Probing the Excited State Dynamics of Aluminum Clusters as a Means of Identifying Metallicity

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Pure metal clusters serve as model systems by providing an avenue for the study of fundamental phenomena, specifically the interaction between light and matter. Bulk metal materials are known to display defining characteristics, namely thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, and luster,

Pure metal clusters serve as model systems by providing an avenue for the study of fundamental phenomena, specifically the interaction between light and matter. Bulk metal materials are known to display defining characteristics, namely thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, and luster, which provide a quantifiable measure of their metallicity. These properties are all due to the electron delocalization throughout the metal. Nanoscale materials lack the ability to measure these properties, leading to the need for a manner of quantifying the metallic character at the nanoscale size regime.Excited state lifetimes vary for semiconducting and metallic systems, specifically metals relax to a ground state at a faster rate than semiconducting materials. Aluminum clusters have received decades of attention regarding their metallicity. Moreover, Al clusters have been debated to fit into the jellium model. The jellium model seeks to describe a cluster as a “superatom” where all electrons are delocalized around the positively charged metal center, like that of an atom. With three valence electrons, jellium shell closings can be met if the electrons involved in cluster bonding varies. This variance leads to a localization of electrons for instances in which all three electrons do not contribute to bonding. Localized electrons aren’t characteristic of the jellium model or metals more broadly. Tracking the excited state lifetimes of Al clusters produced through laser ablation seeks to uncover the onset of metallic character. Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry has resolved the time dynamics for atomically precise Al clusters ranging in size from 1-43 atoms. At a size greater than 9 atoms, it’s identified that Al clusters show metallic character. This finding is supported by previous literature results and the fact that, above 9 atoms, Al cluster excited state lifetimes match that of the bulk scale Al excited state lifetime of ~300 fs.
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Interactions Between Formic Acid Clusters and Femtosecond Light Pulse(s)

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As the simplest carboxylic acid, formic acid (FA) is ubiquitous to Earth’s atmosphere, helping seed cloud nucleation and leading to acid rain. By studying the interactions between FA and high intensity light under high vacuum, conditions similar to the upper

As the simplest carboxylic acid, formic acid (FA) is ubiquitous to Earth’s atmosphere, helping seed cloud nucleation and leading to acid rain. By studying the interactions between FA and high intensity light under high vacuum, conditions similar to the upper atmosphere, on other planets (either in the solar system or beyond), and even in interstellar media are emulated. These results were produced from a home built vacuum chamber system, with a Wiley-McLaren time of flight mass spectrometer and using femtosecond (fs) laser pulses. The laser characteristics were as follows: a pulse width >35 fs, center wavelength of 400 nm (probe pulse was 800 nm for the pump-probe investigation), and laser intensities at ~1015 W/cm2.At high laser intensities, the first direct experimental evidence of CO3+ was recorded from the Coulomb explosion (CE) of the formic acid dimer (FAD) from a molecular beam. Theoretical calculations provided further evidence for the formation of CO3+ from the vertical ionization of FAD. When (FA)n(H2O)mH+ clusters (n = 1-7 and m = 0-1) were exposed to similar laser intensities, the larger clusters (n = 5-7) favored complete atomization from CE, indicating that the repulsive forces within the clusters at those sizes was too great to withstand to form CO3+. The protonated nature of the clusters and the peak shapes recorded in the mass spectra suggested that neutral (FA)n+ clusters undergo a dissociation mechanism within the extraction region. A novel technique was created to calculate these dissociation times on the order of 100s of nanoseconds (ns), increasing by ~10 ns for each additional FA molecule. Using pump-probe spectroscopy, it was observed similarly that neutral (FA)n clusters with n > 1, showed evidence of ion pair formation of the form [(FA)nH+·OOCH-] on the sub-picosecond timescale, increasing by 70 fs per FA molecule. Both trends indicate that the neutral clusters prefer to form compact 3d structures, but after photoexcitation the clusters have competing pathways to ionization, either through multiphoton ionization (ns dynamics) or ion pair formation (fs dynamics) that inevitably lead to the expansion and subsequent rearrangement into linear chains for the protonated cluster.
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Exploring Possible Fragmentation Patterns of 1-Bromobutane Using Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry and Computational Modeling


The photodissociation of 1-bromobutane is explored using pump-probe spectroscopy and time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Fragments of bromobutane are constructed computationally and theoretical energies are calculated using Gaussian 16 software. It is determined that the dissociation of bromine from the parent molecule

The photodissociation of 1-bromobutane is explored using pump-probe spectroscopy and time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Fragments of bromobutane are constructed computationally and theoretical energies are calculated using Gaussian 16 software. It is determined that the dissociation of bromine from the parent molecule is the most observed fragmentation pathway arising from the excitation of the ground state parent molecule to a dissociative A state using two 400 nm, 3.1 eV pump photons. The dissociation energy of this pathway is 2.91 eV, leaving 3.3 eV of energy that is redistributed into the product fragments as vibrational energy. C4H9 has the highest relative intensity in the mass spectrum with a relative intensity of 1.00. It is followed by C2H5 and C2H4 at relative intensities of 0.73 and 0.29 respectively. Because of the negative correlation between C4H9 and these two fragments at positive time delays, it is concluded that most of these smaller molecules are formed from the further dissociation of the fragment C4H9 rather than any alternative pathways from the parent molecule. Thermodynamic analysis of these pathways has displayed the power of thermodynamic prediction as well as its limitations as it fails to consider kinetic limitations in dissociation reactions.

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A Computational Investigation of Theoretical GeSn Alloys

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In materials science, developing GeSn alloys is major current research interest concerning the production of efficient Group-IV photonics. These alloys are particularly interesting because the development of next-generation semiconductors for ultrafast (terahertz) optoelectronic communication devices could be accomplished through integrating

In materials science, developing GeSn alloys is major current research interest concerning the production of efficient Group-IV photonics. These alloys are particularly interesting because the development of next-generation semiconductors for ultrafast (terahertz) optoelectronic communication devices could be accomplished through integrating these novel alloys with industry-standard silicon technology. Unfortunately, incorporating a maximal amount of Sn into a Ge lattice has been difficult to achieve experimentally. At ambient conditions, pure Ge and Sn adopt cubic (α) and tetragonal (β) structures, respectively, however, to date the relative stability and structure of α and β phase GeSn alloys versus percent composition Sn has not been thoroughly studied. In this research project, computational tools were used to perform state-of-the-art predictive quantum simulations to study the structural, bonding and energetic trends in GeSn alloys in detail over a range of experimentally accessible compositions. Since recent X-Ray and vibrational studies have raised some controversy about the nanostructure of GeSn alloys, the investigation was conducted with ordered, random and clustered alloy models.
By means of optimized geometry analysis, pure Ge and Sn were found to adopt the alpha and beta structures, respectively, as observed experimentally. For all theoretical alloys, the corresponding αphase structure was found to have the lowest energy, for Sn percent compositions up to 90%. However at 50% Sn, the correspondingβ alloy energies are predicted to be only ~70 meV higher. The formation energy of α-phase alloys was found to be positive for all compositions, whereas only two beta formation energies were negative. Bond length distributions were analyzed and dependence on Sn incorporation was found, perhaps surprisingly, not to be directly correlated with cell volume. It is anticipated that the data collected in this project may help to elucidate observed complex vibrational properties in these systems.
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RPCVD Growth of Epitaxial Si-Ge-Sn Alloys for Optoelectronics Applications

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Ge1-xSnx and SiyGe1-x-ySnx materials are being researched intensively for applications in infra-red optoelectronic devices. Due to their direct band gap these materials may in-fact be the enabling factor in the commercial realization of silicon photonics/group IV photonics and the integration

Ge1-xSnx and SiyGe1-x-ySnx materials are being researched intensively for applications in infra-red optoelectronic devices. Due to their direct band gap these materials may in-fact be the enabling factor in the commercial realization of silicon photonics/group IV photonics and the integration of nanophotonics with nanoelectronics. However the synthesis of these meta-stable semiconductor alloys, with a range of Sn-compositions, remains the primary technical challenge. Highly specialized epitaxial growth methods must be employed to produce single crystal layers which have sufficient quality for optoelectronic device applications. Up to this point these methods have been unfavorable from a semiconductor manufacturing perspective. In this work the growth of high-quality Si-Ge-Sn epitaxial alloys on Ge-buffered Si (100) using an industry-standard reduced pressure chemical vapor deposition reactor and a cost-effective chemistry is demonstrated. The growth kinetics are studied in detail in-order to understand the factors influencing layer composition, morphology, and defectivity. In doing so breakthrough GeSn materials and device results are achieved including methods to overcome the limits of Sn-incorporation and the realization of low-defect and strain-relaxed epitaxial layers with up to 20% Sn.

P and n-type doping methods are presented in addition to the production of SiGeSn ternary alloys. Finally optically stimulated lasing in thick GeSn layers and SiGeSn/GeSn multiple quantum wells is demonstrated. Lasing wavelengths ranging from 2-3 µm at temperatures up to 180K are realized in thick layers. Whereas SiGeSn/GeSn multiple quantum wells on a strain-relaxed GeSn buffers have enabled the first reported SiGeSn/GeSn multiple quantum well laser operating up to 80K with threshold power densities as low as 33 kW/cm2.
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Transmission electron microscopy study of the two-dimensional electron gas at SrTiO3-based oxide interfaces

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The two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at SrTiO3-based oxide interfaces has been extensively studied recently for its high carrier density, high electron mobility, superconducting, ferromagnetic, ferrroelectric and magnetoresistance properties, with possible application for all-oxide devices. Understanding the mechanisms behind the 2DEG

The two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at SrTiO3-based oxide interfaces has been extensively studied recently for its high carrier density, high electron mobility, superconducting, ferromagnetic, ferrroelectric and magnetoresistance properties, with possible application for all-oxide devices. Understanding the mechanisms behind the 2DEG formation and factors affecting its properties is the primary objective of this dissertation.

Advanced electron microscopy techniques, including aberration-corrected electron microscopy and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) with energy-loss near-edge structure (ELNES) analysis, were used to characterize the interfaces. Image and spectrum data-processing algorithms, including subpixel atomic position measurement, and novel outlier detection by oversampling, subspace division based EELS background removal and bias-free endmember extraction algorithms for hyperspectral unmixing and mapping were heavily used. Results were compared with density functional theory (DFT) calculations for theoretical explanation.

For the γ-Al2O3/SrTiO3 system, negative-Cs imaging confirmed the formation of crystalline γ-Al2O3. ELNES hyperspectral unmixing combined with DFT calculations revealed that oxygen vacancies, rather than polar discontinuity, were the key to the 2DEG formation. The critical thickness can be explained by shift of the Fermi level due to Ti out diffusion from the substrate to the film.

At the LaTiO3/SrTiO3 interface, aberration-corrected imaging showed crystallinity deterioration in LaTiO3 films a few unit cells away from the interface. ELNES showed that oxygen annealing did not alter the crystallinity but converted Ti3+ near the interface into Ti4+, which explained disappearance of the conductivity.

At the EuO/SrTiO3 interface, both high-resolution imaging and ELNES confirmed EuO formation. ELNES hyperspectral unmixing showed a Ti3+ layer confined to within several unit cells of the interface on the SrTiO3 side, confirming the presence of oxygen vacancies.

At the BaTiO3/SrTiO3 interface, spontaneous polarization and local lattice parameters were measured directly in each unit cell column and compared with oxidation state mapping using ELNES with unit-cell resolution. The unusually large polarization near the interface and the polarization gradient were explained by oxygen vacancies and the piezoelectric effect due to epitaxial strain and strain gradient from relaxation.
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A computational and theoretical study of conductance in hydrogen-bonded molecular junctions

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This thesis is devoted to the theoretical and computational study of electron transport in molecular junctions where one or more hydrogen bonds are involved in the process. While electron transport through covalent bonds has been extensively studied, in recent work

This thesis is devoted to the theoretical and computational study of electron transport in molecular junctions where one or more hydrogen bonds are involved in the process. While electron transport through covalent bonds has been extensively studied, in recent work the focus has been shifted towards hydrogen-bonded systems due to their ubiquitous presence in biological systems and their potential in forming nano- junctions between molecular electronic devices and biological systems.

This analysis allows us to significantly expand our comprehension of the experimentally observed result that the inclusion of hydrogen bonding in a molecular junc- tion significantly impacts its transport properties, a fact that has important implications for our understanding of transport through DNA, and nano-biological interfaces in general. In part of this work I have explored the implications of quasiresonant transport in short chains of weakly-bonded molecular junctions involving hydrogen bonds. I used theoretical and computational analysis to interpret recent experiments and explain the role of Fano resonances in the transmission properties of the junction.

In a different direction, I have undertaken the study of the transversal conduction through nucleotide chains that involve a variable number of different hydrogen bonds, e.g. NH···O, OH···O, and NH···N, which are the three most prevalent hydrogen bonds in biological systems and organic electronics. My effort here has fo- cused on the analysis of electronic descriptors that allow a simplified conceptual and computational understanding of transport properties. Specifically, I have expanded our previous work where the molecular polarizability was used as a conductance de- scriptor to include the possibility of atomic and bond partitions of the molecular polarizability. This is important because it affords an alternative molecular descrip- tion of conductance that is not based on the conventional view of molecular orbitals as transport channels. My findings suggest that the hydrogen-bond networks are crucial in understanding the conductance of these junctions.

A broader impact of this work pertains the fact that characterizing transport through hydrogen bonding networks may help in developing faster and cost-effective approaches to personalized medicine, to advance DNA sequencing and implantable electronics, and to progress in the design and application of new drugs.
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Chemical vapor deposition of metastable germanium based semiconductors for optoelectronic applications

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Optoelectronic and microelectronic applications of germanium-based materials have received considerable research interest in recent years. A novel method for Ge on Si heteroepitaxy required for such applications was developed via molecular epitaxy of Ge5H12. Next, As(GeH3)3, As(SiH3)3, SbD3, S(GeH3)2 and

Optoelectronic and microelectronic applications of germanium-based materials have received considerable research interest in recent years. A novel method for Ge on Si heteroepitaxy required for such applications was developed via molecular epitaxy of Ge5H12. Next, As(GeH3)3, As(SiH3)3, SbD3, S(GeH3)2 and S(SiH3)2 molecular sources were utilized in degenerate n-type doping of Ge. The epitaxial Ge films produced in this work incorporate donor atoms at concentrations above the thermodynamic equilibrium limits. The donors are nearly fully activated, and led to films with lowest resistivity values thus far reported.

Band engineering of Ge was achieved by alloying with Sn. Epitaxy of the alloy layers was conducted on virtual Ge substrates, and made use of the germanium hydrides Ge2H6 and Ge3H8, and the Sn source SnD4. These films exhibit stronger emission than equivalent material deposited directly on Si, and the contributions from the direct and indirect edges can be separated. The indirect-direct crossover composition for Ge1-ySny alloys was determined by photoluminescence (PL). By n-type doping of the Ge1-ySny alloys via P(GeH3)3, P(SiH3)3 and As(SiH3)3, it was possible to enhance photoexcited emission by more than an order-of-magnitude.

The above techniques for deposition of direct gap Ge1-ySny alloys and doping of Ge were combined with p-type doping methods for Ge1-ySny using B2H6 to fabricate pin heterostructure diodes with active layer compositions up to y=0.137. These represent the first direct gap light emitting diodes made from group IV materials. The effect of the single defected n-i¬ interface in a n-Ge/i-Ge1-ySny/p-Ge1-zSnz architecture on electroluminescence (EL) was studied. This led to lattice engineering of the n-type contact layer to produce diodes of n-Ge1-xSnx/i-Ge1-ySny/p-Ge1-zSnz architecture which are devoid of interface defects and therefore exhibit more efficient EL than the previous design. Finally, n-Ge1-ySny/p-Ge1-zSnz pn junction devices were synthesized with varying composition and doping parameters to investigate the effect of these properties on EL.
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Tuning the electronic properties of nanoscale semiconductors

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Nanoscale semiconductors with their unique properties and potential applications have been a focus of extensive research in recent years. There are many ways in which semiconductors change the world with computers, cell phones, and solar panels, and nanoscale semiconductors having

Nanoscale semiconductors with their unique properties and potential applications have been a focus of extensive research in recent years. There are many ways in which semiconductors change the world with computers, cell phones, and solar panels, and nanoscale semiconductors having a promising potential to expand the efficiency, reduce the cost, and improve the flexibility and durability of their design. In this study, theoretical quantum mechanical simulations were performed on several different nanoscale semiconductor materials, including graphene/phosphorene nanoribbons and group III-V nanowires. First principles density functional theory (DFT) was used to study the electronic and structural properties of these nanomaterials in their fully relaxed and strained states. The electronic band gap, effective masses of charge carriers, electronic orbitals, and density of states were most commonly examined with strain, both from intrinsic and external sources. For example, armchair graphene nanoribbons (AGNR) were found to have unprecedented band gap-strain dependence. Phosphorene nanoribbons (PNRs) demonstrate a different behavior, including a chemical scissors effect, and studies revealed a strong relationship between passivation species and band gap tunability. Unlike the super mechanical flexibility of AGNRs and PNRs which can sustain incredible strain, modest yet large strain was applied to group III-V nanowires such as GaAs/InAs. The calculations showed that a direct and indirect band gap transition occurs at some critical strains and the origination of these gap transitions were explored in detail. In addition to the pure nanowires, GaAs/InAs core/shell heterostructure nanowires were also studied. Due to the lattice mismatch between GaAs and InAs, the intrinsic strain in the core/shell nanowires demonstrates an interesting behavior on tuning the electronic properties. This interesting behavior suggests a mechanical way to exert compressive strain on nanowires experimentally, and can create a finite quantum confinement effect on the core.
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The optical and electronic properties of Ge₁-ySny and Ge₁-x-ySixSny materials and devices for silicon integrated optoelectronics

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Group-IV semiconductor alloys are of interest for Si-integrated optoelectronic applications due to the band gap tunability and enhanced optical capabilities that can be achieved through compositional tuning. This work advances the field by presenting a systematic study of the optical

Group-IV semiconductor alloys are of interest for Si-integrated optoelectronic applications due to the band gap tunability and enhanced optical capabilities that can be achieved through compositional tuning. This work advances the field by presenting a systematic study of the optical and electronic properties of Ge1-ySny and analogous Ge1-x-ySixSny alloys.

The fundamental direct and indirect band gaps of Ge1-ySny materials are measured by room temperature photoluminescence in samples containing 0 ≤ y ≤ 0.11 and a transition to direct gap materials is found to occur at yc = 0.087. This result is enabled by the development of sample growth and processing protocols that produce high-quality materials epitaxially on Ge-buffered Si(100) substrates. Strategies to optimize the optical performance are explored by varying the film thickness, thermal and surface treatments, and n-type doping. The electrical and optical properties of diodes based on these materials are characterized by current-voltage, optical responsivity, and electroluminescence measurements. These show improved optical performance near yc with tunable emission out to 2500 nm. Measuring the carrier lifetimes in devices with strain relaxed and fully strained interfaces show significantly longer lifetimes in the fully strained case.

The direct and indirect band gaps of Sn-rich (y > x) Ge1-x-ySixSny materials are measured by room temperature photoluminescence on optimized samples. These data confirm a transition to direct gap materials occurs for the ternary alloy as well. Devices based on compositions 0.02 ≤ x ≤ 0.10 and 0.03 ≤ y ≤ 0.11 are characterized by current-voltage, optical responsivity, and electroluminescence measurements and show competitive performance with analogous devices based on Ge1-ySny materials. A detailed study of the direct gap in Ge1-xSix alloys gives parameters crucial en route to a global description of the Ge1-x-ySixSny fundamental band gaps.

Archetypal laser device designs on Si are explored by fabricating degenerate pn junction diodes and highly doped waveguide devices based on high-quality Ge1-ySny materials. The diodes showed tunnel-like current-voltage characteristics and tailored electroluminescence based on the doping profile. The waveguides demonstrate emission under optical stimulation.
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