China-Pakistan Partnership in China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) - A Case of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

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As China is using its Belt and Road Initiative to solidify strategic partnerships, which China is consciously forming with the intention of engineering shifts in the regional balance of power, it strengthens its hegemony and therefore raises the significance of

As China is using its Belt and Road Initiative to solidify strategic partnerships, which China is consciously forming with the intention of engineering shifts in the regional balance of power, it strengthens its hegemony and therefore raises the significance of the BRI and CPEC as an instrument to position itself as an emerging global power. I will explore this thesis statement by using the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as a case study.

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Artificial Biasedness: How Inherent Biases in the Creation of Algorithms make Artificial Intelligence Facial Recognition Programs Racially Biased

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Artificial Intelligence’s facial recognition programs are inherently racially biased. The programs are not necessarily created with the intent to disproportionately impact marginalized communities, but through their data mining process of learning, they can become biased as the data they use

Artificial Intelligence’s facial recognition programs are inherently racially biased. The programs are not necessarily created with the intent to disproportionately impact marginalized communities, but through their data mining process of learning, they can become biased as the data they use may train them to think in a biased manner. Biased data is difficult to spot as the programming field is homogeneous and this issue reflects underlying societal biases. Facial recognition programs do not identify minorities at the same rate as their Caucasian counterparts leading to false positives in identifications and an increase of run-ins with the law. AI does not have the ability to role-reverse judge as a human does and therefore its use should be limited until a more equitable program is developed and thoroughly tested.

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Study Abroad Programs and the Culture Shock Phenomenon: A Comprehensive Analysis of Liability, Risk, and the Efficacy of Preparation

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As undergraduate students focus on the perceived adventure, growth opportunities, social connections, freedom and fun, they may not be aware of the dangers and risks associated with studying abroad. Despite university-created crisis prevention measures such as policies, documentation, and orientations

As undergraduate students focus on the perceived adventure, growth opportunities, social connections, freedom and fun, they may not be aware of the dangers and risks associated with studying abroad. Despite university-created crisis prevention measures such as policies, documentation, and orientations warning of the risk of travel, students who study abroad face some form of a crisis every year. Universities warn travelers of the dangers of crime and the psychological issues associated with liminal experiences and culture shock, preparing students for the harsh reality that immersion into a foreign culture is an intense and sometimes taxing experience. Faculty and staff dedicate a tremendous amount of time and energy to ensure our students are braced for their travel experience, yet students still experience immense hardships. In a comprehensive analysis of this phenomenon, we seek to find and explore reasons and variables that account for this chasm. We suspect the reason for this chasm, despite good efforts, is the variance between the resources that are provided and needed both upon entry into host country, and re-entry into native country. In extensively reviewing existing scholarly literature, reviewing case studies, conducting examinations of multi-causal variables, and analyzing measurable data, we suggest that study abroad preparation resources must adapt in order to accommodate an ever-evolving undergraduate tourist experience. In Section I the research team provides an introduction and underscores the central question of the study. Section II includes an extensive literature review in order to establish a definition of culture shock, determine what universities currently do to mitigate culture shock and risk, and assess the efficacy of these strategies. The research team subsequently identifies a lacuna -- the gap or point of departure from existing literature and research that this study seeks to fill. Section III presents our hypothesis, while Section IV offers an outline of precise Methodology. Section V includes an in-depth Data Analysis using findings dependent upon surveys and interviews as discussed in Methodology. Section VI presents policy recommendations or a “fix” based upon findings presented in Data Analysis. Section VII presents a conclusion, offering a culmination of deductions and implications, proving the relevance of this study to Arizona State University.
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Assessing the Voids in the Space Liability Framework: Space Privatization and Space Debris

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This thesis seeks to examine shortcomings in space law by focusing on two interconnected aspects: privatization and space debris. The aspects of privatization and space debris will be examined under the context of the Outer Space Treaty (OST) and other

This thesis seeks to examine shortcomings in space law by focusing on two interconnected aspects: privatization and space debris. The aspects of privatization and space debris will be examined under the context of the Outer Space Treaty (OST) and other relevant legal instruments. Privatization and space debris are two current challenges that the OST fails to regulate efficiently. While the OST was being drafted, the international community did not foresee problems such as privatization and space debris. This is significant because we are witnessing an increase in privatization of space activities and corporations as well as a massive accumulation of dangerous space debris. While the OST grants states the power to regulate private space companies and the accretion of space debris, national laws rarely align with the OST, leading to the abuse of international space laws. We will make recommendations at the end of the thesis in an effort to revise the use of soft language in the OST to attune national laws with international laws as well as address the growing ambiguity surrounding privatization and space debris.
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Critical Cartography and Territorial Conflict

This paper examines the role of persuasive cartography in territorial conflict through the case study of Azerbaijan and Armenia's dispute of Nagorno Karabakh. In particular, the paper connects theories of critical cartography and territorial conflict to the way that maps

This paper examines the role of persuasive cartography in territorial conflict through the case study of Azerbaijan and Armenia's dispute of Nagorno Karabakh. In particular, the paper connects theories of critical cartography and territorial conflict to the way that maps can influence opinion and lead to negotiation breakdown. I analyze cultures of geography from both sides before analyzing how Armenian maps have changed between the period of 1994 and 2016. Focusing on Goddard's (2006) theory of how the way actors make claims to territory can result in indivisibility, I argue that the powerful rhetoric of maps can strongly influence perception of territory. I connect the shift in rhetoric about the territory to shifts in how the territory is depicted in maps. Using public survey information from other researchers working in Armenia, I find that Armenian geographic culture and use of maps almost exclusively uses the most maximalist depiction of the territory, which may explain why it is difficult for leaders to compromise on the territory. After conducting analysis, I concluded that cartography can be used by actors to argue their territorial claims, with the unexpected effect of polarizing public opinion. It is unclear if persuasive cartography is a symptom or a cause of territory negotiation breakdown. In order to study whether cartography itself plays a role in negotiation breakdown, a larger sample size of disputes is necessary.
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USAID should subsidize United States agricultural technology companies, which partner with Nigerian domestic agricultural producers to enhance food security and increase political stability

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The intent of this paper is to first demonstrate the consistency of a U.S. based poultry technology incentive program regarding Nigeria, with current United States State Department and related United States Agency for International Development mission, and present day programs.

The intent of this paper is to first demonstrate the consistency of a U.S. based poultry technology incentive program regarding Nigeria, with current United States State Department and related United States Agency for International Development mission, and present day programs. By implementing the proposed incentive strategy, Nigeria in the midst of a devastating famine will become more food secure, and as a result the country as a whole will gain political stability. The correlation between food security and political stability will be discussed in greater detail further in the essay. The basis of an incentive strategy stems from the lack of poultry companies entering the current Nigerian market, due to risk factors and lucrative alternatives, however there are increasing benefits to companies willing to partner with or supply Nigerian domestic producers. The proposed incentive strategy is limited to U.S. poultry technology companies for the efficiencies inherent in poultry production. Limiting the incentives to U.S. poultry technology companies only entering the Nigerian domestic markets as partners or suppliers has its pros and cons, but will have a positive effect on Nigeria. Most importantly, the economic benefits, strengthening of U.S. and Nigerian diplomatic relations and promotion of stable democracies in the region are all compelling reasons for the United States to implement the proposed strategy. Nigeria is in the grips of a devastating famine threatening millions of its citizens with malnutrition and starvation. While there are ongoing humanitarian efforts that stem this tragedy, most focus solely on short term needs. The United States has an established diplomatic relationship with Nigeria, which supports key trade dependencies, both inbound and outbound from the US. The frailty of the present political and human conditions, while presently friendly to the US, presents risks to subversion to this important relationship. This proposal seeks to deploy strategies in the local food production, specifically the poultry segment, which; address frailties in the current environment, can be implemented within intermediate timeframes, are sustainable in the long term, and create synergistic outcomes for both the US and Nigerian interests.
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The Roots of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment from Hong Kong to Africa

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This paper will focus on the changes in China's OFDI while also explaining its growth. However, another primary focus will be comparing the relationships between China, Hong Kong, and Africa. This paper will show the correlating changes between the three

This paper will focus on the changes in China's OFDI while also explaining its growth. However, another primary focus will be comparing the relationships between China, Hong Kong, and Africa. This paper will show the correlating changes between the three regions and explain the distribution of China's investments. One argument is that Hong Kong may play a large role in facilitating Chinese investment into Africa, which if not disaggregated, could lead to inaccurate numbers of China's FDI into Africa. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the importance of China's relationship with Hong Kong and Africa. In 2012, Garth Shelton argued that Hong Kong was an important gateway in South Africa's trade with China. Since then, many others have made similar claims in support of Hong Kong's bigger role. However, due to the difficulty of finding specific data for each region, these analyses are incomplete and fail to clearly substantiate their theory. I will try to find a correlation by gathering my own data, tables, and through different interviews.
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