3D Conjugate Heat Transfer for Single Phase Immersion Cooling of CPU

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This research aims to develop a single-phase immersion cooling system for CPU (Central Processing Unit) processors. To achieve this, a heat pipe with a dielectric liquid is designed to be used to cool the CPU, relying only on natural convection.

This research aims to develop a single-phase immersion cooling system for CPU (Central Processing Unit) processors. To achieve this, a heat pipe with a dielectric liquid is designed to be used to cool the CPU, relying only on natural convection. A Tesla valve phenomenon is used to achieve the one-directional, recirculating system. A comparative study was conducted between two different single-phase dielectric fluids Mineral Oil and FC 3283 (Fluorocarbon), utilizing natural convection and Boussinesq correlations. ANSYS Fluent was used to conduct CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) analysis, demonstrating natural convection and recirculating flow in the heating direction. A comparison was made between the traditional cooling method of air and the developed immersion cooling system, with the results indicating that the system is capable of reducing the operating temperature of the CPU by 40 to 50 degrees Celsius, depending on the power consumption. The results of the experiment conducted showed that a processor cooled by Mineral oil would operate at 56 degrees Celsius, while a processor cooled by FC 3283 would operate at 47 degrees Celsius. By comparison, a processor cooled by the traditional air-cooled system would operate between 80 and 100 degrees Celsius. These results demonstrate that the Mineral oil and FC 3283 cooling systems are significantly more efficient than the traditional air-cooled system. This could prove to be a valuable asset in the development of more efficient cooling systems. Further research is necessary to evaluate the longevity, cost-effectiveness, and benefits of these systems in comparison to traditional air cooling
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Integration of Theory to Computations of Spray and Turbulent Flows

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Theoretical analyses of liquid atomization (bulk to droplet conversion) and turbulence have potential to advance the computability of these flows. Instead of relying on full computations or models, fundamental conservation equations can be manipulated to generate partial or full solutions.

Theoretical analyses of liquid atomization (bulk to droplet conversion) and turbulence have potential to advance the computability of these flows. Instead of relying on full computations or models, fundamental conservation equations can be manipulated to generate partial or full solutions. For example, integral form of the mass and energy for spray flows leads to an explicit relationship between the drop size and liquid velocities. This is an ideal form to integrate with existing computational fluid dynamic (CFD), which is well developed to solve for the liquid velocities, i.e., the momentum equation(s). Theoretical adaption to CFD has been performed for various injection geometries, with results that compare quite well with experimental data. Since the drop size is provided analytically, computational time/cost for simulating spray flows with liquid atomization is no more than single-phase flows. Some advances have also been made on turbulent flows, by using a new set of perspectives on transport, scaling and energy distributions. Conservation equations for turbulence momentum and kinetic energy have been derived in a coordinate frame moving with the local mean velocities, which produce the Reynolds stress components, without modeling. Scaling of the Reynolds stress is also found at the first- and second-gradient levels. Finally, maximum-entropy principle has been used to derive the energy spectra in turbulent flows.
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A Study on the Evaporation and Dynamic Wicking in a Passive Air Freshener

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In this dissertation, two types of passive air freshener products from Henkel, the wick-based air freshener and gel-based air freshener, are studied for their wicking mechanisms and evaporation performances.The fibrous pad of the wick-based air freshener is a porous medium

In this dissertation, two types of passive air freshener products from Henkel, the wick-based air freshener and gel-based air freshener, are studied for their wicking mechanisms and evaporation performances.The fibrous pad of the wick-based air freshener is a porous medium that absorbs fragrance by capillary force and releases the fragrance into the ambient air. To investigate the wicking process, a two-dimensional multiphase flow numerical model using COMSOL Multiphysics is built. Saturation and liquid pressure inside the pad are solved. Comparison between the simulation results and experiments shows that evaporation occurs simultaneously with the wicking process. The evaporation performance on the surface of the wicking pad is analyzed based on the kinetic theory, from which the mass flow rate of molecules passing the interface of each pore of the porous medium is obtained. A 3D model coupling the evaporation model and dynamic wicking on the evaporation pad is built to simulate the entire performance of the air freshener to the environment for a long period of time. Diffusion and natural convection effects are included in the simulation. The simulation results match well with the experiments for both the air fresheners placed in a chamber and in the absent of a chamber, the latter of which is subject to indoor airflow. The gel-based air freshener can be constructed as a porous medium in which the solid network of particles spans the volume of the fragrance liquid. To predict the evaporation performance of the gel, two approaches are tested for gel samples in hemispheric shape. The first approach is the sessile drop model commonly used for the drying process of a pure liquid droplet. It can be used to estimate the weight loss rate and time duration of the evaporation. Another approach is to simulate the concentration profile outside the gel and estimate the evaporation rate from the surface of the gel using the kinetic theory. The evaporation area is updated based on the change of pore size. A 3D simulation using the same analysis is further applied to the cylindrical gel sample. The simulation results match the experimental data well.
Date Created

Dynamics and Predictability of Large-Scale Atmospheric Waves

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Large amplitude westward propagating long waves in midlatitudes of Northern Hemisphere occasionally sustain coherent phase propagation over multiple weeks. Owing to the large amplitude and the life cycle of these waves previous studies have speculated their influence on extended-range weather

Large amplitude westward propagating long waves in midlatitudes of Northern Hemisphere occasionally sustain coherent phase propagation over multiple weeks. Owing to the large amplitude and the life cycle of these waves previous studies have speculated their influence on extended-range weather forecasts but have not quantified them. The primary aim of this study is to establish an updated long-term catalog of Retrograde events which can then be used to investigate the statistics and structure of these waves. Guided by the newly created catalog the dynamics of these waves are further explored. A preliminary look into the dynamics of these waves reveal a sequence of poleward extrusion, westward migration and vortex shedding occurring frequently during certain strong Retrograde wave events. A strong connection between the westward moving low PV structures and the East Asian cold air outbreak is uncovered. Also, the initiation of the sequence of low PV extrusion and vortex shedding is found to be linked with the phase of propagating Wave-1 zonal component. Enhanced predictability of global midlatitude Geopotential Height at 500mb is noted during active period of strong Retrograde wave activity in comparison to inactive period. Skilled forecasts were produced almost (on an average) 12 days in advance during the active period of one of the winters (1995/96) as compared to 9 days during the inactive period of the season.
Date Created

Thermal Drainage Flow of a Viscous Gas From a Semi-Sealed Narrow Channel

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Drainage flow of a viscous compressible gas from a semi-sealed narrow conduit is a pore-scale model for studying the fundamental flow physics of fluid recovery from a porous reservoir without using fluid injection. Thermal effect has been routinely neglected for

Drainage flow of a viscous compressible gas from a semi-sealed narrow conduit is a pore-scale model for studying the fundamental flow physics of fluid recovery from a porous reservoir without using fluid injection. Thermal effect has been routinely neglected for these flows in the traditional petroleum engineering literature. Since the motion is entirely driven by volumetric expansion, temperature change always accompanies the density change. This thesis examines such thermal effects on the drainage flow.

Thermal drainage flow is first studied by simultaneously solving the linearized continuity, momentum and energy equations for adiabatic walls. It is shown that even in the absence of an imposed temperature drop, gas expansion induces a transient temperature decrease inside the channel, which slows down the drainage process compared to the isothermal model and Lighthill’s model. For a given density drop, gas drains out faster as the initial-to-final temperature ratio increases; and the transient density can undershoot the final equilibrium value. A parametric study is then carried out to explore the influence of various thermal boundary conditions on drainage flow. It is found that as the wall transitions from adiabatic to isothermal condition, the excess density changes from a plane wave solution to a non-plane wave solution and the drainage rate increases. It is shown that when the exit is also cooled and the wall is non-adiabatic, the total recovered fluid mass exceeds the amount based on the isothermal theory which is determined by the initial and final density difference alone. Finally, a full numerical simulation is conducted to mimic the channel-reservoir system using the finite volume method. The Ghost-Cell Navier-Stokes Characteristic Boundary Condition technique is applied at the far end of the truncated reservoir, which is an open boundary. The results confirm the conclusions of the linear theory.
Date Created

Viscous Compressible Flow Through a Micro-Conduit: Slip-Like Flow Rate with No-Slip Boundary Condition

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This dissertation studies two outstanding microscale fluid mechanics problems: 1) mechanisms of gas production from the nanopores of shale; 2) enhanced mass flow rate in steady compressible gas flow through a micro-conduit.

The dissertation starts with a study of a volumetric

This dissertation studies two outstanding microscale fluid mechanics problems: 1) mechanisms of gas production from the nanopores of shale; 2) enhanced mass flow rate in steady compressible gas flow through a micro-conduit.

The dissertation starts with a study of a volumetric expansion driven drainage flow of a viscous compressible fluid from a small capillary and channel in the low Mach number limit. An analysis based on the linearized compressible Navier-Stokes equations with no-slip condition shows that fluid drainage is controlled by the slow decay of the acoustic wave inside the capillary and the no-slip flow exhibits a slip-like mass flow rate. Numerical simulations are also carried out for drainage from a small capillary to a reservoir or a contraction of finite size. By allowing the density wave to escape the capillary, two wave leakage mechanisms are identified, which are dependent on the capillary length to radius ratio, reservoir size and acoustic Reynolds number. Empirical functions are generated for an effective diffusive coefficient which allows simple calculations of the drainage rate using a diffusion model without the presence of the reservoir or contraction.

In the second part of the dissertation, steady viscous compressible flow through a micro-conduit is studied using compressible Navier-Stokes equations with no-slip condition. The mathematical theory of Klainerman and Majda for low Mach number flow is employed to derive asymptotic equations in the limit of small Mach number. The overall flow, a combination of the Hagen-Poiseuille flow and a diffusive velocity shows a slip-like mass flow rate even through the overall velocity satisfies the no-slip condition. The result indicates that the classical formulation includes self-diffusion effect and it embeds the Extended Navier-Stokes equation theory (ENSE) without the need of introducing additional constitutive hypothesis or assuming slip on the boundary. Contrary to most ENSE publications, the predicted mass flow rate is still significantly below the measured data based on an extensive comparison with thirty-five experiments.
Date Created

A Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement Library for Cartesian Meshes

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This dissertation introduces FARCOM (Fortran Adaptive Refiner for Cartesian Orthogonal Meshes), a new general library for adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) based on an unstructured hexahedral mesh framework. As a result of the underlying unstructured formulation, the refinement and coarsening operators

This dissertation introduces FARCOM (Fortran Adaptive Refiner for Cartesian Orthogonal Meshes), a new general library for adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) based on an unstructured hexahedral mesh framework. As a result of the underlying unstructured formulation, the refinement and coarsening operators of the library operate on a single-cell basis and perform in-situ replacement of old mesh elements. This approach allows for h-refinement without the memory and computational expense of calculating masked coarse grid cells, as is done in traditional patch-based AMR approaches, and enables unstructured flow solvers to have access to the automated domain generation capabilities usually only found in tree AMR formulations.

The library is written to let the user determine where to refine and coarsen through custom refinement selector functions for static mesh generation and dynamic mesh refinement, and can handle smooth fields (such as level sets) or localized markers (e.g. density gradients). The library was parallelized with the use of the Zoltan graph-partitioning library, which provides interfaces to both a graph partitioner (PT-Scotch) and a partitioner based on Hilbert space-filling curves. The partitioned adjacency graph, mesh data, and solution variable data is then packed and distributed across all MPI ranks in the simulation, which then regenerate the mesh, generate domain decomposition ghost cells, and create communication caches.

Scalability runs were performed using a Leveque wave propagation scheme for solving the Euler equations. The results of simulations on up to 1536 cores indicate that the parallel performance is highly dependent on the graph partitioner being used, and differences between the partitioners were analyzed. FARCOM is found to have better performance if each MPI rank has more than 60,000 cells.
Date Created

Physics-Based Lidar Simulation and Wind Gust Detection and Impact Prediction for Wind Turbines

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Lidar has demonstrated its utility in meteorological studies, wind resource assessment, and wind farm control. More recently, lidar has gained widespread attention for autonomous vehicles.

The first part of the dissertation begins with an application of a coherent Doppler lidar to

Lidar has demonstrated its utility in meteorological studies, wind resource assessment, and wind farm control. More recently, lidar has gained widespread attention for autonomous vehicles.

The first part of the dissertation begins with an application of a coherent Doppler lidar to wind gust characterization for wind farm control. This application focuses on wind gusts on a scale from 100 m to 1000 m. A detecting and tracking algorithm is proposed to extract gusts from a wind field and track their movement. The algorithm was implemented for a three-hour, two-dimensional wind field retrieved from the measurements of a coherent Doppler lidar. The Gaussian distribution of the gust spanwise deviation from the streamline was demonstrated. Size dependency of gust deviations is discussed. A prediction model estimating the impact of gusts with respect to arrival time and the probability of arrival locations is introduced. The prediction model was applied to a virtual wind turbine array, and estimates are given for which wind turbines would be impacted.

The second part of this dissertation describes a Time-of-Flight lidar simulation. The lidar simulation includes a laser source module, a propagation module, a receiver module, and a timing module. A two-dimensional pulse model is introduced in the laser source module. The sampling rate for the pulse model is explored. The propagation module takes accounts of beam divergence, target characteristics, atmosphere, and optics. The receiver module contains models of noise and analog filters in a lidar receiver. The effect of analog filters on the signal behavior was investigated. The timing module includes a Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) module and an Analog-to-Digital converter (ADC) module. In the TDC module, several walk-error compensation methods for leading-edge detection and multiple timing algorithms were modeled and tested on simulated signals. In the ADC module, a benchmark (BM) timing algorithm is proposed. A Neyman-Pearson (NP) detector was implemented in the time domain and frequency domain (fast Fourier transform (FFT) approach). The FFT approach with frequency-domain zero-paddings improves the timing resolution. The BM algorithm was tested on simulated signals, and the NP detector was evaluated on both simulated signals and measurements from a prototype lidar (Bhaskaran, 2018).
Date Created

Rapid Decompression of Dense Particle Beds

Rapid expansion of dense beds of fine, spherical particles subjected to rapid depressurization is studied in a vertical shock tube. As the particle bed is unloaded, a high-speed video camera captures the dramatic evolution of the particle bed structure. Pressure

Rapid expansion of dense beds of fine, spherical particles subjected to rapid depressurization is studied in a vertical shock tube. As the particle bed is unloaded, a high-speed video camera captures the dramatic evolution of the particle bed structure. Pressure transducers are used to measure the dynamic pressure changes during the particle bed expansion process. Image processing, signal processing, and Particle Image Velocimetry techniques, are used to examine the relationships between particle size, initial bed height, bed expansion rate, and gas velocities.

The gas-particle interface and the particle bed as a whole expand and evolve in stages. First, the bed swells nearly homogeneously for a very brief period of time (< 2ms). Shortly afterward, the interface begins to develop instabilities as it continues to rise, with particles nearest the wall rising more quickly. Meanwhile, the bed fractures into layers and then breaks down further into cellular-like structures. The rate at which the structural evolution occurs is shown to be dependent on particle size. Additionally, the rate of the overall bed expansion is shown to be dependent on particle size and initial bed height.

Taller particle beds and beds composed of smaller-diameter particles are found to be associated with faster bed-expansion rates, as measured by the velocity of the gas-particle interface. However, the expansion wave travels more slowly through these same beds. It was also found that higher gas velocities above the the gas-particle interface measured \textit{via} Particle Image Velocimetry or PIV, were associated with particle beds composed of larger-diameter particles. The gas dilation between the shocktube diaphragm and the particle bed interface is more dramatic when the distance between the gas-particle interface and the diaphragm is decreased-as is the case for taller beds.

To further elucidate the complexities of this multiphase compressible flow, simple OpenFOAM (Weller, 1998) simulations of the shocktube experiment were performed and compared to bed expansion rates, pressure fluctuations, and gas velocities. In all cases, the trends and relationships between bed height, particle diameter, with expansion rates, pressure fluctuations and gas velocities matched well between experiments and simulations. In most cases, the experimentally-measured bed rise rates and the simulated bed rise rates matched reasonably well in early times. The trends and overall values of the pressure fluctuations and gas velocities matched well between the experiments and simulations; shedding light on the effects each parameter has on the overall flow.
Date Created

Modeling the effect of urbanization on climate and dust generation over desert cities

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Understanding and predicting climate changes at the urban scale have been an important yet challenging problem in environmental engineering. The lack of reliable long-term observations at the urban scale makes it difficult to even assess past climate changes. Numerical modeling

Understanding and predicting climate changes at the urban scale have been an important yet challenging problem in environmental engineering. The lack of reliable long-term observations at the urban scale makes it difficult to even assess past climate changes. Numerical modeling plays an important role in filling the gap of observation and predicting future changes. Numerical studies on the climatic effect of desert urbanization have focused on basic meteorological fields such as temperature and wind. For desert cities, urban expansion can lead to substantial changes in the local production of wind-blown dust, which have implications for air quality and public health. This study expands the existing framework of numerical simulation for desert urbanization to include the computation of dust generation related to urban land-use changes. This is accomplished by connecting a suite of numerical models, including a meso-scale meteorological model, a land-surface model, an urban canopy model, and a turbulence model, to produce the key parameters that control the surface fluxes of wind-blown dust. Those models generate the near-surface turbulence intensity, soil moisture, and land-surface properties, which are used to determine the dust fluxes from a set of laboratory-based empirical formulas. This framework is applied to a series of simulations for the desert city of Erbil across a period of rapid urbanization. The changes in surface dust fluxes associated with urbanization are quantified. An analysis of the model output further reveals the dependence of surface dust fluxes on local meteorological conditions. Future applications of the models to environmental prediction are discussed.
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