The Great Divide: Gender Inequality Stereotyping in the Business and Construction Fields

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This study aims to identify the presence and impact of gender stereotypes for the business and construction industries and how women are hindered by these stereotypes. Through a two part study including a survey and one-on-one interviews with male and

This study aims to identify the presence and impact of gender stereotypes for the business and construction industries and how women are hindered by these stereotypes. Through a two part study including a survey and one-on-one interviews with male and female participants, qualitative and quantitative data was collected to identify trends in stereotypes. The analysis identified the existence of gender stereotypes in four general categories: Education, Occupational Advancement, Work-Life Balance, and Glass Ceiling. In the subsequent passages, testimonials from study participants and additional research elaborate on how these categories of gender stereotypes impact women at specific companies and women in the business and construction industries as a whole. These testimonials allowed us to form conclusions on gender stereotyping in business and construction revealing the overall impact of many "unwritten" blockades against women's occupational success including the Glass Ceiling, Good Ol' Boys Club, and "Think Manager \u2014 Think Male". Although many of these stereotypes have impacted the business and construction industries for decades, many individuals currently in the workforce believe the new entrants into the workforce, the Millennial Generation, will likely cause gender stereotypes in the workforce to diminish.
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