Resting Pieces

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A play about a ghost and a vampire who are roommates who are secretly in love with each other and have never told one another. One day, the ghosts remains are discovered, and the two must race to get them

A play about a ghost and a vampire who are roommates who are secretly in love with each other and have never told one another. One day, the ghosts remains are discovered, and the two must race to get them back - with the help of some friends - before a proper burial means that they'll never see each other again.

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The Classroom Where it Happens: A Unit in Secondary English

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My topic is derived from my field of study of English, Secondary Education and will focus on the integration of the hit Broadway musical 'Hamilton: An American Musical' into a secondary education English curriculum. My compelling question is: How does

My topic is derived from my field of study of English, Secondary Education and will focus on the integration of the hit Broadway musical 'Hamilton: An American Musical' into a secondary education English curriculum. My compelling question is: How does 'Hamilton' affect diverse students’ perspectives on their individual potential? It is my belief that students will be changed after seeing the show, that they will feel empowered by the unique representation and modern casting of the musical. There is so much to learn from 'Hamilton' and its effects on the affective domain of learning. My interest in this topic lies not only in musical theatre and education, but more specifically in the intersection of the two. It is through the intentional casting decisions and strategic musical arrangements of 'Hamilton' that students will be impacted — decisions and arrangements that challenge all preconceived notions about musical theatre and American history. Having seen 'Hamilton' twice now, and having been equally moved each time, I am able to conceptualize the emotions of a diverse student body as they experience the show in any capacity. Seeing four of the most prominent men in American history in a room together, represented as men of color is powerful. Seeing sisters love and support each other despite their various skin colors and hair textures is powerful. Seeing children that don’t look like their parents is powerful. Hearing American history recounted through hip-hop verse is powerful. Casting the story of American-then as America-now is powerful. The main goal of my thesis is to help young, diverse minds understand that they have a voice, that they are important, that they can be anything they want to be. Young audience members see themselves represented in the diversity presented onstage in 'Hamilton,' an experience that is unique to the production of this musical. Through the lessons and curriculum I design, students will be able to measure what they believed about themselves and their situations before experiencing 'Hamilton,' and how those beliefs about themselves may have changed as a result of experiencing this life-changing show.
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The Alien Play: A Full-Length Play on Mental Illness, Spirituality, and Extra-Terrestrials

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The Alien Play, as posted here, is a placeholder name for this working draft of a full-length stage play that functions as part-science-fiction adventure, part-spiritual-parable. As the process of playwriting is a complex array of research, outlining, drafting, revising and

The Alien Play, as posted here, is a placeholder name for this working draft of a full-length stage play that functions as part-science-fiction adventure, part-spiritual-parable. As the process of playwriting is a complex array of research, outlining, drafting, revising and editing, the play is preceded by a craft essay detailing the playwright's inspiration, research, and narrative design. In order to complete this project, the playwright conducted research in the field of religious studies, focusing specifically on the phenomena of paranormal experiences through the lenses of psychology, sociology, and philosophy, asking questions such as: How and why do new religions arise? In what ways (narrative, content, structure, etc.) do these new religions reflect the spiritualist mythologies or religious institutions of the past? What do these similarities or differences say about the social, economic, or political atmospheres that give rise to such movements?

More specifically, this play works within the cross-section of religion/spirituality, mental illness, and UFO and other extra-terrestrial related anomalies to ask such questions as: What does it mean to be Human? What does it mean to be "alien" or Other? How do we internally and externally construct a binary between Humanness and Otherness, between Self and Other? How do we construct reality? In what ways does this anthropomorphize our conceptions of the Human or the Other? In what ways, specifically, may this affect our understanding or manifestation of mental illness, in ourself and others?

The play you see here is a final draft for the thesis, but is still in development elsewhere. Here is a brief log line (i.e. a short description of the general plot and conflict of a script) for the piece: Four sisters from a broken home must deal with the sudden discovery of their late father's communication with an extra-terrestrial race bearing a message of Love-and-Peace. When they, too, begin to communicate with the E.T.'s, they must juggle issues of mental illness, memory, and trauma all while outrunning a shadow government that will stop at nothing to uncover their secret.
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Original Sin: A New Play and Poetry Collection

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Original Sin is a new play and poetry collection that tells the stories of mythological women and femmes, including Eve, Niobe, Queen Isis, Hera, Athena, Demeter, Ganymede, and Persephone. The words are comprised of the monologues of living women interviewed

Original Sin is a new play and poetry collection that tells the stories of mythological women and femmes, including Eve, Niobe, Queen Isis, Hera, Athena, Demeter, Ganymede, and Persephone. The words are comprised of the monologues of living women interviewed specifically for the purposes of this project, fighting to "take their stories back" from the monolithic male voices which have held them fast. These words were converted into a free verse poetic series of monologues intended to be presented on the stage. At its core, Original Sin is about the relationship between hope and loss, and how empowerment is born from their collision. Original Sin was first written, directed and staged by Emily Adams at Binary Theatre Company in Tempe, Arizona. The first production opened at the Prism Space on February 23rd, 2018.
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The Helen Project

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Though people are beginning to analyze the internet as an active social force, a seemingly insurmountable problem permeates all criticisms of the world wide web: how do we begin to frame the Internet as a subject of inquiry when its

Though people are beginning to analyze the internet as an active social force, a seemingly insurmountable problem permeates all criticisms of the world wide web: how do we begin to frame the Internet as a subject of inquiry when its role in our lives is constantly shifting, continually slipping from definition, yet undeniably reconstructing a new human condition? I believe an answer may lie in placing the Internet within the context of the Faust Myth \u2014 a legend that has repeatedly been used to explore humanity's obsession with power. For my undergraduate honors thesis, I wrote and performed an adaptation of Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus in which I frame the Internet as a modern Faustian contract, and advocate a new approach to the use of technology.
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So Much Drama!: Teaching High School Theatre

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This project and research intended to address how to successfully run and teach a high school level Theatre I course. The research portion of the project focused on activities to use in the classroom, how to run a drama club

This project and research intended to address how to successfully run and teach a high school level Theatre I course. The research portion of the project focused on activities to use in the classroom, how to run a drama club and put on productions, and how to create a positive classroom environment where students feel comfortable creating art. The creation portion of the project focused on the things a teacher will need in the classroom: an introduction letter, vision statement, syllabus, and unit plans. The final product includes three unit plans: Introduction to Theatre I, Introduction to Acting, and Theatre and Social Change. The use of the materials in this thesis can help first-time Theatre teachers to become better prepared to run their classroom.
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Forget Me Not: A Play on Media, Legacy, and the Significance of Female Friendship

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The process of playwriting is much more than merely writing the script itself; it is a process of outlining, writing, rewriting, and rewriting some more. This project explores that process from the very beginning to the late stages of final

The process of playwriting is much more than merely writing the script itself; it is a process of outlining, writing, rewriting, and rewriting some more. This project explores that process from the very beginning to the late stages of final rewrites on a full-length, two-act stage play, Forget Me Not. Thematically, the play addresses issues such as legacy, ambition, the limitations of memory, and the complex relationships between women. It also speaks to the possibility of hope and revolves around twenty-something characters who are not nihilistic or pretentious as in the frequently-dominant portrayal of that demographic, but rather witty, intelligent, and layered. The play applies techniques of playwriting with a focus on character development as the element that drives the story, while also playing with conceptions of memory and time through the framing device, structure, and narration. A craft essay follows the script of the play, detailing the process of conceptualizing, writing, and revising the play.
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Blockbusted - A One-Act Play

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BLOCKBUSTED is a one-act play about Clyde, a 12-year-old boy who has a pretty wild imagination. After losing in a very competitive sand castle building competition, Clyde is determined to prove to his father that he is in fact not

BLOCKBUSTED is a one-act play about Clyde, a 12-year-old boy who has a pretty wild imagination. After losing in a very competitive sand castle building competition, Clyde is determined to prove to his father that he is in fact not a failure. When Clyde's father becomes sick with a very uncommon disease, Clyde must find a way to get the money required for his father's surgery. A mysterious being offers Clyde the chance to get the money, but Clyde must go on a journey and bring back a secret treasure. Clyde ends up traveling to the last remaining Blockbuster Video store where he must complete various tasks in order to receive the treasure. Along the way, Clyde unexpectedly meets up with his former best friends who go with him on his journey. Their relationship is put to the test, as they must find a way to work together to help Clyde save his father while also learning that having personal quirks isn't always a bad thing.
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It's not that simple: a complex journey of an MFA applied project

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It’s Not That Simple: A Complex Journey of an MFA Applied Project discusses the experience of graduate student, Molly W. Schenck. Schenck’s applied project, It’s Not That Simple, was an interdisciplinary dance theatre performance piece that challenges rape culture on

It’s Not That Simple: A Complex Journey of an MFA Applied Project discusses the experience of graduate student, Molly W. Schenck. Schenck’s applied project, It’s Not That Simple, was an interdisciplinary dance theatre performance piece that challenges rape culture on college campuses. While the focus of the applied project was this performance, it was the obstacles and highlights that were related to the project that made the journey memorable. This paper will discuss the history and evolution of It’s Not That Simple, the creative process, the research, the trajectory of the project, and reflections on the journey.
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Creating Flashback: a community based service learning project for Actor's Youth Theatre

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In this document I detail the inception of the community service learning program, Flashback, that I created for Actor's Youth Theatre of Mesa Arizona. I first provide the organization's history and then expound upon my beliefs and how the ASU

In this document I detail the inception of the community service learning program, Flashback, that I created for Actor's Youth Theatre of Mesa Arizona. I first provide the organization's history and then expound upon my beliefs and how the ASU theatre for youth program, along with the needs of AYT, led me to create the program. I then describe the goals and processes of implementing the community based project. I also define service learning and why the program was designed around its principles. Finally, I describe the program's curriculum, devising process and Flashback's first trial run, and then continue, evaluating the performance and reflecting upon the process. The appendix includes the devised script, photos of the performance and interaction with the community, some of the planned curriculum and portions of my journals written during the process.
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