Design of Redox Proteins as Catalysts for Fuel Production

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Redox enzymes represent a big group of proteins and they serve as catalysts for

biological processes that involve electron transfer. These proteins contain a redox center

that determines their functional properties, and hence, altering this center or incorporating

non-biological redox cofactor to proteins

Redox enzymes represent a big group of proteins and they serve as catalysts for

biological processes that involve electron transfer. These proteins contain a redox center

that determines their functional properties, and hence, altering this center or incorporating

non-biological redox cofactor to proteins has been used as a means to generate redox

proteins with desirable activities for biological and chemical applications. Porphyrins and

Fe-S clusters are among the most common cofactors that biology employs for electron

transfer processes and there have been many studies on potential activities that they offer

in redox reactions.

In this dissertation, redox activity of Fe-S clusters and catalytic activity of porphyrins

have been explored with regard to protein scaffolds. In the first part, modular property of

repeat proteins along with previously established protein design principles have been

used to incorporate multiple Fe-S clusters within the repeat protein scaffold. This study is

the first example of exploiting a single scaffold to assemble a determined number of

clusters. In exploring the catalytic activity of transmetallated porphyrins, a cobalt-porphyrin

binding protein known as cytochrome c was employed in a water oxidation

photoelectrochemical cell. This system can be further coupled to a hydrogen production

electrode to achieve a full water splitting tandem cell. Finally, a cobalt-porphyrin binding

protein known as cytochrome b562 was employed to design a whole cell catalysis system,

and the activity of the surface-displayed protein for hydrogen production was explored

photochemically. This system can further be expanded for directed evolution studies and

high-throughput screening.
Date Created

Characterization of multi-nuclear manganese-binding bacterial reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides

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In my thesis, I characterize multi-nuclear manganese cofactors in modified reaction

centers from the bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. I characterized interactions

between a variety of secondary electron donors and modified reaction centers. In Chapter

1, I provide the research aims, background,

In my thesis, I characterize multi-nuclear manganese cofactors in modified reaction

centers from the bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. I characterized interactions

between a variety of secondary electron donors and modified reaction centers. In Chapter

1, I provide the research aims, background, and a summary of the chapters in my thesis.

In Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, I present my work with artificial four-helix bundles as

secondary electron donors to modified bacterial reaction centers. In Chapter 2, I

characterize the binding and energetics of the P1 Mn-protein, as a secondary electron

donor to modified reaction centers. In Chapter 3, I present the activity of a suite of four

helix bundles behaving as secondary electron donors to modified reaction centers. In

Chapter 4, I characterize a suite of modified reaction centers designed to bind and oxidize

manganese. I present work that characterizes bound manganese oxides as secondary

electron donors to the oxidized bacteriochlorophyll dimer in modified reaction centers. In

Chapter 5, I present my conclusions with a short description of future work in

characterizing multiple electron transfers from a multi-nuclear manganese cofactor in

modified reaction centers. To conclude, my thesis presents a characterization of a variety

of secondary electron donors to modified reaction centers that establish the feasibility to

characterize multiple turnovers from a multi-nuclear manganese cofactor.
Date Created

Structural and photoelectrochemical characterization of gallium phosphide semiconductors modified with molecular cobalt catalysts

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The molecular modification of semiconductors has applications in energy

conversion and storage, including artificial photosynthesis. In nature, the active sites of

enzymes are typically earth-abundant metal centers and the protein provides a unique

three-dimensional environment for effecting catalytic transformations. Inspired by this

biological architecture,

The molecular modification of semiconductors has applications in energy

conversion and storage, including artificial photosynthesis. In nature, the active sites of

enzymes are typically earth-abundant metal centers and the protein provides a unique

three-dimensional environment for effecting catalytic transformations. Inspired by this

biological architecture, a synthetic methodology using surface-grafted polymers with

discrete chemical recognition sites for assembling human-engineered catalysts in three-dimensional

environments is presented. The use of polymeric coatings to interface cobalt-containing

catalysts with semiconductors for solar fuel production is introduced in

Chapter 1. The following three chapters demonstrate the versatility of this modular

approach to interface cobalt-containing catalysts with semiconductors for solar fuel

production. The catalyst-containing coatings are characterized through a suite of

spectroscopic techniques, including ellipsometry, grazing angle attenuated total reflection

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (GATR-FTIR) and x-ray photoelectron (XP)

spectroscopy. It is demonstrated that the polymeric interface can be varied to control the

surface chemistry and photoelectrochemical response of gallium phosphide (GaP) (100)

electrodes by using thin-film coatings comprising surface-immobilized pyridyl or

imidazole ligands to coordinate cobaloximes, known catalysts for hydrogen evolution.

The polymer grafting chemistry and subsequent cobaloxime attachment is applicable to

both the (111)A and (111)B crystal face of the gallium phosphide (GaP) semiconductor,

providing insights into the surface connectivity of the hard/soft matter interface and

demonstrating the applicability of the UV-induced immobilization of vinyl monomers to

a range of GaP crystal indices. Finally, thin-film polypyridine surface coatings provide a

molecular interface to assemble cobalt porphyrin catalysts for hydrogen evolution onto

GaP. In all constructs, photoelectrochemical measurements confirm the hybrid

photocathode uses solar energy to power reductive fuel-forming transformations in

aqueous solutions without the use of organic acids, sacrificial chemical reductants, or

electrochemical forward biasing.
Date Created

Characterization of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors that Regulate Human Telomerase Repeat Addition

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The linear chromosomes ends in eukaryotes are protected by telomeres, a nucleoprotein structure that contains telomeric DNA with repetitive sequence and associated proteins. Telomerase is an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase that adds telomeric DNA repeats to the 3'-ends of chromosomes to

The linear chromosomes ends in eukaryotes are protected by telomeres, a nucleoprotein structure that contains telomeric DNA with repetitive sequence and associated proteins. Telomerase is an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase that adds telomeric DNA repeats to the 3'-ends of chromosomes to offset the loss of terminal DNA repeats during DNA replication. It consists of two core components: a telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) and a telomerase RNA (TR). Telomerase uses a short sequence in its integral RNA component as template to add multiple DNA repeats in a processive manner. However, it remains unclear how the telomerase utilizes the short RNA template accurately and efficiently during DNA repeat synthesis. As previously reported human telomerase nucleotide synthesis arrests upon reaching the end of its RNA template by a unique template-embedded pause signal. In this study, I demonstrate pause signal remains active following template regeneration and inhibits the intrinsic processivity and rate of telomerase repeat addition. Furthermore, I have found that the human telomerase catalytic cycle comprises a crucial and slow incorporation of the first nucleotide after template translocation. This slow nucleotide incorporation step drastically limits repeat addition processivity and rate, which is alleviated with elevated concentrations of dGTP. Additionally, molecular mechanism of the disease mutants on telomerase specific motif T, K570N, have been explored. Finally, I studied how telomerase selective inhibitor BIBR 1532 reduce telomerase repeat addition processivity by function assay. Together, these results shed new light on telomerase catalytic cycle and the importance of telomerase for biomedicine.
Date Created

Structure and function of the homodimeric reaction center, and hydrogen production, in Heliobacterium modesticaldum

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The evolution of photosynthesis caused the oxygen-rich atmosphere in which we thrive today. Although the reaction centers involved in oxygenic photosynthesis probably evolved from a protein like the reaction centers in modern anoxygenic photosynthesis, modern anoxygenic reaction centers are poorly

The evolution of photosynthesis caused the oxygen-rich atmosphere in which we thrive today. Although the reaction centers involved in oxygenic photosynthesis probably evolved from a protein like the reaction centers in modern anoxygenic photosynthesis, modern anoxygenic reaction centers are poorly understood. One such anaerobic reaction center is found in Heliobacterium modesticaldum. Here, the photosynthetic properties of H. modesticaldum are investigated, especially as they pertain to its unique photochemical reaction center.

The first part of this dissertation describes the optimization of the previously established protocol for the H. modesticaldum reaction center isolation. Subsequently, electron transfer is characterized by ultrafast spectroscopy; the primary electron acceptor, a chlorophyll a derivative, is reduced in ~25 ps, and forward electron transfer occurs directly to a 4Fe-4S cluster in ~650 ps without the requirement for a quinone intermediate. A 2.2-angstrom resolution X-ray crystal structure of the homodimeric heliobacterial reaction center is solved, which is the first ever homodimeric reaction center structure to be solved, and is discussed as it pertains to the structure-function relationship in energy and electron transfer. The structure has a transmembrane helix arrangement similar to that of Photosystem I, but differences in antenna and electron transfer cofactor positions explain variations in biophysical comparisons. The structure is then compared with other reaction centers to infer evolutionary hypotheses suggesting that the ancestor to all modern reaction centers could reduce mobile quinones, and that Photosystem I added lower energy cofactors to its electron transfer chain to avoid the formation of singlet oxygen.

In the second part of this dissertation, hydrogen production rates of H. modesticaldum are quantified in multiple conditions. Hydrogen production only occurs in cells grown without ammonia, and is further increased by removal of N2. These results are used to propose a scheme that summarizes the hydrogen-production metabolism of H. modesticaldum, in which electrons from pyruvate oxidation are shuttled through an electron transport pathway including the reaction center, ultimately reducing nitrogenase. In conjunction, electron microscopy images of H. modesticaldum are shown, which confirm that extended membrane systems are not exhibited by heliobacteria.
Date Created

Dependence of the angular velocity of rotation on rotational position at which ATP-binding occurs at the empty catalytic site of the F1-ATPase molecular motor

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The FoF1 ATP synthase is a molecular motor critical to the metabolism of virtually all life forms, and it acts in the manner of a hydroelectric generator. The F1 complex contains an (αβ)3 (hexamer) ring in which catalysis occurs, as

The FoF1 ATP synthase is a molecular motor critical to the metabolism of virtually all life forms, and it acts in the manner of a hydroelectric generator. The F1 complex contains an (αβ)3 (hexamer) ring in which catalysis occurs, as well as a rotor comprised by subunit-ε in addition to the coiled-coil and globular foot domains of subunit-γ. The F1 complex can hydrolyze ATP in vitro in a manner that drives counterclockwise (CCW) rotation, in 120° power strokes, as viewed from the positive side of the membrane. The power strokes that occur in ≈ 300 μsec are separated by catalytic dwells that occur on a msec time scale. A single-molecule rotation assay that uses the intensity of polarized light, scattered from a 75 × 35 nm gold nanorod, determined the average rotational velocity of the power stroke (ω, in degrees/ms) as a function of the rotational position of the rotor (θ, in degrees, measured in reference to the catalytic dwell). The velocity is not constant but rather accelerates and decelerates in two Phases. Phase-1 (0° - 60°) is believed to derive power from elastic energy in the protein. At concentrations of ATP that limit the rate of ATP hydrolysis, the rotor can stop for an ATP-binding dwell during Phase-1. Although the most probable position that the ATP-binding dwell occurs is 40° after the catalytic dwell, the ATP-binding dwell can occur at any rotational position during Phase-1 of the power stroke. Phase-2 of the power stroke (60° - 120°) is believed to be powered by the ATP-binding induced closure of the lever domain of a β-subunit (as it acts as a cam shaft against the γ-subunit). Algorithms were written, to sort and analyze F1-ATPase power strokes, to determine the average rotational velocity profile of power strokes as a function of the rotational position at which the ATP-binding dwell occurs (θATP-bd), and when the ATP-binding dwell is absent. Sorting individual ω(θ) curves, as a function of θATP-bd, revealed that a dependence of ω on
θATP-bd exists. The ATP-binding dwell can occur even at saturating ATP concentrations. We report that ω follows a distinct pattern in the vicinity of the ATP-binding dwell, and that the ω(θ) curve contains the same oscillations within it regardless of θATP-bd. We observed that an acceleration/deceleration dependence before and after the ATP-binding dwell, respectively, remained for increasing time intervals as the dwell occurred later in Phase-1, to a maximum of ≈ 40°. The results were interpreted in terms of a model in which the ATP-binding dwell results from internal drag at a variable position on the γε rotor.
Date Created

Metal Replacement Studies in Bacillus subtilis Quercetinase

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Quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase from Bacillus subtilis has been identified and characterized as the first known prokaryotic quercetinase. This enzyme catalyzes the cleavage of the O-heteroaromatic ring of the flavonol quercetin to the corresponding depside and carbon monoxide. The first quercetinase was

Quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase from Bacillus subtilis has been identified and characterized as the first known prokaryotic quercetinase. This enzyme catalyzes the cleavage of the O-heteroaromatic ring of the flavonol quercetin to the corresponding depside and carbon monoxide. The first quercetinase was characterized from a species of Aspergillus genus, and was found to contain one Cu2+ per subunit. For many years, it was thought that the B. subtilis quercetinase contained two Fe2+ ions per subunit; however, it has since been discovered that Mn2+ is a much more likely cofactor. Studies of overexpressed bacterial enzyme in E. coli indicated that this enzyme may be active with other metal ions (e.g. Co2+); however, the production of enzyme with full metal incorporation has only been possible with Mn2+. This study explores the notion that metal manipulation after translation, by partially unfolding the enzyme, chelating the metal ions, and then refolding the protein in the presence of an excess of divalent metal ions, could generate enzyme with full metal occupancy. The protocols presented here included testing for activity after incubating purified quercetinase with EDTA, DDTC, imidazole and GndHCl. It was found that the metal chelators had little to no effect on quercetinase activity. Imidazole did appear to inhibit the enzyme at concentrations in the millimolar range. In addition, the quercetinase was denatured in GndHCl at concentrations above 1 M. Recovering an active enzyme after partial or complete unfolding proved difficult, if not impossible.
Date Created

Characterizing the influence of amino acids on the oxidation/reduction properties of transition metals

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The utilization of solar energy requires an efficient means of its storage as fuel. In bio-inspired artificial photosynthesis, light energy can be used to drive water oxidation, but catalysts that produce molecular oxygen from water are required. This dissertation demonstrates

The utilization of solar energy requires an efficient means of its storage as fuel. In bio-inspired artificial photosynthesis, light energy can be used to drive water oxidation, but catalysts that produce molecular oxygen from water are required. This dissertation demonstrates a novel complex utilizing earth-abundant Ni in combination with glycine as an efficient catalyst with a modest overpotential of 0.475 ± 0.005 V for a current density of 1 mA/cm2 at pH 11. The production of molecular oxygen at a high potential was verified by measurement of the change in oxygen concentration, yielding a Faradaic efficiency of 60 ± 5%. This Ni species can achieve a current density of 4 mA/cm2 that persists for at least 10 hours. Based upon the observed pH dependence of the current amplitude and oxidation/reduction peaks, the catalysis is an electron-proton coupled process. In addition, to investigate the binding of divalent metals to proteins, four peptides were designed and synthesized with carboxylate and histidine ligands. The binding of the metals was characterized by monitoring the metal-induced changes in circular dichroism spectra. Cyclic voltammetry demonstrated that bound copper underwent a Cu(I)/Cu(II) oxidation/reduction change at a potential of approximately 0.32 V in a quasi-reversible process. The relative binding affinity of Mn(II), Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) to the peptides is correlated with the stability constants of the Irving-Williams series for divalent metal ions. A potential application of these complexes of transition metals with amino acids or peptides is in the development of artificial photosynthetic cells.
Date Created

Studies on the three-dimensional structures of proteins using X-ray crystallography

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X-ray diffraction is the technique of choice to determine the three-dimensional structures of proteins. In this study it has been applied to solve the structure of the survival motor neuron (SMN) proteins, the Fenna-Mathews-Olson (FMO) from Pelodictyon phaeum (Pld. phaeum)

X-ray diffraction is the technique of choice to determine the three-dimensional structures of proteins. In this study it has been applied to solve the structure of the survival motor neuron (SMN) proteins, the Fenna-Mathews-Olson (FMO) from Pelodictyon phaeum (Pld. phaeum) protein, and the synthetic ATP binding protein DX. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive genetic disease resulting in muscle atrophy and paralysis via degeneration of motor neurons in the spinal cord. In this work, we used X-ray diffraction technique to solve the structures of the three variant of the of SMN protein, namely SMN 1-4, SMN-WT, and SMN-Δ7. The SMN 1-4, SMN-WT, and SMN-Δ7 crystals were diffracted to 2.7 Å, 5.5 Å and 3.0 Å, respectively. The three-dimensional structures of the three SMN proteins have been solved. The FMO protein from Pld. phaeum is a water soluble protein that is embedded in the cytoplasmic membrane and serves as an energy transfer funnel between the chlorosome and the reaction center. The FMO crystal diffracted to 1.99Å resolution and the three-dimensional structure has been solved. In previous studies, double mutant, DX, protein was purified and crystallized in the presence of ATP (Simmons et al., 2010; Smith et al. 2007). DX is a synthetic ATP binding protein which resulting from a random selection of DNA library. In this study, DX protein was purified and crystallized without the presence of ATP to investigate the conformational change in DX structure. The crystals of DX were diffracted to 2.5 Å and the three-dimensional structure of DX has been solved.
Date Created

Characterization of SMN and gemin2: insights into spinal muscular atrophy

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Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a neurodegenerative disease that results in the loss of lower body muscle function. SMA is the second leading genetic cause of death in infants and arises from the loss of the Survival of Motor Neuron

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a neurodegenerative disease that results in the loss of lower body muscle function. SMA is the second leading genetic cause of death in infants and arises from the loss of the Survival of Motor Neuron (SMN) protein. SMN is produced by two genes, smn1 and smn2, that are identical with the exception of a C to T conversion in exon 7 of the smn2 gene. SMA patients lacking the smn1 gene, rely on smn2 for production of SMN. Due to an alternative splicing event, smn2 primarily encodes a non-functional SMN lacking exon 7 (SMN D7) as well as a low amount of functional full-length SMN (SMN WT). SMN WT is ubiquitously expressed in all cell types, and it remains unclear how low levels of SMN WT in motor neurons lead to motor neuron degradation and SMA. SMN and its associated proteins, Gemin2-8 and Unrip, make up a large dynamic complex that functions to assemble ribonucleoproteins. The aim of this project was to characterize the interactions of the core SMN-Gemin2 complex, and to identify differences between SMN WT and SMN D7. SMN and Gemin2 proteins were expressed, purified and characterized via size exclusion chromatography. A stable N-terminal deleted Gemin2 protein (N45-G2) was characterized. The SMN WT expression system was optimized resulting in a 10-fold increase of protein expression. Lastly, the oligomeric states of SMN and SMN bound to Gemin2 were determined. SMN WT formed a mixture of oligomeric states, while SMN D7 did not. Both SMN WT and D7 bound to Gemin2 with a one-to-one ratio forming a heterodimer and several higher-order oligomeric states. The SMN WT-Gemin2 complex favored high molecular weight oligomers whereas the SMN D7-Gemin2 complex formed low molecular weight oligomers. These results indicate that the SMA mutant protein, SMN D7, was still able to associate with Gemin2, but was not able to form higher-order oligomeric complexes. The observed multiple oligomerization states of SMN and SMN bound to Gemin2 may play a crucial role in regulating one or several functions of the SMN protein. The inability of SMN D7 to form higher-order oligomers may inhibit or alter those functions leading to the SMA disease phenotype.
Date Created