Proxy Assessment of Biospecimen Exposure to Thawed Conditions via Direct Fluorescence Visualization

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In the development of personalized medicine and many other clinical studies, biospecimen integrity serves as the prerequisite for not only the accurate derivation of patient- and disease-specific molecular data from biological specimens but the meaningful downstream validation of biomarkers. However,

In the development of personalized medicine and many other clinical studies, biospecimen integrity serves as the prerequisite for not only the accurate derivation of patient- and disease-specific molecular data from biological specimens but the meaningful downstream validation of biomarkers. However, a large number of preanalytical variables may influence the quality of biospecimens in an undesired way and ultimately render the samples unsuitable for molecular analysis. The limited ability to directly reduce discrepancies caused by preanalytical variables gives rise to the need for development and retrospective application of appropriate tests for assessment of biospecimen integrity. Nevertheless, the most standard approaches to assessing biospecimen integrity involve nontrivial procedures. Thus, the need for quality control tools or tests that are readily applicable and can produce results in a straightforward way becomes critical. As one of the major ex vivo biomolecular degradation mechanisms, oxidation that occurs when blood plasma and serum samples are exposed to thawed states during storage and processing is hard to forestall and detect. In an attempt to easily detect and monitor the degree of oxidation, the technique of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) was examined to determine whether this concept could be employed to monitor exposure of samples to thawed conditions when controlled by spontaneous oxidative disulfide bonding. The intended mode of usage was envisioned as a fluorescence liquid being stored in a separate compartment but within the same test tube as archived plasma and serum samples. This would allow the assessment of sample integrity by direct visualization of fluorescence under a hand-held black light. The fluorescent dynamic range as well as kinetic control of the reaction were studied. While the addition of Cu(II) proved to facilitate excellent dynamic range with regard to fluorescence quenching, the kinetics of the reaction were too rapid for practical use. Further investigation revealed that the fluorescence quenching mechanism might have actually occurred via Intramolecular Charge Transfer (ICT) rather than FRET mediated by oxidative disulfide bond formation. Introduction of Cu(II) via copper metal slowed fluorescence quenching to the point of practical utility; facilitating demonstration that storing at room temperature, refrigerating or freezing the samples delayed fluorescence quenching to different extents. To establish better kinetic control, future works will focus on establishing controlled, thoroughly understood kinetic release of Cu(II) from copper metal.
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Ultrasound Based Predictive Maintenance

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The basis of this project was to analyze the potential cost savings derived from the implementation of an ultrasonic flaw detector for gas pipes in factories. The group began by researching the market of the Industrial Internet of Things. IIoT

The basis of this project was to analyze the potential cost savings derived from the implementation of an ultrasonic flaw detector for gas pipes in factories. The group began by researching the market of the Industrial Internet of Things. IIoT is a very attractive market for investment, as connected technologies are become both more advanced and more affordable. Factory automation also saves costs of human capital, maintenance, and bad product cost as well as safety. After doing this preliminary research, the group continued by identifying potential solutions to current shortcomings of the manufacturing status quo. After narrowing down the options, the ultrasonic flaw detector appeared to have the highest potential for success in Company X's factories. The group began doing research on what physical components would go into this solution. They found pricing for all of the various parts of such a device as well as estimated labor, maintenance, and implementation costs. After estimating these costs, the team began the construction of a detailed financial model to generate the hypothetical net present value of such a tool. After presenting two times to a panel of Company X employees, the group decided to focus only on cost savings for Company X, and not the potential revenues of selling the whole solution. They ran a sensitivity analysis on all of the factors that contributed to the NPV of the project, and discovered that the estimated percentage of scrapped product resulting from gas leaks and the percentage of gas lost to leaks contributed the most to the NPV.
Date Created

Is a circuit breaker still a feasible solution for the Chinese Stock Market? - An analysis of the implementation of a circuit breaker in China

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In January 2016, Chinese regulators announced the use of circuit breakers to stabilize the stock market but suspended this mechanism after two weeks. Researchers want to further understand the unique characteristics of Chinese stock market and measure the feasibility of

In January 2016, Chinese regulators announced the use of circuit breakers to stabilize the stock market but suspended this mechanism after two weeks. Researchers want to further understand the unique characteristics of Chinese stock market and measure the feasibility of implementing a circuit breaker in China once again. The thesis provides an overview of China's attempted implementation and its related consequences, followed by possible problems and tentative recommendations. It outlines key characteristics among different nations that are implementing circuit breakers and price limit systems. Circuit breaker policies in the United States and Japan are explained in detail, while policies in other nations are presented as an overall trend.
Date Created