Data Poisoning Attacks on Linked Data with Graph Regularization

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Social media has become the norm of everyone for communication. The usage of social media has increased exponentially in the last decade. The myriads of Social media services such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram etc allow people to connect

Social media has become the norm of everyone for communication. The usage of social media has increased exponentially in the last decade. The myriads of Social media services such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram etc allow people to connect with their friends, and followers freely. The attackers who try to take advantage of this situation has also increased at an exponential rate. Every social media service has its own recommender systems and user profiling algorithms. These algorithms use users current information to make different recommendations. Often the data that is formed from social media services is Linked data as each item/user is usually linked with other users/items. Recommender systems due to their ubiquitous and prominent nature are prone to several forms of attacks. One of the major form of attacks is poisoning the training set data. As recommender systems use current user/item information as the training set to make recommendations, the attacker tries to modify the training set in such a way that the recommender system would benefit the attacker or give incorrect recommendations and hence failing in its basic functionality. Most existing training set attack algorithms work with ``flat" attribute-value data which is typically assumed to be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). However, the i.i.d. assumption does not hold for social media data since it is inherently linked as described above. Usage of user-similarity with Graph Regularizer in morphing the training data produces best results to attacker. This thesis proves the same by demonstrating with experiments on Collaborative Filtering with multiple datasets.
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Misinformation Detection in Social Media

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The pervasive use of social media gives it a crucial role in helping the public perceive reliable information. Meanwhile, the openness and timeliness of social networking sites also allow for the rapid creation and dissemination of misinformation. It becomes increasingly

The pervasive use of social media gives it a crucial role in helping the public perceive reliable information. Meanwhile, the openness and timeliness of social networking sites also allow for the rapid creation and dissemination of misinformation. It becomes increasingly difficult for online users to find accurate and trustworthy information. As witnessed in recent incidents of misinformation, it escalates quickly and can impact social media users with undesirable consequences and wreak havoc instantaneously. Different from some existing research in psychology and social sciences about misinformation, social media platforms pose unprecedented challenges for misinformation detection. First, intentional spreaders of misinformation will actively disguise themselves. Second, content of misinformation may be manipulated to avoid being detected, while abundant contextual information may play a vital role in detecting it. Third, not only accuracy, earliness of a detection method is also important in containing misinformation from being viral. Fourth, social media platforms have been used as a fundamental data source for various disciplines, and these research may have been conducted in the presence of misinformation. To tackle the challenges, we focus on developing machine learning algorithms that are robust to adversarial manipulation and data scarcity.

The main objective of this dissertation is to provide a systematic study of misinformation detection in social media. To tackle the challenges of adversarial attacks, I propose adaptive detection algorithms to deal with the active manipulations of misinformation spreaders via content and networks. To facilitate content-based approaches, I analyze the contextual data of misinformation and propose to incorporate the specific contextual patterns of misinformation into a principled detection framework. Considering its rapidly growing nature, I study how misinformation can be detected at an early stage. In particular, I focus on the challenge of data scarcity and propose a novel framework to enable historical data to be utilized for emerging incidents that are seemingly irrelevant. With misinformation being viral, applications that rely on social media data face the challenge of corrupted data. To this end, I present robust statistical relational learning and personalization algorithms to minimize the negative effect of misinformation.
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Twitch Streamer-Game Recommender System

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Matrix Factorization techniques have been proven to be more effective in recommender systems than standard user based or item based methods. Using this knowledge, Funk SVD and SVD++ are compared by the accuracy of their predictions of Twitch streamer data.


Matrix Factorization techniques have been proven to be more effective in recommender systems than standard user based or item based methods. Using this knowledge, Funk SVD and SVD++ are compared by the accuracy of their predictions of Twitch streamer data.

As watching video games is becoming more popular, those interested are becoming interested in, an online platform for guests to watch streamers play video games and interact with them. A streamer is an person who broadcasts them-self playing a video game or some other thing for an audience (the guests of the website.) The site allows the guest to first select the game/category to view and then displays currently active streamers for the guest to select and watch. Twitch records the games that a streamer plays along with the amount of time that a streamer spends streaming that game. This is how the score is generated for a streamer’s game. These three terms form the streamer-game-score (user-item-rating) tuples that we use to train out models.
The our problem’s solution is similar to the purpose of the Netflix prize; however, as opposed to suggesting a user a movie, the goal is to suggest a user a game. We built a model to predict the score that a streamer will have for a game. The score field in our data is fundamentally different from a movie rating in Netflix because the way a user influences a game’s score is by actively streaming it, not by giving it an score based off opinion. The dataset being used it the dataset provided by Isaac Jones [1]. Also, the only data used in training the models is in the form of the streamer-game-score (user-item-rating) tuples. It will be known if these data points with limited information will be able to give an accurate prediction of a streamer’s score for a game. SVD and SVD++ are the baseis of the models being trained and tested. Scikit’s Surprise library in Python3 is used for the implementation of the models.
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Understanding User Privacy Issues: Publishing User Data with Privacy in Mind

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The explosive Web growth in the last decade has drastically changed the way billions of people all around the globe conduct numerous activities including creating, sharing, and consuming information. The massive amount of user-generated information encourages companies and service providers

The explosive Web growth in the last decade has drastically changed the way billions of people all around the globe conduct numerous activities including creating, sharing, and consuming information. The massive amount of user-generated information encourages companies and service providers to collect users' information and use it in order to better their own goals and then further provide personalized services to users as well. However, the users' information contains their private and sensitive information and can lead to breach of users' privacy. Anonymizing users' information before publishing and using such data is vital in securing their privacy. Due to the many forms of user information (e.g., structural, interactions, etc), different techniques are required for anonymization of users' data. In this thesis, first we discuss different anonymization techniques for various types of user-generated data, i.e., network graphs, web browsing history, and user-item interactions. Our experimental results show the effectiveness of such techniques for data anonymization. Then, we briefly touch on securely and privately sharing information through blockchains.
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Mining Data with Feature Interactions

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Models using feature interactions have been applied successfully in many areas such as biomedical analysis, recommender systems. The popularity of using feature interactions mainly lies in (1) they are able to capture the nonlinearity of the data compared with linear

Models using feature interactions have been applied successfully in many areas such as biomedical analysis, recommender systems. The popularity of using feature interactions mainly lies in (1) they are able to capture the nonlinearity of the data compared with linear effects and (2) they enjoy great interpretability. In this thesis, I propose a series of formulations using feature interactions for real world problems and develop efficient algorithms for solving them.

Specifically, I first propose to directly solve the non-convex formulation of the weak hierarchical Lasso which imposes weak hierarchy on individual features and interactions but can only be approximately solved by a convex relaxation in existing studies. I further propose to use the non-convex weak hierarchical Lasso formulation for hypothesis testing on the interaction features with hierarchical assumptions. Secondly, I propose a type of bi-linear models that take advantage of interactions of features for drug discovery problems where specific drug-drug pairs or drug-disease pairs are of interest. These models are learned by maximizing the number of positive data pairs that rank above the average score of unlabeled data pairs. Then I generalize the method to the case of using the top-ranked unlabeled data pairs for representative construction and derive an efficient algorithm for the extended formulation. Last but not least, motivated by a special form of bi-linear models, I propose a framework that enables simultaneously subgrouping data points and building specific models on the subgroups for learning on massive and heterogeneous datasets. Experiments on synthetic and real datasets are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness or efficiency of the proposed methods.
Date Created

Towards Developing Computer Vision Algorithms and Architectures for Real-world Applications

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Computer vision technology automatically extracts high level, meaningful information from visual data such as images or videos, and the object recognition and detection algorithms are essential in most computer vision applications. In this dissertation, we focus on developing algorithms used

Computer vision technology automatically extracts high level, meaningful information from visual data such as images or videos, and the object recognition and detection algorithms are essential in most computer vision applications. In this dissertation, we focus on developing algorithms used for real life computer vision applications, presenting innovative algorithms for object segmentation and feature extraction for objects and actions recognition in video data, and sparse feature selection algorithms for medical image analysis, as well as automated feature extraction using convolutional neural network for blood cancer grading.

To detect and classify objects in video, the objects have to be separated from the background, and then the discriminant features are extracted from the region of interest before feeding to a classifier. Effective object segmentation and feature extraction are often application specific, and posing major challenges for object detection and classification tasks. In this dissertation, we address effective object flow based ROI generation algorithm for segmenting moving objects in video data, which can be applied in surveillance and self driving vehicle areas. Optical flow can also be used as features in human action recognition algorithm, and we present using optical flow feature in pre-trained convolutional neural network to improve performance of human action recognition algorithms. Both algorithms outperform the state-of-the-arts at their time.

Medical images and videos pose unique challenges for image understanding mainly due to the fact that the tissues and cells are often irregularly shaped, colored, and textured, and hand selecting most discriminant features is often difficult, thus an automated feature selection method is desired. Sparse learning is a technique to extract the most discriminant and representative features from raw visual data. However, sparse learning with \textit{L1} regularization only takes the sparsity in feature dimension into consideration; we improve the algorithm so it selects the type of features as well; less important or noisy feature types are entirely removed from the feature set. We demonstrate this algorithm to analyze the endoscopy images to detect unhealthy abnormalities in esophagus and stomach, such as ulcer and cancer. Besides sparsity constraint, other application specific constraints and prior knowledge may also need to be incorporated in the loss function in sparse learning to obtain the desired results. We demonstrate how to incorporate similar-inhibition constraint, gaze and attention prior in sparse dictionary selection for gastroscopic video summarization that enable intelligent key frame extraction from gastroscopic video data. With recent advancement in multi-layer neural networks, the automatic end-to-end feature learning becomes feasible. Convolutional neural network mimics the mammal visual cortex and can extract most discriminant features automatically from training samples. We present using convolutinal neural network with hierarchical classifier to grade the severity of Follicular Lymphoma, a type of blood cancer, and it reaches 91\% accuracy, on par with analysis by expert pathologists.

Developing real world computer vision applications is more than just developing core vision algorithms to extract and understand information from visual data; it is also subject to many practical requirements and constraints, such as hardware and computing infrastructure, cost, robustness to lighting changes and deformation, ease of use and deployment, etc.The general processing pipeline and system architecture for the computer vision based applications share many similar design principles and architecture. We developed common processing components and a generic framework for computer vision application, and a versatile scale adaptive template matching algorithm for object detection. We demonstrate the design principle and best practices by developing and deploying a complete computer vision application in real life, building a multi-channel water level monitoring system, where the techniques and design methodology can be generalized to other real life applications. The general software engineering principles, such as modularity, abstraction, robust to requirement change, generality, etc., are all demonstrated in this research.
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Harnessing Teamwork in Networks: Prediction, Optimization, and Explanation

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Teams are increasingly indispensable to achievements in any organizations. Despite the organizations' substantial dependency on teams, fundamental knowledge about the conduct of team-enabled operations is lacking, especially at the {\it social, cognitive} and {\it information} level in relation to team

Teams are increasingly indispensable to achievements in any organizations. Despite the organizations' substantial dependency on teams, fundamental knowledge about the conduct of team-enabled operations is lacking, especially at the {\it social, cognitive} and {\it information} level in relation to team performance and network dynamics. The goal of this dissertation is to create new instruments to {\it predict}, {\it optimize} and {\it explain} teams' performance in the context of composite networks (i.e., social-cognitive-information networks).

Understanding the dynamic mechanisms that drive the success of high-performing teams can provide the key insights into building the best teams and hence lift the productivity and profitability of the organizations. For this purpose, novel predictive models to forecast the long-term performance of teams ({\it point prediction}) as well as the pathway to impact ({\it trajectory prediction}) have been developed. A joint predictive model by exploring the relationship between team level and individual level performances has also been proposed.

For an existing team, it is often desirable to optimize its performance through expanding the team by bringing a new team member with certain expertise, or finding a new candidate to replace an existing under-performing member. I have developed graph kernel based performance optimization algorithms by considering both the structural matching and skill matching to solve the above enhancement scenarios. I have also worked towards real time team optimization by leveraging reinforcement learning techniques.

With the increased complexity of the machine learning models for predicting and optimizing teams, it is critical to acquire a deeper understanding of model behavior. For this purpose, I have investigated {\em explainable prediction} -- to provide explanation behind a performance prediction and {\em explainable optimization} -- to give reasons why the model recommendations are good candidates for certain enhancement scenarios.
Date Created

Analysis of BoostOR: A Twitter Bot Detection Classification Algorithm

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The prevalence of bots, or automated accounts, on social media is a well-known problem. Some of the ways bots harm social media users include, but are not limited to, spreading misinformation, influencing topic discussions, and dispersing harmful links. Bots have

The prevalence of bots, or automated accounts, on social media is a well-known problem. Some of the ways bots harm social media users include, but are not limited to, spreading misinformation, influencing topic discussions, and dispersing harmful links. Bots have affected the field of disaster relief on social media as well. These bots cause problems such as preventing rescuers from determining credible calls for help, spreading fake news and other malicious content, and generating large amounts of content which burdens rescuers attempting to provide aid in the aftermath of disasters. To address these problems, this research seeks to detect bots participating in disaster event related discussions and increase the recall, or number of bots removed from the network, of Twitter bot detection methods. The removal of these bots will also prevent human users from accidentally interacting with these bot accounts and being manipulated by them. To accomplish this goal, an existing bot detection classification algorithm known as BoostOR was employed. BoostOR is an ensemble learning algorithm originally modeled to increase bot detection recall in a dataset and it has the possibility to solve the social media bot dilemma where there may be several different types of bots in the data. BoostOR was first introduced as an adjustment to existing ensemble classifiers to increase recall. However, after testing the BoostOR algorithm on unobserved datasets, results showed that BoostOR does not perform as expected. This study attempts to improve the BoostOR algorithm by comparing it with a baseline classification algorithm, AdaBoost, and then discussing the intentional differences between the two. Additionally, this study presents the main factors which contribute to the shortcomings of the BoostOR algorithm and proposes a solution to improve it. These recommendations should ensure that the BoostOR algorithm can be applied to new and unobserved datasets in the future.
Date Created

Network Representation Learning in Social Media

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The popularity of social media has generated abundant large-scale social networks, which advances research on network analytics. Good representations of nodes in a network can facilitate many network mining tasks. The goal of network representation learning (network embedding) is to

The popularity of social media has generated abundant large-scale social networks, which advances research on network analytics. Good representations of nodes in a network can facilitate many network mining tasks. The goal of network representation learning (network embedding) is to learn low-dimensional vector representations of social network nodes that capture certain properties of the networks. With the learned node representations, machine learning and data mining algorithms can be applied for network mining tasks such as link prediction and node classification. Because of its ability to learn good node representations, network representation learning is attracting increasing attention and various network embedding algorithms are proposed.

Despite the success of these network embedding methods, the majority of them are dedicated to static plain networks, i.e., networks with fixed nodes and links only; while in social media, networks can present in various formats, such as attributed networks, signed networks, dynamic networks and heterogeneous networks. These social networks contain abundant rich information to alleviate the network sparsity problem and can help learn a better network representation; while plain network embedding approaches cannot tackle such networks. For example, signed social networks can have both positive and negative links. Recent study on signed networks shows that negative links have added value in addition to positive links for many tasks such as link prediction and node classification. However, the existence of negative links challenges the principles used for plain network embedding. Thus, it is important to study signed network embedding. Furthermore, social networks can be dynamic, where new nodes and links can be introduced anytime. Dynamic networks can reveal the concept drift of a user and require efficiently updating the representation when new links or users are introduced. However, static network embedding algorithms cannot deal with dynamic networks. Therefore, it is important and challenging to propose novel algorithms for tackling different types of social networks.

In this dissertation, we investigate network representation learning in social media. In particular, we study representative social networks, which includes attributed network, signed networks, dynamic networks and document networks. We propose novel frameworks to tackle the challenges of these networks and learn representations that not only capture the network structure but also the unique properties of these social networks.
Date Created

Sensing Human Sentiment via Social Media Images: Methodologies and Applications

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Social media refers computer-based technology that allows the sharing of information and building the virtual networks and communities. With the development of internet based services and applications, user can engage with social media via computer and smart mobile devices.

Social media refers computer-based technology that allows the sharing of information and building the virtual networks and communities. With the development of internet based services and applications, user can engage with social media via computer and smart mobile devices. In recent years, social media has taken the form of different activities such as social network, business network, text sharing, photo sharing, blogging, etc. With the increasing popularity of social media, it has accumulated a large amount of data which enables understanding the human behavior possible. Compared with traditional survey based methods, the analysis of social media provides us a golden opportunity to understand individuals at scale and in turn allows us to design better services that can tailor to individuals’ needs. From this perspective, we can view social media as sensors, which provides online signals from a virtual world that has no geographical boundaries for the real world individual's activity.

One of the key features for social media is social, where social media users actively interact to each via generating content and expressing the opinions, such as post and comment in Facebook. As a result, sentiment analysis, which refers a computational model to identify, extract or characterize subjective information expressed in a given piece of text, has successfully employs user signals and brings many real world applications in different domains such as e-commerce, politics, marketing, etc. The goal of sentiment analysis is to classify a user’s attitude towards various topics into positive, negative or neutral categories based on textual data in social media. However, recently, there is an increasing number of people start to use photos to express their daily life on social media platforms like Flickr and Instagram. Therefore, analyzing the sentiment from visual data is poise to have great improvement for user understanding.

In this dissertation, I study the problem of understanding human sentiments from large scale collection of social images based on both image features and contextual social network features. We show that neither

visual features nor the textual features are by themselves sufficient for accurate sentiment prediction. Therefore, we provide a way of using both of them, and formulate sentiment prediction problem in two scenarios: supervised and unsupervised. We first show that the proposed framework has flexibility to incorporate multiple modalities of information and has the capability to learn from heterogeneous features jointly with sufficient training data. Secondly, we observe that negative sentiment may related to human mental health issues. Based on this observation, we aim to understand the negative social media posts, especially the post related to depression e.g., self-harm content. Our analysis, the first of its kind, reveals a number of important findings. Thirdly, we extend the proposed sentiment prediction task to a general multi-label visual recognition task to demonstrate the methodology flexibility behind our sentiment analysis model.
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