Practical Limitations of Low Mean Transverse Energy Metallic Photocathodes

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The performance of accelerator applications like X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs)and ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) and microscopy (UEM) experiments is limited by the brightness of electron beams generated by photoinjectors. In order to maximize the brightness of an electron beam it is

The performance of accelerator applications like X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs)and ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) and microscopy (UEM) experiments is limited by the brightness of electron beams generated by photoinjectors. In order to maximize the brightness of an electron beam it is essential that electrons are emitted from photocathodes with the smallest possible mean transverse energy (MTE). Metallic photocathodes hold the record for the smallest MTE ever measured at 5 meV from a Cu(100) single crystal photocathode operated near the photoemission threshold and cooled to 30 K. However such photocathodes have two major limitations: poor surface stability, and a low quantum efficiency (QE) which leads to MTE degrading non-linear photoemission effects when extracting large charge densities. This thesis investigates the efficacy of using a graphene protective layer in order to improve the stability of a Cu(110) single crystalline surface. The contribution to MTE from non-linear photoemission effects is measured from a Cu(110) single crystal photocathode at a variety of excess energies, laser fluences, and laser pulse lengths. To conclude this thesis, the design and research capabilities of the Photocathode and Bright Beams Lab (PBBL) are presented. Such a lab is required to develop cathode technology to mitigate the practical limitations of metallic photocathodes.
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Charge Density Wave Engineering in Rare-Earth Tritellurides: Investigating Stability Analysis and Large Area Deposition Technique for Novel Applications

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Rare-earth tritellurides (RTe3) are two-dimensional materials with unique quantum properties, ideal for investigating quantum phenomena and applications in supercapacitors, spintronics, and twistronics. This dissertation examines the electronic, magnetic, and phononic properties of the RTe3 family, exploring how these can be

Rare-earth tritellurides (RTe3) are two-dimensional materials with unique quantum properties, ideal for investigating quantum phenomena and applications in supercapacitors, spintronics, and twistronics. This dissertation examines the electronic, magnetic, and phononic properties of the RTe3 family, exploring how these can be controlled using chemical pressure, cationic alloying, and external pressure.The impact of chemical pressure on RTe3 phononic properties was investigated through noninvasive micro-Raman spectroscopy, demonstrating the potential of optical measurements for determining charge density wave (CDW) transition temperatures. Cationic alloying studies showed seamless tuning of CDW transition temperatures by modifying lattice constants and revealed complex magnetism in alloyed RTe3 with multiple magnetic transitions. A comprehensive external pressure study examined the influence of spacing between RTe3 layers on phononic and CDW properties across the RTe3 family. Comparisons between different RTe3 materials showed LaTe3, with the largest thermodynamic equilibrium interlayer spacing (smallest chemical pressure), has the most stable CDW phases at high pressures. Conversely, CDW phases in late RTe3 systems with larger internal chemical pressures were more easily suppressed by applied pressure. The dissertation also investigated Schottky barrier realignment at RTe3/semiconductor interfaces induced by CDW transitions, revealing changes in Schottky barrier height and ideality factor around the CDW transition temperature. This indicates that chemical potential changes of RTe3 below the CDW transition temperature influence Schottky junction properties, enabling CDW state probing through interface property measurements. A detailed experimental and theoretical analysis of the oxidation process of RTe3 compounds was performed, which revealed faster degradation in late RTe3 systems. Electronic property changes, like CDW transition temperature and chemical potential, are observed as degradation progresses. Quantum mechanical simulations suggested that degradation primarily results from strong oxidizing reactions with O2 molecules, while humidity (H2O) plays a negligible role unless Te vacancies exist. Lastly, the dissertation establishes a large-area thin film deposition at relatively low temperatures using a soft sputtering technique. While focused on MoTe2 deposition, this technique may also apply to RTe3 thin film deposition. Overall, this dissertation expands the understanding of the fundamental properties of RTe3 materials and lays the groundwork for potential device applications.
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Synthesis and Characterization of Laser Plasma that Produces Pseudocarbyne Using Laser Pulses

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Carbon allotropes are the basis for many exciting advancements in technology. While sp² and sp³ hybridizations are well understood, the sp¹ hybridized carbon has been elusive. However, with recent advances made using a pulsed laser ablation in liquid technique, sp¹

Carbon allotropes are the basis for many exciting advancements in technology. While sp² and sp³ hybridizations are well understood, the sp¹ hybridized carbon has been elusive. However, with recent advances made using a pulsed laser ablation in liquid technique, sp¹ hybridized carbon allotropes have been created. The fabricated carbon chain is composed of sp¹ and sp³ hybridized bonds, but it also incorporates nanoparticles such as gold or possibly silver to stabilize the chain. The polyyne generated in this process is called pseudocarbyne due to its striking resemblance to the theoretical carbyne. The formation of these carbon chains is yet to be fully understood, but significant progress has been made in determining the temperature of the plasma in which the pseudocarbyne is formed. When a 532 nm pulsed laser with a pulsed energy of 250 mJ and pulse length of 10ns is used to ablate a gold target, a peak temperature of 13400 K is measured. When measured using Laser-Induced Breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) the average temperature of the neutral carbon plasma over one second was 4590±172 K. This temperature strongly suggests that the current theoretical model used to describe the temperature at which pseudocarbyne generates is accurate.
Date Created

Investigating Optoelectronic and Electronic Materials for Next Generation Semiconductor Devices

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This dissertation describes the characterization of optoelectronic and electronic materials being considered for next generation semiconductor devices, primarily using electron microscopy techniques. The research included refinement of growth parameters for optimizing material quality, and investigation of heterostructured interfaces. The results

This dissertation describes the characterization of optoelectronic and electronic materials being considered for next generation semiconductor devices, primarily using electron microscopy techniques. The research included refinement of growth parameters for optimizing material quality, and investigation of heterostructured interfaces. The results provide better understanding of the fundamental materials science and should lead to future improvements in device applications.

A microstructural study of tin selenide and tin manganese selenide thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on GaAs (111)B substrates with different Se:Sn flux ratios and Mn concentrations was carried out. Low flux ratios lead to highly defective films, mostly consisting of SnSe, whereas higher flux ratios gave higher quality, single-phase SnSe2. The ternary (Sn,Mn)Se films evolved quasi-coherently, as the Mn concentration increased, from SnSe2 into a complex lattice, and then into MnSe with 3D rock-salt structure. These structural transformations should underlie the evolution of magnetic properties of this ternary system reported earlier in the literature.

II-VI/III-V compound semiconductor heterostructures have been characterized for growth in both single- and dual-chamber MBE systems. Three groups of lattice-matched materials have been investigated: i) 5.65Å materials based on GaAs, ii) 6.1Å materials based on InAs or GaSb, and iii) 6.5Å materials based on InSb. High quality II-VI materials grown on III-V substrates were demonstrated for ZnTe/GaSb and CdTe/InSb. III-V materials grown on II-VI buffer layers present additional challenges and were grown with varying degrees of success. InAsSb quantum wells in between ZnTe barriers were nearly defect-free, but showed 3D island growth. All other materials demonstrated flat interfaces, despite low growth temperature, but with stacking faults in the II-VI materials.

Femtosecond laser-induced defects (LIDs) in silicon solar cells were characterized using a variety of electron microscopy techniques. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images showed that the intersections of laser lines, finger and busbar intersections, exhibited LIDs with the potential to shunt the contacts. SEM and transmission electron microscope (TEM) images correlated these LIDs with ablated c-Si and showed these defects to come in two sizes ~40nm and ~.5µm. The elemental profiles across defective and non-defective regions were found using energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy.
Date Created

Photoluminescence enhancement of Ge quantum dots by exploiting the localized surface plasmon of epitaxial Ag islands

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This dissertation presents research findings regarding the exploitation of localized surface plasmon (LSP) of epitaxial Ag islands as a means to enhance the photoluminescence (PL) of Germanium (Ge) quantum dots (QDs). The first step of this project was to investigate

This dissertation presents research findings regarding the exploitation of localized surface plasmon (LSP) of epitaxial Ag islands as a means to enhance the photoluminescence (PL) of Germanium (Ge) quantum dots (QDs). The first step of this project was to investigate the growth of Ag islands on Si(100). Two distinct families of Ag islands have been observed. “Big islands” are clearly faceted and have basal dimensions in the few hundred nm to μm range with a variety of basal shapes. “Small islands” are not clearly faceted and have basal diameters in the 10s of nm range. Big islands form via a nucleation and growth mechanism, and small islands form via precipitation of Ag contained in a planar layer between the big islands that is thicker than the Stranski-Krastanov layer existing at room-temperature.

The pseudodielectric functions of epitaxial Ag islands on Si(100) substrates were investigated with spectroscopic ellipsometry. Comparing the experimental pseudodielectric functions obtained for Si with and without Ag islands clearly identifies a plasmon mode with its dipole moment perpendicular to the surface. This observation is confirmed using a simulation based on the thin island film (TIF) theory. Another mode parallel to the surface may be identified by comparing the experimental pseudodielectric functions with the simulated ones from TIF theory. Additional results suggest that the LSP energy of Ag islands can be tuned from the ultra-violet to the infrared range by an amorphous Si (α-Si) cap layer.

Heterostructures were grown that incorporated Ge QDs, an epitaxial Si cap layer and Ag islands grown atop the Si cap layer. Optimum growth conditions for distinct Ge dot ensembles and Si cap layers were obtained. The density of Ag islands grown on the Si cap layer depends on its thickness. Factors contributing to this effect may include the average strain and Ge concentration on the surface of the Si cap layer.

The effects of the Ag LSP on the PL of Ge coherent domes were investigated for both α-Si capped and bare Ag islands. For samples with low-doped substrates, the LSPs reduce the Ge dot-related PL when the Si cap layer is below some critical thickness and have no effect on the PL when the Si cap layer is above the critical thickness. For samples grown on highly-doped wafers, the LSP of bare Ag islands enhanced the PL of Ge QDs by ~ 40%.
Date Created

Characterization of electrostatic potential and trapped charge in semiconductor nanostructures using off-axis electron holography

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Off-axis electron holography (EH) has been used to characterize electrostatic potential, active dopant concentrations and charge distribution in semiconductor nanostructures, including ZnO nanowires (NWs) and thin films, ZnTe thin films, Si NWs with axial p-n junctions, Si-Ge axial heterojunction NWs,

Off-axis electron holography (EH) has been used to characterize electrostatic potential, active dopant concentrations and charge distribution in semiconductor nanostructures, including ZnO nanowires (NWs) and thin films, ZnTe thin films, Si NWs with axial p-n junctions, Si-Ge axial heterojunction NWs, and Ge/LixGe core/shell NW.

The mean inner potential (MIP) and inelastic mean free path (IMFP) of ZnO NWs have been measured to be 15.3V±0.2V and 55±3nm, respectively, for 200keV electrons. These values were then used to characterize the thickness of a ZnO nano-sheet and gave consistent values. The MIP and IMFP for ZnTe thin films were measured to be 13.7±0.6V and 46±2nm, respectively, for 200keV electrons. A thin film expected to have a p-n junction was studied, but no signal due to the junction was observed. The importance of dynamical effects was systematically studied using Bloch wave simulations.

The built-in potentials in Si NWs across the doped p-n junction and the Schottky junction due to Au catalyst were measured to be 1.0±0.3V and 0.5±0.3V, respectively. Simulations indicated that the dopant concentrations were ~1019cm-3 for donors and ~1017 cm-3 for acceptors. The effects of positively charged Au catalyst, a possible n+-n--p junction transition region and possible surface charge, were also systematically studied using simulations.

Si-Ge heterojunction NWs were studied. Dopant concentrations were extracted by atom probe tomography. The built-in potential offset was measured to be 0.4±0.2V, with the Ge side lower. Comparisons with simulations indicated that Ga present in the Si region was only partially activated. In situ EH biasing experiments combined with simulations indicated the B dopant in Ge was mostly activated but not the P dopant in Si. I-V characteristic curves were measured and explained using simulations.

The Ge/LixGe core/shell structure was studied during lithiation. The MIP for LixGe decreased with time due to increased Li content. A model was proposed to explain the lower measured Ge potential, and the trapped electron density in Ge core was calculated to be 3×1018 electrons/cm3. The Li amount during lithiation was also calculated using MIP and volume ratio, indicating that it was lower than the fully lithiated phase.
Date Created

Growth of novel semiconducting nano and heterostructures

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This dissertation presents research findings on the three materials systems: lateral Si nanowires (SiNW), In2Se3/Bi2Se3 heterostructures and graphene. The first part of the thesis was focused on the growth and characterization of lateral SiNW. Lateral here refers to wires growing

This dissertation presents research findings on the three materials systems: lateral Si nanowires (SiNW), In2Se3/Bi2Se3 heterostructures and graphene. The first part of the thesis was focused on the growth and characterization of lateral SiNW. Lateral here refers to wires growing along the plane of substrate; vertical NW on the other hand grow out of the plane of substrate. It was found, using the Au-seeded vapor – liquid – solid technique, that epitaxial single-crystal SiNW can be grown laterally along Si(111) substrates that have been miscut toward [11− 2]. The ratio of lateral-to-vertical NW was found to increase as the miscut angle increased and as disilane pressure and substrate temperature decreased. Based on this observation, growth parameters were identified whereby all of the deposited Au seeds formed lateral NW. Furthermore, the nanofaceted substrate guided the growth via a mechanism that involved pinning of the trijunction at the liquid/solid interface of the growing nanowire.

Next, the growth of selenide heterostructures was explored. Specifically, molecular beam epitaxy was utilized to grow In2Se3 and Bi2Se3 films on h-BN, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite and Si(111) substrates. Growth optimizations of In2Se3 and Bi2Se3 films were carried out by systematically varying the growth parameters. While the growth of these films was demonstrated on h-BN and HOPG surface, the majority of the effort was focused on growth on Si(111). Atomically flat terraces that extended laterally for several hundred nm, which were separated by single quintuple layer high steps characterized surface of the best In2Se3 films grown on Si(111). These In2Se3 films were suitable for subsequent high quality epitaxy of Bi2Se3 .

The last part of this dissertation was focused on a recently initiated and ongoing study of graphene growth on liquid metal surfaces. The initial part of the study comprised a successful modification of an existing growth system to accommodate graphene synthesis and process development for reproducible graphene growth. Graphene was grown on Cu, Au and AuCu alloys at varioua conditions. Preliminary results showed triangular features on the liquid part of the Cu metal surface. For Au, and AuCu alloys, hexagonal features were noticed both on the solid and liquid parts.
Date Created

Precision measurement of the radiative decay mode of the free neutron

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The theory of quantum electrodynamics predicts that beta decay of the neutron into a proton, electron, and anti-neutrino should be accompanied by a continuous spectrum of photons. A recent experiment, RDK I, reported the first detection of radiative decay photons

The theory of quantum electrodynamics predicts that beta decay of the neutron into a proton, electron, and anti-neutrino should be accompanied by a continuous spectrum of photons. A recent experiment, RDK I, reported the first detection of radiative decay photons from neutron beta decay with a branching ratio of (3.09 ± 0.32) × 10-3 in the energy range of 15 keV to 340 keV. This was achieved by prompt coincident detection of an electron and photon, in delayed coincidence with a proton. The photons were detected by using a single bar of bismuth germanate scintillating crystal coupled to an avalanche photodiode. This thesis deals with the follow-up experiment, RDK II, to measure the branching ratio at the level of approximately 1% and the energy spectrum at the level of a few percent. The most significant improvement of RDK II is the use of a photon detector with about an order of magnitude greater solid angle coverage than RDK I. In addition, the detectable energy range has been extended down to approximately 250 eV and up to the endpoint energy of 782 keV. This dissertation presents an overview of the apparatus, development of a new data analysis technique for radiative decay, and results for the ratio of electron-proton-photon coincident Repg to electron-proton coincident Rep events.
Date Created

Optical characterization of III nitride semiconductors using cathodoluminescence techniques

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Group III-nitride semiconductors have attracted much attention for applications on high brightness light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs) operating in the visible and ultra-violet spectral range using indium gallium nitride in the active layer. However, the device efficiency in

Group III-nitride semiconductors have attracted much attention for applications on high brightness light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs) operating in the visible and ultra-violet spectral range using indium gallium nitride in the active layer. However, the device efficiency in the green to red range is limited by quantum-confined Stark effects resulting from the lattice mismatch between GaN and InGaN. In this dissertation, the optical and micro-structural properties of GaN-based light emitting structures have been analyzed and correlated by utilizing cathodoluminescence and transmission electron microscopy techniques. In the first section, optimization of the design of GaN-based lasers diode structures is presented. The thermal strain present in the GaN underlayer grown on sapphire substrates causes a strain-induced wavelength shift. The insertion of an InGaN waveguide mitigates the mismatch strain at the interface between the InGaN quantum well and the GaN quantum barrier. The second section of the thesis presents a study of the characteristics of thick non-polar m-plane InGaN films and of LED structures containing InGaN quantum wells, which minimize polarization-related electric fields. It is found that in some cases the in-plane piezoelectric fields can still occur due to the existence of misfit dislocations which break the continuity of the film. In the final section, the optical and structural properties of InGaAlN quaternary alloys are analyzed and correlated. The composition of the components of the film is accurately determined by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy.
Date Created

Structural and optical properties of wide bandgap nitride semiconductors using electron microscopy techniques

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ABSTRACT Group III-nitride semiconductor materials have been commercially used in fabrication of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs) covering the spectral range from UV to visible and infrared, and exhibit unique properties suitable for modern optoelectronic applications. Great advances

ABSTRACT Group III-nitride semiconductor materials have been commercially used in fabrication of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs) covering the spectral range from UV to visible and infrared, and exhibit unique properties suitable for modern optoelectronic applications. Great advances have recently happened in the research and development in high-power and high-efficiency blue-green-white LEDs, blue LDs and other optoelectronic applications. However, there are still many unsolved challenges with these materials. In this dissertation, several issues concerning structural, electronic and optical properties of III-nitrides have been investigated using a combination of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron holography (EH) and cathodoluminescence (CL) techniques. First, a trend of indium chemical inhomogeneity has been found as the indium composition increases for the InGaN epitaxial layers grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy. Second, different mechanisms contributing to the strain relaxation have been studied for non-polar InGaN epitaxial layers grown on zinc oxide (ZnO) substrate. Third, various structural morphologies of non-polar InGaN epitaxial layers grown on free-standing GaN substrate have been investigated. Fourth, the effect of the growth temperature on the performance of GaN lattice-matched InAlN electron blocking layers has been studied. Finally, the electronic and optical properties of GaN nanowires containing a AlN/GaN superlattice structure have been investigated showing relatively small internal electric field and superlattice- and defect-related emissions along the nanowires.
Date Created