Serotonin 1B Receptor Modulation of cocaine Abuse-Like Behavior in Female Rats Before and After Abstinence from Self-Administration

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Serotonin 1B receptors (5-HT1BRs) are involved in cocaine reward via regulating activity of dopamine neurons. The 5-HT1BR agonist CP-94,253 or 5-HT1BR overexpression in the nucleus accumbens shell (NAcSh) enhances cocaine intake during maintenance of daily self-administration (SA) but inhibits intake

Serotonin 1B receptors (5-HT1BRs) are involved in cocaine reward via regulating activity of dopamine neurons. The 5-HT1BR agonist CP-94,253 or 5-HT1BR overexpression in the nucleus accumbens shell (NAcSh) enhances cocaine intake during maintenance of daily self-administration (SA) but inhibits intake after 21 days of abstinence in male rats. My central hypothesis is that CP-94,253 acts at 5-HT1BRs located on the terminals of NAcSh GABA neurons that undergo regulatory changes in response to cocaine SA and subsequent abstinence resulting in an abstinence-induced switch in the functional effects of CP-94,253 in both male and female rats. In the first series of experiments, I compared the functional effects of CP-94,253 in female rats to male rats: 1) during maintenance of daily cocaine SA, 2) after 21-60 days abstinence, and 3) during the resumption of cocaine SA after abstinence (i.e. model of relapse). I found that CP-94,253 enhanced cocaine intake and breakpoints on a high-effort progressive ratio schedule of cocaine reinforcement during maintenance regardless of sex. By contrast, CP-94,253 attenuated cocaine intake after 21 days of abstinence and during the relapse test, regardless of sex. These findings suggest: 1) an abstinence-induced inhibitory effect of the 5-HT1BR agonist occurs in both sexes, 2) these inhibitory effects are long-lasting, and 3) the agonist may provide a novel therapeutic for cocaine use disorders. I next used RNAscope in situ hybridization to measure regulatory changes in 5-HT1BR mRNA expression and its co-expression with GABAergic and glutamatergic cell markers in the lateral and medial NAcSh subregions after abstinence from cocaine. I found no significant changes in these measures in either subregion of NAcSh after prolonged abstinence in either sex; however, I did observe that 95% of 5-HT1BR mRNA is co-localized in GABAergic neurons, whereas <2% is co-localized in glutamatergic cells. Future research investigating abstinence-induced, functional changes in 5-HT1BRs in subregions of the NAcSh is an alternate approach to further test my hypothesis. This research is important for the development of 5-HT1BR agonists as putative treatments of cocaine use disorders.
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ERK1/2 Signaling in the Development of Long-range Projection Neurons

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Development of the central nervous system is an incredible process that relies on multiple extracellular signaling cues and complex intracellular interactions. Approximately 1500 genes are associated with neurodevelopmental disorders, many of which are linked to a specific biochemical signaling cascade

Development of the central nervous system is an incredible process that relies on multiple extracellular signaling cues and complex intracellular interactions. Approximately 1500 genes are associated with neurodevelopmental disorders, many of which are linked to a specific biochemical signaling cascade known as Extracellular-Signal Regulated Kinase (ERK1/2). Clearly defined mutations in regulators of the ERK1/2 pathway cause syndromes known as the RASopathies. Symptoms include intellectual disability, developmental delay, cranio-facial and cardiac deficits. Treatments for RASopathies are limited due to an in complete understanding of ERK1/2’s role in brain development. Individuals with Neurofibromatosis Type and Noonan Syndrome, the two most common RASopathies, exhibit aberrant functional and white matter organization in non-invasive imaging studies, however, the contributions of neuronal versus oligodendrocyte deficits to this phenotype are not fully understood. To define the cellular functions of ERK1/2 in motor circuit formation, this body of work focuses on two long-range projection neuron subtypes defined by their neurotransmitter. With genetic mouse models, pathological ERK1/2 in glutamatergic neurons reduces axonal outgrowth, resulting in deficits in activity dependent gene expression and the ability to learn a motor skill task. Restricting pathological ERK1/2 within cortical layer V recapitulates these wiring deficits but not the behavioral learning phenotype. Moreover, it is uncovered that pathological ERK1/2 results in compartmentalized expression pattern of phosphorylated ERK1/2. It is not clear whether ERK1/2 functions are similar in cholinergic neuron populations that mediate attention, memory, and motor control. Basal forebrain cholinergic neuron development relies heavily on NGF-TrKA neurotrophic signaling known to activate ERK1/2. Yet the function of ERK1/2 during cholinergic neuronal specification and differentiation is poorly understood. By selectively deleting ERK1/2 in cholinergic neurons, ERK1/2 is required for activity-dependent maturation of neuromuscular junctions in juvenile mice, but not the establishment of lower motor neuron number. Moreover, ERK1/2 is not required for specification of choline acetyltransferase expressing basal forebrain cholinergic neurons by 14 days of age. However, ERK1/2 may be necessary for BFCN maturation by adulthood. Collectively, these data indicate that glutamatergic neuron-autonomous decreases in long-range axonal outgrowth and modest effects on later stages of cholinergic neuron maintenance may be important aspects of neuropathogenesis in RASopathies.
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Investigating the Isoform-Specific Effects of Apolipoprotein E (APOE) in Modulating Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Phenotypes

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APOE encodes for a lipid transport protein and has three allelic variants-APOE ε2, ε3 and ε4 each of which differentially modulate the risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The presence of the ε4 allele of APOE greatly increases AD risk compared

APOE encodes for a lipid transport protein and has three allelic variants-APOE ε2, ε3 and ε4 each of which differentially modulate the risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The presence of the ε4 allele of APOE greatly increases AD risk compared to the presence of the more prevalent and risk neutral ε3 allele. An imbalance in the generation and clearance of amyloid beta (Aβ) peptides has been hypothesized to play a key role in driving the disease. APOE4 impacts several AD-relevant cellular processes. However, it is unclear whether these effects represent a gain of toxic function or a loss of function, specifically as it relates to modulating amyloid beta (Aβ) levels. Here, a set of APOE knockout (KO) and APOE4 isogenic human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) were generated from a parental APOE3 hiPSC line with a highly penetrant familial AD (fAD) mutation to investigate this with respect to Aβ secretion in neural cultures and Aβ uptake in monocultures of microglia-like cells (iMGLs). Conversion of APOE3 to E4 as well as functionally knocking APOE out from the APOE3 parental line, result in elevated Aβ levels in neural cultures, likely through multiple mechanisms including the altered processing of the precursor protein to Aβ called amyloid precursor protein (APP). In pure neuronal cultures, a shift in the processing of APP was observed with the Aβ-generating amyloidogenic pathway being favored in both APOE3 as well as APOE4 neurons compared to APOE KO neurons, with APOE4 neurons exhibiting a greater shift. In iMGLs derived from the isogenic hiPSC lines, expression of APOE, regardless of the isoform, lowered the uptake of Aβ. Overall, APOE4 modulates Aβ levels through distinct loss of protective and gain of function effects. Dissecting these effects would contribute towards a better understanding of the design of potential APOE-targeted therapeutics in the future.
Date Created

The Structure and Function of the Honeybee Blood-Brain Barrier

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Many animals possess a blood-brain barrier, which is a layer of cells that restricts the passage of molecules into the central nervous system. The primary function of the blood-brain barrier is to preserve ionic homeostasis within the brain; however, it

Many animals possess a blood-brain barrier, which is a layer of cells that restricts the passage of molecules into the central nervous system. The primary function of the blood-brain barrier is to preserve ionic homeostasis within the brain; however, it is also responsible for selectively importing an array of nutritional and signaling molecules to support brain function and for exporting metabolic waste. Across the species in which it has been studied, the structure and function of the blood-brain barrier dynamically regulates the interaction between the brain and peripheral physiological systems. Honeybee (Apis mellifera) workers are a firmly established neurobiological model which can be utilized to answer questions about the physiological and environmental mechanisms that regulate central nervous system health and behavior. It is likely that the honeybee blood-brain barrier plays an important role mediating the interactions between the brain and its environment, however, the blood-brain barrier is largely unconsidered in the realm of honeybee neurobiological research. In this dissertation, I provide the first in depth characterizations of the structure and function of the honeybee blood-brain barrier. First, I characterized the ultrastructural organization of the honeybee blood-brain barrier. The results of this study demonstrate its structural heterogeneity, including how this heterogeneity compares between two age groups. Next, I assessed two dimensions of blood-brain barrier permeability among three honeybee age groups and among honeybees exposed to varying amounts of infestation with the parasitic mite Varroa destructor. This study demonstrated that paracellular permeability has greater resilience than transcellular permeability, the latter of which is particularly increased by a high parasitic load. Finally, I developed a novel technique combining stable isotope labelling and Nanoscale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (NanoSIMS) to demonstrate that the large, pro-social protein vitellogenin is able to cross the honeybee blood-brain barrier into the brain. Together, these studies represent the first in-depth analysis of the honeybee blood-brain barrier, establishing new directions for understanding the regulation of honeybee health, disease, and behavior.
Date Created

Adolescent Cerebellar Nuclei Manipulation Alters Reversal Learning, Social Behavior, and Perineuronal Net Intensity in Mice

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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by deficits in flexible cognition and social behavior. The most common atypical brain structure in ASD, the cerebellum, has multisynaptic connections through the cerebellar nuclei (CN) and thalamus to cognitive- and social-associated brain regions,

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by deficits in flexible cognition and social behavior. The most common atypical brain structure in ASD, the cerebellum, has multisynaptic connections through the cerebellar nuclei (CN) and thalamus to cognitive- and social-associated brain regions, yet formation and modulation of these pathways are not fully understood. Additionally, a CN output mechanism, perineuronal nets (PNNs), structure and function are undefined. PNNs are specialized extracellular matrix structures whose appearance is associated with the end of the critical period of plasticity and have been implicated in learning and neurodevelopmental disorders, but their role in the CN during development is unknown.To examine the role of CN on cognition, CN activity was increased or decreased in both male and female mice using Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADDs) from postnatal day 21-35. Learning and reversal was analyzed using a pairwise visual discrimination task. Social behavior was assessed using a classic three-chamber assay and analyzed using SLEAP (Social Leap Estimates Animal Poses). A marker of critical periods, perineuronal nets (PNNs), was examined to understand relationships between neural development and behavior. Interestingly, adolescent CN disruption did not alter task acquisition, yet correct choice reversal performance was dependent on DREADD manipulation and sex. CN inhibition improved reversal learning in males (5 days faster to criteria) and CN excitation improved female reversal learning (10 days faster to criteria) compared to controls. Analysis of social behavior revealed male social preference was abolished in CN manipulated groups, whereas females failed to demonstrate a social preference. Interestingly, CN manipulation in females regardless of direction, reduced PNN intensity, whereas in males only CN inhibition reduced PNN intensity. PNN intensity negatively correlated with reversal performance. CN PNN intensity showed no relation to social behavior. These data suggest chronic adolescent CN manipulation may have compensatory changes in PNN structure and CN output to improve reversal learning and PNN function was unrelated to social behavior. This study provides new evidence for CN in non-motor functions and sex-dependent differences in behavior and CN plasticity.
Date Created

The Role of Cerebellar Unipolar Brush Cells in Motor Coordination and Motor Learning

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The cerebellum predicts and corrects motor outputs based on sensory feedback for smoother and more precise movements, thus contributing to motor coordination and motor learning. One area of the cerebellum, the vestibulocerebellum, integrates vestibular and visual information to regulate balance,

The cerebellum predicts and corrects motor outputs based on sensory feedback for smoother and more precise movements, thus contributing to motor coordination and motor learning. One area of the cerebellum, the vestibulocerebellum, integrates vestibular and visual information to regulate balance, gaze stability, and spatial orientation. Highly concentrated within the granule cell layer of this region is a class of excitatory glutamatergic interneurons known as unipolar brush cells (UBCs) that receive input from mossy fibers and synapse onto multiple granule cells and other UBCs. They can be divided into ON and OFF subtypes based on their responses to synaptic stimulation. Prior research has implicated ON UBCs in motor dysfunction, but their role in motor coordination, balance, and motor learning is unclear. To test the hypothesis that ON UBCs contribute to motor coordination and balance, a transgenic mouse line (GRP-Cre) was used to express the GqDREADD (Gq designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs) hM3Dq in a subset of ON UBCs in the cerebellum to disrupt their electrical activity. In a second set of experiments, a Cre-dependent caspase 3 AAV (adeno-associated virus) viral vector was injected into the nodulus of the vestibulocerebellum of GRP-Cre mice to selectively ablate a subset of ON UBCs in the region and test whether they were necessary for motor learning. Motor coordination and balance were assessed using the rotor-rod and balance beam in young mice, and the forced swim test was used to assess vestibular function in older mice. Activity levels, anxiety, gross locomotion, and exploration in young mice were assessed using the open field. The results show that neither motor coordination and balance, nor motor learning, were impaired when the ON UBCs were disrupted or ablated in young mice. However, disruptions affected climbing behavior in older mice during the forced swim test, suggesting an age-dependent effect of ON UBCs on vestibular function.
Date Created

Zebrafish models of Okur-Chung Neurodevelopmental Syndrome: Exploring Genotype-Phenotype Relationships


Okur-Chung Neurodevelopmental syndrome (OCNDS) is a rare disorder characterized by hypotonia, developmental delay, dysmorphic features, and more. It is caused by pathogenic variants on CSNK2A1, the α subunit of protein kinase CK2. CK2 is considered a master regulator involved in

Okur-Chung Neurodevelopmental syndrome (OCNDS) is a rare disorder characterized by hypotonia, developmental delay, dysmorphic features, and more. It is caused by pathogenic variants on CSNK2A1, the α subunit of protein kinase CK2. CK2 is considered a master regulator involved in many cell functions from cell differentiation and proliferation to apoptosis. Here, we create a potential zebrafish model of OCNDS with CK2 inhibition and characterize fibroblast cells with, K198R, D156E, and R47G variants of CSNK2A1. RNAseq results display a wide range of effects notably in the Myosin Protein superfamily, Insulin-like Growth Factor family, and in proteins related to mitochondrial function and cell metabolism. Factors in cell growth and metabolism across the nervous system and neuromuscular interactions appear to be most affected with similarities in markers to oncogenic states in some cases.

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Kinase Signaling Directs the Development of Medial Ganglionic Eminence-Derived Neurons and Glia.

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The process of brain development is magnificently complex, requiring the coordination of millions of cells and thousands of genes across space and time. It is therefore unsurprising that brain development is frequently disrupted. Numerous genetic mutations underlying altered neurodevelopment have

The process of brain development is magnificently complex, requiring the coordination of millions of cells and thousands of genes across space and time. It is therefore unsurprising that brain development is frequently disrupted. Numerous genetic mutations underlying altered neurodevelopment have been identified and aligned with behavioral changes. However, the cellular mechanisms linking genetics with behavior are incompletely understood. The goal of my research is to understand how intracellular kinase signaling contributes to the development of ventrally derived glia and neurons. Of particular interest are GABAergic interneurons in the cerebral cortex, as GABAergic disruption is observed in multiple neurodevelopmental disorders including epilepsy, schizophrenia, and autism spectrum disorders. In addition, I investigated how kinase signaling influences the number and distribution of ventral born oligodendrocyte lineage cells to gain insight into white matter abnormalities observed in developmental disorders. This work primarily investigates the mitogen associated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling cascade, which is ubiquitously expressed but is particularly important for brain development. Hyperactive MAPK signaling causes RASopathies, a group of neurodevelopmental disorders where affected individuals often exhibit learning disability. MAPK haploinsufficiency, such as in 16p11.2 deletion syndrome, also results in intellectual disability. In both cases, the cells driving cognitive dysfunction are unknown. Using genetically modified mouse models, I found that hyperactivation of MAPK signaling disrupts a subtype of GABAergic neurons that express parvalbumin, though the same cells are resilient to MAPK deletion. In contrast, somatostatin expressing neurons require MAPK for normal development but are less responsive to hyperactivation. Oligodendrocyte lineage cells have a bidirectional response to MAPK signaling, where hyperactivating MAPK increases cell number and deletion reduces glial number. MAPK signaling activates several hundred downstream cues, but one of particular interest to this work is called Liver Kinase B1 (LKB1). LKB1 is a protein kinase which can regulate cell proliferation, survival, and metabolism. Here, I discovered that LKB1 is necessary for the development of parvalbumin expressing neurons. Collectively, these data identify disruption to certain ventral derivatives as a candidate pathogenic mechanism in neurodevelopmental conditions.
Date Created

The Role of Glycolysis in Human Cerebral Cortex Development Using in vitro and in vivo Pluripotent Stem Cell Models

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Cellular metabolism is an essential process required for tissue formation, energy production and systemic homeostasis and becomes dysregulated in many disease states. In the context of human cerebral cortex development, there’s a limited understanding of how metabolic pathways, such as

Cellular metabolism is an essential process required for tissue formation, energy production and systemic homeostasis and becomes dysregulated in many disease states. In the context of human cerebral cortex development, there’s a limited understanding of how metabolic pathways, such as glycolysis, impacts proliferation and differentiation of cortical cells. The technical challenges of studying primary in vivo cortical tissue at a cellular and molecular level led to the development of human pluripotent stem cell (PSC) derived cortical organoids. Cortical organoids are a highly tractable model system that can be used for high-throughput investigation of early stages of development and corresponding glycolytic programs. Through transplantation of cortical organoids into the developing mouse cortex, human cortical cells can also be studied in an in vivo environment that more closely resembles endogenous development where the impact of metabolism in typical developmental programs and disease states can be studied. While current data is preliminary, initial observations suggest that cortical populations increase glucose uptake over time and regulation of glucose uptake rates occur in cell type-specific manner. Additionally, mouse transplantation data suggests that glycolytic activity is downregulated post-transplantation, suggesting that the in vitro environment contributes metabolic state. The more dynamic range of metabolic states in vivo may impact the rate of differentiation and maturation in cellular populations in the transplant model. I hypothesize that the more endogenous-like regulation of glycolysis may impact the proliferative window and expansion of key progenitor cell types in the human brain, particularly the intermediate progenitor cells.
Date Created

Deciphering the Role of Cortical Astrocytes in the Pathogenesis of C9orf72-Mediated ALS/FTD: Insights From a Patient-Derived In Vitro Model

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The GGGGCC (G4C2) hexanucleotide repeat expansion (HRE) in the C9orf72 gene is the most common genetic abnormality associated with both amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), two devastatingly progressive neurodegenerative diseases. The discovery of this genetic link confirmed

The GGGGCC (G4C2) hexanucleotide repeat expansion (HRE) in the C9orf72 gene is the most common genetic abnormality associated with both amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), two devastatingly progressive neurodegenerative diseases. The discovery of this genetic link confirmed that ALS and FTD reside along a spectrum with clinical and pathological commonalities. Historically understood as diseases resulting in neuronal death, the role of non-neuronal cells like astrocytes is still wholly unresolved. With evidence of cortical neurodegeneration leading to cognitive impairments in C9orf72-ALS/FTD, there is a need to investigate the role of cortical astrocytes in this disease spectrum. Here, a patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) cortical astrocyte model was developed to investigate consequences of C9orf72-HRE pathogenic features in this cell type. Although there were no significant C9orf72-HRE pathogenic features in cortical astrocytes, transcriptomic, proteomic and phosphoproteomic profiles elucidated global disease-related phenotypes. Specifically, aberrant expression of astrocytic-synapse proteins and secreted factors were identified. SPARCL1, a pro-synaptogenic secreted astrocyte factor was found to be selectively decreased in C9orf72-ALS/FTD iPSC-cortical astrocytes. This finding was further validated in human tissue analyses, indicating that cortical astrocytes in C9orf72-ALS/FTD exhibit a reactive transformation that is characterized by a decrease in SPARCL1 expression. Considering the evidence for substantial astrogliosis and synaptic failure leading to cognitive impairments in C9orf72-ALS/FTD, these findings represent a novel understanding of how cortical astrocytes may contribute to the cortical neurodegeneration in this disease spectrum.
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