More than a century of research has investigated the etiology of dyslexia, coalescing around ‘phonological awareness’ – the ability to recognize and manipulate phonemes – as a trait typically deficient in reading disorders. Meanwhile, the last few decades of research

More than a century of research has investigated the etiology of dyslexia, coalescing around ‘phonological awareness’ – the ability to recognize and manipulate phonemes – as a trait typically deficient in reading disorders. Meanwhile, the last few decades of research in neuroscience have highlighted the brain as a predictive organ, which subliminally calibrates sensory expectations according to experience. Do the brains of adults with dyslexia respond differently than those of matched controls to expected tones and unexpected omissions? While auditory oddball paradigms have previously been used to study dyslexia, these studies often interpret group differences to indicate deficit auditory discrimination rather than deficit auditory prediction. The current study takes a step toward fusing theories of predictive coding and dyslexia, finding that event-related potentials related to auditory prediction are attenuated in adults with dyslexia compared with typical controls. It further suggests that understanding dyslexia, and perhaps other psychiatric disorders, in terms of contributory neural systems will elucidate shared and distinct etiologies.
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    • Auditory Prediction and Implicit Learning in Dyslexia
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    • Partial requirement for: M.S., Arizona State University, 2023
    • Field of study: Speech and Hearing Science

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