CD8+ T cell reactivity to SARS-CoV-2

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The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, declared in March 2020 resulted in an unprecedented scientific effort that led to the deployment in less than a year of several vaccines to prevent severe disease, hospitalizations, and death from

The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, declared in March 2020 resulted in an unprecedented scientific effort that led to the deployment in less than a year of several vaccines to prevent severe disease, hospitalizations, and death from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Most vaccine models focus on the production of neutralizing antibodies against the spike (S) to prevent infection. As the virus evolves, new variants emerge that evade neutralizing antibodies produced by natural infection and vaccination, while memory T cell responses are long-lasting and resilient to most of the changes found in variants of concern (VOC). Several lines of evidence support the study of T cell-mediated immunity in SARS-CoV-2 infections. First, T cell reactivity against SARS-CoV-2 is found in both (cluster of differentiation) CD4+ and CD8+ T cell compartments in asymptomatic, mild, and severe recovered COVID-19 patients. Second, an early and stronger CD8+ T cell response correlates with less severe COVID-19 disease [1-4]. Third, both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells that are reactive to SARS-CoV-2 viral antigens are found in healthy unexposed individuals suggesting that cross-reactive and conserved epitopes may be protective against infection. The current study is focused on the T cell-mediated response, with special attention to conserved, non-spike-cross-reactive epitopes that may be protective against SARS-CoV-2. The first chapter reviews the importance of epitope prediction in understanding the T cell-mediated responses to a pathogen. The second chapter centers on the validation of SARS-CoV-2 CD8+ T cell predicted peptides to find conserved, immunodominant, and immunoprevalent epitopes that can be incorporated into the next generation of vaccines against severe COVID-19 disease. The third chapter explores pre-existing immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in a pre-pandemic cohort and finds two highly immunogenic epitopes that are conserved among human common cold coronaviruses (HCoVs). To end, the fourth chapter explores the concept of T cell receptor (TCR) cross-reactivity by isolating SARS-CoV-2-reactive TCRs to elucidate the mechanisms of cross-reactivity to SARS-CoV-2 and other human coronaviruses (HCoVs).
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The Impact of Laboratory Conditions on the Estimation of Nucleotide Mutation Rates.

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Mutation is the source of heritable variation of genotype and phenotype, on which selection may act. Mutation rates describe a fundamental parameter of living things, which influence the rate at which evolution may occur, from viral pathogens to human crops

Mutation is the source of heritable variation of genotype and phenotype, on which selection may act. Mutation rates describe a fundamental parameter of living things, which influence the rate at which evolution may occur, from viral pathogens to human crops and even to aging cells and the emergence of cancer. An understanding of the variables which impact mutation rates and their estimation is necessary to place mutation rate estimates in their proper contexts. To better understand mutation rate estimates, this research investigates the impact of temperature upon transcription rate error estimates; the impact of growing cells in liquid culture vs. on agar plates; the impact of many in vitro variables upon the estimation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) mutation rates from a single sample; and the mutational hazard induced by expressing clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) proteins in yeast. This research finds that many of the variables tested did not significantly alter the estimation of mutation rates, strengthening the claims of previous mutation rate estimates across the tree of life by diverse experimental approaches. However, it is clear that sonication is a mutagen of DNA, part of an effort which has reduced the sequencing error rate of circle-seq by over 1,000-fold. This research also demonstrates that growth in liquid culture modestly skews the mutation spectrum of MMR- Escherichia coli, though it does not significantly impact the overall mutation rate. Finally, this research demonstrates a modest mutational hazard of expressing Cas9 and similar CRISPR proteins in yeast cells at an un-targeted genomic locus, though it is possible the indel rate has been increased by an order of magnitude.
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Analyzing Differences in Variant U1 snRNA Expression Across Multiple Human Leukemia Cell Lines

The purpose of this experiment was to use real-time quantitative polymerase chain reactions (RT-qPCR) to quantify and analyze differences in expression of U1 snRNA variants across four different human Leukemia cell lines. We found a number of interesting results in

The purpose of this experiment was to use real-time quantitative polymerase chain reactions (RT-qPCR) to quantify and analyze differences in expression of U1 snRNA variants across four different human Leukemia cell lines. We found a number of interesting results in the four cell lines. Two variants in particular (vU1.15 and vU1.19), were only expressed in one leukemia cell line each, indicating a potential link between their specific mutations and the type of leukemia associated with the cell lines in which they were expressed. Further research should be conducted to understand these differences and uncover potential clinical applications.
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MicroRNAs Regulate Alternative Splicing and Tissue Differentiation

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Precise modulation of gene expression is essential for proper tissue and cell-specific differentiation and function. Multiple distinct post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms, such as miRNA (microRNA)-based regulation and alternative polyadenylation (APA), are an intrinsic part of this modulation and orchestrate intricate pathways

Precise modulation of gene expression is essential for proper tissue and cell-specific differentiation and function. Multiple distinct post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms, such as miRNA (microRNA)-based regulation and alternative polyadenylation (APA), are an intrinsic part of this modulation and orchestrate intricate pathways to achieve and maintain balanced gene expression.MiRNA-based regulation and APA function through sequence motifs located in the 3’ Untranslated Region (3’UTR) of mRNA transcripts. MiRNAs are short (~22 nt) non-coding RNA molecules that bind target sequences within the 3’UTR of an mRNA transcript, inhibiting its translation or promoting its degradation. APA occurs during RNA transcription termination and leads to the preparation of mature mRNAs with different 3’UTR lengths, allowing shorter 3’UTRs to bypass miRNA regulation. In addition to these two post-transcriptional forms of regulation, co-transcriptional mechanisms such as alternative RNA splicing, which produces distinct gene products from a precursor mRNA, are also important in controlling gene expression. While miRNA-based regulation, APA, and alternative RNA splicing are important regulatory mechanisms, there is a lack of comprehensive understanding of how they interact and communicate with each other. This thesis studies these three forms of gene regulation in the nematode C. elegans, with the goal of extracting rules and mechanisms used by each of them in development to establish and maintain somatic tissue identity. After isolating miRNA targets in multiple C. elegans somatic tissues, it was found that miRNAs can modulate the abundance of hnRNPs and SR proteins, which are known to control alternative RNA splicing in a dosage-dependent manner.To identify tissue-specific miRNAs, a nuclear fluorescent cell sorting (FACS)-based methodology named Nuc-Seq, was developed to isolate and sequence tissue-specific miRNAs from body muscle tissue. Nuc-Seq identified 2,848 muscle-specific protein-coding genes and 16 body muscle-specific miRNAs. This data was used to develop a high-quality body muscle-specific miRNA-APA Interactome which allows studies in regulatory processes in detail. Taken together, this work highlights some of the complexity of pre- and post-transcriptional gene regulation and sheds light on how miRNA-based regulation, APA, and alternative RNA splicing are interconnected and are responsible for the establishment and maintenance of tissue identity.
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miRNA Expression and Strand Selection Throughout C. elegans Development

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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are 17-22 nucleotide non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression by targeting non-complementary elements in the 3’ untranslated regions (3’UTRs) of mRNAs. miRNAs, which form complex networks of interaction that differ by tissue and developmental stage, display conservation in

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are 17-22 nucleotide non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression by targeting non-complementary elements in the 3’ untranslated regions (3’UTRs) of mRNAs. miRNAs, which form complex networks of interaction that differ by tissue and developmental stage, display conservation in their function across metazoan species. Yet much remains unknown regarding their biogenesis, localization, strand selection, and their absolute abundance due to the difficulty of detecting and amplifying such small molecules. Here, I used an updated HT qPCR-based methodology to follow miRNA expression of 5p and 3p strands for all 190 C. elegans miRNAs described in miRBase throughout all six developmental stages in triplicates (total of 9,708 experiments), and studied their expression levels, tissue localization, and the rules underlying miRNA strand selection. My study validated previous findings and identified novel, conserved patterns of miRNA strand expression throughout C. elegans development, which at times correlate with previously observed developmental phenotypes. Additionally, my results highlighted novel structural principles underlying strand selection, which can be applied to higher metazoans. Though optimized for use in C. elegans, this method can be easily adapted to other eukaryotic systems, allowing for more scalable quantitative investigation of miRNA biology and/or miRNA diagnostics.
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Comparison of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus in vivo vs in vitro


Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus (B. bacteriovorus) is a predatory bacterium that preys on other gram-negative bacteria. In order to survive and reproduce, B. bacteriovorus invades the periplasm of other bacterial cells creating the potential for it to act as a “living antibiotic”.

Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus (B. bacteriovorus) is a predatory bacterium that preys on other gram-negative bacteria. In order to survive and reproduce, B. bacteriovorus invades the periplasm of other bacterial cells creating the potential for it to act as a “living antibiotic”. In this work, a comparison was made between the rates of predation of B. bacteriovorus in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, the behavior of B. bacteriovorus was examined in the presence of prey. In vivo, the behavior of B. bacteriovorus was examined in the presence of prey and a living host, Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans). C. elegans were infected with Escherichia coli (E. coli) and treated with B. bacteriovorus. In previous studies that analyzed B. bacteriovorus in vitro, a decrease in concentrations of bacteria has been observed after introduction of B. bacteriovorus. In vivo, B. bacteriovorus were found to not have a net reduction of E. coli but to reproducibly raise the level of fluctuations in E. coli concentrations.

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Thesis Presentation.pdf

Most protein-coding mRNAs in eukaryotes must undergo a series of processing steps so they can be exported from the nucleus and translated into protein. Cleavage and polyadenylation are vital steps in this maturation process. Improper cleavage and polyadenylation results in

Most protein-coding mRNAs in eukaryotes must undergo a series of processing steps so they can be exported from the nucleus and translated into protein. Cleavage and polyadenylation are vital steps in this maturation process. Improper cleavage and polyadenylation results in variation in the 3′ UTR length of genes, which is a hallmark of various human diseases. Previous data have shown that the majority of 3’UTRs of mRNAs from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans terminate at an adenosine nucleotide, and that mutating this adenosine disrupts the cleavage reaction. It is unclear if the adenosine is included in the mature mRNA transcript or if it is cleaved off. To address this question, we are developing a novel method called the Terminal Adenosine Methylation (TAM) assay which will allow us to precisely define whether the cleavage reaction takes place upstream or downstream of this terminal adenosine. The TAM Assay utilizes the ability of the methyltransferase domain (MTD) of the human methyltransferase METTL16 to methylate the terminal adenosine of a test mRNA transcript prior to the cleavage reaction in vivo. The presence or absence of methylation at the terminal adenosine will then be identified using direct RNA sequencing. This project focuses on 1) preparing the chimeric construct that positions the MTD on the mRNA cleavage site of a test mRNA transcript, and 2) testing the functionality of this construct in vitro and developing a transgenic C. elegans strain expressing it. The TAM assay has the potential to be a valuable tool for elucidating the role of the terminal adenosine in cleavage and polyadenylation.
Date Created


Most protein-coding mRNAs in eukaryotes must undergo a series of processing steps so they can be exported from the nucleus and translated into protein. Cleavage and polyadenylation are vital steps in this maturation process. Improper cleavage and polyadenylation results in

Most protein-coding mRNAs in eukaryotes must undergo a series of processing steps so they can be exported from the nucleus and translated into protein. Cleavage and polyadenylation are vital steps in this maturation process. Improper cleavage and polyadenylation results in variation in the 3′ UTR length of genes, which is a hallmark of various human diseases. Previous data have shown that the majority of 3’UTRs of mRNAs from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans terminate at an adenosine nucleotide, and that mutating this adenosine disrupts the cleavage reaction. It is unclear if the adenosine is included in the mature mRNA transcript or if it is cleaved off. To address this question, we are developing a novel method called the Terminal Adenosine Methylation (TAM) assay which will allow us to precisely define whether the cleavage reaction takes place upstream or downstream of this terminal adenosine. The TAM Assay utilizes the ability of the methyltransferase domain (MTD) of the human methyltransferase METTL16 to methylate the terminal adenosine of a test mRNA transcript prior to the cleavage reaction in vivo. The presence or absence of methylation at the terminal adenosine will then be identified using direct RNA sequencing. This project focuses on 1) preparing the chimeric construct that positions the MTD on the mRNA cleavage site of a test mRNA transcript, and 2) testing the functionality of this construct in vitro and developing a transgenic C. elegans strain expressing it. The TAM assay has the potential to be a valuable tool for elucidating the role of the terminal adenosine in cleavage and polyadenylation.
Date Created

Characterization of the Terminal Adenosine Nucleotide at the Cleavage Site of C. elegans mRNAs Using the Human RNA Methyltransferase METTL16


Most protein-coding mRNAs in eukaryotes must undergo a series of processing steps so they can be exported from the nucleus and translated into protein. Cleavage and polyadenylation are vital steps in this maturation process. Improper cleavage and polyadenylation results in

Most protein-coding mRNAs in eukaryotes must undergo a series of processing steps so they can be exported from the nucleus and translated into protein. Cleavage and polyadenylation are vital steps in this maturation process. Improper cleavage and polyadenylation results in variation in the 3′ UTR length of genes, which is a hallmark of various human diseases. Previous data have shown that the majority of 3’UTRs of mRNAs from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans terminate at an adenosine nucleotide, and that mutating this adenosine disrupts the cleavage reaction. It is unclear if the adenosine is included in the mature mRNA transcript or if it is cleaved off. To address this question, we are developing a novel method called the Terminal Adenosine Methylation (TAM) assay which will allow us to precisely define whether the cleavage reaction takes place upstream or downstream of this terminal adenosine. The TAM Assay utilizes the ability of the methyltransferase domain (MTD) of the human methyltransferase METTL16 to methylate the terminal adenosine of a test mRNA transcript prior to the cleavage reaction in vivo. The presence or absence of methylation at the terminal adenosine will then be identified using direct RNA sequencing. This project focuses on 1) preparing the chimeric construct that positions the MTD on the mRNA cleavage site of a test mRNA transcript, and 2) testing the functionality of this construct in vitro and developing a transgenic C. elegans strain expressing it. The TAM assay has the potential to be a valuable tool for elucidating the role of the terminal adenosine in cleavage and polyadenylation.

Date Created

Harnessing Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions to Engineer Biomolecular Devices

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Protein-nucleic acid interactions are ubiquitous in biological systems playing a pivotal role in fundamental processes such as replication, transcription and translation. These interactions have been extensively used to develop biosensors, imaging techniques and diagnostic tools.This dissertation focuses on design of

Protein-nucleic acid interactions are ubiquitous in biological systems playing a pivotal role in fundamental processes such as replication, transcription and translation. These interactions have been extensively used to develop biosensors, imaging techniques and diagnostic tools.This dissertation focuses on design of a small molecule responsive biosensor that employs transcription factor/deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) interactions to detect 10 different analytes including antibiotics such as tetracyclines and erythromycin. The biosensor harnesses the multi-turnover collateral cleavage activity of Cas12a to provide signal amplification in less than an hour that can be monitored using fluorescence as well as on paper based diagnostic devices. In addition, the functionality of this assay was preserved when testing tap water and wastewater spiked with doxycycline. Overall, this biosensor has potential to expand the range of small molecule detection and can be used to identify environmental contaminants. In second part of the dissertation, interactions between nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) were utilized for programming the synthesis of nonribosomal peptides. RNA scaffolds harboring peptide binding aptamers and interconnected using kissing loops to guide the assembly of NRPS modules modified with corresponding aptamer-binding peptides were built. A successful chimeric assembly of Ent synthetase modules was shown that was characterized by the production of Enterobactin siderophore. It was found that the programmed RNA/NRPS assembly could achieve up to 60% of the yield of wild-type biosynthetic pathway of the iron-chelator enterobactin. Finally, a cas12a-based detection method for discriminating short tandem repeats where a toehold exchange mechanism was designed to distinguish different numbers of repeats found in Huntington’s disease, Spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 and type 36. It was observed that the system discriminates well when lesser number of repeats are present and provides weaker resolution as the size of DNA strands increases. Additionally, the system can identify Kelch13 mutations such as P553L, N458Y and F446I from the wildtype sequence for Artemisinin resistance detection. This dissertation demonstrates the great utility of harnessing protein-nucleic acid interactions to construct biomolecular devices for detecting clinically relevant nucleic acid mutations, a variety of small molecule analyte and programming the production of useful molecules.
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