Auditory Prediction and Implicit Learning in Dyslexia

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More than a century of research has investigated the etiology of dyslexia, coalescing around ‘phonological awareness’ – the ability to recognize and manipulate phonemes – as a trait typically deficient in reading disorders. Meanwhile, the last few decades of research

More than a century of research has investigated the etiology of dyslexia, coalescing around ‘phonological awareness’ – the ability to recognize and manipulate phonemes – as a trait typically deficient in reading disorders. Meanwhile, the last few decades of research in neuroscience have highlighted the brain as a predictive organ, which subliminally calibrates sensory expectations according to experience. Do the brains of adults with dyslexia respond differently than those of matched controls to expected tones and unexpected omissions? While auditory oddball paradigms have previously been used to study dyslexia, these studies often interpret group differences to indicate deficit auditory discrimination rather than deficit auditory prediction. The current study takes a step toward fusing theories of predictive coding and dyslexia, finding that event-related potentials related to auditory prediction are attenuated in adults with dyslexia compared with typical controls. It further suggests that understanding dyslexia, and perhaps other psychiatric disorders, in terms of contributory neural systems will elucidate shared and distinct etiologies.
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Physical and Psychosocial Health in Families With and Without Classic Galactosemia Before vs. During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Studies during and following the height of the Coronavirus pandemic show that psychological and physical health levels decrease, due to factors such as reduced human contact and anxiety. However, there is little to no research on how quality of life

Studies during and following the height of the Coronavirus pandemic show that psychological and physical health levels decrease, due to factors such as reduced human contact and anxiety. However, there is little to no research on how quality of life levels would change over the course of the pandemic for families who have the added stress of having a child with a developmental complication. To answer this question, this study utilized longitudinal data from the Babble Boot Camp, a project under the ASU Speech Language Genetics Lab, to analyze quality of life measures in families who have children with Classic Galactosemia (CG). CG is an inborn metabolic disorder that causes an intolerance to galactose, a sugar in dairy, the effects of which can be deadly. These children often show signs of developmental delays in multiple areas within the first few years of life. Studying quality of life surveys before, during, and after the most intense phase of the pandemic, this study investigates the difference between these families and those with typical children.

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Physical and Psychosocial Health in Families With and Without Classic Galactosemia Before vs. During the COVID-19 Pandemic


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the pandemic’s effect on the psychosocial and physical quality of life of children with and without classic galactosemia and their parents in the Babble Boot Camp. The Babble Boot Camp within ASU’s

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the pandemic’s effect on the psychosocial and physical quality of life of children with and without classic galactosemia and their parents in the Babble Boot Camp. The Babble Boot Camp within ASU’s Speech and Hearing Genetics Lab provides early intervention speech therapy for children with classic galactosemia (CG), evaluating their speech progress as well as other metrics related to stress and quality of life. In this study, the Quality of Life questionnaire (Varni, 1998) was used to measure how three pandemic stages (pre-pandemic, intense-pandemic, post intense-pandemic) affected the entire participant population, those with CG children compared to typically developing, and each family member (father vs. mother vs. child). These factors were combined within an integrated regression model to see driving factors and correlations within responses. The main results were that the pandemic itself did not have a significant effect, but there was quite a significant impact on psychosocial health when comparing affected vs unaffected groups. Evaluating an integrated regression model with the consideration of all three pandemic phases, the results show that the factor driving group differences over time was the affectation of the participant for psychosocial health and family member for physical health. When looking at just pre-pandemic and intense pandemic phase, both models in their entirety were significant, showing that all predictors (affectation, pandemic phase, and family member) drove health differences. Lastly, the findings of the study show that there were significant correlations between the health scores of fathers, mothers, and children throughout the different stages of the pandemic.

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Auditory Evoked Potentials as a Window into Word Learning in Dyslexia: Mismatch Negativity, Response Time and Accuracy, and Associated Language Deficits

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Objective: Previous studies have observed that adults with dyslexia display a reduced N1 gating when exposed to repetitive stimuli. Robust gating is associated with the ability to recognize familiar stimuli and identify the stimuli that will need novel memory representations

Objective: Previous studies have observed that adults with dyslexia display a reduced N1 gating when exposed to repetitive stimuli. Robust gating is associated with the ability to recognize familiar stimuli and identify the stimuli that will need novel memory representations formed. This study investigates if the mismatch negativity component in electroencephalographic-produced Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) is affected as well by diminished memory forming in adults with dyslexia. Additionally, signal/ noise processing for auditory-based memory recollection and thus word learning is explored. Methods: Nineteen adults with dyslexia and 18 adult controls participated in a classic auditory oddball electroencephalographic experiment here referred to as DIFF, to indicate that the tones differed in frequency, while incorporating a decision-making task that signified participant tonal discrimination. Mismatch Negativity (MMN) amplitudes (AMPs) and latencies were collected from ERPs. Behavioral data consisting of reaction time (RT) and accuracy (ACC) of tone choice were documented. Results: Group differences for accuracy and reaction time in the DIFF task were highly significant. The dyslexic group produced longer reaction times and with less accuracy than the control group. The Mismatch Negativity amplitude and latency collected did not differ significantly between groups, however, correlations to other variables obtained from similar studies consisting of the same participant group were observed. Linear regression models indicated predictions for accuracy and reaction time results based upon WID scores (Word Identification Test) and SWE scores (Sight Word Efficiency) respectfully. Conclusions: Neural processing speed and the ability to form permanent memory representations of auditory sound bites for retrieval is dampened in dyslexic populations. Significance: To better illuminate and understand the neural mechanisms of dyslexia, specifically auditory processing, with the goal of improving outcomes in individuals with dyslexia through more efficient therapy treatment options.
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Physical and socio-emotional quality of life in parents of children with classic galactosemia who participated in a proactive speech/language intervention: Mothers experience a lower quality of life compared to fathers


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of life in the participating families of the Babble Boot Camp. The Babble Boot Camp provides speech therapy for children with classic galactosemia starting as early as two months old.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of life in the participating families of the Babble Boot Camp. The Babble Boot Camp provides speech therapy for children with classic galactosemia starting as early as two months old. The child’s speech progress is evaluated along with other metrics such as parental and child stress levels and quality of life. In this study, the quality of life of the participants in the Babble Boot Camp was evaluated using the Pediatric Quality of Life questionnaire (Varni, 1998). A comparative study was conducted between mothers and fathers, families with children with classic galactosemia, and with typically developing children, and the effects of speech therapy earlier in a child’s life versus later. The questions looked into in this study were if mothers and fathers report different quality of life scores, if there is a correlation between the scores the children have for the quality of life and the scores the parents received for the quality of life, differences in quality of life scores of parents with children with classic galactosemia and parents with typically developing children, and if the quality of life scores of parents and children improve in the Babble Boot Camp. The main results were that mothers report a lower quality of life than fathers, mothers have a stronger correlation with their children in regards to their quality of life scores, parents with children with classic galactosemia have a lower quality of life scores than parents with typically developing children and parents and children who were in the group who received speech therapy from earlier have a higher quality of life scores than the late group.

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A Telepractice Parent Training Study for Facilitating Speech and Language Development in Preschool Children with Cleft Palate

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of parent training in the Enhanced Milieu Teaching with Phonological Emphasis (EMT+PE) intervention program, using telepractice, on parent strategy use and child speech and language outcomes for children with repaired

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of parent training in the Enhanced Milieu Teaching with Phonological Emphasis (EMT+PE) intervention program, using telepractice, on parent strategy use and child speech and language outcomes for children with repaired cleft palate with or without lip (CP/L). Four parent child dyads participated in the study. Child participants ranged in age from 28 to 53 months at the beginning of intervention and all had a diagnosis of nonsyndromic CP/L. Participants received two-to-three parent training sessions and twice weekly telepractice intervention sessions. Parents increased their use of EMT+PE strategies throughout intervention with the Modeling and Expansion and Prompting and Recasting strategies resulting in significant intervention effects. Moreover, parents maintained increased strategy use following the conclusion of direct intervention. A positive improvement in child speech and language outcomes was seen across intervention. This study showed that telepractice is an effective service delivery model for parent training and subsequent intervention session in EMT+PE strategy use to support the speech and language development for children with CP/L.
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Joint Exome and Metabolome Analysis in Individuals With Dyslexia: Evidence for Associated Dysregulations of Olfactory Perception and Autoimmune Functions

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Dyslexia is a learning disability that negatively affects reading, writing, and spelling development at the word level in 5%-9% of children. The phenotype is variable and complex, involving several potential cognitive and physical concomitants such as sensory dysregulation and immunodeficiencies.

Dyslexia is a learning disability that negatively affects reading, writing, and spelling development at the word level in 5%-9% of children. The phenotype is variable and complex, involving several potential cognitive and physical concomitants such as sensory dysregulation and immunodeficiencies. The biological pathogenesis is not well-understood. Toward a better understanding of the biological drivers of dyslexia, we conducted the first joint exome and metabolome investigation in a pilot sample of 30 participants with dyslexia and 13 controls. In the metabolite analysis, eight metabolites of interest emerged (pyridoxine, kynurenic acid, citraconic acid, phosphocreatine, hippuric acid, xylitol, 2-deoxyuridine, and acetylcysteine). A metabolite-metabolite interaction analysis identified Krebs cycle intermediates that may be implicated in the development of dyslexia. Gene ontology analysis based on exome variants resulted in several pathways of interest, including the sensory perception of smell (olfactory) and immune system-related responses. In the joint exome and metabolite analysis, the olfactory transduction pathway emerged as the primary pathway of interest. Although the olfactory transduction and Krebs cycle pathways have not previously been described in the dyslexia literature, these pathways have been implicated in other neurodevelopmental disorders including autism spectrum disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder, suggesting the possibility of these pathways playing a role in dyslexia as well. Immune system response pathways, on the other hand, have been implicated in both dyslexia and other neurodevelopmental disorders.

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Biomarkers of Familial Speech Sound Disorders: Genes, Perception, and Motor Control

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Speech sound disorders (SSDs) are the most prevalent type of communication disorder in children. Clinically, speech-language pathologists (SLPs) rely on behavioral methods for assessing and treating SSDs. Though clients typically experience improved speech outcomes as a result of

Speech sound disorders (SSDs) are the most prevalent type of communication disorder in children. Clinically, speech-language pathologists (SLPs) rely on behavioral methods for assessing and treating SSDs. Though clients typically experience improved speech outcomes as a result of therapy, there is evidence that underlying deficits may persist even in individuals who have completed treatment for surface-level speech behaviors. Advances in the field of genetics have created the opportunity to investigate the contribution of genes to human communication. Due to the heterogeneity of many communication disorders, the manner in which specific genetic changes influence neural mechanisms, and thereby behavioral phenotypes, remains largely unknown. The purpose of this study was to identify genotype-phenotype associations, along with perceptual, and motor-related biomarkers within families displaying SSDs. Five parent-child trios participated in genetic testing, and five families participated in a combination of genetic and behavioral testing to help elucidate biomarkers related to SSDs. All of the affected individuals had a history of childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) except for one family that displayed a phonological disorder. Genetic investigation yielded several genes of interest relevant for an SSD phenotype: CNTNAP2, CYFIP1, GPR56, HERC1, KIAA0556, LAMA5, LAMB1, MDGA2, MECP2, NBEA, SHANK3, TENM3, and ZNF142. All of these genes showed at least some expression in the developing brain. Gene ontology analysis yielded terms supporting a genetic influence on central nervous system development. Behavioral testing revealed evidence of a sequential processing biomarker for all individuals with CAS, with many showing deficits in sequential motor skills in addition to speech deficits. In some families, participants also showed evidence of a co-occurring perceptual processing biomarker. The family displaying a phonological phenotype showed milder sequential processing deficits compared to CAS families. Overall, this study supports the presence of a sequential processing biomarker for CAS and shows that relevant genes of interest may be influencing a CAS phenotype via sequential processing. Knowledge of these biomarkers can help strengthen precision of clinical assessment and motivate development of novel interventions for individuals with SSDs.
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Dyslexia, Creativity, and Neural Adaptation

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Objective: A recent electroencephalogram (EEG) study of adults with dyslexia showed that individuals with dyslexia have diminished auditory sensory gating compared to typical controls. Previous studies done involving intoxication and its effect on sensory gating and creativity have shown that

Objective: A recent electroencephalogram (EEG) study of adults with dyslexia showed that individuals with dyslexia have diminished auditory sensory gating compared to typical controls. Previous studies done involving intoxication and its effect on sensory gating and creativity have shown that there is a positive correlation between creativity (divergent thinking problem solving) and sensory gating deficiency. With previous study findings, the link between dyslexia and sensory gating deficiency and the link between sensory gating deficiency and creativity have been shown, but not the link between dyslexia and creativity. This pilot study aims to address this knowledge gap using event-related potentials.

Methods: Two adults with dyslexia and 4 control adults participated in an auditory gating test using tone pairs. Latencies and Amplitudes for the N100 and P200 responses were recorded and analyzed. Participants were also administered the Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA), a test of creative ability designed to evaluate divergent thinking in individuals. Results were averaged and compared.

Results: The averaged difference in measured N100 amplitudes between tone 1 and tone 2 was significantly larger in the control group compared to the difference observed in the dyslexia group. In particular, one participant with dyslexia who had low scores on a task of rapid word recognition also showed no evidence of gating at the N100 component, whereas the other participant with dyslexia with good word recognition scores showed evidence of intact gating. The averaged difference in measured P200 amplitude between tone 1 and tone 2 was larger in the dyslexia group compared to the control group; however, the difference was small enough to be considered insignificant. The total average ATTA score for the control group was higher than the average of the dyslexia group. This difference in total average was less than one point on a 106-point scale.

Conclusions: Neural sensory gating occurs approximately 100 ms after the onset of a stimulus and is diminished in adults with dyslexia who also have deficits in rapid word recognition. There is a difference in creativity, in terms of divergent thinking, between those with dyslexia and those without (controls scored higher on average); however, the difference is not significant (less than one point). Dyslexia scores were more consistent than controls.
Date Created

Global motor characteristics in three families with familial speech sound disorders, compared to an adult with a cerebellar stroke: Evidence for the cerebellar hypothesis of apraxia of speech

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The purpose of this study was to compare the speech and motor functions a group of individuals with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) and a case study of an individual who has suffered a right cerebellar stroke. The participants consisted

The purpose of this study was to compare the speech and motor functions a group of individuals with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) and a case study of an individual who has suffered a right cerebellar stroke. The participants consisted of one case study adult and three families made up of three to five members each, all with a history of CAS. All of the participants in the study performed below average on speech and motor function tests. There are some comparable similarities between the CAS group and the case study individual suggesting that there is cerebellar involvement in the fine motor skills needed to perform speech movements.
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