Bounds on the Defective, Multifold, Paint Number of Planar Graphs

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A $k$-list assignment for a graph $G=(V, E)$ is a function $L$ that assigns a $k$-set $L(v)$ of "available colors" to each vertex $v \in V$. A $d$-defective, $m$-fold, $L$-coloring is a function $\phi$ that assigns an $m$-subset $\phi(v) \subseteq

A $k$-list assignment for a graph $G=(V, E)$ is a function $L$ that assigns a $k$-set $L(v)$ of "available colors" to each vertex $v \in V$. A $d$-defective, $m$-fold, $L$-coloring is a function $\phi$ that assigns an $m$-subset $\phi(v) \subseteq L(v)$ to each vertex $v$ so that each color class $V_{i}=\{v \in V:$ $i \in \phi(v)\}$ induces a subgraph of $G$ with maximum degree at most $d$. An edge $xy$ is an $i$-flaw of $\phi$ if $i\in \phi(x) \cap \phi(y)$. An online list-coloring algorithm $\mathcal{A}$ works on a known graph $G$ and an unknown $k$-list assignment $L$ to produce a coloring $\phi$ as follows. At step $r$ the set of vertices $v$ with $r \in L(v)$ is revealed to $\mathcal{A}$. For each vertex $v$, $\mathcal{A}$ must decide irrevocably whether to add $r$ to $\phi(v)$. The online choice number $\pt_{m}^{d}(G)$ of $G$ is the least $k$ for which some such algorithm produces a $d$-defective, $m$-fold, $L$-coloring $\phi$ of $G$ for all $k$-list assignments $L$. Online list coloring was introduced independently by Uwe Schauz and Xuding Zhu. It was known that if $G$ is planar then $\pt_{1}^{0}(G) \leq 5$ and $\pt_{1}^{1}(G) \leq 4$ are sharp bounds; here it is proved that $\pt_{1}^{3}(G) \leq 3$ is sharp, but there is a planar graph $H$ with $\pt_{1}^{2}(H)\ge 4$. Zhu conjectured that for some integer $m$, every planar graph $G$ satisfies $\pt_{m}^{0}(G) \leq 5 m-1$, and even that this is true for $m=2$. This dissertation proves that $\pt_{2}^{1}(G) \leq 9$, so the conjecture is "nearly" true, and the proof extends to $\pt_{m}^{1}(G) \leq\left\lceil\frac{9}{2} m\right\rceil$. Using Alon's Combinatorial Nullstellensatz, this is strengthened by showing that $G$ contains a linear forest $(V, F)$ such that there is an online algorithm that witnesses $\mathrm{pt}_{2}^{1}(G) \leq 9$ while producing a coloring whose flaws are in $F$, and such that no edge is an $i$-flaw and a $j$-flaw for distinct colors $i$ and $j$.
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The first-fit algorithm uses many colors on some interval graphs

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Graph coloring is about allocating resources that can be shared except where there are certain pairwise conflicts between recipients. The simplest coloring algorithm that attempts to conserve resources is called first fit. Interval graphs are used in models for scheduling

Graph coloring is about allocating resources that can be shared except where there are certain pairwise conflicts between recipients. The simplest coloring algorithm that attempts to conserve resources is called first fit. Interval graphs are used in models for scheduling (in computer science and operations research) and in biochemistry for one-dimensional molecules such as genetic material. It is not known precisely how much waste in the worst case is due to the first-fit algorithm for coloring interval graphs. However, after decades of research the range is narrow. Kierstead proved that the performance ratio R is at most 40. Pemmaraju, Raman, and Varadarajan proved that R is at most 10. This can be improved to 8. Witsenhausen, and independently Chrobak and Slusarek, proved that R is at least 4. Slusarek improved this to 4.45. Kierstead and Trotter extended the method of Chrobak and Slusarek to one good for a lower bound of 4.99999 or so. The method relies on number sequences with a certain property of order. It is shown here that each sequence considered in the construction satisfies a linear recurrence; that R is at least 5; that the Fibonacci sequence is in some sense minimally useless for the construction; and that the Fibonacci sequence is a point of accumulation in some space for the useful sequences of the construction. Limitations of all earlier constructions are revealed.
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