Breast Cancer Treatments: A Qualitative Cost Benefit Analysis

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While non-invasive breast cancer treatments may be considered less costly in the short-term, over the course of a lifetime, a more aggressive treatment can be overall less costly, especially with recurrence cases; however, these more aggressive treatments are not necessarily

While non-invasive breast cancer treatments may be considered less costly in the short-term, over the course of a lifetime, a more aggressive treatment can be overall less costly, especially with recurrence cases; however, these more aggressive treatments are not necessarily covered by insurance and are difficult to discuss in the short amount of time in physician consultations. This analysis studied data from 982 women diagnosed with breast cancer over a five-year period to evaluate monetary costs associated with treatment options and incorporated five in-depth interviews to understand experiences and non-monetary costs. Data showed the most expensive option was a unilateral mastectomy with radiation therapy and the least costly option was breast conserving surgery. Interviews determined each woman evaluated the monetary costs with each treatment but most heavily focused on personal values, biases and recommended opinions when deciding on a treatment. The use of prompt sheets before physician appointments and consultations, along with the addition of financial counselor meeting with each patient can improve patient satisfaction and alleviate stress by simplifying a woman's choice in deciding a treatment. In addition, increased insurance coverage to include every treatment chosen by women (rather than on a case-by-case basis), specifically contralateral prophylactic mastectomy and additional screening options, could decrease long term costs \u2014 both monetarily and in quality of life for patients.
Date Created

How the Student Body Is Affected by ASU Football

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I am a former Arizona State football player and I wanted to do my own research on how the ASU football program affects the student body. I believe that college football is one of the great experiences for any student.

I am a former Arizona State football player and I wanted to do my own research on how the ASU football program affects the student body. I believe that college football is one of the great experiences for any student. This is why I wanted to see what the students think about the football program at ASU and if I could find ways to make their experience better. I looked into past studies to find that there are many positive correlations between successful college football programs and student life. Studies indicated that it is beneficial for universities to invest in their football programs. To study this at ASU I created a survey that asked ASU students a few questions about themselves and how they felt ASU football affected their day-to-day lives through a Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree format. I then put in a response portion at the end if they wanted to suggest anything that could be done better for the ASU football program when it came to their students. The results that I received from the survey showed that the students cared about football and that they thought football was an overall positive experience for them. The alarming point that the survey brought up was that not many students were attending the home games during the season. In fact, 25% of the student respondents did not go to a single home game in 2016. This was troubling to me and I looked in the worded responses to get answers as to why this was happening. Fortunately, the student respondents were very descriptive in what they believed the football program could be doing better. The responses discussed how a lack of tradition, lack of community outreach, lack of incentives/emphasis on fan experience and more were the reasons as to why students did not feel like going to the home games. I concluded that in order for ASU to attract more students to the home games that they need to have more student events around game week, reach out to the students more through their players, and built a connect between the football team and the ASU student body.
Date Created

Feminist Organization or Social Club?: The Impact of Sorority Life on the Collegiate Woman

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This paper looks at the impact sorority life has on the collegiate women at Arizona State University. Much of the content widely available regarding members of the Greek community is relatively negative and describes these organizations through a critical lens.

This paper looks at the impact sorority life has on the collegiate women at Arizona State University. Much of the content widely available regarding members of the Greek community is relatively negative and describes these organizations through a critical lens. Finding this content to be contrary to that of my own experience, I sought to analyze the effects the community had, specifically the effects of the sororities and sorority women at Arizona State University. The analysis began with a thorough review of the history of fraternities and sororities, as well as a short overview of the history of feminism. Through the examination of this data, it becomes clear that the foundations of sororities are directly correlated with feminist aims and the feminist movement. After completing a review of their foundation, a trifold analysis of today's sororities was conducted. First, eight studies on the impact of the fraternal and sororal organizations on their members were reviewed, compared, contrasted. Next, a comprehensive survey was sent out to the Arizona State sorority members receiving 273 responses that were analyzed both holistically and from specific angles. Lastly, a brief follow-up interview of 25 of those 273 women was done in order to get more in depth responses and opinions from the women in this community. Combining the knowledge and results garnered from the literature review, survey, and interviews, it can be concluded that contrary to popular media, sorority life, for the most part, does in fact empower the women within it and provide a beneficial impact to both the member and the community at large.
Date Created

Testing the Human Small Intestine under Different Preservation Conditions Segmentally with a Look Into the Ethics of Health Insurance Involvement

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Intestinal Transplant is becoming more prevalent with time as an powerful alternative to other therapies for intestinal failure such as parenteral nutrition. The small intestine is an organ especially susceptible to ischemia, or the lack of blood and oxygen supply

Intestinal Transplant is becoming more prevalent with time as an powerful alternative to other therapies for intestinal failure such as parenteral nutrition. The small intestine is an organ especially susceptible to ischemia, or the lack of blood and oxygen supply to an organ. I studied ischemia at Yale Medical School in the lab of Dr. John Geibel. The purpose of this study was to find which kind of solution best protects the intestine from ischemia as well as which segments of the intestine are more susceptible to ischemic damage. This was done by cold static storage as well as through perfusing the organ with a unit developed in the lab called the Intestinal Perfusion Unit (IPU). Intestines were procured from deceased donors following the protocol for handling human specimen and then flushed with either the University of Wisconsin (UW) solution or the Histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate solution (HTK). It was found that the jejunum is more susceptible ischemia than the ileum. It was also found that in the jejunum, when using UW solution there was less damage then when using HTK. Clinically, this means that in transplant, if the ileum part is used, there is less risk for ischemic damage. The potential applications of this research raise many ethical issues related to organ transplantation more broadly. The ethical issues include but are not limited to: consent, distribution and need-based donation, transplant tourism, and cost and access. The costs for transplant are exorbitant for the average American. Private insurance companies and Medicare have no policy for intestinal transplant and are therefore not covering many patients in need. In this thesis, I briefly explore the role of insurance companies in the equitable distribution of innovative medical interventions.
Date Created

The Role of the Pharmaceutical Industry in America's Current Opioid Crisis

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The current American opioid crisis is seeing an exponential number of fatalities. The opioid epidemic is a problem with massive scope, and while no clear reason has been identified, many causal relationships have been linked to its genesis. This thesis

The current American opioid crisis is seeing an exponential number of fatalities. The opioid epidemic is a problem with massive scope, and while no clear reason has been identified, many causal relationships have been linked to its genesis. This thesis examines the role of the pharmaceutical industry in perpetuating the abuse rates we see today. Topics of sociological norms and values, economic incentives that benefitted private business practices, and political-legal means of restitution and market completion are examined to make sense of specific mechanisms that the pharmaceutical industry took advantage of, and the future trajectory of what is to come from the industry as well. Combined with policies (or, lack thereof) that do not provide adequate checks against opioid marketing strategies and incentives, governmental interferences come too little, too late in attempting to solve the issue.
Date Created

Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy of Radiofrequency Electrodes for Functional Electrical Stimulation in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury

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Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is a technology utilized to attempt to restore motor control in patients affected with paralysis, usually through techniques like intraspinal microstimulation (ISMS). FES uses a surface electrode to delivery extremely small to the target muscles that

Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is a technology utilized to attempt to restore motor control in patients affected with paralysis, usually through techniques like intraspinal microstimulation (ISMS). FES uses a surface electrode to delivery extremely small to the target muscles that stimulate their movement and improve signaling within the neighboring nerves. This project sought to measure the impedance of an electrode used for FES in order to characterize other neural structures involved in the electrical impulse transmission process, either through the use of components added to the electrode or through the combination of multiple impedance readings. The electrode used in the present study was composed of 15 microelectrodes, which were fully characterized through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to analyze the impedance profile with change in frequency. The data points obtained from the microelectrodes were then averaged in order to obtain a larger picture of the impedance of the general electrode. As expected, the impedance of the microelectrodes decreased as frequency increased. The average impedance of a microelectrode at a frequency of 1 kHz was found to be 50 k, although high variance in the data requires further testing to be done to verify the validity of the values that were found.
Date Created

Sports and Sustainability: Spring Training Baseball

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This thesis, done in a capstone course through the Arizona State University School of Sustainability, examines the current state of sustainability-related processes at all of Major League Baseball's Cactus League sites, with a focus on Salt River Fields. Through this

This thesis, done in a capstone course through the Arizona State University School of Sustainability, examines the current state of sustainability-related processes at all of Major League Baseball's Cactus League sites, with a focus on Salt River Fields. Through this close examination, a final report created of our findings and suggestions were presented to executives from Major League Baseball and the two occupants of Salt River Fields: the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Colorado Rockies. The overall goal is to add value to Cactus League stadiums, clubs, and the fans while promoting sustainable initiatives and creating lasting change. With a team of 11 undergraduate and graduate students from ASU led by Colin Tetreault, research was conducted by examining similar efforts by major sports leagues and comparable organizations. Our team researched reports from organizations such as the National Hockey League to determine how we could implement our ideas on a large scale successfully. Determining that fan engagement is crucial to changing the culture and implementation of sustainability, we also researched ways to interact with fans on social media and cooperated with the social media teams from the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Colorado Rockies. Additionally, we visited every stadium in the Cactus League and met with representatives from each team to determine what sort of processes they have in place, if they have any suggestions or thoughts for our efforts, and we gave each of them advice as consultants. At each site, we also interviewed vendors, cleaning crews, and fans for more information. At Salt River Fields, we engaged the guest service attendants, social media team, vendors, the Jani King custodial team, and staff involved with operations for information and to suggest changes. We started a new initiative in cooperation with these entities known as the "Recycle Rally" where we engaged with fans about recycling information and collected their recyclables. Additionally, we surveyed fans on their personal views on sustainability at each game we attended. We also conducted two waste audits at Salt River Fields, where we examined a large sample size of waste, sorted all of it into categories, and weighed it on a scale to determine how much of each category of waste there was. This data was later plotted and analyzed.
Date Created

USAID should subsidize United States agricultural technology companies, which partner with Nigerian domestic agricultural producers to enhance food security and increase political stability

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The intent of this paper is to first demonstrate the consistency of a U.S. based poultry technology incentive program regarding Nigeria, with current United States State Department and related United States Agency for International Development mission, and present day programs.

The intent of this paper is to first demonstrate the consistency of a U.S. based poultry technology incentive program regarding Nigeria, with current United States State Department and related United States Agency for International Development mission, and present day programs. By implementing the proposed incentive strategy, Nigeria in the midst of a devastating famine will become more food secure, and as a result the country as a whole will gain political stability. The correlation between food security and political stability will be discussed in greater detail further in the essay. The basis of an incentive strategy stems from the lack of poultry companies entering the current Nigerian market, due to risk factors and lucrative alternatives, however there are increasing benefits to companies willing to partner with or supply Nigerian domestic producers. The proposed incentive strategy is limited to U.S. poultry technology companies for the efficiencies inherent in poultry production. Limiting the incentives to U.S. poultry technology companies only entering the Nigerian domestic markets as partners or suppliers has its pros and cons, but will have a positive effect on Nigeria. Most importantly, the economic benefits, strengthening of U.S. and Nigerian diplomatic relations and promotion of stable democracies in the region are all compelling reasons for the United States to implement the proposed strategy. Nigeria is in the grips of a devastating famine threatening millions of its citizens with malnutrition and starvation. While there are ongoing humanitarian efforts that stem this tragedy, most focus solely on short term needs. The United States has an established diplomatic relationship with Nigeria, which supports key trade dependencies, both inbound and outbound from the US. The frailty of the present political and human conditions, while presently friendly to the US, presents risks to subversion to this important relationship. This proposal seeks to deploy strategies in the local food production, specifically the poultry segment, which; address frailties in the current environment, can be implemented within intermediate timeframes, are sustainable in the long term, and create synergistic outcomes for both the US and Nigerian interests.
Date Created

Facebook Perceived User Privacy

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There are potential risks when individuals choose to share information on social media platforms such as Facebook. With over 2.20 billion active monthly users, Facebook has the largest collection of user information compared to other social media sites. Due to

There are potential risks when individuals choose to share information on social media platforms such as Facebook. With over 2.20 billion active monthly users, Facebook has the largest collection of user information compared to other social media sites. Due to their large collection of data, Facebook has constantly received criticism for their data privacy policies. Facebook has constantly changed its privacy policies in the effort to protect itself and end users. However, the changes in privacy policy may not translate into users changing their privacy controls. The goal of Facebook privacy controls is to allow Facebook users to be in charge of their data privacy. The goal of this study was to determine if a gap between user perceived privacy and reality existed. If this gap existed we investigated to see if certain information about the user would have a relationship to their ability to implement their settings successfully. We gathered information of ASU college students such as: gender, field of study, political affiliations, leadership involvement, privacy settings and online behaviors. After collecting the data, we reviewed each participants' Facebook profiles to examine the existence of the gap between their privacy settings and information available as a stranger. We found that there existed a difference between their settings and reality and it was not related to any of the users' background information.
Date Created

Coverage of The Cape Cod Baseball League: Past, Present, and Future

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As the premier colligate summer league in the country, the Cape Cod Baseball League has operated since 1885 and has seen over one thousand all-time alumni step foot in professional baseball. Every season, each of the CCBL's ten teams call

As the premier colligate summer league in the country, the Cape Cod Baseball League has operated since 1885 and has seen over one thousand all-time alumni step foot in professional baseball. Every season, each of the CCBL's ten teams call upon some of the nation's top aspiring sports broadcasters, writers, and social media managers to spearhead the coverage of the league and tell the stories of the summer. However, while the season offers hours of repetition and exposure to players and journalists alike, the league's coverage capabilities fall short of its high potential due to inconsistencies and inadequacies that restrain its media content from matching the level of baseball that takes place on the field. Through the identification of specific problems within the league's broadcast equipment, its varying platforms, and its growing gap between individual coverage teams, this thesis offers both short-term and long-term solutions that aim to raise the standards and capabilities of league content while also raising awareness of the issue itself. While considering the Cape Cod League's unique non-profit business model and its most recent financial situation, this thesis also illustrates opportunities within fundraising events, the league's online audience, and its vast alumni network that can create a sustainable business plan for the near and distant future of the Cape Cod Broadcast Network.
Date Created