Assessment of Screening Techniques for Body Dysmorphic Disorder in Aesthetic Surgery


The structure of this project will open with the dangers posed by inadequate screening techniques to both individuals with Body Dysmorphic Disorder and their plastic surgeons. This discussion will be followed by a summary of the existing mental health screenings

The structure of this project will open with the dangers posed by inadequate screening techniques to both individuals with Body Dysmorphic Disorder and their plastic surgeons. This discussion will be followed by a summary of the existing mental health screenings implemented in plastic surgery clinics and their limitations. The assessments that will be examined include The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination, The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination - Self-Report, The Cosmetic Procedure Screening Questionnaire, The Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale Modified for Body Dysmorphic Disorder, and The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Questionnaire. These screening techniques were chosen based on a multitude of factors: frequency of use in psychiatric and cosmetic settings, innovation of screening methodology, and significance of studies that utilize the assessments. After describing the screening techniques, there will be a brief discussion of the limitations of developing a screening method for Body Dysmorphic Disorder, along with suggestions for methodology in future research. This thesis will demonstrate that no existing screening method for Body Dysmorphic Disorder in aesthetic surgery is flawless. Still, future research efforts should investigate combining questionnaires and clinical interviews to screen for the disorder within clinics efficiently and more reliably.

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Why Do We See Beauty?


It is the marvel of a sunset on the most ordinary day that can change life forever. In this Honors Project, I attempt to explore my innate fascination with beauty and the results of this relationship. This creative project aims

It is the marvel of a sunset on the most ordinary day that can change life forever. In this Honors Project, I attempt to explore my innate fascination with beauty and the results of this relationship. This creative project aims to explore the five pillars that are responsible for the book of poems, Why Do We See Beauty?: The Human Event, the Tao Te Ching, Philosophy, Buddhism, and my relationship with God. These pillars have intertwined consistently throughout the past few years and the entire book of poems is a product of my engagement, integration, and synthesis with these components of my life. The creative project, Why Do We See Beauty?, consists of fifty-one poems that center around spirituality, truth, and the mystery of God; whether implicitly or explicitly stated, the poetry serves as a medium to wrestle with the truth in my life. Through a breakdown of these five pillars of my poetry and then the communication of key themes, texts, and ideas that are grounded in it, I hope to share my art from the past few years. What started in The Human Event during my first year at Barrett has evolved into an undergraduate creative project that shows how The Human Event became personal.

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An Intersectional Mestiza Consciousness: Redefining Colonial and Gender Narratives in Speculative Fiction

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Speculative fiction creates possibility in the imaginary through its ability to induce futuristic thinking. In Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s 2020 novel Mexican Gothic and Lizzie Borden’s 1983 film Born in Flames, the deployment of speculative fiction enables the authors’ feminist protagonists to

Speculative fiction creates possibility in the imaginary through its ability to induce futuristic thinking. In Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s 2020 novel Mexican Gothic and Lizzie Borden’s 1983 film Born in Flames, the deployment of speculative fiction enables the authors’ feminist protagonists to resist and then defy systems of oppression. While Mexican Gothic’s heroine, Noemí, must navigate typical Gothic tropes to discover the true horror of colonial subjugation, Born in Flames demonstrates resistance against corrupt governmental powers in a dystopic society through feminist organization. This thesis argues that Gloria Anzaldúa’s mestiza consciousness – a framework by which to understand conflicting ideologies at identity crossroads – and Kimberlé Crenshaw’s intersectionality – a theory that accounts for the unique discrimination an individual faces depending on the combination of their race, gender, sexuality, etc. – can be used in tandem to recognize destructive internal and external cultural, societal, political, and economic influences. The inclusion of Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/La Frontera amplifies the importance of recognizing colonial, racist, and patriarchal histories and the subsequent ability to rewrite these narratives. I contend that the application of these theories, used in conjunction with the teachings within Borderlands/La Frontera, yield an optic from which women of color in these speculative pieces may find liberation for themselves and others from unjust systems of power.
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Cosmetic Industry Sustainability Analysis: Case Study Comparison of The Body Shop and Bath & Body Works

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The cosmetic industry has a significant lack of data on sustainability practices. The global market for cosmetics is expected to grow from $288 billion in 2021 to $415 billion in 2028 as more people populate the globe (Cosmetics Market Size,

The cosmetic industry has a significant lack of data on sustainability practices. The global market for cosmetics is expected to grow from $288 billion in 2021 to $415 billion in 2028 as more people populate the globe (Cosmetics Market Size, Share, & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, 2022). This research paper analyzes sustainability within the cosmetic industry. Specifically, comparing the practices between The Body Shop and Bath & Body Works. To test the hypothesis that The Body Shop is more sustainable than Bath & Body Works, a case study analysis was conducted to measure the companies’ performance in the environmental, economic, and social sectors. Comparable metrics were selected, and a pairwise comparison was completed to weigh the different metrics. To analyze the results, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to ensure consistency in metric weights, and a Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyze the sector's final weights. The results verified the hypothesis that The Body Shop was more sustainable than Bath & Body Works. In all, the results support the idea that the cosmetic industry needs stronger regulations and oversight of cosmetic companies’ sustainability impact. One of the most prevalent limitations of this study is the lack of transparency and information from cosmetic companies. Moving forward, it is recommended to use data from multiple years with key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess sustainability performance more accurately.

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Economics and Sustainability: Analysing the Global Impact of Business Through the Lens of Sustainable Practices

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This thesis details the impact of sustainable practices, or lack thereof, among IKEA and Chanel. It takes these principles and analyzes the effectiveness of them and works to implement them across industries and companies of different sizes and organizational structures.

Date Created

The influence of social media usage on young girls and women’s body image and eating disorder symptomatology in comparison to traditional media

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This paper focused on the effects of social media on young girls’ and women’s body image and eating disorder symptomatology in comparison to traditional media. A review of the literature on the influence of media on women’s body image and

This paper focused on the effects of social media on young girls’ and women’s body image and eating disorder symptomatology in comparison to traditional media. A review of the literature on the influence of media on women’s body image and eating disorder symptomatology was conducted and used in conjunction with research specific to the impact of social media in order to best assess how much power social media has on young women’s body image. Although much of the research on traditional media can be extrapolated to social media, the sense of intimacy and the strong bidirectional influence specific to social media arguably amplify the negative effects of traditional media. In addition to analysing past research, the different demographics and effects exerted by different social media platforms - Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, specifically - were assessed and addressed. Due to Instagram’s younger user base and its emphasis on appearance, much focus was placed on Instagram’s influence. This paper found that social media targets vulnerable populations and can increase the likelihood of body image disturbances and disordered eating. Further research must be conducted in order to address the current gaps in the field and to create a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of how social media interacts with eating disorder symptomatology across various demographics.
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