Characterization of Composition Amplitudes and Wavelengths of Spinodal Decomposition Induced Modulated Structures in Small Unit Cell Metal Alloys Using Aberration Corrected STEM

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Modulated nanostructures are short-range periodic composition fluctuations observed in metals, semiconductors, and ceramic alloys and have an important effect on the mechanical, electrical, and magnetic properties of the materials. Their presence is often attributed to spinodal decomposition. In the past,

Modulated nanostructures are short-range periodic composition fluctuations observed in metals, semiconductors, and ceramic alloys and have an important effect on the mechanical, electrical, and magnetic properties of the materials. Their presence is often attributed to spinodal decomposition. In the past, such modulations have been analyzed using X-ray diffraction, electron diffraction, and diffraction contrast imaging techniques. The investigations gave useful information about the spatial distribution of the modulations but nothing about the composition fluctuation of the modulated structure. In this study, the composition amplitude of the fluctuations was directly measured using STEM Imaging and atomic resolution spectroscopy in small unit cell Au-Pt and Cu-Ti alloys. With the development of field emission sources, aberration correctors, and ADF imaging for STEM microscopes, measuring the amplitude of the modulation directly and examining the diffused interface is possible.Au-Pt alloys, featuring a nearly symmetrical solid-state miscibility gap, and a Cu-Ti alloy with an asymmetrical metastable miscibility gap were chosen for investigation. Three Au-Pt alloys of different compositions were analyzed at a specific temperature for varying aging times. The study successfully employed atomic resolution energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) for Au-Pt alloys and atomic resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) for Cu-Ti alloys to measure composition variation and diffused interfaces across modulations. In Au-Pt alloys, it was shown that the wavelength, as well as the composition amplitude of the modulations, increases as the alloy is aged for a longer time. Non-uniform distribution of wavelength and composition amplitude of modulated structures was observed across the samples. Results shows competitive growth mechanisms occurring in nanostructures with a range of wavelengths/amplitudes. Composition of Au-rich and Pt-rich regions deviates significantly from equilibrium at the selected temperature, more aging is necessary to observe coherency loss. Similarly, in Cu-Ti alloys, variations in wavelengths and composition amplitude of modulations were observed, along with clustering and ordering reactions. Ordering was specifically noted in Ti-rich regions of the alloy aged for an extended period. Diffused interfaces were observed in both alloy systems rather than chemically sharp interfaces, and the contrast in HAADF STEM images in both systems was predominantly influenced by strain effects. Hence utilizing HAADF STEM for composition measurement of modulations is impractical due to the impact of strain on HAADF intensity, specifically due to surface relaxation effects.
Date Created

Synthesis and Characterization of Heterostructured Metallic Films with Precisely Controlled Architectures

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The increasing demand for structural materials with superior mechanical properties has provided a strong impetus to the discovery of novel materials, and innovations in processing techniques to improve the properties of existing materials. Methods like severe plastic deformation (SPD) and

The increasing demand for structural materials with superior mechanical properties has provided a strong impetus to the discovery of novel materials, and innovations in processing techniques to improve the properties of existing materials. Methods like severe plastic deformation (SPD) and surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) have led to significant enhancement in the strength of traditional structural materials like Al and Fe based alloys via microstructural refinement. However, the nanocrystalline materials produced using these techniques exhibit poor ductility due to the lack of effective strain hardening mechanisms, and as a result the well-known strength-ductility trade-off persists. To overcome this trade-off, researchers have proposed the concept of heterostructured materials, which are composed of domains ranging in size from a few nanometers to several micrometers. Over the last two decades, there has been intense research on the development of new methods to synthesize heterostructured materials. However, none of these methods is capable of providing precise control over key microstructural parameters such as average grain size, grain morphology, and volume fraction and connectivity of coarse and fine grains. Due to the lack of microstructural control, the relationship between these parameters and the deformation behavior of heterostructured materials cannot be investigated systematically, and hence designing heterostructured materials with optimized properties is currently infeasible. This work aims to address this scientific and technological challenge and is composed of two distinct but interrelated parts. The first part concerns the development of a broadly applicable synthesis method to produce heterostructured metallic films with precisely defined architectures. This method exploits two forms of film growth (epitaxial and Volmer-Weber) to generate heterostructured metallic films. The second part investigates the effect of different microstructural parameters on the deformation behavior of heterostructured metallic films with the aim of elucidating their structure-property relationships. Towards this end, freestanding heterostructured Fe films with different architectures were fabricated and uniaxially deformed using MEMS stages. The results from these experiments are presented and their implications for the mechanical properties of heterostructured materials is discussed.
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Advanced Synthesis Methods for Lithium Conducting Garnets

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Lithium conducting garnets in the family of Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) are promising lithium conductors for solid-state batteries, due to their high ionic conductivity, thermal stability, and electrochemical stability with metallic lithium. Despite these advantages, LLZO requires a large energy input to

Lithium conducting garnets in the family of Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) are promising lithium conductors for solid-state batteries, due to their high ionic conductivity, thermal stability, and electrochemical stability with metallic lithium. Despite these advantages, LLZO requires a large energy input to synthesize and process. Generally, LLZO is synthesized using solid-state reaction (SSR) from oxide precursors, requiring high reaction temperatures (900-1000 °C) and producing powder with large particle sizes, necessitating high energy milling to improve sinterability. In this dissertation, two classes of advanced synthesis methods – sol-gel polymer-combustion and molten salt synthesis (MSS) – are employed to obtain LLZO submicron powders at lower temperatures. In the first case, nanopowders of LLZO are obtained in a few hours at 700 °C via a novel polymer combustion process, which can be sintered to dense electrolytes possessing ionic conductivity up to 0.67 mS cm-1 at room temperature. However, the limited throughput of this combustion process motivated the use of molten salt synthesis, wherein a salt mixture is used as a high temperature solvent, allowing faster interdiffusion of atomic species than solid-state reactions. A eutectic mixture of LiCl-KCl allows formation of submicrometer undoped, Al-doped, Ga-doped, and Ta-doped LLZO at 900 °C in 4 h, with total ionic conductivities between 0.23-0.46 mS cm-1. By using a highly basic molten salt medium, Ta-doped LLZO (LLZTO) can be obtained at temperatures as low as 550 °C, with an ionic conductivity of 0.61 mS cm-1. The formation temperature can be further reduced by using Ta-doped, La-excess pyrochlore-type lanthanum zirconate (La2Zr2O7, LZO) as a quasi-single-source precursor, which convert to LLZTO as low as 400 °C upon addition of a Li-source. Further, doped pyrochlores can be blended with a Li-source and directly sintered to a relative density up to 94.7% with high conductivity (0.53 mS cm-1). Finally, a propensity for compositional variation in LLZTO powders and sintered ceramics was observed and for the first time explored in detail. By comparing LLZTO obtained from combustion, MSS, and SSR, a correlation between increased elemental inhomogeneity and reduced ionic conductivity is observed. Implications for garnet-based solid-state batteries and strategies to mitigate elemental inhomogeneity are discussed.
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TEM Image Simulations of Structural Dynamics on CeO2-supported Pt Catalysts

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Supported catalytic nanoparticles undergo rapid structural transformations faster than many transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) can track. This is the case with platinum nanoparticles supported on cerium oxide (Pt/CeO2) in a CO and O2 gaseous environment. By furthering our understanding of

Supported catalytic nanoparticles undergo rapid structural transformations faster than many transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) can track. This is the case with platinum nanoparticles supported on cerium oxide (Pt/CeO2) in a CO and O2 gaseous environment. By furthering our understanding of the structural dynamics of the Pt/CeO2 system, improved catalyst design principles may be derived to enhance the efficiency of this catalyst. Developing static models of a 2 nm Pt nanoparticle supported on CeO2 and simulating TEM images of the models was found to create similar images to those seen in experimental TEM time-resolved series of the system. Rotations of static models on a ceria support provides a way to understand the experimental samples in three dimensions, which is difficult in two dimensional TEM images. This project expands the possibilities of interpreting TEM images of catalytic systems.

Date Created

Towards High Spatial Resolution Vibrational Spectroscopy in a Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope

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Vibrational spectroscopy is a ubiquitous characterization tool in elucidating atomic structure at the bulk and nanoscale. The ability to perform high spatial resolution vibrational spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) with electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) has the potential

Vibrational spectroscopy is a ubiquitous characterization tool in elucidating atomic structure at the bulk and nanoscale. The ability to perform high spatial resolution vibrational spectroscopy in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) with electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) has the potential to affect a variety of materials science problems. Since 2014, instrumentation development has pushed for incremental improvements in energy resolution, with the current best being 4.2 meV. Although this is poor in comparison to what is common in photon or neutron vibrational spectroscopies, the spatial resolution offered by vibrational EELS is equal to or better than the best of these other techniques.

The major objective of this research program is to investigate the spatial resolution of the monochromated energy-loss signal in the transmission-beam mode and correlate it to the excitation mechanism of the associated vibrational mode. The spatial variation of dipole vibrational signals in SiO2 is investigated as the electron probe is scanned across an atomically abrupt SiO2/Si interface. The Si-O bond stretch signal has a spatial resolution of 2 – 20 nm, depending on whether the interface, bulk, or surface contribution is chosen. For typical TEM specimen thicknesses, coupled surface modes contribute strongly to the spectrum. These coupled surface modes are phonon polaritons, whose intensity and spectral positions are strongly specimen geometry dependent. In a SiO2 thin-film patterned with a 2x2 array, dielectric theory simulations predict the simultaneous excitation of parallel and uncoupled surface polaritons and a very weak excitation of the orthogonal polariton.

It is demonstrated that atomic resolution can be achieved with impact vibrational signals from optical and acoustic phonons in a covalently bonded material like Si. Sub-nanometer resolution mapping of the Si-O symmetric bond stretch impact signal can also be performed in an ionic material like SiO2. The visibility of impact energy-loss signals from excitation of Brillouin zone boundary vibrational modes in hexagonal BN is seen to be a strong function of probe convergence, but not as strong a function of spectrometer collection angles. Some preliminary measurements to detect adsorbates on catalyst nanoparticle surfaces with minimum radiation damage in the aloof-beam mode are also presented.
Date Created

Enhanced Carrier Mobility in Hydrogenated and Amorphous Transparent Conducting Oxides

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The origins of carrier mobility (μe) were thoroughly investigated in hydrogenated indium oxide (IO:H) and zinc-tin oxide (ZTO) transparent conducting oxide (TCO) thin films. A carrier transport model was developed for IO:H which studied the effects of ionized impurity scattering,

The origins of carrier mobility (μe) were thoroughly investigated in hydrogenated indium oxide (IO:H) and zinc-tin oxide (ZTO) transparent conducting oxide (TCO) thin films. A carrier transport model was developed for IO:H which studied the effects of ionized impurity scattering, polar optical phonon scattering, and grain boundary scattering. Ionized impurity scattering dominated at temperatures below ~240 K. A reduction in scattering charge Z from +2 to +1 as atomic %H increased from ~3 atomic %H to ~5 atomic %H allowed μe to attain >100 cm^2/Vs at ~5 atomic %H.

In highly hydrogenated IO:H, ne significantly decreased as temperature increased from 5 K to 140 K. To probe this unusual behavior, samples were illuminated, then ne, surface work function (WF), and spatially resolved microscopic current mapping were measured and tracked. Large increases in ne and corresponding decreases in WF were observed---these both exhibited slow reversions toward pre-illumination values over 6-12 days. A hydrogen-related defect was proposed as source of the photoexcitation, while a lattice defect diffusion mechanism causes the extended decay. Both arise from an under-coordination of the In.

An enhancement of μe was observed with increasing amorphous fraction in IO:H. An increase in population of corner- and edge-sharing polyhedra consisting of metal cations and oxygen anions is thought to be the origin. This indicates some measure of medium-range order in the amorphous structure, and gives rise to a general principle dictating μe in TCOs---even amorphous TCOs. Testing this principle resulted in observing an enhancement of μe up to 35 cm^2/Vs in amorphous ZTO (a-ZTO), one of the highest reported a-ZTO μe values (at ne > 10^19 cm^-3) to date. These results highlight the role of local distortions and cation coordination in determining the microscopic origins of carrier generation and transport. In addition, the strong likelihood of under-coordination of one cation species leading to high carrier concentrations is proposed. This diverges from the historical indictment of oxygen vacancies controlling carrier population in crystalline oxides, which by definition cannot occur in amorphous systems, and provides a framework to discuss key structural descriptors in these disordered phase materials.
Date Created

Synthesis of 2D Janus Crystals and their Superlattices

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Two dimensional (2D) Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) are a new class of atomically thin polar materials. In these materials, the top and the bottom atomic layer are made of different chalcogen atoms. To date, several theoretical studies have shown

Two dimensional (2D) Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) are a new class of atomically thin polar materials. In these materials, the top and the bottom atomic layer are made of different chalcogen atoms. To date, several theoretical studies have shown that a broken mirror symmetry induces a colossal electrical field in these materials, which leads to unusual quantum properties. Despite these new properties, the current knowledge in their synthesis is limited only through two independent studies; both works rely on high-temperature processing techniques and are specific to only one type of 2D Janus material - MoSSe. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the development of a new synthesis method to (1) Extend the library of Janus class materials. (2) Improve the quality of 2D crystals. (3) Enable the synthesis of Janus heterostructures. The central hypothesis in this work is that the processing temperature of 2D Janus synthesis can be significantly lowered down to room temperatures by using reactive hydrogen and sulfur radicals while stripping off selenium atoms from the 2D surface. To test this hypothesis, a series of controlled growth studies were performed, and several complementary characterization techniques were used to establish a process–structure-property relationship. The results show that the newly proposed approach, namely Selective Epitaxy and Atomic Replacement (SEAR), is effective in reducing the growth temperature down to ambient conditions. The proposed technique benefits in achieving highly crystalline 2D Janus layers with an excellent optical response. Further studies herein show that this technique can form highly sophisticated lateral and vertical heterostructures of 2D Janus layers. Overall results establish an entirely new growth technique for 2D Janus.layers, which pave ways for the realization of exciting quantum effects in these materials such as Fulde–Ferrell–Larkin–Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state, Majorana fermions, and topological p-wave superconductors.
Date Created

Nanoscale heterogeneities in visible light absorbing photocatalysts: connecting structure to functionality through electron microscopy and spectroscopy

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Photocatalytic water splitting over suspended nanoparticles represents a potential solution for achieving CO2-neutral energy generation and storage. To design efficient photocatalysts, a fundamental understanding of the material’s structure, electronic properties, defects, and how these are controlled via synthesis is essential.

Photocatalytic water splitting over suspended nanoparticles represents a potential solution for achieving CO2-neutral energy generation and storage. To design efficient photocatalysts, a fundamental understanding of the material’s structure, electronic properties, defects, and how these are controlled via synthesis is essential. Both bulk and nanoscale materials characterization, in addition to various performance metrics, can be combined to elucidate functionality at multiple length scales. In this work, two promising visible light harvesting systems are studied in detail: Pt-functionalized graphitic carbon nitrides (g-CNxHys) and TiO2-supported CeO2-x composites.

Electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) is used to sense variations in the local concentration of amine moieties (defects believed to facilitate interfacial charge transfer) at the surface of a g-CNxHy flake. Using an aloof-beam configuration, spatial resolution is maximized while minimizing damage thus providing nanoscale vibrational fingerprints similar to infrared absorption spectra. Structural disorder in g-CNxHys is further studied using transmission electron microscopy at low electron fluence rates. In-plane structural fluctuations revealed variations in the local azimuthal orientation of the heptazine building blocks, allowing planar domain sizes to be related to the average polymer chain length. Furthermore, competing factors regulating photocatalytic performance in a series of Pt/g-CNxHys is elucidated. Increased polymer condensation in the g-CNxHy support enhances the rate of charge transfer to reactants owing to higher electronic mobility. However, active site densities are over 3x lower on the most condensed g-CNxHy which ultimately limits its H2 evolution rate (HER). Based on these findings, strategies to improve the cocatalyst configuration on intrinsically active supports are given.

In TiO2/CeO2-x photocatalysts, the effect of the support particle size on the bulk
anoscale properties and photocatalytic performance is investigated. Small anatase supports facilitate highly dispersed CeO2-x species, leading to increased visible light absorption and HERs resulting from a higher density of mixed metal oxide (MMO) interfaces with Ce3+ species. Using monochromated EELS, bandgap states associated with MMO interfaces are detected, revealing electronic transitions from 0.5 eV up to the bulk bandgap onset of anatase. Overall, the electron microscopy/spectroscopy techniques developed and applied herein sheds light onto the relevant defects and limiting processes operating within these photocatalyst systems thus suggesting rational design strategies.
Date Created

Thermal cycling of LTO-LCO batteries subjected to electric vehicle schedule and its second life evaluation

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Lithium titanium oxide (LTO), is a crystalline (spinel) anode material that has recently been considered as an alternative to carbon anodes in conventional lithium-ion batteries (LIB), mainly due to the inherent safety and durability of this material. In this paper

Lithium titanium oxide (LTO), is a crystalline (spinel) anode material that has recently been considered as an alternative to carbon anodes in conventional lithium-ion batteries (LIB), mainly due to the inherent safety and durability of this material. In this paper commercial LTO anode 18650 cells with lithium cobalt oxide (LCO) cathodes have been cycled to simulate EV operating condition (temperature and drive profiles) in Arizona. The capacity fade of battery packs (pack #1 and pack#2), each consisting 6 such cells in parallel was studied. While capacity fades faster at the higher temperature (40°C), fading is significantly reduced at the lower temperature limit (0°C). Non-invasive techniques such as Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) show a steady increase in the high-frequency resistance along with capacity fade indicating Loss of Active Material (LAM) and formation of co-intercalation products like Solid Electrolyte Interface (SEI). A two-stage capacity fade can be observed as previously reported and can be proved by differential voltage curves. The first stage is gradual and marks the slow degradation of the anode while the second stage is marked by a drastic capacity fade and can be attributed to the fading cathode. After an effective capacity fading of ~20%, the battery packs were disassembled, sorted and repackaged into smaller packs of 3 cells each for second-life testing. No major changes were seen in the crystal structure of LTO, establishing its electrochemical stability. However, the poor built of the 18650-cell appears to have resulted in failures like gradual electrolytic decomposition causing prominent swelling and failure in a few cells and LAM from the cathode along with cation dissolution. This result is important to understand how LTO batteries fail to better utilize the batteries for specific secondary-life applications.
Date Created

Simulation of Atomic Structure around Defects in Anatase

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Titanium dioxide is an essential material under research for energy and environmental applications, chiefly through its photocatalytic properties. These properties allow it to be used for water-splitting, detoxification, and photovoltaics, in addition to its conventional uses in pigmentation and

Titanium dioxide is an essential material under research for energy and environmental applications, chiefly through its photocatalytic properties. These properties allow it to be used for water-splitting, detoxification, and photovoltaics, in addition to its conventional uses in pigmentation and sunscreen. Titanium dioxide exists in several polymorphic structures, of which the most common are rutile and anatase. We focused on anatase for the purposes of this research, due to its promising results for hydrolysis.

Anatase exists often in its reduced form (TiO2-x), enabling it to perform redox reactions through the absorption and release of oxygen into/from the crystal lattice. These processes result in structural changes, induced by defects in the material, which can theoretically be observed using advanced characterization methods. In situ electron microscopy is one of such methods, and can provide a window into these structural changes. However, in order to interpret the structural evolution caused by defects in materials, it is often necessary and pertinent to use atomistic simulations to compare the experimental images with models.

In this thesis project, we modeled the defect structures in anatase, around oxygen vacancies and at surfaces, using molecular dynamics, benchmarked with density functional theory. Using a “reactive” forcefield designed for the simulation of interactions between anatase and water that can model and treat bonding through the use of bond orders, different vacancy structures were analyzed and simulated. To compare these theoretical, generated models with experimental data, the “multislice approach” to TEM image simulation was used. We investigated a series of different vacancy configurations and surfaces and generated fingerprints for comparison with TEM experiments. This comparison demonstrated a proof of concept for a technique suggesting the possibility for the identification of oxygen vacancy structures directly from TEM images. This research aims to improve our atomic-level understanding of oxide materials, by providing a methodology for the analysis of vacancy formation from very subtle phenomena in TEM images.
Date Created