Molar Shape, Function, and Tooth Wear in the Evolution of Cercopithecoid Bilophodonty

Crown Cercopithecoidea (Old World monkeys) share bilophodont molars characterized by four cusps arranged into two transversely-aligned pairs connected by crests or “loph(id)s”. This derived dental configuration provides a flexible template that has been modified in different lineages of Old World

Crown Cercopithecoidea (Old World monkeys) share bilophodont molars characterized by four cusps arranged into two transversely-aligned pairs connected by crests or “loph(id)s”. This derived dental configuration provides a flexible template that has been modified in different lineages of Old World monkeys to meet the mechanical demands of food-processing in species with diverse and varied diets. This molar Bauplan evolved in the early stages of Old World monkey evolution, and one consequence of these morphological changes in occlusal morphology relative to apes and more basal catarrhines is a set of distinct patterns of tooth wear. Adaptive explanations for the origins of bilophodonty have emphasized dietary reconstructions but have not explored the implications of molar crown reorganization on the interaction between tooth wear and tooth function. This study combines description of new fossil material of early Miocene stem cercopithecoids and 3D dental topographic analyses of cross-sectional M2 wear series of extant catarrhines (n=511, 24 species) and Miocene fossil catarhines (n=81, 7 genera) to explore how functional aspects of molar topography are altered by tooth wear, to test whether the acquisition of bilophodont molars resulted in distinct occlusal topographies and patterns of topographic change with wear among Old World monkeys, and to determine whether differences in patterns of topographic change with wear reflect differences in diet.Descriptions of new fossils of the early Miocene stem cercopithecoid Noropithecus bulukensis confirm its generic distinction from Victoriapithecus macinnesi and highlight the dental metric and morphological variation that complicates identification of isolated teeth. Results of dental topographic analyses show that wear-mediated patterns of change in functional topographic metrics do not reflect broad dietary differences in extant catarrhines. While topographic features of unworn molars exhibit a phylogenetic signal, the pattern of wear-mediated topographic change does not. Molar topography of victoriapithecids is similar to extant cercopithecids with frugivorous and hard-object feeding diets, supporting previous dietary reconstructions. Victoriapithecid molar occlusal surfaces exhibit less complexity, less curvature, and higher relief than proconsulids prior to heavy wear stages. They are not distinct from occlusal topographies of small-bodied non-cercopithecoid catarrhines at any wear stage. Overall, these results suggest that the acquisition of bilophodont molar morphology in early and middle Miocene stem cercopithecoids was not associated with a shift in occlusal topography relative to more basal catarrhines. Rather, it is among proconsulids that shifts toward more complex, higher curvature occlusal surfaces are found.
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Hominin Dietary Niche Breadth Expansion During Pliocene Environmental Change in Eastern Africa

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Stable carbon isotope data for early Pliocene hominins Ardipithecus ramidus and Australopithecus anamensis show narrow, C3-dominated isotopic signatures. Conversely, mid-Pliocene Au. afarensis has a wider isotopic distribution and consumed both C3 and C4 plants, indicating a transition to a broader

Stable carbon isotope data for early Pliocene hominins Ardipithecus ramidus and Australopithecus anamensis show narrow, C3-dominated isotopic signatures. Conversely, mid-Pliocene Au. afarensis has a wider isotopic distribution and consumed both C3 and C4 plants, indicating a transition to a broader dietary niche by ~ 3.5 million years ago (Ma). Dietary breadth is an important aspect of the modern human adaptive suite, but why hominins expanded their dietary niche ~ 3.5 Ma is poorly understood at present. Eastern Africa has produced a rich Pliocene record of hominin species and associated mammalian faunas that can be used to address this question. This dissertation hypothesizes that the shift in hominin dietary breadth was driven by a transition to more open and seasonal environments in which food resources were more patchily distributed both spatially and temporally. To this end, I use a multiproxy approach that combines hypsodonty, mesowear, faunal abundance, and stable isotope data for temporally well-constrained early and mid-Pliocene mammal assemblages (5.3-2.95 Ma) from Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania to infer patterns of environmental change through time. Hypsodonty analyses revealed that early Pliocene sites had higher annual precipitation, lower precipitation seasonality, and lower temperature seasonality than mid-Pliocene sites. Mesowear analyses, however, did not show from attrition- to abrasion- dominated wear through time. Abundance data suggest that there was a trend towards aridity, as Tragelaphini (woodland antelope) decline while Alcelaphini (grassland antelope) increased in abundance through time. Carbon isotope data indicate that most taxa shifted to diets focusing on C4 grasses through time, which closely follows paleosol carbon isotope data documenting the expansion of grassland ecosystems in eastern Africa. Overall, the results suggest Ar. ramidus and Au. anamensis preferentially exploited habitats in which preferred food resources were likely available year-round, whereas Au. afarensis lived in more variable, seasonal environments in which preferred foods were available seasonally. Au. afarensis and K. platyops likely expanded their dietary niche in less stable environments, as reflected in their wider isotopic niche breadth.
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Tephrostratigraphy of Pliocene Drill Cores from Kenya and Ethiopia, and Pleistocene Exposures in the Ledi-Geraru Research Project Area, Ethiopia: Geological Context for the Evolution of Australopithecus and Homo

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East African extensional basins have played a crucial role in revealing the evolution and characteristics of the early stages of continental rifting and for providing the geological context of hominin evolution and innovation. The numerous volcanic eruptions, rapid sedimentation and

East African extensional basins have played a crucial role in revealing the evolution and characteristics of the early stages of continental rifting and for providing the geological context of hominin evolution and innovation. The numerous volcanic eruptions, rapid sedimentation and burial, and subsequent exposure through faulting and erosion, provide excellent conditions for the preservation of tectonic history, paleoenvironment data, and vertebrate fossils. The reconstruction of depositional environments and provision of geochronologic frameworks for hominin sites have been largely provided by geologic investigations in conjunction with paleontological studies, like the Ledi-Geraru Research Project (LGRP). High-resolution paleoclimate records that can be directly linked to hominin fossil outcrops have been developed by the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP) which collected sedimentary-paleolake cores at or near key hominin fossil sites.

Two chapters of this dissertation are a result of research associated with the HSPDP. For HSPDP, I establish a tephrostratigraphic framework for the drill cores from the Northern Awash (Afar, Ethiopia) and Baringo-Tugen Hills-Barsemoi (Kenya) HSPDP sites. I characterize and fingerprint tephra through glass shard and feldspar phenocryst geochemistry. From tephra geochemical analyses, I establish chronostratigraphic ties between the HSPDP cores’ high-resolution paleoclimate records to outcrop stratigraphy which are associated with hominin fossils sites.

Three chapters of this dissertation are a result of field work with the LGRP. I report new geological investigations (stratigraphic, tectonic, and volcanic) of two previously unmapped regions from the eastern Ledi-Geraru (ELG), Asboli and Markaytoli. Building upon this research I present interpretations from tephra analyses, detailed stratigraphic analyses, and geologic mapping, of the Pleistocene (~2.6 to < 2.45 Ma) basin history for the LGRP. My work with the LGRP helps to reconstruct a more complete Early Pleistocene depositional and geologic history of the lower Awash Valley.

Overall, this dissertation contributes to the reconstruction of hominin paleoenvironments and the geochronological framework of the Pliocene and Pleistocene faunal/hominin records. It further contributes to rift basin history in East Africa by elaborating the later structural and stratigraphic history of the lower Awash region.
Date Created

Identifying the Lagomorphs of 111 Ranch

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This study was conducted in order to determine whether the lagomorphs of 111 Ranch- Aztlanolagus agilis, Hypolagus arizonensis, and Sylvilagus cunicularius- could be distinguished based on femora. This is because while there is a large quantity of disarticulated lagomorph postcranial

This study was conducted in order to determine whether the lagomorphs of 111 Ranch- Aztlanolagus agilis, Hypolagus arizonensis, and Sylvilagus cunicularius- could be distinguished based on femora. This is because while there is a large quantity of disarticulated lagomorph postcranial fossils from 111 Ranch, the chief diagnostic traits of A. agilis and H. arizonensis are the enamel patterns on their third premolars, leaving a large swath of specimens unidentifiable by diagnostic traits alone. Specimens from the Arizona Museum of Natural History were measured and compared to specimens known to be from these genera. Additionally, morphological traits in mandibles were used to identify mandible specimens, which in turn were used to identify fossils with the same specimen label. Statistical tests such as t-tests and principal components analyses were used to examine the distributions of sizes and locate clusters of datapoints likely corresponding to each genus. Some of these could be linked to a genus based on one particular specimen, P15156, which had been identified as Hypolagus based on its mandible morphology and size. The majority of the Museum'a specimens were thus associated with one of the three species, save for those which were too damaged and intermediate in size to confidently categorize.
Date Created

The Evolution of Human Cervical Lordosis

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Many of the derived features of the human skeleton can be divided into two adaptive suites: traits related to bipedalism and traits related to encephalization. The cervical spine connects these adaptive suites and is itself unique in its marked lordosis.

Many of the derived features of the human skeleton can be divided into two adaptive suites: traits related to bipedalism and traits related to encephalization. The cervical spine connects these adaptive suites and is itself unique in its marked lordosis. I approach human cervical evolution from three directions: the functional significance of cervical curvature, the identification of cervical lordosis in osteological material, and the representation of the cervical spine in the hominin fossil record.
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Environmental Impacts on Light Stable Isotope Systems

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Isotopic analyses of archaeological and modern materials are commonly used to reconstruct diet, climate, and habitat. This study analyzes 15 camelid samples from three sites (two archaeological, one modern) in South America to determine their carbon and nitrogen isotopic values

Isotopic analyses of archaeological and modern materials are commonly used to reconstruct diet, climate, and habitat. This study analyzes 15 camelid samples from three sites (two archaeological, one modern) in South America to determine their carbon and nitrogen isotopic values to further explore the relationship between stable isotopes and environments. Camelid individuals in the modern site of Cuenca, Ecuador had a diet of almost entirely C3 vegetation, while those in Chen Chen, Peru had slightly higher values, still consistent with C3 plants. Those in the higher altitude site of Pumapunku, Bolivia had higher δ13C values than expected, indicating they may have been foddered with a mixed diet. These isotopic data indicate that vegetation, and therefore herbivore diets, are influenced by altitude. Additionally, it was found that a positive linear relationship exists between δ15N values and aridity of a site. Results indicate that aspects of the environment such as aridity are reflected in isotopic signatures. These results contribute to the increasing amount of data on isotopic variation in South American camelids, both modern and archaeological.
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The functional morphology of the primate zygomatic arch in relation to diet

Craniofacial morphology in primates can vary on the basis of their diet because foods are often disparate in the amount and duration of force required to break them down. Therefore diet has the potential to exercise considerable selective pressure on

Craniofacial morphology in primates can vary on the basis of their diet because foods are often disparate in the amount and duration of force required to break them down. Therefore diet has the potential to exercise considerable selective pressure on the morphology of the masticatory system. The zygomatic arch is a known site of relatively high masticatory strain and yet the relationship between arch form and load type is relatively unknown in primates. While the relative position and robusticity of the arch is considered a key indicator of craniofacial adaptations to a mechanically challenging diet, and central to efforts to infer diet in past species, the relationships between morphology and diet type in this feature are not well established.

This study tested hypotheses using two diet categorizations: total consumption percent and food material properties (FMPs). The first hypothesis that cortical bone area (CA) and section moduli (bone strength) are positively correlated with masticatory loading tests whether CA and moduli measures were greatest anteriorly and decreased posteriorly along the arch. The results found these measures adhered to this predicted pattern in the majority of taxa. The second hypothesis examines sutural complexity in the zygomaticotemporal suture as a function of dietary loading differences by calculating fractal dimensions as indices of complexity. No predictable pattern was found linking sutural complexity and diet in this primate sample, though hard object consumers possessed the most complex sutures. Lastly, cross-sectional geometric properties were measured to investigate whether bending and torsional resistance and cross-sectional shape are related to differences in masticatory loading. The highest measures of mechanical resistance tracked with areas of greatest strain in the majority of taxa. Cross-sectional shape differences do appear to reflect dietary differences. FMPs were not correlated with cross-sectional variables, however pairwise comparisons suggest taxa that ingest foods of greater stiffness experience relatively larger measures of bending and torsional resistance. The current study reveals that internal and external morphological factors vary across the arch and in conjunction with diet in primates. These findings underscore the importance of incorporating these mechanical differences in models of zygomatic arch mechanical behavior and primate craniofacial biomechanics.
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The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project: Inferring the Environmental Context of Human Evolution From Eastern African Rift Lake Deposits

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The role that climate and environmental history may have played in influencing human evolution has been the focus of considerable interest and controversy among paleoanthropologists for decades. Prior attempts to understand the environmental history side of this equation have centered

The role that climate and environmental history may have played in influencing human evolution has been the focus of considerable interest and controversy among paleoanthropologists for decades. Prior attempts to understand the environmental history side of this equation have centered around the study of outcrop sediments and fossils adjacent to where fossil hominins (ancestors or close relatives of modern humans) are found, or from the study of deep sea drill cores. However, outcrop sediments are often highly weathered and thus are unsuitable for some types of paleoclimatic records, and deep sea core records come from long distances away from the actual fossil and stone tool remains. The Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP) was developed to address these issues. The project has focused its efforts on the eastern African Rift Valley, where much of the evidence for early hominins has been recovered. We have collected about 2 km of sediment drill core from six basins in Kenya and Ethiopia, in lake deposits immediately adjacent to important fossil hominin and archaeological sites. Collectively these cores cover in time many of the key transitions and critical intervals in human evolutionary history over the last 4 Ma, such as the earliest stone tools, the origin of our own genus Homo, and the earliest anatomically modern Homo sapiens. Here we document the initial field, physical property, and core description results of the 2012–2014 HSPDP coring campaign.

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Climate and Species Richness Predict the Phylogenetic Structure of African Mammal Communities

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We have little knowledge of how climatic variation (and by proxy, habitat variation) influences the phylogenetic structure of tropical communities. Here, we quantified the phylogenetic structure of mammal communities in Africa to investigate how community structure varies with respect to

We have little knowledge of how climatic variation (and by proxy, habitat variation) influences the phylogenetic structure of tropical communities. Here, we quantified the phylogenetic structure of mammal communities in Africa to investigate how community structure varies with respect to climate and species richness variation across the continent. In addition, we investigated how phylogenetic patterns vary across carnivores, primates, and ungulates. We predicted that climate would differentially affect the structure of communities from different clades due to between-clade biological variation. We examined 203 communities using two metrics, the net relatedness (NRI) and nearest taxon (NTI) indices. We used simultaneous autoregressive models to predict community phylogenetic structure from climate variables and species richness. We found that most individual communities exhibited a phylogenetic structure consistent with a null model, but both climate and species richness significantly predicted variation in community phylogenetic metrics. Using NTI, species rich communities were composed of more distantly related taxa for all mammal communities, as well as for communities of carnivorans or ungulates. Temperature seasonality predicted the phylogenetic structure of mammal, carnivoran, and ungulate communities, and annual rainfall predicted primate community structure. Additional climate variables related to temperature and rainfall also predicted the phylogenetic structure of ungulate communities. We suggest that both past interspecific competition and habitat filtering have shaped variation in tropical mammal communities. The significant effect of climatic factors on community structure has important implications for the diversity of mammal communities given current models of future climate change.

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A dental topographic analysis of deciduous tooth wear in hominoids

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Early weaning, slow somatic and dental growth, and late age at reproduction are all part of a suite of energetic trade-offs that have shaped human evolution. A similar suite of energetic trade-offs has shaped the evolution of the indriid-palaeopropithecid clade,

Early weaning, slow somatic and dental growth, and late age at reproduction are all part of a suite of energetic trade-offs that have shaped human evolution. A similar suite of energetic trade-offs has shaped the evolution of the indriid-palaeopropithecid clade, though members of this clade exhibit extremely fast dental development and nearly vestigial deciduous teeth. The development and functional occlusion of the primary postcanine dentition (i.e., deciduous premolars and molars) coincides with several life history parameters in great apes and indriids. This dissertation explored great ape dental macrowear, molar development in indriids, and molar size in lemurs with a broader goal of improving reconstructions of life history profiles in extinct primates. To this aim, macrowear and dental development were analyzed in apes and lemurs, respectively. Occlusal casts (six great ape species; N=278) were scanned to track mandibular fourth deciduous premolar (dp4) macrowear. Utilizing dental topographic analyses, changes in occlusal gradient and terrain were quantified. A subset of the great ape data (four species; n=199) was analyzed to test if differences in dp4 wear correlate with age at weaning. Using dental histology, molar development was reconstructed for Indri indri (n=1) and Avahi laniger (n=1). Life history and molar size data were collected from the literature. The results of this dissertation demonstrate that most great apes exhibited evidence of topographic maintenance, suggesting dp4s wear in a manner that maintain functional efficiency during growth and development; however, the manner in which maintenance is achieved (e.g., preservation of relief or complexity) is species specific. Dp4 macrowear is not correlated with age at weaning in great apes and is probably unreliable to reconstruct age at weaning in hominins. The pace of molar development in members of the indriid- palaeopropithecid clade did not correlate with body or brain size, an association present in several other primates. Associations of molar size with age at weaning suggest that expanding other developmental models (e.g., the inhibitory cascade) to life history is worth consideration. The broad variation in macrowear, dental development, and size highlights how the primary dentition may correlate with different life history parameters depending on the species and ecological setting, an important consideration when using teeth to reconstruct life history profiles.
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