Exploring Interdisciplinary Space: Interpreting the 40Ar/39Ar Ages of Shocked Ordinary Chondrites, Modeling the Likely Mineralogy of Bulk-Silicate Exoplanets, & Reimagining the Participatory Technology Assessment for NASA Decadal Surveys

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Solar System history has been shaped by impact processes, such as large-body collisions. The history of impact events is constrained by dating shocked meteorites. Constraining the solar system impact history informs models of solar system formation and can provide insight

Solar System history has been shaped by impact processes, such as large-body collisions. The history of impact events is constrained by dating shocked meteorites. Constraining the solar system impact history informs models of solar system formation and can provide insight into solar system processes around other stars. However, there is a long-standing issues using the 40Ar/39Ar chronometer, the most widely used impact event chronometer, to date heavily impacted meteorites. This issue has resulted in artificially old ages in some heavily shocked samples, up to 7 billion years old, which is far older than the age of the Solar System. In Chapters 2 & 3 I examine four heavily shocked meteorites to elucidate the cause of anomalously old impact ages and recommend best practices for future 40Ar/39Ar impact age interpretations.Over 5,000 exoplanets have been identified using astronomical observations, which has supported new exoplanetary science over the last few decades. Exoplanetary science is still in a nascent stage but progressing quickly. Now more than ever, an interdisciplinary approach can be used to build the foundations of exoplanet sciences. Many geoscience inquiries, such as exoplanet compositions, dynamics of exoplanetary mantles and crusts, and the likelihood of habitability, are just beginning to be addressed. In Chapter 4, I use stellar abundance-derived exoplanet mantle compositions to interrogate the variability in exoplanet compositions and the likelihood of primitive crust formation. The results of this work have significant implications for exoplanet mantle dynamics, melting behavior, and the likelihood of plate tectonics. Lastly, over the last few decades, there have been pushes for science and the innovation that results from it to be conducted responsibly and openly. Moreover, the U.S. federal government has undertaken a transformational path to make federal agency-funded science more open and accessible. One method of increasing open science in science-funding agencies is to make the science and mission prioritization decision process more democratic. The NASA Decadal Surveys are an example of community-driven democratic decision-making in the space sciences and set the science and mission goals for the whole space science community. To support a citizen-centered democratic approach, I develop an expanded model of the participatory technology assessment (pTA) process for use in NASA’s Decadal Surveys.
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The M-dwarf Atmosphere Problem

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Most stars in our galaxy are M–dwarfs, much cooler and smaller than the sun. The ubiquitous nature of these stars is also paired with the formation of terrestrial exoplanets orbiting them. The strategic placement of M-dwarfs between main-sequence stars and

Most stars in our galaxy are M–dwarfs, much cooler and smaller than the sun. The ubiquitous nature of these stars is also paired with the formation of terrestrial exoplanets orbiting them. The strategic placement of M-dwarfs between main-sequence stars and brown dwarfs, their uniqueness as exoplanet analogs, and their dominating presence in the galactic stellar population make them priority targets for study. This work investigates outstanding questions, including the need to acquire constraints on their chemical compositions to decode formation processes, evolution, and interaction with companion objects. Chapter 1 lays out a broad background emphasizing the importance of studying the most populous star in the galaxy, their far-reaching implications, and primarily the numerous challenges in characterizing the atmospheres and environments of these stars. Chapter 2 investigates the influence of M-dwarf star spots propagating into spectra of transiting terrestrial planets, showing that inaccurate modeling of M-dwarf photospheres leads to significant bias when inferring atmospheric properties of companion exoplanets. These biases persist despite correcting M-dwarf spot signatures imprinted onto the exoplanetary spectra, even with high-fidelity JWST observations. This result emphasizes the need for improved stellar atmosphere models as the first step to improving our understanding of the companion planets. To address this, chapter 3 introduces SPHINX—a new stellar atmosphere model grid for M-dwarfs. SPHINX provides improved constraints on fundamental properties of benchmark M-dwarf systems (e.g., temperature, surface gravity, radius, and chemistry). The improvement is significant relative to the state-of-the-art stellar model grid available today. Chapter 4 expands this model, applying it to mid-to-late type M-dwarfs, and investigating chemical trends in their atmospheric properties. Using low-resolution observations, both archival data (from SpeX Prism Library Database) and from previous empirical studies; this chapter presents constraints on fundamental atmospheric properties of 71 low-mass, late-type M-dwarfs to understand spectroscopic degeneracies arising due to stellar activity, cloud/dust condensation and convection. With SPHINX models, the chemical properties of these stars are compared against main-sequence stars to acquire a more holistic understanding of M-dwarfs as a class—in the quest to ultimately characterize their companions.
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Lightning May Masquerade as Lightning in the Atmosphere of Venus


Lightning in the atmosphere of Venus is either ubiquitous, rare, or non-existent, depending on how one interprets diverse observations. Quantifying if, when, or where lightning occurs would provide novel information about Venus’s atmospheric dynamics and chemistry. Lightning is also a

Lightning in the atmosphere of Venus is either ubiquitous, rare, or non-existent, depending on how one interprets diverse observations. Quantifying if, when, or where lightning occurs would provide novel information about Venus’s atmospheric dynamics and chemistry. Lightning is also a potential risk to future missions, which could float in the cloud layers (~50–70 km above the surface) for up to an Earth-year. For decades, spacecraft and ground-based telescopes have searched for lightning at Venus, using many instruments including magnetometers, radios, and optical cameras. Two surveys (from the Akatsuki orbiter and the 61-inch telescope on Mt. Bigelow, Arizona) observed several optical flashes that are often attributed to lightning. We expect that lightning at Venus is bright near 777 nm (the unresolved triplet emission lines of excited atomic oxygen) due to the high abundance of oxygen as carbon dioxide. However, meteor fireballs at Venus are probably bright at the same wavelength for the same reason. Here we derive power laws that quantify the rate and brightness of optical flashes from meteor fireballs at Venus. We calculated that meteor fireballs are statistically likely to cause bright optical flashes at rates that are consistent with published observations. Small meteors burn up at altitudes of ~100 km, roughly twice as high above the surface as the clouds. Therefore, we conclude that there is no concrete evidence that lightning strikes would be a hazard to missions that pass through or dwell within the clouds of Venus.

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Spacebound: Exploring Outer-Space One Step at a Time


Spacebound is a mobile application that helps people understand astronomical distances by converting their distances walked on Earth to an interstellar scale. To better navigate outer space, the app presents predefined distance scales and journeys with various objects (planets, asteroids,

Spacebound is a mobile application that helps people understand astronomical distances by converting their distances walked on Earth to an interstellar scale. To better navigate outer space, the app presents predefined distance scales and journeys with various objects (planets, asteroids, stars) to explore. Spacebound hopes to be a gamified approach for exploring outer space and also an educational app where the user can learn more about objects as they visit them.

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