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基于人类加密学,第一例加密数字货币“比特币”的概念最初由中本聪在2008年11月1日提出,于2009年1月3日正式诞生。经过14年的历程,整个加密货币世界得到了快速的发展、加密生态得到了极大的繁荣、有利的推动了整个人类数字文明的衍进和发展。截至2021年5月,加密货币总市值达到2.4万亿美元的峰值,加密数字货币的数量已经近6000种。单只市值超过10亿美元的数字货币有77个,单只市值超过100万美元的数字货币有1600个。虽然对加密货币究竟应该定义为商品还是证券仍存在巨大争议,但毫无疑问的是加密货币已经成为瞩目且不可忽视的一类投资性资产。 本论文试图从金融资产分析框架和行为金融学角度出发,探究比特币和以太币这两只最具有代表性的数字货币的价格影响因素。本论文分别从宏观和微观两个维度探究两个维度下的因素对价格波动的影响。从宏观视角出发探究问题一:通缩发行机制、联储货币政策、以及中美监管政策对比特币及以太币价格的影响。从微观视角出发探究问题二:加密货币的应用、市场行为金融的视角看其比特币及以太币价格波动的影响。 本论文通过应用定性和定量相结合的研究分析方法,运用一系列时间序列回归模型、相关性分析、区间统计分析、经典行为金融学动能效应模型等工具对上述两个维度的问题进行深度研究和论证,发现各个角度中所涵盖的因素对以比特币和以太币为代表的数字货币价格的影响,同时涵盖了影响的方向和影响的层度,并构建多因素定价模型。
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Crypto for Corporations: Industry Transformation Through NFT

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The use of cryptocurrencies is on the rise and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are transforming the way in which businesses conduct their daily practices, as well as changing the traditional view of assets. As NFTs are relatively new, the research

The use of cryptocurrencies is on the rise and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are transforming the way in which businesses conduct their daily practices, as well as changing the traditional view of assets. As NFTs are relatively new, the research is not fully inclusive of all of the business applications. This paper seeks to expand upon the current research by determining if NFTs are a practical and accessible tool in businesses. We seek to explore innovative ways to tokenize artwork as well as market opportunities for artwork NFTs. After a comprehensive literature review, an interview with renowned comic book author, Todd McFarlane, was conducted to explore his experience with NFTs. In order to achieve an immersive experience, we created our own NFTs and brand. Our NFT storefront is hosted on OpenSea and an Instagram marketing campaign was used for advertising. After launching two NFT collections, a total of 4 NFTs were sold and the Instagram account grew to over 800 followers. We have determined that the increased popularity of NFTs has led to an increase in accessibility and practicality, making NFTs a viable business tool.
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最新的并购浪潮呈现两大特征:PE机构成为重要角色;连续并购成为普遍形态。本文认为连续并购区分单次并购的关键区分体现在以下三个方面:战略驱动连续并购、并购后开展建设、管理者学习效应。诸多文献发现:连续并购者的并购绩效高于那些并购次数较少者或单次并购者,关键变量就是“管理者学习效应”。连续并购本质上是一个企业的战略学习旅程,从上一次并购中学习,让下一次并购变得更好,让并购做到“一次比一次好”。连续并购绩效的传导逻辑很简单:开展并购“实践”,对上一次并购进行“学习”,进而提升并购“能力”,从而提升下一次并购“绩效”。理想中的连续并购就是一个启动并购实践、开展并购学习、提升并购能力、改进并购绩效四个要素持续正循环的战略学习圈。 管理者学习效应非常复杂,一些研究集中在如何“让学习发生”,并没有更进一步思考如何“让学习加速”。尽管“感同身受”的学习效果可能很高,但是摸索中学习的进程注定是缓慢的。 基于这个本质思考,本文将研究重点放在了连续并购中的管理者学习效应,聚焦进一步思考如何“让学习加速”。在本文,我给出的建议是邀请PE机构参与到连续并购中,具体形式有以下三种:让PE机构成为公司重要股东;遇到“非相似”并购,联合PE机构一起开展并购;和PE机构一起成立并购基金,双方一起参与整个连续并购过程。 本文的创新点在于:(1)区分和总结了让学习发生和让学习加速的诸多实践方法;(2)对最近全球并购浪潮的两大特征:PE机构和连续并购进行了关联分析,总结了PE机构在连续并购中的四种模式角色;(3)辩证审视了诸多研究文献中关于 “连续并购间隔时间”这一关键变量。 本文研究发现:和PE成立并购基金更能改善连续并购绩效;PE持股可以加速连续并购中的管理者学习效应,其表现是不影响并购绩效的前提下缩短并购间隔时间,让连续并购变得“又好又快”。
Date Created

Cartel Coffee Lab: Customer Analysis, Segmentation, & Marketing Impacts

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This paper explores a cluster analysis and data-driven marketing recommendations for Cartel Coffee Lab, a local coffee shop. Building a loyal customer base is the biggest asset to a company’s success. This is crucial when Cartel’s main location has a

This paper explores a cluster analysis and data-driven marketing recommendations for Cartel Coffee Lab, a local coffee shop. Building a loyal customer base is the biggest asset to a company’s success. This is crucial when Cartel’s main location has a fast-changing environment, such as a university, located nearby. The reason for this is mainly due to the influx and customer churn that a hub produces. Our team’s focus was on analyzing customer buying patterns to determine the different customer segments within Cartel Coffee Lab. Our methods included creating temporary databases in Microsoft SQL Server and performing a cluster analysis in SAS Enterprise Miner. The cluster analysis results were then used to propose data-driven marketing recommendations for each customer segment in order to provide a well-designed value proposition. Additionally, a loyalty program was recommended in order to increase customer profitability and loyalty, depending on the cluster segment. Through identifying the current situation, business questions, research methodology, analysis results, and plan of action, this creative project will cover multiple key areas of a business analytics project.
Date Created