The events industry provides an integral service to society but fails to understand and incorporate the three pillars of sustainability. The purpose of this paper is to identify the cause of the lack of awareness and motivation from event managers

The events industry provides an integral service to society but fails to understand and incorporate the three pillars of sustainability. The purpose of this paper is to identify the cause of the lack of awareness and motivation from event managers to make their events more sustainable. Utilizing both dated and recent research papers to understand the gap of awareness, the data demonstrated that there is not a clear understanding of sustainability from a holistic perspective. The most notable issue was the focus on environmental sustainability and the lack of awareness of social and economic sustainability. This paper analyzes one specific event, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale, Celebrate Youth Gala, and dives deeper into how the event can be made more sustainable. The findings demonstrated that event managers often are unaware of the sustainable options available to them and the costs associated with them. This paper offered recommendations for event managers and started the necessary conversation to create change within the industry.
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Critical Regionalism, Biophilia Design, Regenerative Design, in Experiential Hotels

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With its goals, methods, and standards, sustainability has gained a lot of traction. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement in terms of sustainability. Professionals and academics attempted to meet these demands by developing and implementing new substantial strategies for

With its goals, methods, and standards, sustainability has gained a lot of traction. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement in terms of sustainability. Professionals and academics attempted to meet these demands by developing and implementing new substantial strategies for accelerating the transition to a more sustainable future. Culture is a crucial factor in evolution because it is the primary means by which our forefathers adapted to their surroundings. Resistance movements such as critical regionalism theory, resisting placelessness, and whimsical individualism arose as a result of the uncritical acceptance of the International Movement's principles and later post-modern languages. Considering all these, critical regionalism, biophilic design, regenerative design, and tourism are all investigated in this thesis. The goal is to investigate the relationship between these design approaches: critical regionalism, biophilic design, and regenerative design, and experiential hotels. A comprehensive literature review and the optimization of a collective case study are part of the methodology.By and large, critical regionalism creates autonomy and elevates its construction to an art form by providing functionally acceptable forms that are adapted to nature and the region. By translating the site's environmental characteristics within the hotel, biophilic design emulates nature through visual signs and a dramatic sense of place. By creating a design system, regenerative design aims to preserve hotel resources while also reducing carbon footprint and CO2 emissions. This study demonstrates the positive impact of combining sustainability methods and has provided individuals with a rich experience while minimizing environmental impact. Finally, based on the findings of the data and combining the three design approaches of critical regionalism, biophilic design, and regenerative design, this thesis proposes guidelines for designing experiential hotels.
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Transforming Public Space Toolkit

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The purpose of this public space toolkit is to provide the knowledge people need to transform public spaces within their community. Public spaces are a major part of cities that people use everyday. The problem is that many open public

The purpose of this public space toolkit is to provide the knowledge people need to transform public spaces within their community. Public spaces are a major part of cities that people use everyday. The problem is that many open public spaces, like vacant lots, are not effectively used. Meanwhile, communities face issues including social isolation, food scarcity, etc. Therefore, transforming public spaces using community gardens will help address these matters. Methods used for this toolkit include using research databases, examining scholarly journals, and using primary experiences to navigate topics. Results show that there are numerous social benefits obtained when public space management strategies and best practices are properly implemented. This toolkit outlines the strategies and guidelines to consider when starting a garden and what has been proven to be effective for other gardens.
These gardens facilitate community development, build social capital, and address food insecurity. Local Phoenix community gardens, Phoenix Renews and The TigerMountain Foundation, are analyzed. The TigerMountain Foundation was able to demonstrate the power of Asset Based Community Development and how community gardens provided a way for people to invest in their community and gain skills. The Phoenix Renews garden showed the importance of selecting the right space for a garden, and the downsides when certain considerations are not made. Conclusively, community garden can be a catalyst for people to transform their communities. This tool kit provides a starting point, with the knowledge and background information, for people to improve their communities through transforming public space using community gardens.
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Finding Ways to Connect with Like-Minded Women Around the World: Compass the App

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The study looks deep into how traveling to new destinations allows individuals to explore new cultures, escape from their everyday routine and have an opportunity to grow and become a more open minded individual. The millennial generation is a grou

The study looks deep into how traveling to new destinations allows individuals to explore new cultures, escape from their everyday routine and have an opportunity to grow and become a more open minded individual. The millennial generation is a group that has distinguished themselves from any other generation that came before them as they are changing the direction in which industries operate on every level. Millennial women are slowly causing a significant impact in the tourism industry as they are becoming the leading market share holders for hosting Airbnb's and have a growing trend for traveling on their own. Due to the increase of trends of solo female travelers, there is a demand for a new innovative product that encompasses all the needs and wants of women that are exploring on their own. Compass, the app, could be the ideal product that would help connect independent female travelers that want to have a personalized experience in a new destination. The app would consider the mainstream concerns of female solo travels such as safety, recommendations and reviews as the algorithms would match the women who are most compatible with each other. This paper will discuss the study that was conducted to gather data from millennial women at Arizona State University to determine whether or not there is a demand for an app such as Compass. In order to collect data, a survey was distributed through a Google form that utilized multiple question formats. The results of the study suggest there is a demand for the app as the millennial women average a high likelihood to use the app if it were to become a viable product. Compass could open the doors for a new niche market within the tourism industry that could eventually expand and change the way traveling for leisure occurs in the fast-paced world.
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Chinese Tourism and its Effects on Cairns, Australia

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The Chinese tourism market has become the largest tourism market in the world and continues to show promise in its future development. Global destinations such as Southeast Asia, France and now Australia have begun to see a major boom in

The Chinese tourism market has become the largest tourism market in the world and continues to show promise in its future development. Global destinations such as Southeast Asia, France and now Australia have begun to see a major boom in Chinese tourists within the past decade due to less restrictive travel policies, a growing economy and higher disposable income rates within urban centers in China. Australia has become the top destination among Chinese citizens that wish to travel due to its coastal and beach attractions, unique wildlife, and general welcoming attitude toward Chinese citizens. As the market continues to grow, the characteristics and demographics change as well. The Chinese government did not allow for international travel until the early 1990s. During this time, package tours offered by government-regulated travel agencies were the prominent method of travel planning with travelers over the age of 35 making up the majority of travelers. However, in the past decade there has been a shift from group travel toward independent travel due to higher income and more independence among young adults. There remains a stigma against Chinese tourists due to behavioral and cultural challenges Chinese tourists face when traveling abroad, but as Chinese travelers begin to travel in smaller groups and have greater exposure to international cultures, these negative stereotypes will start to disappear. This paper focuses on the impact the Chinese tourism market has on Cairns, Australia. Cairns is characterized by its backpacking culture, easy access to environmental attractions and a high number of annual travelers from Asia and China specifically. The paper uses qualitative research and compiles information from news sources, government documents and statistical data regarding Chinese outbound tourism and its impacts on Australian tourism. There is also a case study composed of personal observations of a nature park in North Queensland which uses specific marketing and attraction coordination to appeal to Chinese tourists. This case study analyzes the tactics used by local destinations that cater to group travel over independent travel and points out the benefits of this type of specialized tourism. The research concludes by arguing the trend toward independent travel is beneficial to the Cairns tourism industry rather than harmful as long as the industry recognizes the new trends in Chinese tourism and does not focus on the previous trends of group travel when appealing to Chinese tourists. Instead, the industry should continue to focus on the backpacking culture and work toward catering to the demands of millennial travelers.
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Introducing sustainability design into journalism using Eyes on Nonprofits \u2014 Arizona

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Walt Disney World and Universal Studios: Understanding Strategy in the Theme Park Sector

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Theme parks have been expanding in size and scope since their inception decades past, a trend that the academic world has begun to notice. There is a wide variety of academic literature on tourism, but not nearly as much on

Theme parks have been expanding in size and scope since their inception decades past, a trend that the academic world has begun to notice. There is a wide variety of academic literature on tourism, but not nearly as much on theme parks. As a unique entertainment concept, theme parks have yet to be studied as extensively as other tourism settings. The purpose of this study is to expand on the current academic research concerning theme parks. The researcher applied directed content analysis to dozens of mass media articles in an attempt to identify strategies currently in use in the theme park industry, thereby filling a gap in academic research on the practical application of strategy in the theme park industry. The content analysis consisted of 87 articles from 34 United States-based sources ranging in year from 1985 to 2013, including both large- and small-scale publications, in regards to circulation, spanning the entire country. At the conclusion of the data collection process, the researcher recorded 225 statements demonstrating eight distinct strategies historically present in the theme park industry. The statements from the articles were extracted, analyzed and categorized as discussed below. Those strategies fit into the following eight categories: (1) value, (2) uniqueness, (3) niche, (4) innovation, (5) variety, (6) quality, (7) currency, and (8) convenience. Results from this study introduced two new key strategies being applied in the theme park industry that had not been previously included in the academic literature. The first new strategy discovered was currency. The strategy of providing something current means the theme park attempted to give its guests experiences that were culturally relevant at that time and modern in the theme itself, like creating a ride from a new movie. The second new strategy was convenience, in which case the theme park attempted to make its experiences more accessible for a single member in a party, or the entire group. Both of these new strategies appeared frequently, often more than the six strategies originally identified in the academic literature review. As theme parks continue to grow and diversify in the United States and around the world, it is important for professionals in tourism and business to understand the industry's progression. By combining previous knowledge and adding new research, this study has provided a foundation for future research and analysis on the dynamics of the theme park industry on a national and international scale.
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Studying Abroad in Fiji: A Non-Traditional Student's Perspective

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During the summer of June 2014, the researcher, a non-traditional student, studied abroad in Fiji with Arizona State University's School of Human Evolution and Social Change leaving behind a family and financial responsibilities. The program was part of a growing

During the summer of June 2014, the researcher, a non-traditional student, studied abroad in Fiji with Arizona State University's School of Human Evolution and Social Change leaving behind a family and financial responsibilities. The program was part of a growing trend as a short-term study abroad experience lasting only eight days. A service-learning project was completed at Votua Village on the Coral Coast which included a homestay and planting on the farm. An autoethnographical approach was used to describe this experience using a personal narrative written in first-person to evoke an emotional response. As a non-traditional student, the experience was probably profoundly different than it may have been for a majority of the class. The motivations, fears, and challenges associated with being a non-traditional student are discussed as well as the mother's guilt that many women experience when working outside of the home towards a personal achievement. The benefits of study abroad to non-traditional students is explained, as is the need for further research regarding their inclusion into these programs. Possible expansions of the study abroad program to include more of the non- traditional demographic within the student body at ASU are discussed. Several recommendations follow the narrative that may help to increase equitable access to study abroad for all students at the tertiary level. This work is a reflection on the researcher's experience as part of a diverse yet mostly traditional group of 35 students that made the trip to Fiji from a non-traditional student perspective and includes photographs as a visual autoethnography from the adventure to enhance and supplement the narrative.
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