miRNA Expression and Strand Selection Throughout C. elegans Development

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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are 17-22 nucleotide non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression by targeting non-complementary elements in the 3’ untranslated regions (3’UTRs) of mRNAs. miRNAs, which form complex networks of interaction that differ by tissue and developmental stage, display conservation in

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are 17-22 nucleotide non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression by targeting non-complementary elements in the 3’ untranslated regions (3’UTRs) of mRNAs. miRNAs, which form complex networks of interaction that differ by tissue and developmental stage, display conservation in their function across metazoan species. Yet much remains unknown regarding their biogenesis, localization, strand selection, and their absolute abundance due to the difficulty of detecting and amplifying such small molecules. Here, I used an updated HT qPCR-based methodology to follow miRNA expression of 5p and 3p strands for all 190 C. elegans miRNAs described in miRBase throughout all six developmental stages in triplicates (total of 9,708 experiments), and studied their expression levels, tissue localization, and the rules underlying miRNA strand selection. My study validated previous findings and identified novel, conserved patterns of miRNA strand expression throughout C. elegans development, which at times correlate with previously observed developmental phenotypes. Additionally, my results highlighted novel structural principles underlying strand selection, which can be applied to higher metazoans. Though optimized for use in C. elegans, this method can be easily adapted to other eukaryotic systems, allowing for more scalable quantitative investigation of miRNA biology and/or miRNA diagnostics.
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Investigation of Staufen1 Function in Myogenesis Highlights Multifunctionality and Complexity of Translational Regulation


Staufen is a double-stranded RNA binding protein (dsRBP) with discovered homologs in a diverse range of animals, insects, and other multicellular organisms. Staufen acts on secondary structures in mRNA transcripts to modulate translation of many targets through several mechanisms of

Staufen is a double-stranded RNA binding protein (dsRBP) with discovered homologs in a diverse range of animals, insects, and other multicellular organisms. Staufen acts on secondary structures in mRNA transcripts to modulate translation of many targets through several mechanisms of action. It has roles in microtubule-dependent subcellular localization of mRNA transcripts, translational activation, transcript stability, Staufen-mediated mRNA decay (SMD), is a known component of RNA granules, and has been implicated in several cellular processes, one being myogenesis. Mammals have two Staufen orthologs–Staufen1 and Staufen2. Staufen1 has four conserved dsRNA binding domains (dsRBDs), each with distinct functional characteristics. This study finds that cultured MuSCs show distinct patterns of Staufen1 transcriptional expression from quiescence throughout the myogenic differentiation program characterized by high expression in quiescent satellite cells, less expression in proliferating myoblasts, and fairly high, sustained expression throughout differentiation and myotube formation. The temporal expression pattern is compared with recently reported novel Staufen1 functions in myogenesis. This research highlights that Staufen1 is able to act on transcripts in several overlapping ways to assist in the regulation of myogenesis, and more extensive characterization of Staufen1 as well as high-confidence identification of Staufen binding sites (SBS), will be necessary to fit Staufen1 into a model of translational regulation in myogenesis.

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Skeletal Muscle Regeneration and Inflammation - -An Intimately linked Pair

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Skeletal muscle can intrinsically repair itself in response to injury. This repair process has been shown to be mediated through signaling of the innate immune system. The immune response caused during repair helps to clear away debris in damage and

Skeletal muscle can intrinsically repair itself in response to injury. This repair process has been shown to be mediated through signaling of the innate immune system. The immune response caused during repair helps to clear away debris in damage and promotes the activation and proliferation of muscle stem cells (MuSCs) that will repair the damage muscle. Dysregulation of this inflammation leads to fibrosis and decreased efficacy of the repair process. Despite the requirement of inflammatory signaling during muscle repair, muscle’s contribution during inflammation as only recently started to be explored. The objective of this dissertation is to assess the contribution of muscle in the early inflammatory response during repair as well attempting to modulate this inflammation during disease to ameliorate disease pathology in a model of Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. I tested the hypotheses that 1) muscle is an active participant in the early inflammatory response, 2) the transcription factor Mohawk (Mkx) is a regulator of the early inflammatory response and, 3) If this inflammation can be modulated with a virally derived serine protease inhibitor in a model of muscle disrepair and chronic inflammation. I found that muscle is actively participating in the establishment early inflammation in repair through the production of chemokines used to promote infiltration of immune cells. As well as the identification of a new muscle subtype that produces more chemokines compared to the average MuSC and upregulated genes in the Interferon signaling pathway. I also discovered that presence of this muscle subtype is linked to the expression of Mkx. In Mkx null mice this population is not present, and these cells are deficient in chemokine expression compared to WT mice. I subsequently found that, using the myxomavirus derived serine protease inhibitor, Serp-1 I was able to modulate the chronic inflammation that is common in those affected with Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy (DMD) utilizing a high-fidelity mouse model of the disease. The result of this dissertation provides an expanded role for muscle in inflammation and gives a potential new class of therapeutics to be used in disease associated with chronic inflammation.
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Influence of Media on Breath Biomarker Development for Staphylococcal Infections

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Staphylococcus aureus permanently asymptomatically colonizes one-third of humans, yet is an opportunistic pathogen causing life threatening diseases. Diagnosing S. aureus infections requires differentiating S. aureus from the human commensal Staphylococcus epidermidis, which beneficially colonizes the skin of all people. These

Staphylococcus aureus permanently asymptomatically colonizes one-third of humans, yet is an opportunistic pathogen causing life threatening diseases. Diagnosing S. aureus infections requires differentiating S. aureus from the human commensal Staphylococcus epidermidis, which beneficially colonizes the skin of all people. These studies aimed to characterize the volatile metabolites of S. aureus and S. epidermidis, and to measure the influence of growth medium on the discovery of volatile organic compounds that differentiate them. Headspace solid-phase microextraction and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry detected 337 S. aureus and S. epidermidis headspace volatiles produced during aerobic growth in four complex media. Analyses revealed that only 20 – 40% of staph volatiles are produced by both species in any one medium. Using principal components and hierarchical clustering analyses of the staphylococcal volatiles showed individual clustering of S. aureus and S. epidermidis independent of culturing media but clustering of replicate cultures by growth medium within species. Subsets of volatiles produced in common by both species, or in common across all four media, revealed volatilome differences between S. aureus and S. epidermidis based on the volatiles’ relative abundances. When analyzing volatiles by relative abundances, culturing staph in media containing free glucose (brain heart infusion and tryptic soy broth) revealed volatilomes dominated by acids and esters (67%). The low-glucose media (lysogeny broth and Mueller-Hinton broth) yielded ketones in greatest relative abundances, yet also produced highly dissimilar volatilome compositions. The staphylococcal volatilome is strongly influenced by the nutritional composition of growth medium, especially free glucose availability, which is robustly evident when analyzing the relative abundances of the volatiles, compared to their presence versus absence. Future work will evaluate more strains of each species, testing the universality of these results. Prospective analyses involve hypotheses testing on the role of catabolite repression control and glucose availability on the volatilome, with plans to model in vitro culture conditions that replicate in vivo volatilomes. Studies assessing correlations of virulence to species-specific volatilome responses to free glucose may identify pathogenic strains of S. epidermidis and other staphylococcal commensals.
Date Created

Regulation of Inflammation and Skeletal Muscle Repair by Mohawk and Eosinophils

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Skeletal muscle injury, whether acute or chronic, is characterized by influxes of pro- and anti-inflammatory cells that coordinate with muscle to precisely control the reparative process. This intricate coordination is facilitated by a signaling feedback loop between satellite cells and

Skeletal muscle injury, whether acute or chronic, is characterized by influxes of pro- and anti-inflammatory cells that coordinate with muscle to precisely control the reparative process. This intricate coordination is facilitated by a signaling feedback loop between satellite cells and extravasated immune cells. Regulation of the cytokines and chemokines that mediate healthy repair is critical for the overall success of fiber regeneration and thus provides a prospective direction for the development of therapeutics aimed at fine-tuning the local inflammatory response. This work describes (1) the contribution of non-myogenic cells in skeletal muscle regeneration, (2) the role of the transcription factor Mohawk (Mkx) in regulating inflammation following acute muscle injury and the identification of an overarching requirement for Mkx in the establishment of a pro-inflammatory response, and (3) characterization of eosinophils in acute and chronic muscle damage. Mice deficient for Mkx exhibited delayed muscle regeneration, accompanied by impaired clearance of necrotic fibers and smaller regenerated fibers. This diminished regenerative capacity was associated with a reduction in the recruitment of pro-inflammatory macrophages to the site of damage. In culture, Mkx-/- bone marrow-derived macrophages displayed reduced proliferative capacity but retained the ability to polarize in response to a pro-inflammatory stimulus. The necessity of Mkx in mounting a robust immune response was further confirmed by an immunological challenge in which Mkx-/- mice exhibited increased susceptibility to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection. Significant downregulation of key cytokine and chemokine expression was identified throughout the course of muscle repair in Mkx-/- mice and represents one mechanism in which Mkx regulates the establishment of an inflammatory response. Previous research discovered that Mkx is highly expressed in eosinophils, a type of innate immune cell that participates in disease-fighting and inflammation, however the role of eosinophils in muscle repair is not well described. This work outlines the contribution of eosinophils in muscle repair following acute and chronic injury. In healthy mice, eosinophils were found to inhibit efficient muscle repair following acute injury. Utilizing the mdx-/-utrn-/- muscular dystrophy mouse model, eosinophil depletion via administration of anti-IL-5 antibody significantly improved diaphragm fiber diameter and increased the survival rate during the course of treatment.
Date Created

Transcriptomic and Cellular Studies of Tail Regeneration in Saurian Reptiles

Traumatic injury to the central nervous or musculoskeletal system in traditional amniote models, such as mouse and chicken, is permanent with long-term physiological and functional effects. However, among amniotes, the ability to regrow complex, multi-tissue structures is unique to non-avian

Traumatic injury to the central nervous or musculoskeletal system in traditional amniote models, such as mouse and chicken, is permanent with long-term physiological and functional effects. However, among amniotes, the ability to regrow complex, multi-tissue structures is unique to non-avian reptiles. Structural regeneration is extensively studied in lizards, with most species able to regrow a functional tail. The lizard regenerated tail includes the spinal cord, cartilage, de novo muscle, vasculature, and skin, and unlike mammals, these tissues can be replaced in lizards as adults. These studies focus on the events that occur before and after the tail regrowth phase, identifying conserved mechanisms that enable functional tail regeneration in the green anole lizard, Anolis carolinensis. An examination of coordinated interactions between peripheral nerves, Schwann cells, and skeletal muscle reveal that reformation of the lizard neuromuscular system is dependent upon developmental programs as well as those unique to the adult during late stages of regeneration. On the other hand, transcriptomic analysis of the early injury response identified many immunoregulatory genes that may be essential for inhibiting fibrosis and initiating regenerative programs. Lastly, an anatomical and histological study of regrown alligator tails reveal that regenerative capacity varies between different reptile groups, providing comparative opportunities within amniotes and across vertebrates. In order to identify mechanisms that limit regeneration, these cross-species analyses will be critical. Taken together, these studies serve as a foundation for future experimental work that will reveal the interplay between reparative and regenerative mechanisms in adult amniotes with translational implications for medical therapies.
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Analysis of Numb 3’ UTR in Mouse Skeletal Muscle

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The Numb gene encodes an adaptor protein that has been shown to play a role in muscle repair, cell proliferation, and the determination of cell fate in satellite cells. Ablation of this gene in satellite cells results in an up-regulation

The Numb gene encodes an adaptor protein that has been shown to play a role in muscle repair, cell proliferation, and the determination of cell fate in satellite cells. Ablation of this gene in satellite cells results in an up-regulation of myostatin and p21, which inhibit the proliferation of myoblasts. These results indicate that the regulation of numb and myostatin could be used to amplify muscle regeneration. This would function as a therapeutic approach to degenerative muscle diseases, such as muscular dystrophy. There are four mammalian NUMB proteins produced through alternative splicing of the Numb mRNA transcript. Only two isoforms are present in adult mammalian muscle, indicating some form of muscle-specific post-transcriptional control of the gene. Additionally, the presence of two polyadenylation sites, and multiple miRNA seed sequences within the 3’ untranslated region (UTR) of mouse Numb indicate the possibility of regulation by a muscle specific miRNA.
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Characterization of the Notch Ligand Deltalike 3 from A. carolinensis

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The highly conserved Notch signaling pathway regulates cell-cell communication pathways, cell fate, cell determination, cell death, embryonic development, and adult tissue pathways in metazoans. The Notch receptors and ligands that bind to Notch are single pass, transmembrane proteins that communicate

The highly conserved Notch signaling pathway regulates cell-cell communication pathways, cell fate, cell determination, cell death, embryonic development, and adult tissue pathways in metazoans. The Notch receptors and ligands that bind to Notch are single pass, transmembrane proteins that communicate cell to cell via juxtacrine signaling. There are reports of the divergent function and localization of the Deltalike 3 (Dll3) ligand. In Mus musculus (an eutherin mammal) the DLL3 protein inhibits the Notch signaling pathway and is localized in the Golgi apparatus. In contrast, the DLL3 protein from zebrafish, Danio rerio (a teleost) activates Notch and is located on the cell surface. This study will focus on examining the evolutionary pathway/evolutionary similarities, localization, and function of the A. carolinensis dll3 gene in comparison to other vertebrate species. This is important because there is not much known about the evolutionary divergence of the DLL3 A. carolinensis protein, its function in Notch signaling, and its subcellular localization.
Evolutionary analysis of vertebrate DLL3 protein sequences using phylogenetic trees showed that D. rerio and A. carolinensis are more evolutionarily similar in comparison to M. musculus suggesting that they may have similar intracellular localization. However, immunofluorescence staining experiments showed that the A. carolinensis DLL3 protein co-localized significantly with an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) specific primary antibody. Since this protein is localized in the secretory system, similar to that of M. musculus DLL3, it suggests that its function is to inhibit the Notch signaling pathway. Protein sequence alignments were created that suggested that there is a region in the protein sequences where the lizard and mouse sequence are conserved, while the zebrafish sequence simultaneously varies. This region of the amino acid sequence could be responsible for the difference in localization and function of the protein in these two species.
Date Created

In Vitro Gametogenesis (IVG): Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) in Development

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In vitro gametogenesis (IVG) research has been growing in countries like Japan, US, and China after the development of stem cell research and other scientific advancements as well as because of the perception of infertility as a domestic and international

In vitro gametogenesis (IVG) research has been growing in countries like Japan, US, and China after the development of stem cell research and other scientific advancements as well as because of the perception of infertility as a domestic and international problem. IVG research’s progress has been deliberated internationally, with discussion of questions, challenges, and possibilities that have arisen and may arise in the future as the technology is adopted by different countries. The first section introduces the meaning of IVG, explains the importance of review by scientists and citizens for IVG, and describes a rise in infertility reported in multiple developed countries that could be addressed by IVG. The second section discusses IVG’s applications and implications using 5 ethical categories articulated by Obama’s Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues: Public Beneficence, Responsible Stewardship, Intellectual Freedom and Responsibility, Democratic Deliberation, and Justice and Fairness. These five ethical principles were intended for analysis of emerging technologies, and IVG is an emerging technology with possible integration into clinical settings. Among the principles, it seemed that a major weak point of inquiry concerns LGBT+ and disability inclusion, especially of gender dysphoric and transgender people who may experience higher rates of infertility and have a harder time conceiving due to a mix of discrimination, gender dysphoria, and infertility due to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) treatment or gender/sex reassignment surgeries (GRSs/SRSs) that may impair or remove reproductive body parts. A number of other ethical considerations arise about this technology.
Date Created

MKX Regulation of Macrophage Recruitment during Chronic Muscle Damage Associated with Muscular Dystrophy

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Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a muscular degenerative disease characterized by striated membrane instability that stimulates continuous cycles of muscle repair. Chronic activation of the innate immune response necessary for muscle repair leads to a pathological accumulation of fibrotic materials

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a muscular degenerative disease characterized by striated membrane instability that stimulates continuous cycles of muscle repair. Chronic activation of the innate immune response necessary for muscle repair leads to a pathological accumulation of fibrotic materials that disrupt muscle function. During healthy tissue repair, a balance between pro-inflammatory macrophage (M1) and anti-inflammatory macrophage (M2) promotes clearance of necrotic fibers (myolysis) followed by tissue repair. This is regulated by an intricate feedback loop between muscle, neutrophils and macrophages mediated by Th1 and Th2 cytokines and chemokines. During chronic inflammation, there is an imbalance in an M2 species that produces high levels of extracellular matrix that leads to fibrosis. Finding treatments that ameliorate fibrosis are essential to limiting the muscle pathology that reduces ambulation of DMD patients. Previous studies have shown that Mohawk, (Mkx) a homeobox transcription factor, is essential for the initiation of the inflammation response during acute muscle injury. This study aims to examine whether Mkx regulates inflammation during chronic damage associated with muscular dystrophy. The mdx mouse is a well-studied mouse model that recapitulates muscle necrosis, chronic inflammatory response and fibrosis associated with muscular dystrophy. Utilizing quantitative RT-PCR and histological analysis, the diaphragms and Quadriceps of adult Mkx-/-/mdx and Mkx+/+/mdx mice were analyzed at three critical time points (4 weeks, 3 months and 7 months). In contrast to what was anticipated, there was evidence of increased muscle damage in the absence of Mkx. There was a consistent reduction in the diameter of muscle fibers found in both types of tissue in Mkx-/-/mdx versus Mkx+/+/mdx mice without a difference in the number of fibers with centralized nuclei at 4 weeks and 1 year between the two genotypes, suggesting that the Mkx mutation influences the maturation of fibers forming in response to muscle damage. Fibrosis was higher in the diaphragm of the Mkx-/-/mdx mice at 4 weeks and 3 months, while at1 year there did not appear to be a difference. Overall, the results predict that the absence of Mkx exacerbates the instability of muscle fibers in the mdx mouse. Future studies will be needed to understand the relationship between Mkx and the dystrophin gene.
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