A Framework for Soft Body Armor Design Using Solid Finite Elements

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A finite element model that replicates the experimental procedure to test and certify soft body armor has been developed. The model consists of four components: bullet, clay, straps, and shoot pack with different material models that closely capture the behavior

A finite element model that replicates the experimental procedure to test and certify soft body armor has been developed. The model consists of four components: bullet, clay, straps, and shoot pack with different material models that closely capture the behavior of each component when subjected to ballistic impact loading. To test the fidelity of the model, three metrics are used - back face signature (BFS), the number of penetrated shoot pack layers, and the number of damaged shoot pack layers on the clay side of the shoot pack assembly. In addition, the shape and size of the bullet, and the shape and size of the hole in the shoot pack are also considered as qualitative measures to assess the developed model. The focus of this research work is to improve the shoot pack material model, while the constitutive model for the components is taken from earlier work done at ASU. Results show considerable improvement in the model in terms of capturing the number of penetrated layers, the size and shape of the holes in the shoot pack layer, and the predicted BFS. The developed finite element models can be used to predict the behavior of soft body armor for different initial conditions, shoot pack materials, and arrangement of the layers.
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Synthesis and Characterization of Sputter Deposited BN and Cu/BN Multilayer Thin Films

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This thesis presents a study of Boron Nitride (BN) and Copper (Cu)/BN multilayer thin films in terms of synthesis, chemical, structural, morphological, and mechanical properties characterization. In this study, the influence of Ar/N₂ flow rate in synthesizing stoichiometric BN

This thesis presents a study of Boron Nitride (BN) and Copper (Cu)/BN multilayer thin films in terms of synthesis, chemical, structural, morphological, and mechanical properties characterization. In this study, the influence of Ar/N₂ flow rate in synthesizing stoichiometric BN thin films via magnetron sputtering was investigated initially. Post magnetron sputtering, the crystalline nature and B:N stoichiometric ratio of deposited thin films were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) respectively. Thicknesses revealed by ellipsometry analysis for nearly stoichiometric B:N thin films and their corresponding deposition times were used for estimating BN interlayer deposition times during the deposition of Cu/BN multilayer thin films. To characterize the microstructure of the synthesized Cu/BN multilayer thin films, XRD and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have been used. Finally, a comparison of nanoindentation measurements on pure Cu and Cu/BN multilayer thin films having different number of BN interlayers were used for studying the influence of BN interlayers on improving mechanical properties such as hardness and elastic modulus. The results show that the stoichiometry of BN thin films is dependent on the Ar/N₂ flow rate during magnetron sputtering. An optimal Ar/N₂ flow rate of 13:5 during deposition was required to achieve an approximately 1:1 B:N stoichiometry. Grazing incidence and powder XRD analysis on these stoichiometric BN thin films deposited at room temperature did not reveal a phase match when compared to hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and cubic boron nitride (c-BN) reference XRD patterns. For a BN thin film deposition time of 5 hours, a thickness of approximately 40 nm was achieved, as revealed by ellipsometry. XRD and microstructure analysis using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on pure Cu and Cu/BN thin films showed that the Cu grain size in Cu/BN thin films is much finer than pure Cu thin films. Interestingly, nanoindentation measurements on pure Cu and Cu/BN thin films having a similar overall thickness demonstrated that hardness and Young’s modulus of the films were improved significantly when BN interlayers are present.
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Quantum Mechanical Study of the Electronic Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of Heusler Alloys

Heusler alloys were discovered in 1903, and materials with half-metallic characteristics have drawn more attention from researchers since the advances in semiconductor industry [1]. Heusler alloys have found application as spin-filters, tunnel junctions or giant magnetoresistance (GMR) devices in

Heusler alloys were discovered in 1903, and materials with half-metallic characteristics have drawn more attention from researchers since the advances in semiconductor industry [1]. Heusler alloys have found application as spin-filters, tunnel junctions or giant magnetoresistance (GMR) devices in technological applications [1]. In this work, the electronic structures, phonon dispersion, thermal properties, and electrical conductivities of PdMnSn and six novel alloys (AuCrSn, AuMnGe, Au2MnSn, Cu2NiGe, Pd2NiGe and Pt2CoSn) along with their magnetic moments are studied using ab initio calculations to understand the roots of half-metallicity in these alloys of Heusler family. From the phonon dispersion, the thermodynamic stability of the alloys in their respective phases is assessed. Phonon modes were also used to further understand the electrical transport in the crystals of these seven alloys. This study evaluates the relationship between materials' electrical conductivity and minority-spin bandgap in the band structure, and it provides suggestions for selecting constituent elements when designing new half-metallic Heusler alloys of C1b and L21 structures.
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Synthesis and Characterization of Sputter Deposited YZn Thin Films

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This thesis presents a study of the microstructure and mechanical properties of Yttrium-Zinc (YZn) thin films. Rare-earth intermetallic compounds have gained significant attention in recent years due to their unique structural and mechanical properties, making them suitable for various applications.

This thesis presents a study of the microstructure and mechanical properties of Yttrium-Zinc (YZn) thin films. Rare-earth intermetallic compounds have gained significant attention in recent years due to their unique structural and mechanical properties, making them suitable for various applications. However, studies on the Y-Zn system are scarce and there are very few published reports on YZn thin films. The main objective of this study is to investigate the microstructure and mechanical properties of YZn thin films using various experimental techniques.In this study, YZn films of various thicknesses were synthesized via magnetron co-sputtering: 200 nm, 500 nm, 1 µm, 2 µm and 11.5 µm. Then these samples were annealed at 250°C, 300°C, 350°C and 400°C to investigate their microstructural evolution and mechanical properties. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) based techniques have been used to analyze the microstructure and chemical composition of these compounds. The mechanical properties such as hardness and elastic modulus have been measured using nanoindentation. The results show that the microstructure of YZn thin films is dependent on the annealing conditions. The microstructure of samples deposited at room temperature and those annealed at 250°C and 300°C were found to be amorphous except for the 200 nm YZn film. Annealing at higher temperatures leads to crystallization of the films. Moreover, the results demonstrate that YZn intermetallic thin films have high hardness, which varies with the film thickness and annealing treatment. This work represents an initial effort to understand the microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of YZn thin films as a function of film thickness and annealing temperatures. The results of this study can be used to guide the design and development of YZn thin films with tailored microstructures and mechanical properties for various applications.
Date Created

Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Hierarchical and Nanocrystalline Ni-Y-Zr Alloys

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Microstructure refinement and alloy additions are considered potential routes to increase high temperature performance of existing metallic superalloys used under extreme conditions. Nanocrystalline (NC) Cu-10at%Ta exhibits such improvements over microstructurally unstable NC metals, leading to enhanced creep behavior compared to

Microstructure refinement and alloy additions are considered potential routes to increase high temperature performance of existing metallic superalloys used under extreme conditions. Nanocrystalline (NC) Cu-10at%Ta exhibits such improvements over microstructurally unstable NC metals, leading to enhanced creep behavior compared to its coarse-grained (CG) counterparts. However, the low melting point of Cu compared to other FCC metals, e.g., Ni, might lead to an early onset of diffusional creep mechanisms. Thus, this research seeks to study the thermo-mechanical behavior and stability of hierarchical (prepared using arc-melting) and NC (prepared by collaborators through powder pressing and annealing) Ni-Y-Zr alloys where Zr is expected to provide solid solution and grain boundary strengthening in hierarchical and NC alloys, respectively, while Ni-Y and Ni-Zr intermetallic precipitates (IMCs) would provide kinetic stability. Hierarchical alloys had microstructures stable up to 1100 °C with ultrafine eutectic of ~300 nm, dendritic arm spacing of ~10 μm, and grain size ~1-2 mm. Room temperature hardness tests along with uniaxial compression performed at 25 and 600 °C revealed that microhardness and yield strength of hierarchical alloys with small amounts of Y (0.5-1wt%) and Zr (1.5-3 wt%) were comparable to Ni-superalloys, due to the hierarchical microstructure and potential presence of nanoscale IMCs. In contrast, NC alloys of the same composition were found to be twice as hard as the hierarchical alloys. Creep tests at 0.5 homologous temperature showed active Coble creep mechanisms in hierarchical alloys at low stresses with creep rates slower than Fe-based superalloys and dislocation creep mechanisms at higher stresses. Creep in NC alloys at lower stresses was only 20 times faster than hierarchical alloys, with the difference in grain size ranging from 10^3 to 10^6 times at the same temperature. These NC alloys showed enhanced creep properties over other NC metals and are expected to have rates equal to or improved over the CG hierarchical alloys with ECAP processing techniques. Lastly, the in-situ wide-angle x-ray scattering (WAXS) measurements during quasi-static and creep tests implied stresses being carried mostly by the matrix before yielding and in the primary creep stage, respectively, while relaxation was observed in Ni5Zr for both hierarchical and NC alloys. Beyond yielding and in the secondary creep stage, lattice strains reached a steady state, thereby, an equilibrium between plastic strain rates was achieved across different phases, so that deformation reaches a saturation state where strain hardening effects are compensated by recovery mechanisms.
Date Created

Improving Electric Vehicle and Battery Pack Assembly Through Predictive Modeling of Resistance Spot Welding and Distortion Reduction in Thin-Gauge Metal Sheets

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An approach for modeling resistance spot welding of thin-gauge, dissimilar metal sheets with high electrical conductivity is presented in this work. In this scenario, the electrical and thermal contact resistances play a dominant role in heat generation and temperature evolution

An approach for modeling resistance spot welding of thin-gauge, dissimilar metal sheets with high electrical conductivity is presented in this work. In this scenario, the electrical and thermal contact resistances play a dominant role in heat generation and temperature evolution within the workpieces; these interactions ultimately control the weld geometry. Existing models are limited in modeling these interactions, especially for dissimilar and thin-gauge metal sheets, and at higher temperatures when the multiphysics becomes increasingly interdependent. The approach presented here uses resistivity measurements, combined with thermal modeling and known bulk resistance relationships to infer the relationship between electrical contact resistance and temperature for each of the different material interfaces in the welding process. Corresponding thermal contact resistance models are developed using the Wiedemann-Franz law combined with a scaling factor to account for nonmetallic behavior. Experimental and simulation voltage histories and final weld diameter were used to validate this model for a Cu/Al/Cu and a Cu/Al/Cu/Al/Cu stack-ups. This model was then used to study the effect of Ni-P coating on resistance spot welding of Cu and Al sheets in terms of weld formation, mechanical deformation, and contact resistance. Contact resistance and current density distribution are highly dependent on contact pressure and temperature distribution at the Cu/Al interface in the presence of alumina. The Ni-P coating helps evolve a partially-bonded donut shaped weld into a fully-bonded hourglass-shaped weld by decreasing the dependence of contact resistance and current density distribution on contact pressure and temperature distribution at the Cu/Al interface. This work also provides an approach to minimize distortion due to offset-rolling in thin aluminum sheets by optimizing the stiffening feature geometry. The distortion is minimized using particle swarm optimization. The objective function is a function of distortion and smallest radius of curvature in the geometry. Doubling the minimum allowable radius of curvature nearly doubles the reduction in distortion from the stadium shape for a quarter model. Reduction in distortion in the quarter model extends to the full-scale model with the best design performing 5.3% and 27% better than the corresponding nominal design for a quarter and full-scale model, respectively.
Date Created

Synthesis and Characterization of Heterostructured Metallic Films with Precisely Controlled Architectures

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The increasing demand for structural materials with superior mechanical properties has provided a strong impetus to the discovery of novel materials, and innovations in processing techniques to improve the properties of existing materials. Methods like severe plastic deformation (SPD) and

The increasing demand for structural materials with superior mechanical properties has provided a strong impetus to the discovery of novel materials, and innovations in processing techniques to improve the properties of existing materials. Methods like severe plastic deformation (SPD) and surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) have led to significant enhancement in the strength of traditional structural materials like Al and Fe based alloys via microstructural refinement. However, the nanocrystalline materials produced using these techniques exhibit poor ductility due to the lack of effective strain hardening mechanisms, and as a result the well-known strength-ductility trade-off persists. To overcome this trade-off, researchers have proposed the concept of heterostructured materials, which are composed of domains ranging in size from a few nanometers to several micrometers. Over the last two decades, there has been intense research on the development of new methods to synthesize heterostructured materials. However, none of these methods is capable of providing precise control over key microstructural parameters such as average grain size, grain morphology, and volume fraction and connectivity of coarse and fine grains. Due to the lack of microstructural control, the relationship between these parameters and the deformation behavior of heterostructured materials cannot be investigated systematically, and hence designing heterostructured materials with optimized properties is currently infeasible. This work aims to address this scientific and technological challenge and is composed of two distinct but interrelated parts. The first part concerns the development of a broadly applicable synthesis method to produce heterostructured metallic films with precisely defined architectures. This method exploits two forms of film growth (epitaxial and Volmer-Weber) to generate heterostructured metallic films. The second part investigates the effect of different microstructural parameters on the deformation behavior of heterostructured metallic films with the aim of elucidating their structure-property relationships. Towards this end, freestanding heterostructured Fe films with different architectures were fabricated and uniaxially deformed using MEMS stages. The results from these experiments are presented and their implications for the mechanical properties of heterostructured materials is discussed.
Date Created

Structural Stability and Radiation Tolerance of Nanocrystalline Cu-Ta for Extreme Applications

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Nanocrystalline (NC) materials are of great interest to researchers due to their multitude of properties such as exceptional strength and radiation resistance owing to their high fraction of grain boundaries that act as defect sinks for radiation-induced defects, provided they

Nanocrystalline (NC) materials are of great interest to researchers due to their multitude of properties such as exceptional strength and radiation resistance owing to their high fraction of grain boundaries that act as defect sinks for radiation-induced defects, provided they are microstructurally stable. In this dissertation, radiation effects in microstructurally stable bulk NC copper (Cu)- tantalum (Ta) alloys engineered with uniformly dispersed Ta nano-precipitates are systematically probed. Towards this, both ex-situ and in-situ irradiations using heavy (self) ion, helium ion, and concurrent dual ion beams (He+Au) followed by isochronal annealing inside TEM were utilized to understand radiation tolerance and underlying mechanisms of microstructure evolution in stable NC alloys. With systematic self-ion irradiation, the high density of tantalum nanoclusters in Cu-10at.%Ta were observed to act as stable sinks in suppressing radiation hardening, in addition to stabilizing the grain boundaries; while the large incoherent precipitates experienced ballistic mixing and dissolution at high doses. Interestingly, the alloy exhibited a microstructure self-healing mechanism, where with a moderate thermal input, this dissolved tantalum eventually re-precipitated, thus replenishing the sink density. The high stability of these tantalum nanoclusters is attributed to the high positive enthalpy of mixing of tantalum in copper which also acted as a critical driving force against atomic mixing to facilitate re-precipitation of tantalum nanoclusters. Furthermore, these nanoclusters proved to be effective trapping sites for helium, thus sequestering helium into isolated small bubbles and aid in increasing the overall swelling threshold of the alloy. The alloy was then compositionally optimized to reduce the density of large incoherent precipitates without compromising on the grain size and nanocluster density (Cu-3at.%Ta) which resulted in a consistent and more promising response to high dose self-ion irradiation. In-situ helium and dual beam irradiation coupled with isochronal annealing till 723 K, also revealed a comparable microstructural stability and enhanced ability of Cu-3Ta in controlling bubble growth and suppressing swelling compared to Cu-10Ta indicating a promising improvement in radiation tolerance in the optimized composition. Overall, this work helps advancing the current understanding of radiation tolerance in stable nanocrystalline alloys and aid developing design strategies for engineering radiation tolerant materials with stable interfaces.
Date Created

Synthesis and Mechanical Behavior of NiTi Films with Controlled Microstructures

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Thin films are widely used for a variety of applications such as electrical interconnects, sensors, as well as optical, mechanical, and decorative coatings. Thin films made of NiTi, commonly referred to as nitinol, have generated recent interest as they are

Thin films are widely used for a variety of applications such as electrical interconnects, sensors, as well as optical, mechanical, and decorative coatings. Thin films made of NiTi, commonly referred to as nitinol, have generated recent interest as they are highly suitable for high frequency thermal actuation in microelectromechanical devices because of their small thermal mass and large surface-to-volume ratio. The functional properties of NiTi arise from a diffusionless phase transformation between two of its primary phases: austenite and martensite. This transformation leads to either the shape memory or pseudoelastic effect, where inelastic deformation is recovered with and without the application of heat, respectively. It is well known that the mechanical properties of NiTi are highly dependent on the microstructure, but few studies have been performed to examine the mechanical behavior of thin NiTi films (thickness below 200 nm), which are expected to have grain sizes in a similar range. The primary intent of this work is the synthesis of NiTi thin films with controlled microstructures, followed by characterization of their microstructure and its relationship to the mechanical properties. Microstructural control was achieved by utilizing a novel synthesis technique in which amorphous precursor films are seeded with nanocrystals, which serve as nucleation sites during subsequent crystallization via thermal annealing. This technique enables control of grain size, dispersion, and phase composition of thin films by varying the parameters of seed deposition as well as annealing conditions. The microstructures and composition of the NiTi thin films were characterized using X-ray Diffraction, Electron Microprobe Analysis, High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy, Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, as well as other complementary techniques. Mechanical properties of the films were investigated using uniaxial tensile testing performed using a custom microfabricated tensile testing stage. The NiTi thin films exhibit mechanical behavior that is distinct from bulk NiTi, which is also highly sensitive to small changes in microstructure and phase composition. These findings are rationalized in terms of the changes in deformation mechanisms that occur at small grain sizes and sample dimensions.
Date Created

Evaluation of surface roughness evolution during fatigue damage in metals under multiaxial loading via optical measurements

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Fatigue damage accumulation under multiaxial loading conditions is an important practical problem for which there is a need to collect additional experimental data to calibrate and validate models. In this work, a sample with a special geometry capable of producing

Fatigue damage accumulation under multiaxial loading conditions is an important practical problem for which there is a need to collect additional experimental data to calibrate and validate models. In this work, a sample with a special geometry capable of producing biaxial stresses while undergoing uniaxial load was fabricated and tested successfully and used, along with standard dogbone samples, to monitor the evolution of surface roughness development under cyclic loading using optical microscopy. In addition, a Michelson interferometer was successfully designed, built and tested that can be used to monitor surface roughness for lower levels of load than those used in this work. Results of testing and characterization in 2024-T3 samples tested at a maximum stress slightly below their yield strength and load ratio ~ 0.1 indicate that most of the surface roughness development under cyclic loads occurs on the second half of the fatigue, with the bulk of it close to failure. However, samples with load axes perpendicular to the rolling direction showed earlier development of roughness, which correlated with shorter fatigue lives and the expected anisotropy of strength in the material.

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