Bounds on the Defective, Multifold, Paint Number of Planar Graphs

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A $k$-list assignment for a graph $G=(V, E)$ is a function $L$ that assigns a $k$-set $L(v)$ of "available colors" to each vertex $v \in V$. A $d$-defective, $m$-fold, $L$-coloring is a function $\phi$ that assigns an $m$-subset $\phi(v) \subseteq

A $k$-list assignment for a graph $G=(V, E)$ is a function $L$ that assigns a $k$-set $L(v)$ of "available colors" to each vertex $v \in V$. A $d$-defective, $m$-fold, $L$-coloring is a function $\phi$ that assigns an $m$-subset $\phi(v) \subseteq L(v)$ to each vertex $v$ so that each color class $V_{i}=\{v \in V:$ $i \in \phi(v)\}$ induces a subgraph of $G$ with maximum degree at most $d$. An edge $xy$ is an $i$-flaw of $\phi$ if $i\in \phi(x) \cap \phi(y)$. An online list-coloring algorithm $\mathcal{A}$ works on a known graph $G$ and an unknown $k$-list assignment $L$ to produce a coloring $\phi$ as follows. At step $r$ the set of vertices $v$ with $r \in L(v)$ is revealed to $\mathcal{A}$. For each vertex $v$, $\mathcal{A}$ must decide irrevocably whether to add $r$ to $\phi(v)$. The online choice number $\pt_{m}^{d}(G)$ of $G$ is the least $k$ for which some such algorithm produces a $d$-defective, $m$-fold, $L$-coloring $\phi$ of $G$ for all $k$-list assignments $L$. Online list coloring was introduced independently by Uwe Schauz and Xuding Zhu. It was known that if $G$ is planar then $\pt_{1}^{0}(G) \leq 5$ and $\pt_{1}^{1}(G) \leq 4$ are sharp bounds; here it is proved that $\pt_{1}^{3}(G) \leq 3$ is sharp, but there is a planar graph $H$ with $\pt_{1}^{2}(H)\ge 4$. Zhu conjectured that for some integer $m$, every planar graph $G$ satisfies $\pt_{m}^{0}(G) \leq 5 m-1$, and even that this is true for $m=2$. This dissertation proves that $\pt_{2}^{1}(G) \leq 9$, so the conjecture is "nearly" true, and the proof extends to $\pt_{m}^{1}(G) \leq\left\lceil\frac{9}{2} m\right\rceil$. Using Alon's Combinatorial Nullstellensatz, this is strengthened by showing that $G$ contains a linear forest $(V, F)$ such that there is an online algorithm that witnesses $\mathrm{pt}_{2}^{1}(G) \leq 9$ while producing a coloring whose flaws are in $F$, and such that no edge is an $i$-flaw and a $j$-flaw for distinct colors $i$ and $j$.
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Graphs of Sets of Reduced Words

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Any permutation in the finite symmetric group can be written as a product of simple transpositions $s_i = (i~i+1)$. For a fixed permutation $\sigma \in \mathfrak{S}_n$ the products of minimal length are called reduced decompositions or reduced words, and the

Any permutation in the finite symmetric group can be written as a product of simple transpositions $s_i = (i~i+1)$. For a fixed permutation $\sigma \in \mathfrak{S}_n$ the products of minimal length are called reduced decompositions or reduced words, and the collection of all such reduced words is denoted $R(\sigma)$. Any reduced word of $\sigma$ can be transformed into any other by a sequence of commutation moves or long braid moves. One area of interest in these sets are the congruence classes defined by using only braid moves or only commutation moves. This document will present work towards a conjectured relationship between the number of reduced words and the number of braid classes. The set $R(\sigma)$ can be drawn as a graph, $G(\sigma)$, where the vertices are the reduced words, and the edges denote the presence of a commutation or braid move between the words. This paper will present brand new work on subgraph structures in $G(\sigma)$, as well as new formulas to count the number of braid edges and commutation edges in $G(\sigma)$. The permutation $\sigma$ covers $\tau$ in the weak order poset if the length of $\tau$ is one less than the length of $\sigma$, and there exists a simple transposition $s_i$ such that $\sigma = \tau s_i$. This paper will cover new work on the relationships between the size of $R(\sigma)$ and $R(\tau)$, and how this creates a new method of writing reduced decompositions of $\sigma$ as products of permutations $\alpha$ and $\beta$, where both $\alpha$ and $\beta$ have a length greater than one. Finally, this thesis will also discuss how these results help relate the number of reduced words and the number of braid classes in certain cases.
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Some Questions on Uniqueness and the Preservation of Structure for the Ricci Flow

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This thesis explores several questions concerning the preservation of geometric structure under the Ricci flow, an evolution equation for Riemannian metrics. Within the class of complete solutions with bounded curvature, short-time existence and uniqueness of solutions guarantee that symmetries and

This thesis explores several questions concerning the preservation of geometric structure under the Ricci flow, an evolution equation for Riemannian metrics. Within the class of complete solutions with bounded curvature, short-time existence and uniqueness of solutions guarantee that symmetries and many other geometric features are preserved along the flow. However, much less is known about the analytic and geometric properties of solutions of potentially unbounded curvature. The first part of this thesis contains a proof that the full holonomy group is preserved, up to isomorphism, forward and backward in time. The argument reduces the problem to the preservation of reduced holonomy via an analysis of the equation satisfied by parallel translation around a loop with respect to the evolving metric. The subsequent chapter examines solutions satisfying a certain instantaneous, but nonuniform, curvature bound, and shows that when such solutions split as a product initially, they will continue to split for all time. This problem is encoded as one of uniqueness for an auxiliary system constructed from a family of time-dependent, orthogonal distributions of the tangent bundle. The final section presents some details of an ongoing project concerning the uniqueness of asymptotically product gradient shrinking Ricci solitons, including the construction of a certain system of mixed differential inequalities which measures the extent to which such a soliton fails to split.
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The Geometry of 1-cusped and 2-cusped Picard Modular Groups

Mark and Paupert concocted a general method for producing presentations for arithmetic non-cocompact lattices, \(\Gamma\), in isometry groups of negatively curved symmetric spaces. To get around the difficulty of constructing fundamental domains in spaces of variable curvature, their method

Mark and Paupert concocted a general method for producing presentations for arithmetic non-cocompact lattices, \(\Gamma\), in isometry groups of negatively curved symmetric spaces. To get around the difficulty of constructing fundamental domains in spaces of variable curvature, their method invokes a classical theorem of Macbeath applied to a \(\Gamma\)-invariant covering by horoballs of the negatively curved symmetric space upon which \(\Gamma\) acts. This thesis aims to explore the application of their method to the Picard modular groups, PU\((2,1;\mathcal{O}_{d})\), acting on \(\mathbb{H}_{\C}^2\). This document contains the derivations for the group presentations corresponding to \(d=2,11\), which completes the list of presentations for Picard modular groups whose entries lie in Euclidean domains, namely those with \(d=1,2,3,7,11\). There are differences in the method's application when the lattice of interest has multiple cusps. \(d = 5\) is the smallest value of \(d\) for which the corresponding Picard modular group, \(\PU(2,1;\mathcal{O}_5)\), has multiple cusps, and the method variations become apparent when working in this case.
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Mathematical Models of Opinion Dynamics

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This dissertation consists of three papers about opinion dynamics. The first paper is in collaboration with Prof. Lanchier while the other two papers are individual works. Two models are introduced and studied analytically: the Deffuant model and the Hegselmann-Krause~(HK) model.

This dissertation consists of three papers about opinion dynamics. The first paper is in collaboration with Prof. Lanchier while the other two papers are individual works. Two models are introduced and studied analytically: the Deffuant model and the Hegselmann-Krause~(HK) model. The main difference between the two models is that the Deffuant dynamics consists of pairwise interactions whereas the HK dynamics consists of group interactions. Translated into graph, each vertex stands for an agent in both models. In the Deffuant model, two graphs are combined: the social graph and the opinion graph. The social graph is assumed to be a general finite connected graph where each edge is interpreted as a social link, such as a friendship relationship, between two agents. At each time step, two social neighbors are randomly selected and interact if and only if their opinion distance does not exceed some confidence threshold, which results in the neighbors' opinions getting closer to each other. The main result about the Deffuant model is the derivation of a positive lower bound for the probability of consensus that is independent of the size and topology of the social graph but depends on the confidence threshold, the choice of the opinion space and the initial distribution. For the HK model, agent~$i$ updates its opinion~$x_i$ by taking the average opinion of its neighbors, defined as the set of agents with opinion at most~$\epsilon$ apart from~$x_i$. Here,~$\epsilon > 0$ is a confidence threshold. There are two types of HK models: the synchronous and the asynchronous HK models. In the former, all the agents update their opinion simultaneously at each time step, whereas in the latter, only one agent is selected uniformly at random to update its opinion at each time step. The mixed model is a variant of the HK model in which each agent can choose its degree of stubbornness and mix its opinion with the average opinion of its neighbors. The main results of this dissertation about HK models show conditions under which the asymptotic stability holds or a consensus can be achieved, and give a positive lower bound for the probability of consensus and, in the one-dimensional case, an upper bound for the probability of consensus. I demonstrate the bounds for the probability of consensus on a unit cube and a unit interval.
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Estimating Low Generalized Coloring Numbers of Planar Graphs

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The chromatic number $\chi(G)$ of a graph $G=(V,E)$ is the minimum

number of colors needed to color $V(G)$ such that no adjacent vertices

receive the same color. The coloring number $\col(G)$ of a graph

$G$ is the minimum number $k$ such that there

The chromatic number $\chi(G)$ of a graph $G=(V,E)$ is the minimum

number of colors needed to color $V(G)$ such that no adjacent vertices

receive the same color. The coloring number $\col(G)$ of a graph

$G$ is the minimum number $k$ such that there exists a linear ordering

of $V(G)$ for which each vertex has at most $k-1$ backward neighbors.

It is well known that the coloring number is an upper bound for the

chromatic number. The weak $r$-coloring number $\wcol_{r}(G)$ is

a generalization of the coloring number, and it was first introduced

by Kierstead and Yang \cite{77}. The weak $r$-coloring number $\wcol_{r}(G)$

is the minimum integer $k$ such that for some linear ordering $L$

of $V(G)$ each vertex $v$ can reach at most $k-1$ other smaller

vertices $u$ (with respect to $L$) with a path of length at most

$r$ and $u$ is the smallest vertex in the path. This dissertation proves that $\wcol_{2}(G)\le23$ for every planar graph $G$.

The exact distance-$3$ graph $G^{[\natural3]}$ of a graph $G=(V,E)$

is a graph with $V$ as its set of vertices, and $xy\in E(G^{[\natural3]})$

if and only if the distance between $x$ and $y$ in $G$ is $3$.

This dissertation improves the best known upper bound of the

chromatic number of the exact distance-$3$ graphs $G^{[\natural3]}$

of planar graphs $G$, which is $105$, to $95$. It also improves

the best known lower bound, which is $7$, to $9$.

A class of graphs is nowhere dense if for every $r\ge 1$ there exists $t\ge 1$ such that no graph in the class contains a topological minor of the complete graph $K_t$ where every edge is subdivided at most $r$ times. This dissertation gives a new characterization of nowhere dense classes using generalized notions of the domination number.
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On the Bounds of Van der Waerden Numbers

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Van der Waerden’s Theorem asserts that for any two positive integers k and r, one may find an integer w=w(k,r) known as the Van der Waerden Number such that for every r-coloring of the integers from 1 to w there

Van der Waerden’s Theorem asserts that for any two positive integers k and r, one may find an integer w=w(k,r) known as the Van der Waerden Number such that for every r-coloring of the integers from 1 to w there exists a monochromatic arithmetic progression of length k. This groundbreaking theorem in combinatorics has greatly impacted the field of discrete math for decades. However, it is quite difficult to find the exact values of w. As such, it would be worth more of our time to try and bound such a value, both from below and above, in order to restrict the possible values of the Van der Waerden Numbers. In this thesis we will endeavor to bound such a number; in addition to proving Van der Waerden’s Theorem, we will discuss the unique functions that bound the Van der Waerden Numbers.
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On K-derived quartics and invariants of local fields

This dissertation will cover two topics. For the first, let $K$ be a number field. A $K$-derived polynomial $f(x) \in K[x]$ is a polynomial that

factors into linear factors over $K$, as do all of its derivatives. Such a polynomial


This dissertation will cover two topics. For the first, let $K$ be a number field. A $K$-derived polynomial $f(x) \in K[x]$ is a polynomial that

factors into linear factors over $K$, as do all of its derivatives. Such a polynomial

is said to be {\it proper} if

its roots are distinct. An unresolved question in the literature is

whether or not there exists a proper $\Q$-derived polynomial of degree 4. Some examples

are known of proper $K$-derived quartics for a quadratic number field $K$, although other

than $\Q(\sqrt{3})$, these fields have quite large discriminant. (The second known field

is $\Q(\sqrt{3441})$.) I will describe a search for quadratic fields $K$

over which there exist proper $K$-derived quartics. The search finds examples for

$K=\Q(\sqrt{D})$ with $D=...,-95,-41,-19,21,31,89,...$.\\

For the second topic, by Krasner's lemma there exist a finite number of degree $n$ extensions of $\Q_p$. Jones and Roberts have developed a database recording invariants of $p$-adic extensions for low degree $n$. I will contribute data to this database by computing the Galois slope content, inertia subgroup, and Galois mean slope for a variety of wildly ramified extensions of composite degree using the idea of \emph{global splitting models}.
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Some diophantine problems

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Diophantine arithmetic is one of the oldest branches of mathematics, the search

for integer or rational solutions of algebraic equations. Pythagorean triangles are

an early instance. Diophantus of Alexandria wrote the first related treatise in the

fourth century; it was an

Diophantine arithmetic is one of the oldest branches of mathematics, the search

for integer or rational solutions of algebraic equations. Pythagorean triangles are

an early instance. Diophantus of Alexandria wrote the first related treatise in the

fourth century; it was an area extensively studied by the great mathematicians of the seventeenth century, including Euler and Fermat.

The modern approach is to treat the equations as defining geometric objects, curves, surfaces, etc. The theory of elliptic curves (or curves of genus 1, which are much used in modern cryptography) was developed extensively in the twentieth century, and has had great application to Diophantine equations. This theory is used in application to the problems studied in this thesis. This thesis studies some curves of high genus, and possible solutions in both rationals and in algebraic number fields, generalizes some old results and gives answers to some open problems in the literature. The methods involve known techniques together with some ingenious tricks. For example, the equations $y^2=x^6+k$, $k=-39,\,-47$, the two previously unsolved cases for $|k|<50$, are solved using algebraic number theory and the ‘elliptic Chabauty’ method. The thesis also studies the genus three quartic curves $F(x^2,y^2,z^2)=0$ where F is a homogeneous quadratic form, and extend old results of Cassels, and Bremner. It is a very delicate matter to find such curves that have no rational points, yet which do have points in odd-degree extension fields of the rationals.

The principal results of the thesis are related to surfaces where the theory is much less well known. In particular, the thesis studies some specific families of surfaces, and give a negative answer to a question in the literature regarding representation of integers n in the form $n=(x+y+z+w)(1/x+1/y+1/z+1/w).$ Further, an example, the first such known, of a quartic surface $x^4+7y^4=14z^4+18w^4$ is given with remarkable properties: it is everywhere locally solvable, yet has no non-zero rational point, despite having a point in (non-trivial) odd-degree extension fields of the rationals. The ideas here involve manipulation of the Hilbert symbol, together with the theory of elliptic curves.
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Hybrid Subgroups of Complex Hyperbolic Lattices

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In the 1980's, Gromov and Piatetski-Shapiro introduced a technique called "hybridization'' which allowed them to produce non-arithmetic hyperbolic lattices from two non-commensurable arithmetic lattices. It has been asked whether an analogous hybridization technique exists for complex hyperbolic lattices, because certain

In the 1980's, Gromov and Piatetski-Shapiro introduced a technique called "hybridization'' which allowed them to produce non-arithmetic hyperbolic lattices from two non-commensurable arithmetic lattices. It has been asked whether an analogous hybridization technique exists for complex hyperbolic lattices, because certain geometric obstructions make it unclear how to adapt this technique. This thesis explores one possible construction (originally due to Hunt) in depth and uses it to produce arithmetic lattices, non-arithmetic lattices, and thin subgroups in SU(2,1).
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