Investigating Student's Systems of Thinking Regarding Graphs of Continuous Functions in Coordinate Planes

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Authors of calculus texts often include graphs in the text with the intent that the graph depicts relationships described in theorems and formulas. Similarly, graphs are often utilized in classroom lectures and discussions for the same purpose. The author or

Authors of calculus texts often include graphs in the text with the intent that the graph depicts relationships described in theorems and formulas. Similarly, graphs are often utilized in classroom lectures and discussions for the same purpose. The author or instructor includes function graphs to represent quantitative relationships and how a pair of quantities vary. Previous research has shown that different students interpret calculus statements differently depending on their meanings of points in the coordinate plane. As a result, students' widely differing interpretations of graphs presented to them. Researchers studying how students understand graphs of continuous functions and coordinate planes have developed many constructs to explain potential aspects of students' thinking about coordinate points, coordinate planes, variation, covariation, and continuous functions. No current research investigates how the different ways of thinking about graphs correlate. In other words, are there some ways of thinking that tend to either occur together or not occur together? In this research, I investigated student's system of meanings to describe how the different ways of understanding coordinate planes, coordinate points, and graphs of functions in the coordinate planes are related in students’ thinking. I determine a relationship between students' understanding of number lines or coordinate planes containing an infinite collection of numbers and their ability to identify a graph representing a dynamic situation. Additionally, I determined a relationship between students reasoning with values (instead of shapes) and their ability to create a graph to represent a dynamic situation.
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An Investigation into the Relationships Among Teachers’ Mathematical Meanings for Teaching, Commitment to Quantitative Reasoning, and Decentering Actions

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Over the past thirty years, research on teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) has developed and grown in popularity as an area of focus for improving mathematics teaching and students’ learning. Many scholars have investigated types of knowledge teachers use

Over the past thirty years, research on teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) has developed and grown in popularity as an area of focus for improving mathematics teaching and students’ learning. Many scholars have investigated types of knowledge teachers use when teaching and the relationship between teacher knowledge and student performance. However, few researchers have studied the sources of teachers’ pedagogical decisions and actions and some studies have reported that advances in teachers’ mathematical meanings does not necessarily lead to a teacher conveying strong meanings to students. It has also been reported that a teacher’s ways of thinking about teaching an idea and actions to decenter can influence the teacher’s interactions with students.This document presents three papers detailing a multiple-case study that constitutes my dissertation. The first paper reviews the constructs researchers have used to investigate teachers’ knowledge base. This paper also provides a characterization of the first case’s mathematical meaning for teaching angle measure and the impact of her meaning on her interactions with students while teaching her angle measure lessons. The second paper examines another instructor’s meaning for an angle and its measure and illustrates the symbiotic relationship between the teacher’s mathematical meanings for teaching and decentering actions. This paper also characterizes how an instructor’s commitment to quantitative reasoning influences the teacher’s instructional orientation and instructional actions. Finally, the third paper includes a cross-case analysis of the two instructors’ mathematical meanings for teaching sine function and their enacted teaching practices, including their choice of tasks, interactions with students, and explanations while teaching their sine function lessons.
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What is Instantaneous Rate of Change? An Investigation of Students' Conceptions of Learning of Instantaneous Rate of Change

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This dissertation reports on three studies about students’ conceptions and learning of the idea of instantaneous rate of change. The first study investigated 25 students’ conceptions of the idea of instantaneous rate of change. The second study proposes a hypothetical

This dissertation reports on three studies about students’ conceptions and learning of the idea of instantaneous rate of change. The first study investigated 25 students’ conceptions of the idea of instantaneous rate of change. The second study proposes a hypothetical learning trajectory, based on the literature and results from the first study, for learning the idea of instantaneous rate of change. The third study investigated two students’ thinking and learning in the context of a sequence of five exploratory teaching interviews. The first paper reports on the results of conducting clinical interviews with 25 students. The results revealed the diverse conceptions that Calculus students have about the value of a derivative at a given input value. The results also suggest that students’ interpretation of the value of a rate of change is related to their use of covariational reasoning when considering how two quantities’ values vary together. The second paper presents a conceptual analysis on the ways of thinking needed to develop a productive understanding of instantaneous rate of change. This conceptual analysis includes an ordered list of understandings and reasoning abilities that I hypothesize to be essential for understanding the idea of instantaneous rate of change. This paper also includes a sequence of tasks and questions I designed to support students in developing the ways of thinking and meanings described in my conceptual analysis. The third paper reports on the results of five exploratory teaching interviews that leveraged my hypothetical learning trajectory from the second paper. The results of this teaching experiment indicate that developing a coherent understanding of rate of change using quantitative reasoning can foster advances in students’ understanding of instantaneous rate of change as a constant rate of change over an arbitrarily small input interval of a function’s domain.
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Students’ Quantifications, Interpretations, and Negations of Complex Mathematical Statements from Calculus

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This study investigates several students’ interpretations and meanings for negations of various mathematical statements with quantifiers, and how their meanings for quantified variables impact their interpretations and denials of these quantified statements. Eight students participated in three separate exploratory teaching

This study investigates several students’ interpretations and meanings for negations of various mathematical statements with quantifiers, and how their meanings for quantified variables impact their interpretations and denials of these quantified statements. Eight students participated in three separate exploratory teaching interviews and were selected from Transition-to-Proof and advanced mathematics courses beyond Transition-to-Proof. In the first interview, students were asked to interpret mathematical statements from Calculus contexts and provide justifications and refutations for why these statements are true or false in particular situations. In the second interview, students were asked to negate the same set of mathematical statements. Both sets of interviews were analyzed to determine students’ meanings for the quantified variables in the statements, and then these meanings were used to determine how students’ quantifications influenced their interpretations, denials, and evaluations for the quantified statements. In the final interview, students were also be asked to interpret and negation statements from different mathematical contexts. All three interviews were used to determine what meanings comprised students’ interpretations and denials for the given statements. Additionally, students’ interpretations and negations across different statements in the interviews were analyzed and then compared within students and across students to determine if there were differences in student denials across different moments.
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Students’ Meanings for Stochastic Process While Developing a Conception of Distribution

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The concept of distribution is one of the core ideas of probability theory and inferential statistics, if not the core idea. Many introductory statistics textbooks pay lip service to stochastic/random processes but how do students think about these processes?

The concept of distribution is one of the core ideas of probability theory and inferential statistics, if not the core idea. Many introductory statistics textbooks pay lip service to stochastic/random processes but how do students think about these processes? This study sought to explore what understandings of stochastic process students develop as they work through materials intended to support them in constructing the long-run behavior meaning for distribution.

I collected data in three phases. First, I conducted a set of task-based clinical interviews that allowed me to build initial models for the students’ meanings for randomness and probability. Second, I worked with Bonnie in an exploratory teaching setting through three sets of activities to see what meanings she would develop for randomness and stochastic process. The final phase consisted of me working with Danielle as she worked through the same activities as Bonnie but this time in teaching experiment setting where I used a series of interventions to test out how Danielle was thinking about stochastic processes.

My analysis shows that students can be aware that the word “random” lives in two worlds, thereby having conflicting meanings. Bonnie’s meaning for randomness evolved over the course of the study from an unproductive meaning centered on the emotions of the characters in the context to a meaning that randomness is the lack of a pattern. Bonnie’s lack of pattern meaning for randomness subsequently underpinned her image of stochastic/processes, leading her to engage in pattern-hunting behavior every time she needed to classify a process as stochastic or not. Danielle’s image of a stochastic process was grounded in whether she saw the repetition as being reproducible (process can be repeated, and outcomes are identical to prior time through the process) or replicable (process can be repeated but the outcomes aren’t in the same order as before). Danielle employed a strategy of carrying out several trials of the process, resetting the applet, and then carrying out the process again, making replicability central to her thinking.
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Sparky the Saguaro: teaching experiments examining students' development of the idea of logarithm

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There have been a number of studies that have examined students’ difficulties in understanding the idea of logarithm and the effectiveness of non-traditional interventions. However, there have been few studies that have examined the understandings students develop and need to

There have been a number of studies that have examined students’ difficulties in understanding the idea of logarithm and the effectiveness of non-traditional interventions. However, there have been few studies that have examined the understandings students develop and need to develop when completing conceptually oriented logarithmic lessons. In this document, I present the three papers of my dissertation study. The first paper examines two students’ development of concepts foundational to the idea of logarithm. This paper discusses two essential understandings that were revealed to be problematic and essential for students’ development of productive meanings for exponents, logarithms and logarithmic properties. The findings of this study informed my later work to support students in understanding logarithms, their properties and logarithmic functions. The second paper examines two students’ development of the idea of logarithm. This paper describes the reasoning abilities two students exhibited as they engaged with tasks designed to foster their construction of more productive meanings for the idea of logarithm. The findings of this study provide novel insights for supporting students in understanding the idea of logarithm meaningfully. Finally, the third paper begins with an examination of the historical development of the idea of logarithm. I then leveraged the insights of this literature review and the first two papers to perform a conceptual analysis of what is involved in learning and understanding the idea of logarithm. The literature review and conceptual analysis contributes novel and useful information for curriculum developers, instructors, and other researchers studying student learning of this idea.
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Undergraduate Students' Ways of Thinking About Function Notation

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Previous research has examined difficulties that students have with understanding and productively working with function notation. Function notation is very prevalent throughout mathematics education, helping students to better understand and more easily work with functions. The goal of my research

Previous research has examined difficulties that students have with understanding and productively working with function notation. Function notation is very prevalent throughout mathematics education, helping students to better understand and more easily work with functions. The goal of my research was to investigate students' current ways of thinking about function notation to better assist teachers in helping their students develop deeper and more productive understandings. In this study, I conducted two separate interviews with two undergraduate students to explore their meanings for function notation. I developed and adapted tasks aimed at investigating different aspects and uses of function notation. In each interview, I asked the participants to attempt each of the tasks, explaining their thoughts as they worked. While they were working, I occasionally asked clarifying questions to better understand their thought processes. For the second interviews, I added tasks based on difficulties I found in the first interviews. I video recorded each interview for later analysis. Based on the data found in the interviews, I will discuss the seven prevalent ways of thinking that I found, how they hindered or facilitated working with function notation productively, and suggestions for instruction to better help students understand the concept.
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Ways of Thinking for Developing an Understanding of Covariational Reasoning in Undergraduate Calculus Students

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Previous research discusses students' difficulties in grasping an operational understanding of covariational reasoning. In this study, I interviewed four undergraduate students in calculus and pre-calculus classes to determine their ways of thinking when working on an animated covariation problem. With

Previous research discusses students' difficulties in grasping an operational understanding of covariational reasoning. In this study, I interviewed four undergraduate students in calculus and pre-calculus classes to determine their ways of thinking when working on an animated covariation problem. With previous studies in mind and with the use of technology, I devised an interview method, which I structured using multiple phases of pre-planned support. With these interviews, I gathered information about two main aspects about students' thinking: how students think when attempting to reason covariationally and which of the identified ways of thinking are most propitious for the development of an understanding of covariational reasoning. I will discuss how, based on interview data, one of the five identified ways of thinking about covariational reasoning is highly propitious, while the other four are somewhat less propitious.
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Analysis of Learning Retention throughout Aging

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In this paper, it is determined that learning retention decreases with age and there is a linear rate of decrease. In this study, four male Long-Evans Rats were used. The rats were each trained in 4 different tasks throughout their

In this paper, it is determined that learning retention decreases with age and there is a linear rate of decrease. In this study, four male Long-Evans Rats were used. The rats were each trained in 4 different tasks throughout their lifetime, using a food reward as motivation to work. Rats were said to have learned a task at the age when they received the highest accuracy during a task. A regression of learning retention was created for the set of studied rats: Learning Retention = 112.9 \u2014 0.085919 x (Age at End of Task), indicating that learning retention decreases at a linear rate, although rats have different rates of decrease of learning retention. The presence of behavioral training was determined not to have a positive impact on this rate. In behavioral studies, there were statistically significant differences between timid/outgoing and large ball ability between W12 and Z12. Rat W12 had overall better learning retention and also was more compliant, did not resist being picked up and traveled more frequently at high speeds (in the large ball) than Z12. Further potential studies include implanting an electrode into the frontal cortex in order to compare neuro feedback with learning retention, and using human subjects to find the rate of decrease in learning retention. The implication of this study, if also true for human subjects, is that older persons may need enhanced training or additional refresher training in order to retain information that is learned at a later age.
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Students' Images of Two-Variable Functions and Their Graphs

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This paper presents a conceptual analysis for students’ images of graphs and their extension to graphs of two-variable functions. We use the conceptual analysis, based on quantitative and covariational reasoning, to construct a hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT) for how students

This paper presents a conceptual analysis for students’ images of graphs and their extension to graphs of two-variable functions. We use the conceptual analysis, based on quantitative and covariational reasoning, to construct a hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT) for how students might generalize their understanding of graphs of one-variable functions to graphs of two-variable functions. To evaluate the viability of this learning trajectory, we use data from two teaching experiments based on tasks intended to support development of the schemes in the HLT. We focus on the schemes that two students developed in these teaching experiments and discuss their relationship to the original HLT. We close by considering the role of covariational reasoning in generalization, consider other ways in which students might come to conceptualize graphs of two-variable functions, and discuss implications for instruction.

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