Mathematically Modeling the Impact of RdCVFL in Photoreceptors

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Recent experimental and mathematical work has shown the interdependence of the rod and cone photoreceptors with the retinal pigment epithelium in maintaining sight. Accelerated intake of glucose into the cones via the theoredoxin-like rod-derived cone viability factor (RdCVF) is

Recent experimental and mathematical work has shown the interdependence of the rod and cone photoreceptors with the retinal pigment epithelium in maintaining sight. Accelerated intake of glucose into the cones via the theoredoxin-like rod-derived cone viability factor (RdCVF) is needed as aerobic glycolysis is the primary source of energy production. Reactive oxidative species (ROS) result from the rod and cone metabolism and recent experimental work has shown that the long form of RdCVF (RdCVFL) helps mitigate the negative effects of ROS. In this work I investigate the role of RdCVFL in maintaining the health of the photoreceptors. The results of this mathematical model show the necessity of RdCVFL and also demonstrate additional stable modes that are present in this system. The sensitivity analysis shows the importance of glucose uptake, nutrient levels, and ROS mitigation in maintaining rod and cone health in light-damaged mouse models. Together, these suggest areas on which to focus treatment in order to prolong the photoreceptors, especially in situations where ROS is a contributing factor to their death such as retinitis pigmentosa (RP). A potential treatment with RdCVFL and its effects has never been studied in mathematical models. In this work, I examine an optimal control with the treatment of RdCVFL and mathematically illustrate the potential that this treatment might have for treating degenerative retinal diseases such as RP. Further, I examine optimal controls with the treatment of both RdCVF and RdCVFL in order to mathematically understand the potential that a dual treatment might have for treating degenerative retinal diseases such as RP. The RdCVFL control terms are nonlinear for biological accuracy but this results in the standard general theorems for existence of optimal controls failing to apply. I then linearize these models to have proof of existence of an optimal control. Both nonlinear and linearized control results are compared and reveal similarly substantial savings rates for rods and cones.
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Extensions of the Dynamic Programming Framework

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Modern life is full of challenging optimization problems that we unknowingly attempt to solve. For instance, a common dilemma often encountered is the decision of picking a parking spot while trying to minimize both the distance to the goal destination

Modern life is full of challenging optimization problems that we unknowingly attempt to solve. For instance, a common dilemma often encountered is the decision of picking a parking spot while trying to minimize both the distance to the goal destination and time spent searching for parking; one strategy is to drive as close as possible to the goal destination but risk a penalty cost if no parking spaces can be found. Optimization problems of this class all have underlying time-varying processes that can be altered by a decision/input to minimize some cost. Such optimization problems are commonly solved by a class of methods called Dynamic Programming (DP) that breaks down a complex optimization problem into a simpler family of sub-problems. In the 1950s Richard Bellman introduced a class of DP methods that broke down Multi-Stage Optimization Problems (MSOP) into a nested sequence of ``tail problems”. Bellman showed that for any MSOP with a cost function that satisfies a condition called additive separability, the solution to the tail problem of the MSOP initialized at time-stage k>0 can be used to solve the tail problem initialized at time-stage k-1. Therefore, by recursively solving each tail problem of the MSOP, a solution to the original MSOP can be found. This dissertation extends Bellman`s theory to a broader class of MSOPs involving non-additively separable costs by introducing a new state augmentation solution method and generalizing the Bellman Equation. This dissertation also considers the analogous continuous-time counterpart to discrete-time MSOPs, called Optimal Control Problems (OCPs). OCPs can be solved by solving a nonlinear Partial Differential Equation (PDE) called the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) PDE. Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to obtain an analytical solution to the HJB PDE. This dissertation proposes a method for approximately solving the HJB PDE based on Sum-Of-Squares (SOS) programming. This SOS algorithm can be used to synthesize controllers, hence solving the OCP, and also compute outer bounds of reachable sets of dynamical systems. This methodology is then extended to infinite time horizons, by proposing SOS algorithms that yield Lyapunov functions that can approximate regions of attraction and attractor sets of nonlinear dynamical systems arbitrarily well.
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Some Questions on Uniqueness and the Preservation of Structure for the Ricci Flow

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This thesis explores several questions concerning the preservation of geometric structure under the Ricci flow, an evolution equation for Riemannian metrics. Within the class of complete solutions with bounded curvature, short-time existence and uniqueness of solutions guarantee that symmetries and

This thesis explores several questions concerning the preservation of geometric structure under the Ricci flow, an evolution equation for Riemannian metrics. Within the class of complete solutions with bounded curvature, short-time existence and uniqueness of solutions guarantee that symmetries and many other geometric features are preserved along the flow. However, much less is known about the analytic and geometric properties of solutions of potentially unbounded curvature. The first part of this thesis contains a proof that the full holonomy group is preserved, up to isomorphism, forward and backward in time. The argument reduces the problem to the preservation of reduced holonomy via an analysis of the equation satisfied by parallel translation around a loop with respect to the evolving metric. The subsequent chapter examines solutions satisfying a certain instantaneous, but nonuniform, curvature bound, and shows that when such solutions split as a product initially, they will continue to split for all time. This problem is encoded as one of uniqueness for an auxiliary system constructed from a family of time-dependent, orthogonal distributions of the tangent bundle. The final section presents some details of an ongoing project concerning the uniqueness of asymptotically product gradient shrinking Ricci solitons, including the construction of a certain system of mixed differential inequalities which measures the extent to which such a soliton fails to split.
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Sameness of Representation of Mathematical Entities

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This dissertation is on the topic of sameness of representation of mathematical entities from a mathematics education perspective. In mathematics, people frequently work with different representations of the same thing. This is especially evident when considering the prevalence of the

This dissertation is on the topic of sameness of representation of mathematical entities from a mathematics education perspective. In mathematics, people frequently work with different representations of the same thing. This is especially evident when considering the prevalence of the equals sign (=). I am adopting the three-paper dissertation model. Each paper reports on a study that investigates understandings of the identity relation. The first study directly addresses function identity: how students conceptualize, work with, and assess sameness of representation of function. It uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to examine how students understand function sameness in calculus contexts. The second study is on the topic of implicit differentiation and student understanding of the legitimacy of it as a procedure. This relates to sameness insofar as differentiating an equation is a valid inference when the equation expresses function identity. The third study directly addresses usage of the equals sign (“=”). In particular, I focus on the notion of symmetry; equality is a symmetric relation (truth-functionally), and mathematicians understand it as such. However, results of my study show that usage is not symmetric. This is small qualitative study and incorporates ideas from the field of linguistics.
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The Geometry of 1-cusped and 2-cusped Picard Modular Groups

Mark and Paupert concocted a general method for producing presentations for arithmetic non-cocompact lattices, \(\Gamma\), in isometry groups of negatively curved symmetric spaces. To get around the difficulty of constructing fundamental domains in spaces of variable curvature, their method

Mark and Paupert concocted a general method for producing presentations for arithmetic non-cocompact lattices, \(\Gamma\), in isometry groups of negatively curved symmetric spaces. To get around the difficulty of constructing fundamental domains in spaces of variable curvature, their method invokes a classical theorem of Macbeath applied to a \(\Gamma\)-invariant covering by horoballs of the negatively curved symmetric space upon which \(\Gamma\) acts. This thesis aims to explore the application of their method to the Picard modular groups, PU\((2,1;\mathcal{O}_{d})\), acting on \(\mathbb{H}_{\C}^2\). This document contains the derivations for the group presentations corresponding to \(d=2,11\), which completes the list of presentations for Picard modular groups whose entries lie in Euclidean domains, namely those with \(d=1,2,3,7,11\). There are differences in the method's application when the lattice of interest has multiple cusps. \(d = 5\) is the smallest value of \(d\) for which the corresponding Picard modular group, \(\PU(2,1;\mathcal{O}_5)\), has multiple cusps, and the method variations become apparent when working in this case.
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Twitter Patterns in the Politics of Social Mobilization: #BlackLivesMatter Case Study

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The role of technology in shaping modern society has become increasingly important in the context of current democratic politics, especially when examined through the lens of social media. Twitter is a prominent social media platform used as a political

The role of technology in shaping modern society has become increasingly important in the context of current democratic politics, especially when examined through the lens of social media. Twitter is a prominent social media platform used as a political medium, contributing to political movements such as #OccupyWallStreet, #MeToo, and #BlackLivesMatter. Using the #BlackLivesMatter movement as an illustrative case to establish patterns in Twitter usage, this thesis aims to answer the question “to what extent is Twitter an accurate representation of “real life” in terms of performative activism and user engagement?” The discussion of Twitter is contextualized by research on Twitter’s use in politics, both as a mobilizing force and potential to divide and mislead. Using intervals of time between 2014 – 2020, Twitter data containing #BlackLivesMatter is collected and analyzed. The discussion of findings centers around the role of performative activism in social mobilization on twitter. The analysis shows patterns in the data that indicates performative activism can skew the real picture of civic engagement, which can impact the way in which public opinion affects future public policy and mobilization.

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Proofs and Generalizations of the Jordan Curve Theorem

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The Jordan curve theorem states that any homeomorphic copy of a circle into R2 divides the plane into two distinct regions. This paper reconstructs one proof of the Jordan curve theorem before turning its attention toward generalizations of the theorem

The Jordan curve theorem states that any homeomorphic copy of a circle into R2 divides the plane into two distinct regions. This paper reconstructs one proof of the Jordan curve theorem before turning its attention toward generalizations of the theorem and their proofs and counterexamples. We begin with an introduction to elementary topology and the different notions of the connectedness of a space before constructing the first proof of the Jordan curve theorem. We then turn our attention to algebraic topology which we utilize in our discussion of the Jordan curve theorem’s generalizations. We end with a proof of the Jordan-Brouwer theorems, extensions of the Jordan curve theorem to higher dimensions.
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Students’ Quantifications, Interpretations, and Negations of Complex Mathematical Statements from Calculus

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This study investigates several students’ interpretations and meanings for negations of various mathematical statements with quantifiers, and how their meanings for quantified variables impact their interpretations and denials of these quantified statements. Eight students participated in three separate exploratory teaching

This study investigates several students’ interpretations and meanings for negations of various mathematical statements with quantifiers, and how their meanings for quantified variables impact their interpretations and denials of these quantified statements. Eight students participated in three separate exploratory teaching interviews and were selected from Transition-to-Proof and advanced mathematics courses beyond Transition-to-Proof. In the first interview, students were asked to interpret mathematical statements from Calculus contexts and provide justifications and refutations for why these statements are true or false in particular situations. In the second interview, students were asked to negate the same set of mathematical statements. Both sets of interviews were analyzed to determine students’ meanings for the quantified variables in the statements, and then these meanings were used to determine how students’ quantifications influenced their interpretations, denials, and evaluations for the quantified statements. In the final interview, students were also be asked to interpret and negation statements from different mathematical contexts. All three interviews were used to determine what meanings comprised students’ interpretations and denials for the given statements. Additionally, students’ interpretations and negations across different statements in the interviews were analyzed and then compared within students and across students to determine if there were differences in student denials across different moments.
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Representing Certain Continued Fraction AF Algebras as C*-algebras of Categories of Paths and non-AF Groupoids

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C*-algebras of categories of paths were introduced by Spielberg in 2014 and generalize C*-algebras of higher rank graphs. An approximately finite dimensional (AF) C*-algebra is one which is isomorphic to an inductive limit of finite dimensional C*-algebras. In 2012, D.G.

C*-algebras of categories of paths were introduced by Spielberg in 2014 and generalize C*-algebras of higher rank graphs. An approximately finite dimensional (AF) C*-algebra is one which is isomorphic to an inductive limit of finite dimensional C*-algebras. In 2012, D.G. Evans and A. Sims proposed an analogue of a cycle for higher rank graphs and show that the lack of such an object is necessary for the associated C*-algebra to be AF. Here, I give a class of examples of categories of paths whose associated C*-algebras are Morita equivalent to a large number of periodic continued fraction AF algebras, first described by Effros and Shen in 1980. I then provide two examples which show that the analogue of cycles proposed by Evans and Sims is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for the C*-algebra of a category of paths to be AF.
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Weak measure-valued solutions to a nonlinear conservation law modeling a highly re-entrant manufacturing system

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The main part of this work establishes existence, uniqueness and regularity properties of measure-valued solutions of a nonlinear hyperbolic conservation law with non-local velocities. Major challenges stem from in- and out-fluxes containing nonzero pure-point parts which cause discontinuities of the

The main part of this work establishes existence, uniqueness and regularity properties of measure-valued solutions of a nonlinear hyperbolic conservation law with non-local velocities. Major challenges stem from in- and out-fluxes containing nonzero pure-point parts which cause discontinuities of the velocities. This part is preceded, and motivated, by an extended study which proves that an associated optimal control problem has no optimal $L^1$-solutions that are supported on short time intervals.

The hyperbolic conservation law considered here is a well-established model for a highly re-entrant semiconductor manufacturing system. Prior work established well-posedness for $L^1$-controls and states, and existence of optimal solutions for $L^2$-controls, states, and control objectives. The results on measure-valued solutions presented here reduce to the existing literature in the case of initial state and in-flux being absolutely continuous measures. The surprising well-posedness (in the face of measures containing nonzero pure-point part and discontinuous velocities) is directly related to characteristic features of the model that capture the highly re-entrant nature of the semiconductor manufacturing system.

More specifically, the optimal control problem is to minimize an $L^1$-functional that measures the mismatch between actual and desired accumulated out-flux. The focus is on the transition between equilibria with eventually zero backlog. In the case of a step up to a larger equilibrium, the in-flux not only needs to increase to match the higher desired out-flux, but also needs to increase the mass in the factory and to make up for the backlog caused by an inverse response of the system. The optimality results obtained confirm the heuristic inference that the optimal solution should be an impulsive in-flux, but this is no longer in the space of $L^1$-controls.

The need for impulsive controls motivates the change of the setting from $L^1$-controls and states to controls and states that are Borel measures. The key strategy is to temporarily abandon the Eulerian point of view and first construct Lagrangian solutions. The final section proposes a notion of weak measure-valued solutions and proves existence and uniqueness of such.

In the case of the in-flux containing nonzero pure-point part, the weak solution cannot depend continuously on the time with respect to any norm. However, using semi-norms that are related to the flat norm, a weaker form of continuity of solutions with respect to time is proven. It is conjectured that also a similar weak continuous dependence on initial data holds with respect to a variant of the flat norm.
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