Next-Generation Sequencing Methylation Profiling of Subjects With Obesity Identifies Novel Gene Changes

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Background: Obesity is a metabolic disease caused by environmental and genetic factors. However, the epigenetic mechanisms of obesity are incompletely understood. The aim of our study was to investigate the role of skeletal muscle DNA methylation in combination with transcriptomic changes

Background: Obesity is a metabolic disease caused by environmental and genetic factors. However, the epigenetic mechanisms of obesity are incompletely understood. The aim of our study was to investigate the role of skeletal muscle DNA methylation in combination with transcriptomic changes in obesity.

Results: Muscle biopsies were obtained basally from lean (n = 12; BMI = 23.4 ± 0.7 kg/m[superscript 2]) and obese (n = 10; BMI = 32.9 ± 0.7 kg/m[superscript 2]) participants in combination with euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamps to assess insulin sensitivity. We performed reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) next-generation methylation and microarray analyses on DNA and RNA isolated from vastus lateralis muscle biopsies. There were 13,130 differentially methylated cytosines (DMC; uncorrected P < 0.05) that were altered in the promoter and untranslated (5' and 3'UTR) regions in the obese versus lean analysis. Microarray analysis revealed 99 probes that were significantly (corrected P < 0.05) altered. Of these, 12 genes (encompassing 22 methylation sites) demonstrated a negative relationship between gene expression and DNA methylation. Specifically, sorbin and SH3 domain containing 3 (SORBS3) which codes for the adapter protein vinexin was significantly decreased in gene expression (fold change −1.9) and had nine DMCs that were significantly increased in methylation in obesity (methylation differences ranged from 5.0 to 24.4 %). Moreover, differentially methylated region (DMR) analysis identified a region in the 5'UTR (Chr.8:22,423,530–22,423,569) of SORBS3 that was increased in methylation by 11.2 % in the obese group. The negative relationship observed between DNA methylation and gene expression for SORBS3 was validated by a site-specific sequencing approach, pyrosequencing, and qRT-PCR. Additionally, we performed transcription factor binding analysis and identified a number of transcription factors whose binding to the differentially methylated sites or region may contribute to obesity.

Conclusions: These results demonstrate that obesity alters the epigenome through DNA methylation and highlights novel transcriptomic changes in SORBS3 in skeletal muscle.

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Differential Expression of MicroRNAs as Predictors of Glioblastoma Phenotypes

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Background: Glioblastoma is the most aggressive primary central nervous tumor and carries a very poor prognosis. Invasion precludes effective treatment and virtually assures tumor recurrence. In the current study, we applied analytical and bioinformatics approaches to identify a set of microRNAs

Background: Glioblastoma is the most aggressive primary central nervous tumor and carries a very poor prognosis. Invasion precludes effective treatment and virtually assures tumor recurrence. In the current study, we applied analytical and bioinformatics approaches to identify a set of microRNAs (miRs) from several different human glioblastoma cell lines that exhibit significant differential expression between migratory (edge) and migration-restricted (core) cell populations. The hypothesis of the study is that differential expression of miRs provides an epigenetic mechanism to drive cell migration and invasion.

Results: Our research data comprise gene expression values for a set of 805 human miRs collected from matched pairs of migratory and migration-restricted cell populations from seven different glioblastoma cell lines. We identified 62 down-regulated and 2 up-regulated miRs that exhibit significant differential expression in the migratory (edge) cell population compared to matched migration-restricted (core) cells. We then conducted target prediction and pathway enrichment analysis with these miRs to investigate potential associated gene and pathway targets. Several miRs in the list appear to directly target apoptosis related genes. The analysis identifies a set of genes that are predicted by 3 different algorithms, further emphasizing the potential validity of these miRs to promote glioblastoma.

Conclusions: The results of this study identify a set of miRs with potential for decreased expression in invasive glioblastoma cells. The verification of these miRs and their associated targeted proteins provides new insights for further investigation into therapeutic interventions. The methodological approaches employed here could be applied to the study of other diseases to provide biomedical researchers and clinicians with increased opportunities for therapeutic interventions.

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Data Mining of High Density Genomic Variant Data for Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease Risk

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Background: The discovery of genetic associations is an important factor in the understanding of human illness to derive disease pathways. Identifying multiple interacting genetic mutations associated with disease remains challenging in studying the etiology of complex diseases. And although recently new

Background: The discovery of genetic associations is an important factor in the understanding of human illness to derive disease pathways. Identifying multiple interacting genetic mutations associated with disease remains challenging in studying the etiology of complex diseases. And although recently new single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at genes implicated in immune response, cholesterol/lipid metabolism, and cell membrane processes have been confirmed by genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to be associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease (LOAD), a percentage of AD heritability continues to be unexplained. We try to find other genetic variants that may influence LOAD risk utilizing data mining methods.

Methods: Two different approaches were devised to select SNPs associated with LOAD in a publicly available GWAS data set consisting of three cohorts. In both approaches, single-locus analysis (logistic regression) was conducted to filter the data with a less conservative p-value than the Bonferroni threshold; this resulted in a subset of SNPs used next in multi-locus analysis (random forest (RF)). In the second approach, we took into account prior biological knowledge, and performed sample stratification and linkage disequilibrium (LD) in addition to logistic regression analysis to preselect loci to input into the RF classifier construction step.

Results: The first approach gave 199 SNPs mostly associated with genes in calcium signaling, cell adhesion, endocytosis, immune response, and synaptic function. These SNPs together with APOE and GAB2 SNPs formed a predictive subset for LOAD status with an average error of 9.8% using 10-fold cross validation (CV) in RF modeling. Nineteen variants in LD with ST5, TRPC1, ATG10, ANO3, NDUFA12, and NISCH respectively, genes linked directly or indirectly with neurobiology, were identified with the second approach. These variants were part of a model that included APOE and GAB2 SNPs to predict LOAD risk which produced a 10-fold CV average error of 17.5% in the classification modeling.

Conclusions: With the two proposed approaches, we identified a large subset of SNPs in genes mostly clustered around specific pathways/functions and a smaller set of SNPs, within or in proximity to five genes not previously reported, that may be relevant for the prediction/understanding of AD.

Date Created

Integrative analysis of genomic aberrations in cancer and xenograft Models

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No two cancers are alike. Cancer is a dynamic and heterogeneous disease, such heterogeneity arise among patients with the same cancer type, among cancer cells within the same individual’s tumor and even among cells within the same sub-clone over time.

No two cancers are alike. Cancer is a dynamic and heterogeneous disease, such heterogeneity arise among patients with the same cancer type, among cancer cells within the same individual’s tumor and even among cells within the same sub-clone over time. The recent application of next-generation sequencing and precision medicine techniques is the driving force to uncover the complexity of cancer and the best clinical practice. The core concept of precision medicine is to move away from crowd-based, best-for-most treatment and take individual variability into account when optimizing the prevention and treatment strategies. Next-generation sequencing is the method to sift through the entire 3 billion letters of each patient’s DNA genetic code in a massively parallel fashion.

The deluge of next-generation sequencing data nowadays has shifted the bottleneck of cancer research from multiple “-omics” data collection to integrative analysis and data interpretation. In this dissertation, I attempt to address two distinct, but dependent, challenges. The first is to design specific computational algorithms and tools that can process and extract useful information from the raw data in an efficient, robust, and reproducible manner. The second challenge is to develop high-level computational methods and data frameworks for integrating and interpreting these data. Specifically, Chapter 2 presents a tool called Snipea (SNv Integration, Prioritization, Ensemble, and Annotation) to further identify, prioritize and annotate somatic SNVs (Single Nucleotide Variant) called from multiple variant callers. Chapter 3 describes a novel alignment-based algorithm to accurately and losslessly classify sequencing reads from xenograft models. Chapter 4 describes a direct and biologically motivated framework and associated methods for identification of putative aberrations causing survival difference in GBM patients by integrating whole-genome sequencing, exome sequencing, RNA-Sequencing, methylation array and clinical data. Lastly, chapter 5 explores longitudinal and intratumor heterogeneity studies to reveal the temporal and spatial context of tumor evolution. The long-term goal is to help patients with cancer, particularly those who are in front of us today. Genome-based analysis of the patient tumor can identify genomic alterations unique to each patient’s tumor that are candidate therapeutic targets to decrease therapy resistance and improve clinical outcome.
Date Created

Early detection and treatment of breast cancer by random peptide array in neuN transgenic mouse model

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Breast cancer is the most common cancer and currently the second leading cause of death among women in the United States. Patients’ five-year relative survival rate decreases from 99% to 25% when breast cancer is diagnosed late. Immune checkpoint blockage

Breast cancer is the most common cancer and currently the second leading cause of death among women in the United States. Patients’ five-year relative survival rate decreases from 99% to 25% when breast cancer is diagnosed late. Immune checkpoint blockage has shown to be a promising therapy to improve patients’ outcome in many other cancers. However, due to the lack of early diagnosis, the treatment is normally given in the later stages. An early diagnosis system for breast cancer could potentially revolutionize current treatment strategies, improve patients’ outcomes and even eradicate the disease. The current breast cancer diagnostic methods cannot meet this demand. A simple, effective, noninvasive and inexpensive early diagnostic technology is needed. Immunosignature technology leverages the power of the immune system to find cancer early. Antibodies targeting tumor antigens in the blood are probed on a high-throughput random peptide array and generate a specific binding pattern called the immunosignature.

In this dissertation, I propose a scenario for using immunosignature technology to detect breast cancer early and to implement an early treatment strategy by using the PD-L1 immune checkpoint inhibitor. I develop a methodology to describe the early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer in a FVB/N neuN breast cancer mouse model. By comparing FVB/N neuN transgenic mice and age-matched wild type controls, I have found and validated specific immunosignatures at multiple time points before tumors are palpable. Immunosignatures change along with tumor development. Using a late-stage immunosignature to predict early samples, or vice versa, cannot achieve high prediction performance. By using the immunosignature of early breast cancer, I show that at the time of diagnosis, early treatment with the checkpoint blockade, anti-PD-L1, inhibits tumor growth in FVB/N neuN transgenic mouse model. The mRNA analysis of the PD-L1 level in mice mammary glands suggests that it is more effective to have treatment early.

Novel discoveries are changing understanding of breast cancer and improving strategies in clinical treatment. Researchers and healthcare professionals are actively working in the early diagnosis and early treatment fields. This dissertation provides a step along the road for better diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.
Date Created

Informatics approaches for integrative analysis of disparate high-throughput genomic datasets in cancer

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The processes of a human somatic cell are very complex with various genetic mechanisms governing its fate. Such cells undergo various genetic mutations, which translate to the genetic aberrations that we see in cancer. There are more than 100 types

The processes of a human somatic cell are very complex with various genetic mechanisms governing its fate. Such cells undergo various genetic mutations, which translate to the genetic aberrations that we see in cancer. There are more than 100 types of cancer, each having many more subtypes with aberrations being unique to each. In the past two decades, the widespread application of high-throughput genomic technologies, such as micro-arrays and next-generation sequencing, has led to the revelation of many such aberrations. Known types and subtypes can be readily identified using gene-expression profiling and more importantly, high-throughput genomic datasets have helped identify novel sub-types with distinct signatures. Recent studies showing usage of gene-expression profiling in clinical decision making in breast cancer patients underscore the utility of high-throughput datasets. Beyond prognosis, understanding the underlying cellular processes is essential for effective cancer treatment. Various high-throughput techniques are now available to look at a particular aspect of a genetic mechanism in cancer tissue. To look at these mechanisms individually is akin to looking at a broken watch; taking apart each of its parts, looking at them individually and finally making a list of all the faulty ones. Integrative approaches are needed to transform one-dimensional cancer signatures into multi-dimensional interaction and regulatory networks, consequently bettering our understanding of cellular processes in cancer. Here, I attempt to (i) address ways to effectively identify high quality variants when multiple assays on the same sample samples are available through two novel tools, snpSniffer and NGSPE; (ii) glean new biological insight into multiple myeloma through two novel integrative analysis approaches making use of disparate high-throughput datasets. While these methods focus on multiple myeloma datasets, the informatics approaches are applicable to all cancer datasets and will thus help advance cancer genomics.
Date Created

Structural variant detection: a novel approach

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Genomic structural variation (SV) is defined as gross alterations in the genome broadly classified as insertions/duplications, deletions inversions and translocations. DNA sequencing ushered structural variant discovery beyond laboratory detection techniques to high resolution informatics approaches. Bioinformatics tools for computational discovery

Genomic structural variation (SV) is defined as gross alterations in the genome broadly classified as insertions/duplications, deletions inversions and translocations. DNA sequencing ushered structural variant discovery beyond laboratory detection techniques to high resolution informatics approaches. Bioinformatics tools for computational discovery of SVs however are still missing variants in the complex cancer genome. This study aimed to define genomic context leading to tool failure and design novel algorithm addressing this context. Methods: The study tested the widely held but unproven hypothesis that tools fail to detect variants which lie in repeat regions. Publicly available 1000-Genomes dataset with experimentally validated variants was tested with SVDetect-tool for presence of true positives (TP) SVs versus false negative (FN) SVs, expecting that FNs would be overrepresented in repeat regions. Further, the novel algorithm designed to informatically capture the biological etiology of translocations (non-allelic homologous recombination and 3&ndashD; placement of chromosomes in cells –context) was tested using simulated dataset. Translocations were created in known translocation hotspots and the novel&ndashalgorithm; tool compared with SVDetect and BreakDancer. Results: 53% of false negative (FN) deletions were within repeat structure compared to 81% true positive (TP) deletions. Similarly, 33% FN insertions versus 42% TP, 26% FN duplication versus 57% TP and 54% FN novel sequences versus 62% TP were within repeats. Repeat structure was not driving the tool's inability to detect variants and could not be used as context. The novel algorithm with a redefined context, when tested against SVDetect and BreakDancer was able to detect 10/10 simulated translocations with 30X coverage dataset and 100% allele frequency, while SVDetect captured 4/10 and BreakDancer detected 6/10. For 15X coverage dataset with 100% allele frequency, novel algorithm was able to detect all ten translocations albeit with fewer reads supporting the same. BreakDancer detected 4/10 and SVDetect detected 2/10 Conclusion: This study showed that presence of repetitive elements in general within a structural variant did not influence the tool's ability to capture it. This context-based algorithm proved better than current tools even with half the genome coverage than accepted protocol and provides an important first step for novel translocation discovery in cancer genome.
Date Created

Informatics approach to improving surgical skills training

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Surgery as a profession requires significant training to improve both clinical decision making and psychomotor proficiency. In the medical knowledge domain, tools have been developed, validated, and accepted for evaluation of surgeons' competencies. However, assessment of the psychomotor skills still

Surgery as a profession requires significant training to improve both clinical decision making and psychomotor proficiency. In the medical knowledge domain, tools have been developed, validated, and accepted for evaluation of surgeons' competencies. However, assessment of the psychomotor skills still relies on the Halstedian model of apprenticeship, wherein surgeons are observed during residency for judgment of their skills. Although the value of this method of skills assessment cannot be ignored, novel methodologies of objective skills assessment need to be designed, developed, and evaluated that augment the traditional approach. Several sensor-based systems have been developed to measure a user's skill quantitatively, but use of sensors could interfere with skill execution and thus limit the potential for evaluating real-life surgery. However, having a method to judge skills automatically in real-life conditions should be the ultimate goal, since only with such features that a system would be widely adopted. This research proposes a novel video-based approach for observing surgeons' hand and surgical tool movements in minimally invasive surgical training exercises as well as during laparoscopic surgery. Because our system does not require surgeons to wear special sensors, it has the distinct advantage over alternatives of offering skills assessment in both learning and real-life environments. The system automatically detects major skill-measuring features from surgical task videos using a computing system composed of a series of computer vision algorithms and provides on-screen real-time performance feedback for more efficient skill learning. Finally, the machine-learning approach is used to develop an observer-independent composite scoring model through objective and quantitative measurement of surgical skills. To increase effectiveness and usability of the developed system, it is integrated with a cloud-based tool, which automatically assesses surgical videos upload to the cloud.
Date Created

Towards a systems biology understanding of metabolic syndrome

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This dissertation investigates the condition of skeletal muscle insulin resistance using bioinformatics and computational biology approaches. Drawing from several studies and numerous data sources, I have attempted to uncover molecular mechanisms at multiple levels. From the detailed atomistic simulations of

This dissertation investigates the condition of skeletal muscle insulin resistance using bioinformatics and computational biology approaches. Drawing from several studies and numerous data sources, I have attempted to uncover molecular mechanisms at multiple levels. From the detailed atomistic simulations of a single protein, to datamining approaches applied at the systems biology level, I provide new targets to explore for the research community. Furthermore I present a new online web resource that unifies various bioinformatics databases to enable discovery of relevant features in 3D protein structures.
Date Created

Analysis of immunosignaturing case studies

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Immunosignaturing is a technology that allows the humoral immune response to be observed through the binding of antibodies to random sequence peptides. The immunosignaturing microarray is based on complex mixtures of antibodies binding to arrays of random sequence peptides in

Immunosignaturing is a technology that allows the humoral immune response to be observed through the binding of antibodies to random sequence peptides. The immunosignaturing microarray is based on complex mixtures of antibodies binding to arrays of random sequence peptides in a multiplexed fashion. There are computational and statistical challenges to the analysis of immunosignaturing data. The overall aim of my dissertation is to develop novel computational and statistical methods for immunosignaturing data to access its potential for diagnostics and drug discovery. Firstly, I discovered that a classification algorithm Naive Bayes which leverages the biological independence of the probes on our array in such a way as to gather more information outperforms other classification algorithms due to speed and accuracy. Secondly, using this classifier, I then tested the specificity and sensitivity of immunosignaturing platform for its ability to resolve four different diseases (pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, type 2 diabetes and panIN) that target the same organ (pancreas). These diseases were separated with >90% specificity from controls and from each other. Thirdly, I observed that the immunosignature of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular complications are unique, consistent, and reproducible and can be separated by 100% accuracy from controls. But when these two complications arise in the same person, the resultant immunosignature is quite different in that of individuals with only one disease. I developed a method to trace back from informative random peptides in disease signatures to the potential antigen(s). Hence, I built a decipher system to trace random peptides in type 1 diabetes immunosignature to known antigens. Immunosignaturing, unlike the ELISA, has the ability to not only detect the presence of response but also absence of response during a disease. I observed, not only higher but also lower peptides intensities can be mapped to antigens in type 1 diabetes. To study immunosignaturing potential for population diagnostics, I studied effect of age, gender and geographical location on immunosignaturing data. For its potential to be a health monitoring technology, I proposed a single metric Coefficient of Variation that has shown potential to change significantly when a person enters a disease state.
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