Company X Collaborative Thesis: Entry Level Processors


This project examines entry-level processors for Company X. Analyzing their current position and creating recommendations for their future positioning in regard to entry-level processors. Utilizing financial models, our group worked to determine the most effective way to optimize NPV and

This project examines entry-level processors for Company X. Analyzing their current position and creating recommendations for their future positioning in regard to entry-level processors. Utilizing financial models, our group worked to determine the most effective way to optimize NPV and gross margin for this segment. With extensive step models and sensitivity analysis, we analyzed potential paths that Company X could take. Continuing to be mindful of the limitations that certain projected paths would entail. Through our analysis, we were able to form a comprehensive suggestion that had a positive 8-year NPV and an improved gross margin percentage. 

Date Created

GPU vs CPU: AI and the Xeon Business

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence has propelled significant growth in the GPU market. In the evolving data center landscape, Company X faces challenges due to its lag in entering the GPU market, which jeopardizes its competitive advantage against industry

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence has propelled significant growth in the GPU market. In the evolving data center landscape, Company X faces challenges due to its lag in entering the GPU market, which jeopardizes its competitive advantage against industry players like Nvidia and AMD. To address these issues, our thesis aims to analyze market dynamics between CPUs and GPUs-whether they present distinct markets or compete against each other. We seek to guide Company X in maximizing profitability and sustaining its pivotal role in the semiconductor industry amidst the AI revolution. Specifically, we discuss optimizing their GPU offering, Falcon Shores, towards specific markets and doubling down on the production of CPUs.
Date Created

An exploration of the impact of regulatory sentiment on investment-based crowdfunding globally

This paper investigates the influence of regulatory sentiment on investment-based crowdfunding across various global markets. Crowdfunding, a capital-raising method where individuals collectively invest in projects, businesses, or causes, has significantly evolved with the advent of digital platforms. The emergence of

This paper investigates the influence of regulatory sentiment on investment-based crowdfunding across various global markets. Crowdfunding, a capital-raising method where individuals collectively invest in projects, businesses, or causes, has significantly evolved with the advent of digital platforms. The emergence of lending-based and investment-based crowdfunding has led to the development of diverse regulatory frameworks worldwide. This study focuses on the relationship between regulatory sentiment and two critical dimensions of crowdfunding markets: investment volume and platform count. By conducting a multivariate analysis using data from the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance and GDP statistics from the OECD, the paper examines whether investor sentiment about regulation impacts these two variables across seven developed markets. The research centers around three primary questions: the existence and nature of any statistically significant relationships between regulatory sentiment and investment volume/platform count; and which type of sentiment (adequate, excessive, or inadequate) has the strongest relationship with these variables. The analysis includes a detailed review of regulatory frameworks in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Malaysia. The findings reveal a statistically significant relationship between adequate and excessive regulatory sentiment and both investment volume and platform count, with adequate sentiment showing a positive impact and excessive sentiment demonstrating a negative effect. The results highlight the importance of balanced regulatory frameworks in fostering healthy crowdfunding ecosystems and provide insights into how investor perceptions of regulation can influence market dynamics. Future research could further explore these relationships, potentially using more objective measures of regulations and examining the bidirectional influence between market performance and regulatory sentiment.
Date Created

Substrate Industry Dynamics and Price Implications


This paper serves as an analysis of the current operational conditions of a real-world company – referred to as “Company X” – with respect to the IC substrate industry. The cost of substrates, a crucial component in the production of

This paper serves as an analysis of the current operational conditions of a real-world company – referred to as “Company X” – with respect to the IC substrate industry. The cost of substrates, a crucial component in the production of Company X’s product, has recently diverged from Company X’s predictions and is contributing to declining profitability. This analysis aims to discover the underlying cause for price divergence and recommend potential resolutions to improve the forecast of substrate costs and profitability. The paper is organized as follows: Chapter 1 is an introduction to IC substrates and the industry as a whole, Chapter 2 is a breakdown of the specific factors responsible for substrate prices, and Chapter 3 delivers a final recommendation to Company X and concludes the paper.

Date Created

Substrate Industry Dynamics and Price Implications


This paper serves as an analysis of the current operational conditions of a real-world company – referred to as “Company X” – with respect to the IC substrate industry. The cost of substrates, a crucial component in the production of

This paper serves as an analysis of the current operational conditions of a real-world company – referred to as “Company X” – with respect to the IC substrate industry. The cost of substrates, a crucial component in the production of Company X’s product, has recently diverged from Company X’s predictions and is contributing to declining profitability. This analysis aims to discover the underlying cause for price divergence and recommend potential resolutions to improve the forecast of substrate costs and profitability. The paper is organized as follows: Chapter 1 is an introduction to IC substrates and the industry as a whole, Chapter 2 is a breakdown of the specific factors responsible for substrate prices, and Chapter 3 delivers a final recommendation to Company X and concludes the paper.

Date Created

Substrate Industry Dynamics and Price Implications


This paper serves as an analysis of the current operational conditions of a real-world company – referred to as “Company X” – with respect to the IC substrate industry. The cost of substrates, a crucial component in the production of

This paper serves as an analysis of the current operational conditions of a real-world company – referred to as “Company X” – with respect to the IC substrate industry. The cost of substrates, a crucial component in the production of Company X’s product, has recently diverged from Company X’s predictions and is contributing to declining profitability. This analysis aims to discover the underlying cause for price divergence and recommend potential resolutions to improve the forecast of substrate costs and profitability. The paper is organized as follows: Chapter 1 is an introduction to IC substrates and the industry as a whole, Chapter 2 is a breakdown of the specific factors responsible for substrate prices, and Chapter 3 delivers a final recommendation to Company X and concludes the paper.

Date Created

Addressing Company X’s Diminishing Leadership in the Global Server Chip Market


Company X once dominated the server chip market, but its share has begun to diminish due to numerous competitors, product delays, and smaller profit margins. This market will only keep growing as advancement and demand for server technologies continues to

Company X once dominated the server chip market, but its share has begun to diminish due to numerous competitors, product delays, and smaller profit margins. This market will only keep growing as advancement and demand for server technologies continues to expand, therefore, regaining market share is of utmost importance for Company X. This project analyzes how Company X can look into regaining server market share through a diversion of funds into emerging markets. The paper highlights the importance of being an early entrant into a relatively untapped, promising regional market by addressing the economics, potential consumers, and competition. Analysis of these factors shows the potential net present value (NPV) that can be achieved by increasing investments in India.

Date Created

Addressing Company X’s Diminishing Leadership in the Global Server Chip Market


Company X once dominated the server chip market, but its share has begun to diminish due to numerous competitors, product delays, and smaller profit margins. This market will only keep growing as advancement and demand for server technologies continues to

Company X once dominated the server chip market, but its share has begun to diminish due to numerous competitors, product delays, and smaller profit margins. This market will only keep growing as advancement and demand for server technologies continues to expand, therefore, regaining market share is of utmost importance for Company X. This project analyzes how Company X can look into regaining server market share through a diversion of funds into emerging markets. The paper highlights the importance of being an early entrant into a relatively untapped, promising regional market by addressing the economics, potential consumers, and competition. Analysis of these factors shows the potential net present value (NPV) that can be achieved by increasing investments in India.

Date Created

White Space Utilization Policy

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This project analyzed the utilization rates of respective factories for Company X compared to the Manufacturing Utilization Policy to identify discrepancies in the policy baseline trigger and when the factories are ramped to full utilization. The current policy bases three

This project analyzed the utilization rates of respective factories for Company X compared to the Manufacturing Utilization Policy to identify discrepancies in the policy baseline trigger and when the factories are ramped to full utilization. The current policy bases three different factory types, ATM, DS/DP, and FSM all on the same baseline of FSM. This was originally set in place from a lack of sufficient data for the other factories and now that there is enough data to identify the utilization rates of each factory type, a more suitable baseline for each can be determined. If continuing to use the FSM baseline, Company X will be designating certain factories as underutilized, triggering the manufacturing utilization policy and inefficiently allocating the building expenses, thus increasing the cost per unit of products produced.

Date Created

White Space Utilization Policy

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This project analyzed the utilization rates of respective factories for Company X compared to the Manufacturing Utilization Policy to identify discrepancies in the policy baseline trigger and when the factories are ramped to full utilization. The current policy bases three

This project analyzed the utilization rates of respective factories for Company X compared to the Manufacturing Utilization Policy to identify discrepancies in the policy baseline trigger and when the factories are ramped to full utilization. The current policy bases three different factory types, ATM, DS/DP, and FSM all on the same baseline of FSM. This was originally set in place from a lack of sufficient data for the other factories and now that there is enough data to identify the utilization rates of each factory type, a more suitable baseline for each can be determined. If continuing to use the FSM baseline, Company X will be designating certain factories as underutilized, triggering the manufacturing utilization policy and inefficiently allocating the building expenses, thus increasing the cost per unit of products produced.

Date Created