Characterization of SMN and gemin2: insights into spinal muscular atrophy

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Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a neurodegenerative disease that results in the loss of lower body muscle function. SMA is the second leading genetic cause of death in infants and arises from the loss of the Survival of Motor Neuron

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a neurodegenerative disease that results in the loss of lower body muscle function. SMA is the second leading genetic cause of death in infants and arises from the loss of the Survival of Motor Neuron (SMN) protein. SMN is produced by two genes, smn1 and smn2, that are identical with the exception of a C to T conversion in exon 7 of the smn2 gene. SMA patients lacking the smn1 gene, rely on smn2 for production of SMN. Due to an alternative splicing event, smn2 primarily encodes a non-functional SMN lacking exon 7 (SMN D7) as well as a low amount of functional full-length SMN (SMN WT). SMN WT is ubiquitously expressed in all cell types, and it remains unclear how low levels of SMN WT in motor neurons lead to motor neuron degradation and SMA. SMN and its associated proteins, Gemin2-8 and Unrip, make up a large dynamic complex that functions to assemble ribonucleoproteins. The aim of this project was to characterize the interactions of the core SMN-Gemin2 complex, and to identify differences between SMN WT and SMN D7. SMN and Gemin2 proteins were expressed, purified and characterized via size exclusion chromatography. A stable N-terminal deleted Gemin2 protein (N45-G2) was characterized. The SMN WT expression system was optimized resulting in a 10-fold increase of protein expression. Lastly, the oligomeric states of SMN and SMN bound to Gemin2 were determined. SMN WT formed a mixture of oligomeric states, while SMN D7 did not. Both SMN WT and D7 bound to Gemin2 with a one-to-one ratio forming a heterodimer and several higher-order oligomeric states. The SMN WT-Gemin2 complex favored high molecular weight oligomers whereas the SMN D7-Gemin2 complex formed low molecular weight oligomers. These results indicate that the SMA mutant protein, SMN D7, was still able to associate with Gemin2, but was not able to form higher-order oligomeric complexes. The observed multiple oligomerization states of SMN and SMN bound to Gemin2 may play a crucial role in regulating one or several functions of the SMN protein. The inability of SMN D7 to form higher-order oligomers may inhibit or alter those functions leading to the SMA disease phenotype.
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