Mean Field Games for Continuous Time Density Dependent Markov Chains

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The seminal work of Lasry and Lion showed the existence of Nash equilibria in thecontinuum limit of agents who try to optimize their own utility functions. However, a lot of work in this region is predicated on strong assumptions on the

The seminal work of Lasry and Lion showed the existence of Nash equilibria in thecontinuum limit of agents who try to optimize their own utility functions. However, a lot of work in this region is predicated on strong assumptions on the asymptotic independence of the agents and their homogeneity. This work explores the existence of Equilibria under the limit for Markov Decision Processes for density dependent continuous time Markov chains. Under suitable conditions it is possible to show that the empirical measure of the agents converges in finite time to a time invariant distribution which makes the solution of the MDP tractable. This key step allows one to show not only the existence of equilibria for these MDPs without asymptotic independence but also a tractable means to find said equilibria. Finally, this work shows that a fixed point does exist in the in finite state limit. However, to show that such a limit is indeed a Nash equilibrium remains an open problem.
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Safety Enhanced Designs in UAS Risk Monitoring and Collision Resolution

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Collision-free path planning is also a major challenge in managing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) fleets, especially in uncertain environments. The design of UAV routing policies using multi-agent reinforcement learning has been considered, and propose a Multi-resolution, Multi-agent, Mean-field reinforcement learning

Collision-free path planning is also a major challenge in managing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) fleets, especially in uncertain environments. The design of UAV routing policies using multi-agent reinforcement learning has been considered, and propose a Multi-resolution, Multi-agent, Mean-field reinforcement learning algorithm, named 3M-RL, for flight planning, where multiple vehicles need to avoid collisions with each other while moving towards their destinations. In this system, each UAV makes decisions based on local observations, and does not communicate with other UAVs. The algorithm trains a routing policy using an Actor-Critic neural network with multi-resolution observations, including detailed local information and aggregated global information based on mean-field. The algorithm tackles the curse-of-dimensionality problem in multi-agent reinforcement learning and provides a scalable solution. The proposed algorithm is tested in different complex scenarios in both 2D and 3D space and the simulation results show that 3M-RL result in good routing policies. Also as a compliment, dynamic data communications between UAVs and a control center has also been studied, where the control center needs to monitor the safety state of each UAV in the system in real time, where the transition of risk level is simply considered as a Markov process. Given limited communication bandwidth, it is impossible for the control center to communicate with all UAVs at the same time. A dynamic learning problem with limited communication bandwidth is also discussed in this paper where the objective is to minimize the total information entropy in real-time risk level tracking. The simulations also demonstrate that the algorithm outperforms policies such as a Round & Robin policy.
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From Data Collection to Learning from Distributed Data: a Minimum Cost Incentive Mechanism for Private Discrete Distribution Estimation and an Optimal Stopping Approach for Iterative Training in Federated Learning

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The first half of this dissertation introduces a minimum cost incentive mechanism for collecting discrete distributed private data for big-data analysis. The goal of an incentive mechanism is to incentivize informative reports and make sure randomization in the reported data

The first half of this dissertation introduces a minimum cost incentive mechanism for collecting discrete distributed private data for big-data analysis. The goal of an incentive mechanism is to incentivize informative reports and make sure randomization in the reported data does not exceed a target level. It answers two fundamental questions: what is the minimum payment required to incentivize an individual to submit data with quality level $\epsilon$? and what incentive mechanisms can achieve the minimum payment? A lower bound on the minimum amount of payment required for guaranteeing quality level $\epsilon$ is derived. Inspired by the lower bound, our incentive mechanism (WINTALL) first decides a winning answer based on reported data, then pays to individuals whose reported data match the winning answer. The expected payment of WINTALL matches lower bound asymptotically. Real-world experiments on Amazon Mechanical Turk are presented to further illustrate novelty of the principle behind WINTALL.

The second half studies problem of iterative training in Federated Learning. A system with a single parameter server and $M$ client devices is considered for training a predictive learning model with distributed data. The clients communicate with the parameter server using a common wireless channel so each time, only one device can transmit. The training is an iterative process consisting of multiple rounds. Adaptive training is considered where the parameter server decides when to stop/restart a new round, so the problem is formulated as an optimal stopping problem. While this optimal stopping problem is difficult to solve, a modified optimal stopping problem is proposed. Then a low complexity algorithm is introduced to solve the modified problem, which also works for the original problem. Experiments on a real data set shows significant improvements compared with policies collecting a fixed number of updates in each iteration.
Date Created

Stochastic Analysis of Networked Systems

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This dissertation presents a novel algorithm for recovering missing values of co-evolving time series with partial embedded network information. The idea is to connect two sources of data through a shared low dimensional latent space. The proposed algorithm, named NetDyna,

This dissertation presents a novel algorithm for recovering missing values of co-evolving time series with partial embedded network information. The idea is to connect two sources of data through a shared low dimensional latent space. The proposed algorithm, named NetDyna, is an Expectation-Maximization algorithm, and uses the Kalman filter and matrix factorization approaches to infer the missing values both in the time series and embedded network. The experimental results on real datasets, including a Motes dataset and a Motion Capture dataset, show that (1) NetDyna outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms, especially with partially observed network information; (2) its computational complexity scales linearly with the time duration of time series; and (3) the algorithm recovers the embedded network in addition to missing time series values.

This dissertation also studies a load balancing algorithm, the so called power-of-two-choices(Po2), for many-server systems (with N servers) and focuses on the convergence of stationary distribution of Po2 in the both light and heavy traffic regimes to the solution of mean-field system. The framework of Stein’s method and state space collapse (SSC) are used to analyze both regimes.

In both regimes, the thesis first uses the argument of state space collapse to show that the probability of the state being far from the mean-field solution is small enough. By a simple Markov inequality, it is able to show that the probability is indeed very small with a proper choice of parameters.

Then, for the state space close to the solution of mean-field model, the thesis uses Stein’s method to show that the stochastic system is close to a linear mean-field model. By characterizing the generator difference, it is able to characterize the dominant terms in both regimes. Note that for heavy traffic case, the lower and upper bound analysis of a tridiagonal matrix, which arises from the linear mean-field model, is needed. From the dominant term, it allows to calculate the coefficient of the convergence rate.

In the end, comparisons between the theoretical predictions and numerical simulations are presented.
Date Created

Scheduling in Wireless and Healthcare Networks

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This dissertation studies the scheduling in two stochastic networks, a co-located wireless network and an outpatient healthcare network, both of which have a cyclic planning horizon and a deadline-related performance metric.

For the co-located wireless network, a time-slotted system is

This dissertation studies the scheduling in two stochastic networks, a co-located wireless network and an outpatient healthcare network, both of which have a cyclic planning horizon and a deadline-related performance metric.

For the co-located wireless network, a time-slotted system is considered. A cycle of planning horizon is called a frame, which consists of a fixed number of time slots. The size of the frame is determined by the upper-layer applications. Packets with deadlines arrive at the beginning of each frame and will be discarded if missing their deadlines, which are in the same frame. Each link of the network is associated with a quality of service constraint and an average transmit power constraint. For this system, a MaxWeight-type problem for which the solutions achieve the throughput optimality is formulated. Since the computational complexity of solving the MaxWeight-type problem with exhaustive search is exponential even for a single-link system, a greedy algorithm with complexity O(nlog(n)) is proposed, which is also throughput optimal.

The outpatient healthcare network is modeled as a discrete-time queueing network, in which patients receive diagnosis and treatment planning that involves collaboration between multiple service stations. For each patient, only the root (first) appointment can be scheduled as the following appointments evolve stochastically. The cyclic planing horizon is a week. The root appointment is optimized to maximize the proportion of patients that can complete their care by a class-dependent deadline. In the optimization algorithm, the sojourn time of patients in the healthcare network is approximated with a doubly-stochastic phase-type distribution. To address the computational intractability, a mean-field model with convergence guarantees is proposed. A linear programming-based policy improvement framework is developed, which can approximately solve the original large-scale stochastic optimization in queueing networks of realistic sizes.
Date Created

Steady State Analysis of Load Balancing Algorithms in the Heavy Traffic Regime

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This dissertation studies load balancing algorithms for many-server systems (with N servers) and focuses on the steady-state performance of load balancing algorithms in the heavy traffic regime. The framework of Stein’s method and (iterative) state-space collapse (SSC) are used to

This dissertation studies load balancing algorithms for many-server systems (with N servers) and focuses on the steady-state performance of load balancing algorithms in the heavy traffic regime. The framework of Stein’s method and (iterative) state-space collapse (SSC) are used to analyze three load balancing systems: 1) load balancing in the Sub-Halfin-Whitt regime with exponential service time; 2) load balancing in the Beyond-Halfin-Whitt regime with exponential service time; 3) load balancing in the Sub-Halfin-Whitt regime with Coxian-2 service time.

When in the Sub-Halfin-Whitt regime, the sufficient conditions are established such that any load balancing algorithm that satisfies the conditions have both asymptotic zero waiting time and zero waiting probability. Furthermore, the number of servers with more than one jobs is o(1), in other words, the system collapses to a one-dimensional space. The result is proven using Stein’s method and state space collapse (SSC), which are powerful mathematical tools for steady-state analysis of load balancing algorithms. The second system is in even “heavier” traffic regime, and an iterative refined procedure is proposed to obtain the steady-state metrics. Again, asymptotic zero delay and waiting are established for a set of load balancing algorithms. Different from the first system, the system collapses to a two-dimensional state-space instead of one-dimensional state-space. The third system is more challenging because of “non-monotonicity” with Coxian-2 service time, and an iterative state space collapse is proposed to tackle the “non-monotonicity” challenge. For these three systems, a set of load balancing algorithms is established, respectively, under which the probability that an incoming job is routed to an idle server is one asymptotically at steady-state. The set of load balancing algorithms includes join-the-shortest-queue (JSQ), idle-one-first(I1F), join-the-idle-queue (JIQ), and power-of-d-choices (Pod) with a carefully-chosen d.
Date Created

Connectivity in Complex Networks: Measures, Inference and Optimization

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Networks naturally appear in many high-impact applications. The simplest model of networks is single-layered networks, where the nodes are from the same domain and the links are of the same type. However, as the world is highly coupled, nodes

Networks naturally appear in many high-impact applications. The simplest model of networks is single-layered networks, where the nodes are from the same domain and the links are of the same type. However, as the world is highly coupled, nodes from different application domains tend to be interdependent on each other, forming a more complex network model called multi-layered networks.

Among the various aspects of network studies, network connectivity plays an important role in a myriad of applications. The diversified application areas have spurred numerous connectivity measures, each designed for some specific tasks. Although effective in their own fields, none of the connectivity measures is generally applicable to all the tasks. Moreover, existing connectivity measures are predominantly based on single-layered networks, with few attempts made on multi-layered networks.

Most connectivity analyzing methods assume that the input network is static and accurate, which is not realistic in many applications. As real-world networks are evolving, their connectivity scores would vary by time as well, making it imperative to keep track of those changing parameters in a timely manner. Furthermore, as the observed links in the input network may be inaccurate due to noise and incomplete data sources, it is crucial to infer a more accurate network structure to better approximate its connectivity scores.

The ultimate goal of connectivity studies is to optimize the connectivity scores via manipulating the network structures. For most complex measures, the hardness of the optimization problem still remains unknown. Meanwhile, current optimization methods are mainly ad-hoc solutions for specific types of connectivity measures on single-layered networks. No optimization framework has ever been proposed to tackle a wider range of connectivity measures on complex networks.

In this thesis, an in-depth study of connectivity measures, inference, and optimization problems will be proposed. Specifically, a unified connectivity measure model will be introduced to unveil the commonality among existing connectivity measures. For the connectivity inference aspect, an effective network inference method and connectivity tracking framework will be described. Last, a generalized optimization framework will be built to address the connectivity minimization/maximization problems on both single-layered and multi-layered networks.
Date Created

Security and Privacy in Mobile Devices: Novel Attacks and Countermeasures

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Mobile devices have penetrated into every aspect of modern world. For one thing, they are becoming ubiquitous in daily life. For the other thing, they are storing more and more data, including sensitive data. Therefore, security and privacy of mobile

Mobile devices have penetrated into every aspect of modern world. For one thing, they are becoming ubiquitous in daily life. For the other thing, they are storing more and more data, including sensitive data. Therefore, security and privacy of mobile devices are indispensable. This dissertation consists of five parts: two authentication schemes, two attacks, and one countermeasure related to security and privacy of mobile devices.

Specifically, in Chapter 1, I give an overview the challenges and existing solutions in these areas. In Chapter 2, a novel authentication scheme is presented, which is based on a user’s tapping or sliding on the touchscreen of a mobile device. In Chapter 3, I focus on mobile app fingerprinting and propose a method based on analyzing the power profiles of targeted mobile devices. In Chapter 4, I mainly explore a novel liveness detection method for face authentication on mobile devices. In Chapter 5, I investigate a novel keystroke inference attack on mobile devices based on user eye movements. In Chapter 6, a novel authentication scheme is proposed, based on detecting a user’s finger gesture through acoustic sensing. In Chapter 7, I discuss the future work.
Date Created

Data-Driven and Game-Theoretic Approaches for Privacy

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In the past few decades, there has been a remarkable shift in the boundary between public and private information. The application of information technology and electronic communications allow service providers (businesses) to collect a large amount of data. However, this

In the past few decades, there has been a remarkable shift in the boundary between public and private information. The application of information technology and electronic communications allow service providers (businesses) to collect a large amount of data. However, this ``data collection" process can put the privacy of users at risk and also lead to user reluctance in accepting services or sharing data. This dissertation first investigates privacy sensitive consumer-retailers/service providers interactions under different scenarios, and then focuses on a unified framework for various information-theoretic privacy and privacy mechanisms that can be learned directly from data.

Existing approaches such as differential privacy or information-theoretic privacy try to quantify privacy risk but do not capture the subjective experience and heterogeneous expression of privacy-sensitivity. The first part of this dissertation introduces models to study consumer-retailer interaction problems and to better understand how retailers/service providers can balance their revenue objectives while being sensitive to user privacy concerns. This dissertation considers the following three scenarios: (i) the consumer-retailer interaction via personalized advertisements; (ii) incentive mechanisms that electrical utility providers need to offer for privacy sensitive consumers with alternative energy sources; (iii) the market viability of offering privacy guaranteed free online services. We use game-theoretic models to capture the behaviors of both consumers and retailers, and provide insights for retailers to maximize their profits when interacting with privacy sensitive consumers.

Preserving the utility of published datasets while simultaneously providing provable privacy guarantees is a well-known challenge. In the second part, a novel context-aware privacy framework called generative adversarial privacy (GAP) is introduced. Inspired by recent advancements in generative adversarial networks, GAP allows the data holder to learn the privatization mechanism directly from the data. Under GAP, finding the optimal privacy mechanism is formulated as a constrained minimax game between a privatizer and an adversary. For appropriately chosen adversarial loss functions, GAP provides privacy guarantees against strong information-theoretic adversaries. Both synthetic and real-world datasets are used to show that GAP can greatly reduce the adversary's capability of inferring private information at a small cost of distorting the data.
Date Created

Spatial-Temporal Routing for Supporting End to End Hard Deadlines in Multi-hop Networks

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We consider the problem of routing packets with end-to-end hard deadlines in multihop communication networks. This is a challenging problem due to the complex spatial-temporal correlation among flows with different deadlines especially when significant traffic fluctuation exists. To tackle this

We consider the problem of routing packets with end-to-end hard deadlines in multihop communication networks. This is a challenging problem due to the complex spatial-temporal correlation among flows with different deadlines especially when significant traffic fluctuation exists. To tackle this problem, based on the spatial-temporal routing algorithm that specifies where and when a packet should be routed using concepts of virtual links and virtual routes, we proposed a constrained resource-pooling heuristic into the spatial-temporal routing, which enhances the ``work-conserving" capability and improves the delivery ratio. Our extensive simulations show that the policies improve the performance of spatial-temporal routing algorithm and outperform traditional policies such as backpressure and earliest-deadline-first (EDF) for more general traffic flows in multihop communication networks.
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