Assessing Usage Patterns in the Barrett Writing Center: Social Dynamics and Inclusion


Studies have previously found a significant relationship between student writing center usage and demographic factors including gender, GPA, and English-language proficiency (Salem, 2015). Additional research has been conducted on writing center outcomes and student conceptions and misconceptions of writing centers

Studies have previously found a significant relationship between student writing center usage and demographic factors including gender, GPA, and English-language proficiency (Salem, 2015). Additional research has been conducted on writing center outcomes and student conceptions and misconceptions of writing centers as academic resources. However, previous scholarship has attested to the need for continuous research into writing center usage patterns and the factors that affect them. This will allow centers to make the necessary changes and improvements to become more accessible and inclusive for the benefit of all students. The present research contributes to the ongoing discussion about why students choose to use or not use the writing center and how their identities and pre-existing ideas about the center inform this decision. Further, it addresses research gaps by surveying students in an honors college setting at a large public university and considering new decision-making factors such as race, mental health, and social stigma. By comparing students demographics and impressions of the Barrett Writing Center (BWC) on the ASU campus, the study draws conclusions about the significant gap between positive perception and usage, the influence of social anxiety and stigma amongst honors students, the successes and failures of tutoring for second language English speakers, and the benefit derived by students who attend multiple writing center sessions. Suggestions to improve the BWC and guide future research are offered based on these observations and significant trends in the data.

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Quiet, Please: Exploring Disability, Mental Health, and Neurodivergence through a Coming-of-Age Superhero Story


"Quiet, Please" is a coming-of-age speculative fiction novel about how a super-powered neurodivergent girl and her friends navigate and attempt to save a world that is equal parts beautiful and cruel.

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Afghan Literary Feminism: Women's Battles with Patriarchal and Religious Oppression


This thesis aims to examine Afghan literature and feminism through the works called On Half from the East by Nadia Hashimi and Roya by Shaina and Nadia Pakrawan. For a couple of years, the Taliban has controlled Afghanistan's literature on

This thesis aims to examine Afghan literature and feminism through the works called On Half from the East by Nadia Hashimi and Roya by Shaina and Nadia Pakrawan. For a couple of years, the Taliban has controlled Afghanistan's literature on women and feminism to silence and squash Westernized notions of freedom and rights for women. However, feminist authors continue to publish and produce many works like On Half from the East and Roya in retaliation. This thesis argues that to them, the pen is mightier than the sword, and their literature will be able to tackle the situation much better than physical retaliation, which only aggravates the situation. Through writing, women in Afghanistan can create their own identities and no longer struggle while doing so. As more and more people become aware of their situation, they hope the world will be able to provide the proper assistance they need to save them while respecting their cultures and religions carefully.

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A Glimpse into the Future: Black Feminism as a Sustainable Solution to Environmental Justice


In this thesis I examine two Afrofuturist, feminist pieces of speculative fiction: The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin and The Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler. I analyze the two novels together and separately using a Black feminist framework

In this thesis I examine two Afrofuturist, feminist pieces of speculative fiction: The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin and The Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler. I analyze the two novels together and separately using a Black feminist framework to extract sustainable solutions for environmental justice. In close readings of the novels, I utilize multiple frameworks in my analysis, including Afrofuturism, Black Feminism, Intersectionality, and Ecofeminism. Applying Afrofuturist theory shapes the examination of how the oppressive systems within each novel’s society resemble that of the past and how they inform the future. This oppression is seen in the mistreatment of marginalized groups in both novels, including women, racial minorities, and orogenes and sharers. I further explore how these groups are suppressed and how this influences their interactions with the environmental crisis using Back feminist theory. Then, an ecofeminist lens is used in conjunction with Black feminism to uncover sustainable solutions from the novels to solve and mitigate the environmental crisis. My proposed solutions taken from these novels include empathy and embracing change.

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¡Esta vivo! Queer Monstrosity in Mexico’s First Frankenstein Adaptation, El Monstruo Resucitado

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This thesis traces the queer legacy of the Frankenstein myth from James Whale’s filmic adaptations, Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein, to Mexico’s first adaptation of the myth, El Monstruo Resucitado (1953). Chano Urueta’s El Monstruo Resucitado adapted the Frankenstein legend

This thesis traces the queer legacy of the Frankenstein myth from James Whale’s filmic adaptations, Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein, to Mexico’s first adaptation of the myth, El Monstruo Resucitado (1953). Chano Urueta’s El Monstruo Resucitado adapted the Frankenstein legend not from Mary Shelley’s source text but from Whale’s films, which themselves are infused with the queer sensibilities of a homosexual director. This new Mexican Frankenstein myth created a Monster that both reflects the culture of the Hollywood context from which it is adapted and responds to its own unique Mexican backdrop. Discussed only superficially in monster studies scholarship, El Monstruo Resucitado has rarely been examined for its contributions to Mexican horror cinema or queer horror studies as a whole. This thesis explores El Monstruo Resucitado's utility as a queer parable by working through José Esteban Muñoz’s theory of Disidentifications, positioning the film as a cultural object valuable to queer identity formation for minoritarian audiences in Mexico. By doing so, this thesis aims to broaden the conversation surrounding the role of the monster in culture and highlight Mexican monster horror like El Monstruo Resucitado as significant to the global tradition of the monster movie.
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Queer Normality in Fantasy Television Shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Wynonna Earp

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Speculative fiction and fantasy media have abundant power to portray alternative realities or imagined futures for minority groups. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, from the late 1990s-early 2000s, and Wynonna Earp, from the late 2010s, are two fantasy television shows that

Speculative fiction and fantasy media have abundant power to portray alternative realities or imagined futures for minority groups. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, from the late 1990s-early 2000s, and Wynonna Earp, from the late 2010s, are two fantasy television shows that produce this often-progressive, impactful representation, particularly for lesbians and bisexual people. Drawing on Queer and Monster Theories from Susan Stryker, Marilee Lindemann, Harry Benshoff, and Alexis Lothian, this thesis examines queer representation in these TV shows and how it contributes to the normalization of LGBTQ+ individuals whilst simultaneously honoring the shows’ queer fans. Normalizing non-cishetero genders and sexualities helps rewrite the narrative of LGBTQ+ people being considered “deviant” and threatening societal order; and holding true to queer roots of challenging social norms prevents the power of the queer community from being influenced by the pressures of compulsory heterosexuality.

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The Cyborg Soldier in Speculative Fiction and in Our Techno-Masculinized Military

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Robocop, Logan, and War Girls all present dystopian futures where technology, and more specifically cyborg augmentation, unleashes the worst of humanity. Within these texts, the cyborg, when produced for military use, allows humans to indulge their most harmful impulses in

Robocop, Logan, and War Girls all present dystopian futures where technology, and more specifically cyborg augmentation, unleashes the worst of humanity. Within these texts, the cyborg, when produced for military use, allows humans to indulge their most harmful impulses in armed conflict. The government-produced cyborg facilitates the domination of outgroups by forcing characters to shed empathy and to “other” perceived enemies. The cyborg in this situation works within the militarized masculine framework described by Cristina Masters in Cyborg Soldiers And Militarized Masculinities. This is the cyborg individual’s transformation into a weapon with a singular use. This transformation is facilitated and encouraged by dominant military power structures, and allows these structures with the help of the cyborg to execute brutal violence against any group unlucky enough to find themselves on the wrong side of a conflict. The solution to such exploitation, then, is for the cyborg to assert its humanity and reject this transformation into a weapon. This thesis argues that doing this will involve abandoning the military structure, rejecting the subjectivity of militarized masculinity characterized by empathy loss and “othering”, and refusing to remain a soldier of the dominant corporate or governmental power structures. Even though this cannot bring down the entire system that perpetuates injustice and bloodletting, it does free the cyborg and hinder the military structure’s ability to execute this injustice. In the uncomfortably plausible dystopias my primary texts reasonably predict, the solution to the cyborg’s exploitation and transformation is to firmly oppose the military-industrial war machine characterized by hyper capitalist and imperialist ambitions.

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An Intersectional Mestiza Consciousness: Redefining Colonial and Gender Narratives in Speculative Fiction

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Speculative fiction creates possibility in the imaginary through its ability to induce futuristic thinking. In Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s 2020 novel Mexican Gothic and Lizzie Borden’s 1983 film Born in Flames, the deployment of speculative fiction enables the authors’ feminist protagonists to

Speculative fiction creates possibility in the imaginary through its ability to induce futuristic thinking. In Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s 2020 novel Mexican Gothic and Lizzie Borden’s 1983 film Born in Flames, the deployment of speculative fiction enables the authors’ feminist protagonists to resist and then defy systems of oppression. While Mexican Gothic’s heroine, Noemí, must navigate typical Gothic tropes to discover the true horror of colonial subjugation, Born in Flames demonstrates resistance against corrupt governmental powers in a dystopic society through feminist organization. This thesis argues that Gloria Anzaldúa’s mestiza consciousness – a framework by which to understand conflicting ideologies at identity crossroads – and Kimberlé Crenshaw’s intersectionality – a theory that accounts for the unique discrimination an individual faces depending on the combination of their race, gender, sexuality, etc. – can be used in tandem to recognize destructive internal and external cultural, societal, political, and economic influences. The inclusion of Anzaldúa’s Borderlands/La Frontera amplifies the importance of recognizing colonial, racist, and patriarchal histories and the subsequent ability to rewrite these narratives. I contend that the application of these theories, used in conjunction with the teachings within Borderlands/La Frontera, yield an optic from which women of color in these speculative pieces may find liberation for themselves and others from unjust systems of power.
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Can Star Wars Be Feminist?: Female Characters, Fandom, and the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy

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This thesis examines the three films of the most recent Star Wars trilogy (2015-2019) through a feminist lens, investigating the following question: is the trilogy’s leading woman, Rey, a feminist character throughout her arc? This thesis finds that while the

This thesis examines the three films of the most recent Star Wars trilogy (2015-2019) through a feminist lens, investigating the following question: is the trilogy’s leading woman, Rey, a feminist character throughout her arc? This thesis finds that while the telling of Rey’s story certainly has its feminist moments, it fails in several ways to truly abolish the patriarchal frame/attitude that was ingrained from the first two trilogies, leaving the character of Rey feeling incomplete. As the first female to be the primary protagonist in a Star Wars film, Rey’s strength and light certainly make her a positive female role model for young audiences. However, she is held back by the patriarchal society in which she exists and thus is ultimately reduced to being second-best in her own trilogy to the all-powerful older white men who came before her.

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“Let’s Go Gay Agenda!”: Lil Nas X, Black Queer Studies, and Speculative Fiction

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This thesis utilizes Black queer studies and speculative fiction as an analytical framework for examining issues of racialized homophobia and the policing of sexuality, specifically in the context of Lil Nas X and his music videos. By contrasting the evolution

This thesis utilizes Black queer studies and speculative fiction as an analytical framework for examining issues of racialized homophobia and the policing of sexuality, specifically in the context of Lil Nas X and his music videos. By contrasting the evolution first of Lil Nas X himself and second of the reception to his "Old Town Road" and "Montero (Call Me By Your Name)" music videos, this thesis reveals the intricacies of the relationship between predominant white, cisheteronormative, patriarchal, capitalist society and representations of Black queer sexuality. Through his music videos, Lil Nas X performs elements of Black queer worldmaking, futurity, and imagination in ways that actively disrupt normative notions of gender, identity, and sexuality in mainstream popular culture. Analyzing Lil Nas X’s music videos through the framework of Black queer studies and speculative fiction reveals how these elements function to subvert limited notions of humanism and freedom while cultivating the potential for alternative ways of being.
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