The CARES Act: Analyzing America's $2 Trillion Stimulus Package and Investing the Motivations and Results of the PPP Loan Program


The PPP Loan Program was created by the CARES Act and carried out by the Small Business Administration (SBA) to provide support to small businesses in maintaining their payroll during the Coronavirus pandemic. This program was approved for $350 billion,

The PPP Loan Program was created by the CARES Act and carried out by the Small Business Administration (SBA) to provide support to small businesses in maintaining their payroll during the Coronavirus pandemic. This program was approved for $350 billion, but this amount was expanded by an additional $320 billion to meet the demand by struggling businesses, since initial funding was exhausted under two weeks.<br/><br/>Significant controversy surrounds the program. In December 2020, the Department of Justice reported 90 individuals were charged for fraudulent use of funds, totaling $250 million. The loans, which were intended for small business, were actually approved for 450 public companies. Furthermore, the methods of approval are<br/>shrouded in mystery. In an effort to be transparent, the SBA has released information about loan recipients. Conveniently, the SBA has released information of all recipients. Detailed information was released for 661,218 recipients who have received a PPP loan in excess of $150,000. These recipients are the central point of this research.<br/><br/>This research sought to answer two primary questions: how did the SBA determine which loans, and therefore which industries are approved, and did the industries most affected by the pandemic receive the most in PPP loans, as intended by Congress? It was determined that, generally, PPP Loans were approved on the basis of employment percentages relative to the individual state. Furthermore, in general, the loans approved were approved fairly, with respect to the size of the industry. The loans, when adjusted for GDP and Employment factors, yielded a clear ranking that prioritized vulnerable industries first.<br/><br/>However, significant questions remain. The effectiveness of the PPP has been hindered by unclear incentives and negative outcomes, characterized by a government program that has essentially been rushed into service. Furthermore, limitations of available data to regress and compare the SBA's approved loans are not representative of small business.

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Profitable Restaurants Reporting Negative Equity: Causes and Implications for Investors

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Theoretically, negative shareholders' equity ("deficit") indicates that a business is insolvent. Yet many large, profitable businesses report deficits today. My research focused on the fast-food industry, namely McDonald's, Starbucks, Yum! Brands, and Papa John's, to uncover how these deficits came about and what they mean for investors.

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Whistleblowing and Ethics Education: Can It Make a Difference?

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As an accounting major entering the field of financial auditing, I have learned how important the understanding and knowledge of ethics are. I have also learned how often there are grey areas that can cause a generally honest and ethical

As an accounting major entering the field of financial auditing, I have learned how important the understanding and knowledge of ethics are. I have also learned how often there are grey areas that can cause a generally honest and ethical person to make a not-so-ethical choice. Due to the prevalence and difficulty of such situations involving ethical matters in the workplace, legislation has been put in place such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Whistleblower Protection Act. I believe the knowledge of such legislation combined with a knowledge of ethical skepticism can not only better the accounting industry, but better the business industry as a whole. This belief led to conducting this study, which aims to identify the impact of whistleblowing and ethics education on undergraduate business students and their likelihood to blow the whistle and analyze ethically ambiguous scenarios with greater skepticism. Through a survey including true or false questions and ethically ambiguous scenarios to be rated on a Likert scale, data was gathered for analysis. Data was divided into three groups for response comparison: accountancy students with Accounting 360: Ethics for Professional Accountants (ACC 360) complete, accounting students with ACC 360 incomplete, and non-accountancy students without ACC 360. The analysis provided some statistically significant responses where students who had completed an accounting ethics course were more likely to blow the whistle and rate a scenario as unethical over students who had not completed the course. However, following survey analysis and research on prior studies, further research is needed to determine more definitively the impact of such education. The data analysis and overall research collected allowed me to form conclusions on whistleblowing and ethics education in undergraduate studies. With the prevalence of ethical dilemmas and fraudulent behavior in the workplace, such a constructive ethical framework and whistleblowing behavior can be taught to improve the likelihood of blowing the whistle and determining ethical dilemmas as unethical. This leads to the proposal that all business students, not just accountancy students, be required to complete a business ethics course for the betterment of our professional careers.
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An Analysis of the Relevancy of Women's Initiative Programs in Public Accounting

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Women have more opportunities to expand their career aspirations than ever before, so many view it as being acutely relevant. However, although women now account for more than half of the work force, there is still a considerable gap in

Women have more opportunities to expand their career aspirations than ever before, so many view it as being acutely relevant. However, although women now account for more than half of the work force, there is still a considerable gap in the representation of women in the top leadership positions within their organizations. This trend is especially prevalent in public accounting firms. Drilling down to the root cause of gender inequality in firm management reveals several key obstacles that women face including generational gender biases, inflexible work schedules, insufficient career development training, and limited visibility of other female leaders. The negative implications of uneven gender distribution in upper management leave a potential for firms to miss opportunities for diverse perspectives on innovations, solutions, and advancement in the industry. Furthermore, firms make tremendous investments on extensive training of their professionals throughout the entire length of their careers, so high turnover rates cause a significant loss to each firm's investment in their human capital. So, public accounting firms have made considerable investments to develop resources and programs in order to combat the issues that create gender inequality and uneven turnover. The thesis begins by reviewing the Ann Hopkins v. Price Waterhouse trail, which was a pivotal point in changing how public accounting firms treat and prevent sex discrimination within their organizations. The rest of the thesis analyzes the correlation between the barriers that are most frequently linked to hindering women's success in public accounting and the programs that firms have installed to address those barriers. It also addresses qualitative accounts from female CPAs on the actual effectiveness of their firm's programs on the longevity of their careers in public accounting, as well as perspectives from current Accountancy students on the relevancy of diversity and inclusion programs.
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Student Perception of the Accounting Profession Compared to the Reality of Audit Professionals

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It appears that students have an overall negative perception of accountants due to the negative connotations associated with the profession. The overarching stereotype of an accountant appears to be one of a professional that lacks soft skills but is known

It appears that students have an overall negative perception of accountants due to the negative connotations associated with the profession. The overarching stereotype of an accountant appears to be one of a professional that lacks soft skills but is known to excel at hard skills. After personally working in audit, I do not believe auditors lack the soft skills that stereotypes portray but, in fact, believe they excel at these along with hard skills. It is for this reason that I surveyed undergraduate students at Arizona State University to understand their perceptions of the accounting profession. I also surveyed audit professionals at both EY LLP and the Arizona State Office of the Auditor General to understand the importance of specific traits that a professional auditor would exhibit in their daily job function. After conducting a statistical analysis, I found that the only trait where there was a statistically significant deviation between students' perceptions and professional auditors' realities was with the importance of communication in the profession. Students, on average, rated the importance of communication lower than professional auditors rated this. I also found that there was only a statistically significant deviation in the importance of creativity and volunteerism in students' future industries compared to the importance of these traits in audit, and that there were 10 other traits that did not have a statistically significant deviation. Although this is the case, students, on average, said they would not be willing to take a job in the accounting profession. Yet, it was found that students, on average, have an overall positive opinion about the accounting profession. Although the results disagree in some regards to my hypotheses, this research shows that the importance of communication should be emphasized more in introductory accounting courses. It also can be used to inform students that there is little difference in the importance of specific traits they will exhibit in their future jobs compared to the importance of those in audit.
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The Great Divide: Gender Inequality Stereotyping in the Business and Construction Fields

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This study aims to identify the presence and impact of gender stereotypes for the business and construction industries and how women are hindered by these stereotypes. Through a two part study including a survey and one-on-one interviews with male and

This study aims to identify the presence and impact of gender stereotypes for the business and construction industries and how women are hindered by these stereotypes. Through a two part study including a survey and one-on-one interviews with male and female participants, qualitative and quantitative data was collected to identify trends in stereotypes. The analysis identified the existence of gender stereotypes in four general categories: Education, Occupational Advancement, Work-Life Balance, and Glass Ceiling. In the subsequent passages, testimonials from study participants and additional research elaborate on how these categories of gender stereotypes impact women at specific companies and women in the business and construction industries as a whole. These testimonials allowed us to form conclusions on gender stereotyping in business and construction revealing the overall impact of many "unwritten" blockades against women's occupational success including the Glass Ceiling, Good Ol' Boys Club, and "Think Manager \u2014 Think Male". Although many of these stereotypes have impacted the business and construction industries for decades, many individuals currently in the workforce believe the new entrants into the workforce, the Millennial Generation, will likely cause gender stereotypes in the workforce to diminish.
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Show Me The Money: An Investigation into the Financial Issues Surrounding Professional Athletes and the Importance of Wealth Management

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This project is an investigation into the many financial issues professional athletes face. These issues include bad spending habits, poor investments, freeloaders (posses/entourages), and more. Following is an explanation of Financial Planning and Wealth Management, and how the application of

This project is an investigation into the many financial issues professional athletes face. These issues include bad spending habits, poor investments, freeloaders (posses/entourages), and more. Following is an explanation of Financial Planning and Wealth Management, and how the application of these strategies and tactics - specifically the use of Sustainable Withdrawal Rates in a Capital Sufficiency Analysis - can help to avoid such issues. An illustration of these practices "in action" is given through a case study of fictional athletes and portfolios. Lastly, recommendations are given on potential solutions that could help prevent these problems from affecting more athletes.
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Growth of Major League Soccer: Post-FIFA World Cup 2014

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The U.S. sports market is and has been dominated by professional football, basketball, and baseball leagues. U.S. interest in soccer has exploded as the sport looks to establish its position in this saturated sports market. As a general consensus, Major

The U.S. sports market is and has been dominated by professional football, basketball, and baseball leagues. U.S. interest in soccer has exploded as the sport looks to establish its position in this saturated sports market. As a general consensus, Major League Soccer (MLS), the recognized professional soccer league in both the U.S. and Canada, is expecting increased growth following the 2014 FIFA World Cup. My goal is to track that growth from June 2014 and to monitor the league's responses to that growth. How do league executives manage growth? I am curious about the background finances- especially when heated negotiations are expected heading into a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA). The compelling question I am looking to answer is: How will the MLS market respond to growth in a highly saturated U.S. sports market, particularly after the 2014 FIFA World Cup?
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A Comparative Analysis of Indoor and Greenhouse Cannabis Cultivation Systems

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In A Comparative Analysis of Indoor and Greenhouse Cannabis Cultivation Systems, the two most common systems for commercial cannabis cultivation are compared using an operational and capital expenditure model combined with a collection of relevant industry sources to ascertain conclusions

In A Comparative Analysis of Indoor and Greenhouse Cannabis Cultivation Systems, the two most common systems for commercial cannabis cultivation are compared using an operational and capital expenditure model combined with a collection of relevant industry sources to ascertain conclusions about the two systems' relative competitiveness. The cannabis industry is one of the fastest growing nascent industries in the United States, and, as it evolves into a mature market, it will require more sophisticated considerations of resource deployment in order to maximize efficiency and maintain competitive advantage. Through drawing on leading assumptions by industry experts, we constructed a model of each system to demonstrate the dynamics of typical capital deployment and cost flow in each system. The systems are remarkably similar in many respects, with notable reductions in construction costs, electrical costs, and debt servicing for greenhouses. Although the differences are somewhat particular, they make up a large portion of the total costs and capital expenditures, causing a marked separation between the two systems in their attractiveness to operators. Besides financial efficiency, we examined quality control, security, and historical norms as relevant considerations for cannabis decision makers, using industry sources to reach conclusions about the validity of each of these concerns as a reason for resistance to implementation of greenhouse systems. In our opinion, these points of contention will become less pertinent with the technological and legislative changes surrounding market maturation. When taking into account the total mix of information, we conclude that the greenhouse system is positioned to become the preeminent method of production for future commercial cannabis cultivators.
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