Effects of High Impedance Embedded Defects on Local Dynamic Deformation of FCC Materials

This project involved testing and characterization on a shock loaded sample with a single engineered defect to study the effect of inclusions in engineering alloys. The sample was a single crystal copper with an embedded tungsten wire. Hardness testing and

This project involved testing and characterization on a shock loaded sample with a single engineered defect to study the effect of inclusions in engineering alloys. The sample was a single crystal copper with an embedded tungsten wire. Hardness testing and EBSD analysis were performed as independent methods of characterizing the effect of a single defect on the adjacent material after a dynamic test. The objective was to define a region of the engineered defect's influence and quantify its effect for improved damage models and material design. EBSD images and hardness results complemented each other, showing evidence of plastic deformation and work hardening in the region around the tungsten wire that decreased moving radially further from it.
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Synthesis and Characterization of Sputter Deposited BN and Cu/BN Multilayer Thin Films

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This thesis presents a study of Boron Nitride (BN) and Copper (Cu)/BN multilayer thin films in terms of synthesis, chemical, structural, morphological, and mechanical properties characterization. In this study, the influence of Ar/N₂ flow rate in synthesizing stoichiometric BN

This thesis presents a study of Boron Nitride (BN) and Copper (Cu)/BN multilayer thin films in terms of synthesis, chemical, structural, morphological, and mechanical properties characterization. In this study, the influence of Ar/N₂ flow rate in synthesizing stoichiometric BN thin films via magnetron sputtering was investigated initially. Post magnetron sputtering, the crystalline nature and B:N stoichiometric ratio of deposited thin films were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) respectively. Thicknesses revealed by ellipsometry analysis for nearly stoichiometric B:N thin films and their corresponding deposition times were used for estimating BN interlayer deposition times during the deposition of Cu/BN multilayer thin films. To characterize the microstructure of the synthesized Cu/BN multilayer thin films, XRD and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have been used. Finally, a comparison of nanoindentation measurements on pure Cu and Cu/BN multilayer thin films having different number of BN interlayers were used for studying the influence of BN interlayers on improving mechanical properties such as hardness and elastic modulus. The results show that the stoichiometry of BN thin films is dependent on the Ar/N₂ flow rate during magnetron sputtering. An optimal Ar/N₂ flow rate of 13:5 during deposition was required to achieve an approximately 1:1 B:N stoichiometry. Grazing incidence and powder XRD analysis on these stoichiometric BN thin films deposited at room temperature did not reveal a phase match when compared to hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and cubic boron nitride (c-BN) reference XRD patterns. For a BN thin film deposition time of 5 hours, a thickness of approximately 40 nm was achieved, as revealed by ellipsometry. XRD and microstructure analysis using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on pure Cu and Cu/BN thin films showed that the Cu grain size in Cu/BN thin films is much finer than pure Cu thin films. Interestingly, nanoindentation measurements on pure Cu and Cu/BN thin films having a similar overall thickness demonstrated that hardness and Young’s modulus of the films were improved significantly when BN interlayers are present.
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Synthesis and Characterization of Sputter Deposited YZn Thin Films

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This thesis presents a study of the microstructure and mechanical properties of Yttrium-Zinc (YZn) thin films. Rare-earth intermetallic compounds have gained significant attention in recent years due to their unique structural and mechanical properties, making them suitable for various applications.

This thesis presents a study of the microstructure and mechanical properties of Yttrium-Zinc (YZn) thin films. Rare-earth intermetallic compounds have gained significant attention in recent years due to their unique structural and mechanical properties, making them suitable for various applications. However, studies on the Y-Zn system are scarce and there are very few published reports on YZn thin films. The main objective of this study is to investigate the microstructure and mechanical properties of YZn thin films using various experimental techniques.In this study, YZn films of various thicknesses were synthesized via magnetron co-sputtering: 200 nm, 500 nm, 1 µm, 2 µm and 11.5 µm. Then these samples were annealed at 250°C, 300°C, 350°C and 400°C to investigate their microstructural evolution and mechanical properties. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) based techniques have been used to analyze the microstructure and chemical composition of these compounds. The mechanical properties such as hardness and elastic modulus have been measured using nanoindentation. The results show that the microstructure of YZn thin films is dependent on the annealing conditions. The microstructure of samples deposited at room temperature and those annealed at 250°C and 300°C were found to be amorphous except for the 200 nm YZn film. Annealing at higher temperatures leads to crystallization of the films. Moreover, the results demonstrate that YZn intermetallic thin films have high hardness, which varies with the film thickness and annealing treatment. This work represents an initial effort to understand the microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of YZn thin films as a function of film thickness and annealing temperatures. The results of this study can be used to guide the design and development of YZn thin films with tailored microstructures and mechanical properties for various applications.
Date Created

Modeling and Control of Shapeshifting Ferrofluidic Robots

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Magnetic liquids called ferrofluids have been used in applications ranging from audio speaker cooling and rotary pressure seals to retinal detachment surgery and implantable artificial glaucoma valves. Recently, ferrofluids have been investigated as a material for use in magnetically controllable

Magnetic liquids called ferrofluids have been used in applications ranging from audio speaker cooling and rotary pressure seals to retinal detachment surgery and implantable artificial glaucoma valves. Recently, ferrofluids have been investigated as a material for use in magnetically controllable liquid droplet robotics. Liquid droplet robotics is an emerging technology that aims to apply control theory to manipulate fluid droplets as robotic agents to perform a wide range of tasks. Furthermore, magnetically controlled micro-robotics is another popular area of study where manipulating a magnetic field allows for the control of magnetized micro-robots. Both of these emerging fields have potential for impact toward medical applications: liquid characteristics such as being able to dissolve various compounds, be injected via a needle, and the potential for the human body to automatically filter and remove a liquid droplet robot, make liquid droplet robots advantageous for medical applications; while the ability to remotely control the torques and forces on an untethered microrobot via modulating the magnetic field and gradient is also highly advantageous. The research described in this dissertation explores applications and methods for the electromagnetic control of ferrofluid droplet robots. First, basic electrical components built from fluidic channels containing ferrofluid are made remotely tunable via the placement of ferrofluid within the channel. Second, a ferrofluid droplet is shown to be fully controllable in position, stretch direction, and stretch length in two dimensions using proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers. Third, control of a ferrofluid’s position, stretch direction, and stretch length is extended to three dimensions, and control gains are optimized via a Bayesian optimization process to achieve higher accuracy. Finally, magnetic control of both single and multiple ferrofluid droplets in two dimensions is investigated via a visual model predictive control approach based on machine learning. These achievements take both liquid droplet robotics and magnetic micro-robotics fields several steps closer toward real-world medical applications such as embedded soft electronic health monitors, liquid-droplet-robot-based drug delivery, and automated magnetically actuated surgeries.
Date Created

Improving Electric Vehicle and Battery Pack Assembly Through Predictive Modeling of Resistance Spot Welding and Distortion Reduction in Thin-Gauge Metal Sheets

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An approach for modeling resistance spot welding of thin-gauge, dissimilar metal sheets with high electrical conductivity is presented in this work. In this scenario, the electrical and thermal contact resistances play a dominant role in heat generation and temperature evolution

An approach for modeling resistance spot welding of thin-gauge, dissimilar metal sheets with high electrical conductivity is presented in this work. In this scenario, the electrical and thermal contact resistances play a dominant role in heat generation and temperature evolution within the workpieces; these interactions ultimately control the weld geometry. Existing models are limited in modeling these interactions, especially for dissimilar and thin-gauge metal sheets, and at higher temperatures when the multiphysics becomes increasingly interdependent. The approach presented here uses resistivity measurements, combined with thermal modeling and known bulk resistance relationships to infer the relationship between electrical contact resistance and temperature for each of the different material interfaces in the welding process. Corresponding thermal contact resistance models are developed using the Wiedemann-Franz law combined with a scaling factor to account for nonmetallic behavior. Experimental and simulation voltage histories and final weld diameter were used to validate this model for a Cu/Al/Cu and a Cu/Al/Cu/Al/Cu stack-ups. This model was then used to study the effect of Ni-P coating on resistance spot welding of Cu and Al sheets in terms of weld formation, mechanical deformation, and contact resistance. Contact resistance and current density distribution are highly dependent on contact pressure and temperature distribution at the Cu/Al interface in the presence of alumina. The Ni-P coating helps evolve a partially-bonded donut shaped weld into a fully-bonded hourglass-shaped weld by decreasing the dependence of contact resistance and current density distribution on contact pressure and temperature distribution at the Cu/Al interface. This work also provides an approach to minimize distortion due to offset-rolling in thin aluminum sheets by optimizing the stiffening feature geometry. The distortion is minimized using particle swarm optimization. The objective function is a function of distortion and smallest radius of curvature in the geometry. Doubling the minimum allowable radius of curvature nearly doubles the reduction in distortion from the stadium shape for a quarter model. Reduction in distortion in the quarter model extends to the full-scale model with the best design performing 5.3% and 27% better than the corresponding nominal design for a quarter and full-scale model, respectively.
Date Created

Advanced Manufacturing and Processing of Ceramics and Ceramic Composites

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Achieving a viable process for advanced manufacturing of ceramics and metal-ceramic composites is a sought-after goal in a wide range of fields including electronics and sensors for harsh environments, microelectromechanical devices, energy storage materials, and structural materials, among others. In

Achieving a viable process for advanced manufacturing of ceramics and metal-ceramic composites is a sought-after goal in a wide range of fields including electronics and sensors for harsh environments, microelectromechanical devices, energy storage materials, and structural materials, among others. In this dissertation, the processing, and manufacturing of ceramics and ceramic composites are addressed, specifically, a process for three-dimensional (3D) printing of polymer-derived ceramics (PDC), and a process for low-cost manufacturing as well as healing of metal-ceramic composites is demonstrated.Three-dimensional printing of ceramics is enabled by dispensing the preceramic polymer at the tip of a moving nozzle into a gel that can reversibly switch between fluid and solid states, and subsequently thermally cross-linking the entire printed part “at once” while still inside the same gel was demonstrated. The solid gel converts to fluid at the tip of the moving nozzle, allowing the polymer solution to be dispensed and quickly returns to a solid state to maintain the geometry of the printed polymer both during printing and the subsequent high-temperature (160 °C) cross-linking. After retrieving the cross-linked part from the gel, the green body is converted to ceramic by high-temperature pyrolysis. This scalable process opens new opportunities for low-cost and high-speed production of complex three-dimensional ceramic parts and will be widely used for high-temperature and corrosive environment applications, including electronics and sensors, microelectromechanical systems, energy, and structural applications. Metal-ceramic composites are technologically significant as structural and functional materials and are among the most expensive materials to manufacture and repair. Hence, technologies for self-healing metal-ceramic composites are important. Here, a concept to fabricate and heal co-continuous metal-ceramic composites at room temperature were demonstrated. The composites were fabricated by infiltration of metal (here Copper) into a porous alumina preform (fabricated by freeze-casting) through electroplating; a low-temperature and low-cost process for the fabrication of such composites. Additionally, the same electroplating process was demonstrated for healing damages such as grooves and cracks in the original composite, such that the healed composite recovered its strength by more than 80%. Such technology may be expanded toward fully autonomous self-healing structures.
Date Created

Synthesis and Characterization of Heterostructured Metallic Films with Precisely Controlled Architectures

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The increasing demand for structural materials with superior mechanical properties has provided a strong impetus to the discovery of novel materials, and innovations in processing techniques to improve the properties of existing materials. Methods like severe plastic deformation (SPD) and

The increasing demand for structural materials with superior mechanical properties has provided a strong impetus to the discovery of novel materials, and innovations in processing techniques to improve the properties of existing materials. Methods like severe plastic deformation (SPD) and surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) have led to significant enhancement in the strength of traditional structural materials like Al and Fe based alloys via microstructural refinement. However, the nanocrystalline materials produced using these techniques exhibit poor ductility due to the lack of effective strain hardening mechanisms, and as a result the well-known strength-ductility trade-off persists. To overcome this trade-off, researchers have proposed the concept of heterostructured materials, which are composed of domains ranging in size from a few nanometers to several micrometers. Over the last two decades, there has been intense research on the development of new methods to synthesize heterostructured materials. However, none of these methods is capable of providing precise control over key microstructural parameters such as average grain size, grain morphology, and volume fraction and connectivity of coarse and fine grains. Due to the lack of microstructural control, the relationship between these parameters and the deformation behavior of heterostructured materials cannot be investigated systematically, and hence designing heterostructured materials with optimized properties is currently infeasible. This work aims to address this scientific and technological challenge and is composed of two distinct but interrelated parts. The first part concerns the development of a broadly applicable synthesis method to produce heterostructured metallic films with precisely defined architectures. This method exploits two forms of film growth (epitaxial and Volmer-Weber) to generate heterostructured metallic films. The second part investigates the effect of different microstructural parameters on the deformation behavior of heterostructured metallic films with the aim of elucidating their structure-property relationships. Towards this end, freestanding heterostructured Fe films with different architectures were fabricated and uniaxially deformed using MEMS stages. The results from these experiments are presented and their implications for the mechanical properties of heterostructured materials is discussed.
Date Created

The Evolution of Cyclic Plasticity Under Biaxial Conditions

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A unique geometry is presented that creates biaxial stresses and strains when subjected to uniaxial loading in order to facilitate further multiaxial fatigue research by reducing the need for the use of specialized multiaxial loading equipment. Cyclic plasticity is a

A unique geometry is presented that creates biaxial stresses and strains when subjected to uniaxial loading in order to facilitate further multiaxial fatigue research by reducing the need for the use of specialized multiaxial loading equipment. Cyclic plasticity is a critical process in fatigue and the geometry was successfully designed and fabricated to allow for the continuous monitoring of cyclic plastic strains of magnitude 10^(-4) mm/mm during cyclic loading. Simulation results show that plasticity occurs in a region central to the test specimen while also being subjected to biaxial stresses and strains characterized by average principal direction ratios of 1.18 and 1.39 respectively. Simulation shows fatigue life of the specimen to be 79 thousand cycles, which allows for a reasonable evolution of cyclic plasticity before reaching failure. Issues with the instrumentation process hindered experimental validation of the simulation results.

Date Created

Synthesis and Mechanical Behavior of NiTi Films with Controlled Microstructures

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Thin films are widely used for a variety of applications such as electrical interconnects, sensors, as well as optical, mechanical, and decorative coatings. Thin films made of NiTi, commonly referred to as nitinol, have generated recent interest as they are

Thin films are widely used for a variety of applications such as electrical interconnects, sensors, as well as optical, mechanical, and decorative coatings. Thin films made of NiTi, commonly referred to as nitinol, have generated recent interest as they are highly suitable for high frequency thermal actuation in microelectromechanical devices because of their small thermal mass and large surface-to-volume ratio. The functional properties of NiTi arise from a diffusionless phase transformation between two of its primary phases: austenite and martensite. This transformation leads to either the shape memory or pseudoelastic effect, where inelastic deformation is recovered with and without the application of heat, respectively. It is well known that the mechanical properties of NiTi are highly dependent on the microstructure, but few studies have been performed to examine the mechanical behavior of thin NiTi films (thickness below 200 nm), which are expected to have grain sizes in a similar range. The primary intent of this work is the synthesis of NiTi thin films with controlled microstructures, followed by characterization of their microstructure and its relationship to the mechanical properties. Microstructural control was achieved by utilizing a novel synthesis technique in which amorphous precursor films are seeded with nanocrystals, which serve as nucleation sites during subsequent crystallization via thermal annealing. This technique enables control of grain size, dispersion, and phase composition of thin films by varying the parameters of seed deposition as well as annealing conditions. The microstructures and composition of the NiTi thin films were characterized using X-ray Diffraction, Electron Microprobe Analysis, High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy, Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, as well as other complementary techniques. Mechanical properties of the films were investigated using uniaxial tensile testing performed using a custom microfabricated tensile testing stage. The NiTi thin films exhibit mechanical behavior that is distinct from bulk NiTi, which is also highly sensitive to small changes in microstructure and phase composition. These findings are rationalized in terms of the changes in deformation mechanisms that occur at small grain sizes and sample dimensions.
Date Created

Nanostructural Self-Organization In Vapor-Deposited Alloy Films: A Phase-Field Approach

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Physical vapor deposition (PVD) of phase-separating multicomponent alloy films generates a rich variety of unique self-organized nanoscale morphologies. However, an understanding of how the different material and process parameters influence the formation of these nanostructures is limited. My dissertation aims

Physical vapor deposition (PVD) of phase-separating multicomponent alloy films generates a rich variety of unique self-organized nanoscale morphologies. However, an understanding of how the different material and process parameters influence the formation of these nanostructures is limited. My dissertation aims to bridge this gap by developing phase-field models that can predict an entire spectrum of nanostructures as a function of processing conditions and composition in multicomponent alloys under a set of material-specific constraints. Firstly, I developed a numerical model to simulate nanoscale phase separation in codeposited immiscible binary alloy films. An investigation on the influence of deposition rates, phase-fraction, and temperature, on the evolution of self-assembled nanostructures yielded many characteristic patterns, including well-known morphologies such as the lateral and vertical concentration modulations, as well as some previously undocumented variants. I also simulated phase-separation in ternary alloyed PVD films, and studied the influence of deposition rate and composition on the evolution of self-assembled nanostructures, and recorded many novel nanoscale morphologies. I then sought to understand the role of material properties such as elastic misfit due to lattice mismatch between phases, grain boundaries formed in polycrystalline films, and the interplay of interphase and surface boundaries at the film surface. To this end, I developed phase-field models of binary PVD film deposition that incorporated these constraints and studied their role in altering the temporal and spatial characteristics of the evolving morphologies. I also investigated the formation of surface hillocks and the role of surface and interfacial energies in their evolution. By studying the change in total free energy across the different deposition models, I established that, in addition to influencing the temporal and spatial characteristics of nanoscale structures in the films, this quantity is also responsible for driving morphological transitions as the rate of deposition is increased. Insights gained from this computational study will demonstrate the viability of these models in predicting experimentally observed morphologies and form a basis for understanding the various factors involved in driving phase-separation and morphological transitions. In addition, morphology maps will serve as templates for developing new pathways for morphology control in the manufacturing of PVD alloy films.
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