Human Brain Cell Type Classification Using Spatial Proteomics

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Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia affecting the population over the age of 65. AD is characterized clinically by increasing difficulty with memory and language, resulting in a loss of independence. This is due to the

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia affecting the population over the age of 65. AD is characterized clinically by increasing difficulty with memory and language, resulting in a loss of independence. This is due to the presence of two characteristic protein aggregates in the brain: extracellular amyloid plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). Utilizing multiplexed immunofluorescence and dimensional reduction analysis the types of cells present in the hippocampus, the region of the brain most affected by AD, can be explored. Understanding the kinds of cell subtypes present, the mechanism behind how AD develops can be explored. Multiplexed IF was performed on human hippocampus FFPE tissues to detect a total of 37 proteins. Dimensional reduction analysis was performed to identify the four major cell types in the brain: neurons, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and microglia. After identifying each cell type, further dimensional reduction analysis was performed within each cell type to identify cell subtypes. A total of 21 neuron, 41 oligodendrocyte, 20 astrocyte, and 22 microglia subtypes were identified. The location of cell subtypes in each region of the hippocampal formation was found to match previous reports, further validating the findings of this project.
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Distinguishing Microglial Exosomes from Monocytes & Macrophages to Support a Novel Approach for Detecting Neuroinflammation

Neuroinflammation contributes significantly to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. However, the inflammatory pathways contributing to neurodegeneration are not well understood. Moreover, there is a need to identify changes in inflammatory signaling that may occur early in disease progression

Neuroinflammation contributes significantly to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. However, the inflammatory pathways contributing to neurodegeneration are not well understood. Moreover, there is a need to identify changes in inflammatory signaling that may occur early in disease progression to identify potential targets for therapeutic intervention. An important step towards addressing this need is understanding how the extracellular vesicles (EVs) released by microglia can be detected in the periphery. For microglia, phagocytic macrophages, and CD 14+ monocytes share many genes and membrane- bound proteins, and there is currently no method to distinguish microglia EVs from those generated by macrophages or monocytes. Therefore, this study aims to identify membrane-bound proteins unique to microglia EVs to enable their reliable isolation. Liquid-chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analysis was used to detect proteins in the EVs from both normal and disease-associated human stem-cell differentiated microglia (iMGL), and human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived CD 14+ monocytes and macrophages. We identified 23 proteins unique to the microglial EVs, eight of which localize to the membrane and may be potential targets for isolation. This investigation also used RNA sequencing to gain insight into the contents of DAM-like and control iMGL EVs and of microglia and white blood cells in Alzheimer’s disease. We propose that the contents of microglial EVs isolated from peripheral compartments will provide crucial insight for understanding the current inflammatory state of CNS microglia. This approach could provide a means to track changes in microglial activation over time, which is critical for understanding the progression of neuroinflammatory diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Additionally, it may offer insights into potential therapeutic targets for modulating neuroinflammation.
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Risk Factors of Neurodegenerative Diseases and Cancer at the Population Level for the Application of Wastewater-Based Epidemiology

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Novel means are needed to diagnose neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) and cancer, given delays in medical diagnosis and rising rates of disease incidence, prevalence, and mortality worldwide. Development of NDDs and cancer has been linked to environmental toxins. Ensuing epigenetic changes

Novel means are needed to diagnose neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) and cancer, given delays in medical diagnosis and rising rates of disease incidence, prevalence, and mortality worldwide. Development of NDDs and cancer has been linked to environmental toxins. Ensuing epigenetic changes may serve as helpful biomarkers to diagnose amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson’s Disease (PD), and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) as well as various cancers sooner and more accurately. This dissertation tabulates and evaluates a spectrum of diagnostic matrixes (i.e., soil, sewage sludge, blood) and markers of disease to inform disease surveillance. A literature search using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) and Bradford Hill criteria implicated BMAA, formaldehyde, Mn, Hg, and Zn as environmental factors with strong association to ALS risk. Another PRISMA search identified epigenetic changes (e.g., DNA methylation) in NDD patients associated with environmental toxic exposures to air pollutants, heavy metals, and organic chemicals. Of the 180 environmental toxins hypothesized to be associated with AD, PD, or ALS, four heavy metals (As, Cd, Mn, and Hg) were common to these NDDs. Sources, as well as evidence and proxies of human exposure to these heavy metals and Pb were investigated here, namely the metal industries, and metal concentrations in topsoil, sewage sludge, and blood. Concentrations of Cd and Pb in sewage sludge were found to be significantly correlated with NDD prevalence rates in co-located populations (state-level) with odds ratios of 2.91 and 4.08, respectively. Markers of exposure and disease in urine and feces were also evaluated using PRISMA, finding 73 of 94 epigenetic biomarker panels to be valid for tracking primarily gastric and urinary cancers. In all studies, geospatial analyses indicated a preference in study cohorts located in the U.S., Europe, and the northern hemisphere, leaving underserved many populous regions particularly in the southern hemisphere. This dissertation draws attention to sewage sludge as a currently underutilized proxy matrix for assessing toxic human exposures and further identified a spectrum of particularly attractive, non-invasive biomarkers for future diagnostic use to promote early detection, survivability, and quality of life of individuals at risk of NDDs and cancer.
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Validation of Early Synapse Loss in a Mouse Model of Frontotemporal Dementia

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Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a neurodegenerative disease that causes deterioration of the frontal and temporal lobe. Detection is pivotal in preventative care, but current screening methods are not sensitive enough to detect early-stage disease. Synapse loss has been implicated as

Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a neurodegenerative disease that causes deterioration of the frontal and temporal lobe. Detection is pivotal in preventative care, but current screening methods are not sensitive enough to detect early-stage disease. Synapse loss has been implicated as an early contributor to neurodegeneration and subsequent atrophy. Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxy-glucose (18[F]-FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) is a noninvasive imaging biomarker method frequently used as a surrogate measure for synaptic activity in the brain. PET scans using 18[F]-FDG tracers were performed on progranulin (GRN) knockout mice (Grn-/-), a commonly used mouse model of FTD. Interestingly, 18[F]-FDG PET at both, 9 months and 11 months, two time points considered early symptomatic in the Grn-/- mouse model, did not detect significant changes in synaptic activity, suggesting that no synapse loss has occurred yet at these early stages of FTD in this model. After the last PET scan, the imaging data were validated via fluorescent immunostaining for pre- and post-synaptic marker proteins SV2 and PSD95, respectively. Quantifications in several brain regions, including the frontal cortex, did not reveal any significant differences in protein expression, supporting the lack of aberrant 18[F]-FDG tracer uptake measured via PET. Additional examinations for activated microglia, a known aspect of FTD pathology recently observed in end Grn-/- mice, did not reveal microglia activation as measured via CD68 immunostaining. These data suggest that Grn-/- mice at 9 and 11 months do not exhibit synaptic dysfunction in the frontal cortex when measured via 18[F]-FDG PET or immunostaining of pre- and postsynaptic marker proteins SV2 and PSD95.
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Alternative Promoter Usage using Transcription Start Sites in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease

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Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is one of the most common forms of dementia and a major cause of disability and dependency in older patients worldwide.Although there has been a lot of research done in the field of gene expression and possible

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is one of the most common forms of dementia and a major cause of disability and dependency in older patients worldwide.Although there has been a lot of research done in the field of gene expression and possible drivers of AD, there has not been enough investigation into transcription start site and alternative promoter usage of AD. With relatively small genomes, species have evolved mechanisms for diversifying their transcriptome, which is the set of messenger mRNA transcripts produced in a given cell. While the most well-known mechanism of diversification is alternative splicing, another mechanism that has been less explored is alternative promoter (AP) usage, which generates different transcripts by selecting different transcription start sites (TSSs) upstream of a gene. More importantly, AP usage can bring about different coding sequences, which can in some cases lead to changes within the N-termini of the cognate proteins. Alternative promoter usage has the potential to regulate processes like alternative splicing, tissue specificity, regional specificity and subcellular specificity of gene expression and gene activation during development. In this study a customized pipeline for STRIPE-seq generated data was applied to AD and control data set and the first AD promoter atlas was generated. This atlas was used to generate list of genes with differentially used TSRs and biological pathways they are involved in. Finally, a consensus cluster set was created to investigate alternative promoter usage in AD patients and alternative promoter usage was shown in Alzheimer’s Disease related genes such as APOE and MAPT.
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Elucidating the Effects of Dietary Choline Deficiency on the Hippocampal and Plasma Proteomes of Non-Transgenic and 3xTg-AD Mice

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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases worldwide, with no effective treatments or preventions. Evidence suggests that environmental factors, including dietary nutrients, contribute to the etiology of AD. Choline is an essential nutrient found in many

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases worldwide, with no effective treatments or preventions. Evidence suggests that environmental factors, including dietary nutrients, contribute to the etiology of AD. Choline is an essential nutrient found in many common foods. Choline is produced endogenously, but not at levels sufficient for healthy metabolic function and thus requires dietary supplementation. Literature shows that ~90% of Americans do not meet the adequate intake threshold for dietary choline consumption and therefore are dietary choline-deficient. While dietary choline supplementation throughout life has been shown to have significant health benefits, such as reducing AD pathology and improving cognition in a mouse model of AD, the impacts of dietary choline deficiency are unknown. Experiments were designed to understand the effects of dietary choline deficiency in healthy, non-transgenic mice (NonTg) and in the 3xTg-AD mouse model of AD. From 3 to 12 months of age, mice received either adequate choline (ChN) in the diet or were put on a choline-deficient (Ch-) diet. A Ch- diet leads to significant weight gain throughout life in both the NonTg and 3xTg-AD mice, with AD mice showing a greater increase. Additionally, impaired glucose metabolism, which is a risk factor for AD, was induced in both NonTg Ch- and 3xTg-AD Ch- mice. Interestingly, Ch- induced cardiomegaly in 3xTg-AD mice and elevated markers of cardiac dysfunction in NonTg mice to similar levels in 3xTg-AD mice. Finally, Ch- exacerbated amyloid-β plaque pathology and tau hyperphosphorylation in the hippocampus and cortex of 3xTg-AD mice. Proteomic analyses revealed Ch- induced changes in hippocampal proteins associated with postsynaptic receptor regulation, microtubule stabilization, and neuronal development, as well as well-known AD-associated proteins (MAPT, BACE1, MECP2, CREBBP). Proteomic analyses also revealed Ch- induced changes of plasma proteins associated with secondary pathologies of AD including inflammation, immune response insulin metabolism, and mitochondrial dysfunction (SAA1, SAA2, IDE, HSPD1, VDAC-1, VDACE-2). Taken together, these data suggest that dietary choline deficiency induces system-wide cellular and molecular dysfunction associated with AD across several pathogenic axes, through proteomic changes not only in the hippocampus but also in the plasma.
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Nuclear Pore Complex Mislocalization in Hippocampal Neurons in Alzheimer’s Disease

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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disorder characterized clinically by memory loss, confusion and pathologically by the presence of amyloid beta plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Even though anti-amyloid vaccination clinical trials have removed amyloid plaques, clinical efficacy has not

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disorder characterized clinically by memory loss, confusion and pathologically by the presence of amyloid beta plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Even though anti-amyloid vaccination clinical trials have removed amyloid plaques, clinical efficacy has not been achieved during the early phases of AD suggesting that other mechanism play a role in the dementia associated with AD. Mutations in nucleoporin genes have been linked to various human diseases including neurological, nephrotic, cardiac, and neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS). A recent study found mislocalization of NUP98 and NUP62 in the cytoplasm of human hippocampal neurons in AD (Eftekharzadeh et al., 2019). These NUP’s were associated with phosphorylated-tau, suggesting the depletion of nucleoporins from the nuclear envelope potentially having a direct interaction with phospho-tau. The present study investigated the three differentially expressed NUPs (NUP-214, -93, -153) from different parts of the NPC (cytoplasmic filaments, inner ring structure, nuclear basket) using immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting procedures. This investigation represents one of the first attempts to categorize differential structural changes throughout the NPC in AD.
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How Concepts of Electrical Signaling, Neurodegeneration, and Neurogenesis Help Explain the Formation of Higher Cognitive Function from a Geometrical System of Neuronal Microtubules and their Associated Proteins

One very critical aspect of cell biology is the cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton not only provides a strong foundation for the cell (Pegoraro et al., 2017), but it also allows for protein transport on its tracks that span long distances in

One very critical aspect of cell biology is the cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton not only provides a strong foundation for the cell (Pegoraro et al., 2017), but it also allows for protein transport on its tracks that span long distances in cells (Löwe & Amos, 2009), specifically in neurons (Dent, 2017). Microtubules have a particular structure as polymers that are part of the cytoskeleton (Dent, 2017). Their components include alpha- and beta-tubulin dimers, and they have dynamic properties, such as polymerization and depolymerization (Dent, 2017). Concerning these dynamic properties and as will be discussed here, specific associated proteins can be useful in electrical signaling, neurodegeneration, and neurogenesis. In this review, I will review relevant findings on microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), compare these to a prominent drug called taxol, and describe the significance of having a combination of MAPs in the brain. I will suggest that microtubules and their proteins form a critical geometric infrastructure that provides the framework for neuronal structure and function that contributes to more advanced cognitive processes, including consciousness.
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Discrepancies in the Morris water maze versus the IntelliCage in the APP/PS1 mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease; a sex-based examination

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Dementia is a collective term used to describe symptoms of cognitive impairment in learning and memory. The most prevalent form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In order to understand the pathological mechanisms associated with AD, animal models have been

Dementia is a collective term used to describe symptoms of cognitive impairment in learning and memory. The most prevalent form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In order to understand the pathological mechanisms associated with AD, animal models have been created. These various mouse models replicate the pathology found in humans with AD. As a consequence of the fact that this disease impairs cognitive abilities in humans, testing apparatuses have been developed to measure impaired cognition in animal models. One of the most common behavioral apparatuses that has been in use for nearly 40 years is the Morris water maze (MWM). In the MWM, animals are tasked to find a hidden platform in a pool of water and thereby are subjected to stress that can unpredictably influence cognitive performance. In an attempt to circumvent such issues, the IntelliCage was designed to remove the external stress of the human experimenter and provide a social environment during task assessment which is fully automated and programable. Additionally, the motivation is water consumption, which is less stressful than escaping a pool. This study examined the difference in performance of male and female cohorts of APP/PS1 and non-transgenic (NonTg) mice in both the MWM and the IntelliCage. Initially, 12-month-old male and female APP/PS1 and NonTg mice were tested in the hippocampal-dependent MWM maze for five days. Next, animals were moved to the IntelliCage and underwent 39 days of testing to assess prefrontal cortical and hippocampal function. The results of this experiment showed significant sex differences in task performance, but inconsistency between the two testing paradigms. Notably, males performed significantly better in the MWM, which is consistent with prior research. Interestingly however, APP/PS1 females showed higher Amyloid-β plaque load and performed significantly better in the more complex tasks of the IntelliCage. This suggests that Aβ plaque load may not directly contribute to cognitive deficits, which is consistent with recent reports in humans with AD. Collectively, these results should inform scientists about the caveats of behavioral paradigms and will aid in determining translation to the human condition.
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NupL2 Protein and mRNA Expression is Downregulated in Alzheimer's Disease

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The nuclear pore complex is a structure that is found in the nuclear envelope. The nuclear pore complex is made of proteins known as nucleoporins, or Nups. There are many classes of Nups, one of which is Nups with phenylalanine-guanine

The nuclear pore complex is a structure that is found in the nuclear envelope. The nuclear pore complex is made of proteins known as nucleoporins, or Nups. There are many classes of Nups, one of which is Nups with phenylalanine-guanine repeats (FG-Nups). The FG-Nups help control the transport of material through the nuclear pore complex. One type of FG-Nup is NupL2. Previous mRNA data have shown that there is lower expression of NupL2 in Alzheimer's Disease brains than there is in control brains. However, these data are specific to mRNA expression, and do not necessarily extend to NupL2 protein levels. This study focuses on NupL2 levels in non-diseased samples and Alzheimer's Disease samples. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine was performed on temporal neo-cortical brain tissue. Western blots were also performed to quantify the protein levels in non-diseased samples and Alzheimer's Disease samples, and were completed using middle temporal gyrus lysates. The IHC results show that there is more NupL2 protein expression in non-diseased samples than there is in Alzheimer's Disease samples. Likewise, the western blot data show higher NupL2 protein levels in non-diseased samples than in Alzheimer's Disease samples. Both the IHC data and the western blot data indicate that there are higher NupL2 expression levels in non-diseased samples than in Alzheimer's Disease samples. Decreased NupL2 expression in Alzheimer's Disease may indicate that it is not functioning properly. This could lead to the leaking of material between the nucleoplasm and the cytoplasm, which may in turn contribute to Alzheimer's Disease pathogenesis.
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