91st Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant in Phoenix, Arizona. The concentrations of four common plasticizer compounds (dimethyl: DMP, diethyl: DEP, di-n-butyl: DnBP, and bis(2-ethylhexyl): DEHP phthalate) at five sites across the wetland surface water were quantified using solid-phase extraction followed by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The sampling period included four sample sets taken from March 2022 to September 2022, which gave temporal data in addition to spatial concentration data. Quantification and quality control were performed using internal standard calibration, replicate samples, and laboratory blanks. Higher molecular weight phthalates accumulated in the wetland surface water at significantly higher average concentrations than those of lower molecular weight at a 95% confidence level, ranging from 8 ng/L to 7349 ng/L and 4 ng/L to 27876 ng/L for DnBP and DEHP, respectively. Concentrations for dimethyl phthalate and diethyl phthalate were typically less than 50 ng/L and were often below the method detection limit. Average concentrations of DnBP and DEHP were significantly higher during periods of high temperatures and arid conditions. The spatial distribution of phthalates was analyzed. Most importantly, a method for successful ultra-trace quantification of plasticizers at Tres Rios was established. These results confirm the presence of plasticizers at Tres Rios and a significant seasonal increase in their surface water concentrations. The developed analytical procedure provides a solid foundation for the Wetlands Environmental Ecology Lab at ASU to further investigate plasticizers and contaminants of emerging concern and determine their ultimate fate through volatilization, sorption, photodegradation, hydrolysis, microbial biodegradation, and phytoremediation studies.

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Assays to Forensically Assess Exposure of Plasma and Serum to Thawed Conditions

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Plasma and serum are the most commonly used liquid biospecimens in biomarker research. These samples may be subjected to several pre-analytical variables (PAVs) during collection, processing and storage. Exposure to thawed conditions (temperatures above -30 °C) is a PAV that

Plasma and serum are the most commonly used liquid biospecimens in biomarker research. These samples may be subjected to several pre-analytical variables (PAVs) during collection, processing and storage. Exposure to thawed conditions (temperatures above -30 °C) is a PAV that is hard to control, and track and could provide misleading information, that fail to accurately reveal the in vivo biological reality, when unaccounted for. Hence, assays that can empirically check the integrity of plasma and serum samples are crucial. As a solution to this issue, an assay titled ΔS-Cys-Albumin was developed and validated. The reference range of ΔS-Cys-Albumin in cardio vascular patients was determined and the change in ΔS-Cys-Albumin values in different samples over time course incubations at room temperature, 4 °C and -20 °C were evaluated. In blind challenges, this assay proved to be successful in identifying improperly stored samples individually and as groups. Then, the correlation between the instability of several clinically important proteins in plasma from healthy and cancer patients at room temperature, 4 °C and -20 °C was assessed. Results showed a linear inverse relationship between the percentage of proteins destabilized and ΔS-Cys-Albumin regardless of the specific time or temperature of exposure, proving ΔS-Cys-Albumin as an effective surrogate marker to track the stability of clinically relevant analytes in plasma. The stability of oxidized LDL in serum at different temperatures was assessed in serum samples and it stayed stable at all temperatures evaluated. The ΔS-Cys-Albumin requires the use of an LC-ESI-MS instrument which limits its availability to most clinical research laboratories. To overcome this hurdle, an absorbance-based assay that can be measured using a plate reader was developed as an alternative to the ΔS-Cys-Albumin assay. Assay development and analytical validation procedures are reported herein. After that, the range of absorbance in plasma and serum from control and cancer patients were determined and the change in absorbance over a time course incubation at room temperature, 4 °C and -20 °C was assessed. The results showed that the absorbance assay would act as a good alternative to the ΔS-Cys-Albumin assay.
Date Created

Discovering Autoantibodies to Nitrated Proteins in Type 1 Diabetes

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Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is the result of an autoimmune attack against the insulin-producing β-cells of the pancreas causing hyperglycemia and requiring the individual to rely on life-long exogenous insulin. With the age of onset typically occurring in childhood, there

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is the result of an autoimmune attack against the insulin-producing β-cells of the pancreas causing hyperglycemia and requiring the individual to rely on life-long exogenous insulin. With the age of onset typically occurring in childhood, there is increased physical and emotional stress to the child as well as caregivers to maintain appropriate glucose levels. The majority of T1D patients have antibodies to one or more antigens: insulin, IA-2, GAD65, and ZnT8. Although antibodies are detectable years before symptoms occur, the initiating factors and mechanisms of progression towards β-cell destruction are still not known. The search for new autoantibodies to elucidate the autoimmune process in diabetes has been slow, with proteome level screenings on native proteins only finding a few minor antigens. Post-translational modifications (PTM)—chemical changes that occur to the protein after translation is complete—are an unexplored way a self-protein could become immunogenic. This dissertation presents the first large sale screening of autoantibodies in T1D to nitrated proteins. The Contra Capture Protein Array (CCPA) allowed for fresh expression of hundreds of proteins that were captured on a secondary slide by tag-specific ligand and subsequent modification with peroxynitrite. The IgG and IgM humoral response of 48 newly diagnosed T1D subjects and 48 age-matched controls were screened against 1632 proteins highly or specifically expressed in pancreatic cells. Top targets at 95% specificity were confirmed with the same serum samples using rapid antigenic protein in situ display enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (RAPID ELISA) a modified sandwich ELISA employing the same cell-free expression as the CCPA. For validation, 8 IgG and 5 IgM targets were evaluated with an independent serum sample set of 94 T1D subjects and 94 controls. The two best candidates at 90% specificity were estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) and phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 beta (PI4K2B) which had sensitivities of 22% (p=.014) and 25% (p=.045), respectively. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses found an area under curve (AUC) of 0.6 for ESR1 and 0.58 for PI4K2B. These studies demonstrate the ability and value for high-throughput autoantibody screening to modified antigens and the frequency of Type 1 diabetes.
Date Created

Visual Indicators of Biospecimen Time-Temperature Exposure


In cold chain tracking systems, accuracy and flexibility across different temperatures ranges plays an integral role in monitoring biospecimen integrity. However, while two common cold chain tracking systems are currently available (electronic and physics/chemical), there is not an affordable cold

In cold chain tracking systems, accuracy and flexibility across different temperatures ranges plays an integral role in monitoring biospecimen integrity. However, while two common cold chain tracking systems are currently available (electronic and physics/chemical), there is not an affordable cold chain tracking mechanism that can be applied to a variety of temperatures while maintaining accuracy for individual vials. Hence, our lab implemented our understanding of biochemical reaction kinetics to develop a new cold chain tracking mechanism using the permanganate/oxalic acid reaction. The permanganate/oxalic acid reaction is characterized by the reduction of permanganate (MnVII) to Mn(II) with Mn(II)-autocatalyzed oxidation of oxalate to CO2, resulting in a pink to colorless visual indicator change when the reaction system is not in the solid state (i.e., frozen or vitrified). Throughout our research, we demonstrate, (i) Improved reaction consistency and accuracy along with extended run times with the implementation of a nitric acid-based labware washing protocol, (ii) Simulated reaction kinetics for the maximum length reaction and 60-minute reaction based on previously developed MATLAB scripts (iii) Experimental reaction kinetics to verify the simulated MATLAB maximum and 60-minute reactions times (iv) Long-term stability of the permanganate/oxalic acid reaction with water or eutectic solutions of sodium perchlorate and magnesium perchlorate at -80°C (v) Reaction kinetics with eutectic solvents, sodium perchlorate and magnesium perchlorate, at 25°C, 4°C, and -8°C (vi) Accelerated reaction kinetics after the addition of varying concentrations of manganese perchlorate (vii) Reaction kinetics of higher concentration reaction systems (5x and 10x; for darker colors), at 25°C (viii) Long-term stability of the 10x higher concentration reaction at -80°C.

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