Assessment of Genetic Variation in Globally Diverse Human Populations and Its Implications for Human Health and Disease

Studying human genetic variation opens the possibility of understanding the details of population migrations, how humans develop and function, and why they get sick. To fully understand these things, genetic variation must be comprehensively characterized across globally diverse human populations

Studying human genetic variation opens the possibility of understanding the details of population migrations, how humans develop and function, and why they get sick. To fully understand these things, genetic variation must be comprehensively characterized across globally diverse human populations and evolutionary knowledge can be used to inform studies of disease. In my dissertation I use computational methods to study human genetic variation. Each of my dissertation chapters focuses on a unique topic in the field of human evolutionary genetics. In the first chapter, I present PopInf, a computational pipeline to visualize principal components analysis output and assign ancestry to samples with unknown genetic ancestry, given a reference population panel of known origins. This pipeline facilitates visualization and identification of genetic ancestry across samples, so that this ancestry can be accounted for in studies of health and disease risk. In the next chapter, I investigate factors that shape patterns of genetic variation within and among four small-scale pastoral populations in northern Kenya. I find that geography predominantly shapes patterns of genetic variation in northern Kenyan human populations. In the next chapter, I investigate the extent to which Neanderthal introgression impacts liver cancer etiology. I find a pattern of overall enrichment of somatic mutations on Neanderthal introgressed haplotypes. Finally, through simulations, I investigate the effects of standard autosomal versus sex chromosome complement-informed alignment, variant calling and variant filtering strategies on variants called on the human sex chromosomes. I show that aligning to a reference genome informed on the sex chromosome complement of samples improves variant calling on the sex chromosome compared to aligning to a default reference, and variant calling is improved in males when calling the sex chromosomes haploid rather than diploid and when using haploid-based thresholds for filtering variants on the sex chromosomes. I provide recommendations for alignment, variant calling and filtering on the sex chromosomes based on these findings.
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Influence of Media on Breath Biomarker Development for Staphylococcal Infections

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Staphylococcus aureus permanently asymptomatically colonizes one-third of humans, yet is an opportunistic pathogen causing life threatening diseases. Diagnosing S. aureus infections requires differentiating S. aureus from the human commensal Staphylococcus epidermidis, which beneficially colonizes the skin of all people. These

Staphylococcus aureus permanently asymptomatically colonizes one-third of humans, yet is an opportunistic pathogen causing life threatening diseases. Diagnosing S. aureus infections requires differentiating S. aureus from the human commensal Staphylococcus epidermidis, which beneficially colonizes the skin of all people. These studies aimed to characterize the volatile metabolites of S. aureus and S. epidermidis, and to measure the influence of growth medium on the discovery of volatile organic compounds that differentiate them. Headspace solid-phase microextraction and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry detected 337 S. aureus and S. epidermidis headspace volatiles produced during aerobic growth in four complex media. Analyses revealed that only 20 – 40% of staph volatiles are produced by both species in any one medium. Using principal components and hierarchical clustering analyses of the staphylococcal volatiles showed individual clustering of S. aureus and S. epidermidis independent of culturing media but clustering of replicate cultures by growth medium within species. Subsets of volatiles produced in common by both species, or in common across all four media, revealed volatilome differences between S. aureus and S. epidermidis based on the volatiles’ relative abundances. When analyzing volatiles by relative abundances, culturing staph in media containing free glucose (brain heart infusion and tryptic soy broth) revealed volatilomes dominated by acids and esters (67%). The low-glucose media (lysogeny broth and Mueller-Hinton broth) yielded ketones in greatest relative abundances, yet also produced highly dissimilar volatilome compositions. The staphylococcal volatilome is strongly influenced by the nutritional composition of growth medium, especially free glucose availability, which is robustly evident when analyzing the relative abundances of the volatiles, compared to their presence versus absence. Future work will evaluate more strains of each species, testing the universality of these results. Prospective analyses involve hypotheses testing on the role of catabolite repression control and glucose availability on the volatilome, with plans to model in vitro culture conditions that replicate in vivo volatilomes. Studies assessing correlations of virulence to species-specific volatilome responses to free glucose may identify pathogenic strains of S. epidermidis and other staphylococcal commensals.
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Assessment of a glossary on patient satisfaction and anxiety levels in an oncology genetic counseling clinic

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Patients who attend genetic counseling appointments report high anxiety and varied satisfaction levels following their appointments. It has been suggested in previous literature that some of the increase in anxiety and reduction in satisfaction is caused by lack of prior

Patients who attend genetic counseling appointments report high anxiety and varied satisfaction levels following their appointments. It has been suggested in previous literature that some of the increase in anxiety and reduction in satisfaction is caused by lack of prior information. Here, I investigated whether providing patients with a glossary of genetic terms prior to their counseling appointment improves patient satisfaction and reduces anxiety in an oncology genetic counseling appointment. I surveyed 96 patients attending their first genetic counseling appointment at Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center and analyzed 92 patients for which I had complete data. Patients were randomly selected to receive one of two folders, containing either an educational document or an educational document and a glossary comprised of ten genetic terms. Each patient was given a post-counseling survey at the end of the counseling appointment to assess their anxiety and satisfaction levels. I did not observe a statistically significant difference in levels of anxiety or satisfaction, but the data are consistent with increased satisfaction for patients who received a glossary. Interesting, the data are also consistent with decreased anxiety levels for patients who did not receive a glossary. Furthermore, I did observe differences in reported satisfaction with patients who had college experience and patients that did not have any college experience.
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