The Engineers That Built Today

This creative project details 5 engineers who made contributions to the ways that we live life today, yet have received little to no recognition for their efforts. The 5 engineers presented are Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, George Stephenson, Charles Babbage, David

This creative project details 5 engineers who made contributions to the ways that we live life today, yet have received little to no recognition for their efforts. The 5 engineers presented are Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, George Stephenson, Charles Babbage, David Alter, and Nikola Tesla. Each engineer is detailed via a portrait and a biography that covers a little bit of their life and the contributions that they made.
Date Created

Virans: Processing the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Virans is a book comprised of illustrations, hand-written text, and digital elements The book was conceived as an encapsulation of the broad social changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. With a unique art style utilizing distorted human forms, complex

Virans is a book comprised of illustrations, hand-written text, and digital elements The book was conceived as an encapsulation of the broad social changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. With a unique art style utilizing distorted human forms, complex line patterns, pointillism, and flat compositions, each of the book's 15 spreads represent an issue observed during the pandemic. These issues include isolation, political concerns, conspiracy theories, and the overall human toll of the pandemic.

Date Created

The Impact of Immigration

Immigrant families expect their children to go above and beyond since they have access to better facilities and opportunities in comparison to their home land. In my autobiographical works of art for my Barrett Honors Thesis project, I explore how

Immigrant families expect their children to go above and beyond since they have access to better facilities and opportunities in comparison to their home land. In my autobiographical works of art for my Barrett Honors Thesis project, I explore how my family has become more Americanized, yet still holds traditional values. I’ve focused on how differences in culture have molded different sets of morals between my parents, me, and my sibling. My series of graphite drawings on paper are a collection of milestones in my life. It may not be a completely fluid timeline but all the important points are present and the viewer can ponder what happened in snapshots of my life. The difference in culture is depicted through representations of clothing, posture, praying, religion, and subjects.
Date Created

Anime and Japanese Male Social Implications

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In looking at genres of anime geared towards a male audience, the varying messages presented to Japanese men will be analyzed. Throughout this work it will be demonstrated that anime is used to both challenge and reinforce Japanese culture through

In looking at genres of anime geared towards a male audience, the varying messages presented to Japanese men will be analyzed. Throughout this work it will be demonstrated that anime is used to both challenge and reinforce Japanese culture through human physical and family depictions, themes presented and expected masculine qualities aimed at a male audience.
Date Created

Through the Lens: Documenting the Lopiano Habitat Through Photographs and Bioimagery

This creative project documents the changes to the Lopiano Habitat just north of Tempe Town Lake. Over the course of the project, the once restored wetland and desert habitat became overrun with debris and the plants and animals of the

This creative project documents the changes to the Lopiano Habitat just north of Tempe Town Lake. Over the course of the project, the once restored wetland and desert habitat became overrun with debris and the plants and animals of the area were directly affected. Upon researching the city's choice to renovate the space, it was discovered that it was due to the increasing number of homeless and underserved individuals using the space for housing. Using photographs, the project displays the changed environment from lush habitat to trash-filled dirt patches. With the help of Julie Anand and Heather Green, I was able to select the best images to display as large scale prints, as well as small scale books that I constructed for my committee. Bioimagery was utilized to show what does not always meet the eye, and in some cases showed the effects that the demolition was having on the plant life, including what one of my committee members described as "an infection." They also acted as a metaphorical level to the photos in some cases, such as the hooks present on the regrown bamboo shoots that were slowly reclaiming the space. It was with the help of Dr. Page Baluch and her bioimagery lab that I was able to capture the smallest of details present on the samples I collected. The project serves as a potential starting point for other artists and community members to have a voice in the conversation and to hold the city accountable for their actions, especially when it comes to the underserved population. If they can spend so much time and funds into destroying what was once a beautiful habitat, why not put that effort into resources for the population they are trying to remove?
Date Created