The Function of Tyramine within the Male Reproductive System

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Male reproductive dysfunction accounts for almost half of male infertility cases, yet the signaling mechanisms involved in the male reproductive system remain unclear. Although the exact cause of male reproductive dysfunction varies, obtaining a better understanding of the modulators of

Male reproductive dysfunction accounts for almost half of male infertility cases, yet the signaling mechanisms involved in the male reproductive system remain unclear. Although the exact cause of male reproductive dysfunction varies, obtaining a better understanding of the modulators of smooth muscle contractions may provide new targets for the treatment of male reproductive conditions. The male reproductive tract, consisting of the testes, epididymis, vas deferens, and penis, is lined with innervated smooth muscle fibers that transport spermatozoa through the system. Contractions of these smooth muscle fibers can be modulated by neurotransmitters and hormones, like dopamine and norepinephrine, as well as biogenic amines. The focus of this study is on the biogenic amine tyramine, which is produced by the breakdown of tyrosine via decarboxylation. Tyramine has been shown to modulate vasoconstriction and increase blood pressure due to its effect on smooth muscle contractions. This study has found that tyramine localizes in male reproductive tissues and modulates smooth muscle contractions. Age and environment were also found to play a significant role in the expression of tyramine and its associated receptor, TAAR1.
Date Created

Protein Regulators of Lipid and Energy Metabolism

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Lipolysis or hydrolysis of triglyceride (TG) stored within intracellular lipid droplets (LD), is vital to maintaining metabolic homeostasis in mammals. Regulation of lipolysis and subsequent utilization of liberated fatty acids impacts cellular and organismal functions including body fat accumulation and

Lipolysis or hydrolysis of triglyceride (TG) stored within intracellular lipid droplets (LD), is vital to maintaining metabolic homeostasis in mammals. Regulation of lipolysis and subsequent utilization of liberated fatty acids impacts cellular and organismal functions including body fat accumulation and thermogenesis. Adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) is the intracellular rate-limiting enzyme responsible for catalyzing hydrolysis of TG to diacylglycerol (DAG), the initial step of the lipolytic reaction. G0/G1 switch gene-2 (G0S2) and hypoxia-inducible gene-2 (HIG2) are selective inhibitors of ATGL. G0S2 facilitates accumulation of TG in the liver and adipose tissue, while HIG2 functions under hypoxic conditions. Sequence analysis and mutagenesis were used to confirm the presence of conserved domains between these proteins, and that these domains are required for efficient binding and inhibition of ATGL. Further analysis revealed a Positive sequence (Pos-Seq)-LD binding motif in G0S2 but not HIG2. The Pos-Seq mediated ATGL-independent localization to LD and was required for achieving maximal inhibition of ATGL activity by G0S2. Identification and mutational analysis of this motif revealed distinct mechanisms for HIG2 and G0S2 LD association. In addition to molecular characterization of known protein inhibitors of lipolysis, an intracellular member of the apolipoprotein L (ApoL) family, ApoL6, was also identified as a LD and mitochondria associated protein expressed in adipose tissue. Brown adipose tissue uses fatty acids as fuel for increasing its energy output as heat during acute responses to cold exposure. A Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System was used to compare heat production at room temperature (RT) and 4oC in transgenic animals overexpressing ApoL6 in brown adipose tissue. Overexpression of ApoL6 delayed utilization of long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) as a fuel source while promoting an enhanced thermogenic response during initial cold exposure. ApoL6 mediated inhibition of LCFA utilization results from binding of ApoL6 to Mitochondrial Trifunctional Protein (MTP/TFP), which catalyzes mitochondrial β-oxidation. Indirect calorimetry and fasting acute cold exposure experiments suggest the augmented thermogenic profile of ApoL6 transgenic animals is a result of enhanced utilization of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), glucose, and amino acids as fuel sources. Cumulatively these results indicate multiple mechanisms for regulation lipolysis and fatty acid utilization.
Date Created

The Effect of Dietary Menthol on Weight Regain after Caloric Restriction

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This study was conducted to observe the effects of varying diets on weight regain after caloric restriction. Touted as a potentially effective non-invasive treatment to obesity, caloric restriction uses the gradual decrease in caloric intake to aid in weight loss.

This study was conducted to observe the effects of varying diets on weight regain after caloric restriction. Touted as a potentially effective non-invasive treatment to obesity, caloric restriction uses the gradual decrease in caloric intake to aid in weight loss. However, once a patient is taken off caloric restriction, a marked regain of weight regain occurs, nullifying the weight loss from caloric restriction. To find ways to suppress this weight regain, this study observed the effects of four different diets: low-fat diet (chow), high-fat diet (HFD), 0.5% concentration menthol infused chow, and 1% concentration menthol infused chow. Over a span of 3 years, 43 male Sprague-Dawley rats were placed through a strict feeding protocol: 3 weeks of chow food (3.1 kcal/gram), 8 or 12 weeks of HFD (5.42 kcal/gram), and caloric restriction for 4 weeks. Separate data analysis was conducted for the year 2017-2018, due to a slightly different protocol when compared to 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.

In 2017-2018, the results showed that 0.5% menthol (n=4) suppressed weight gain more effectively than both the baseline chow diet (n=4, p=0.022) and the HFD (n=4, p=0.027). Again in 2018-2020, the 0.5% menthol (n=6) showed promising results, showing significant suppression of weight gain when compared to chow (n=13, p=0.022). Unfortunately, the difference in weight gain in 1% menthol (n=6) was inconclusive when comparing to both chow and HFD. Although 1% menthol was inconclusive in its efficacy in suppressing weight regain, the promising results on 0.5% menthol show that menthol has the potential to be an effective treatment to both prevent rapid weight gain and maintain weight loss from caloric restriction.
Date Created

Reverse Fountain Cytoplasmic Streaming in Rhizopus Oryzae

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The intracellular motility seen in the cytoplasm of angiosperm plant pollen tubes is known as reverse fountain cytoplasmic streaming (i.e., cyclosis). This effect occurs when organelles move anterograde along the cortex of the cell and retrograde down the center of

The intracellular motility seen in the cytoplasm of angiosperm plant pollen tubes is known as reverse fountain cytoplasmic streaming (i.e., cyclosis). This effect occurs when organelles move anterograde along the cortex of the cell and retrograde down the center of the cell. The result is a displacement of cytoplasmic volume causing a cyclic motion of organelles and bulk liquid. Visually, the organelles appear to be traveling in a backwards fountain hence the name. The use of light microscopy bioimaging in this study has documented reverse fountain cytoplasmic streaming for the first time in fungal hyphae of Rhizopus oryzae and other members in the order Mucorales (Mucoromycota). This is a unique characteristic of the mucoralean fungi, with other fungal phyla (e.g., Ascomycota, Basidiomycota) exhibiting unidirectional cytoplasmic behavior that lacks rhythmic streaming (i.e., sleeve-like streaming). The mechanism of reverse fountain cytoplasmic streaming in filamentous fungi is currently unknown. However, in angiosperm plant pollen tubes it’s correlated with the arrangement and activity of the actin cytoskeleton. Thus, the current work assumes that filamentous actin and associated proteins are directly involved with the cytoplasmic behavior in Mucorales hyphae. From an evolutionary perspective, fungi in the Mucorales may have developed reverse fountain cytoplasmic streaming as a method to transport various organelles over long and short distances. In addition, the mechanism is likely to facilitate driving of polarized hyphal growth.
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Insulin Resistance: Insulin and Glucose Metabolism in Rats Fed a High Fat Diet

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In post-industrialized societies, increased consumption of fat-rich diets has been correlated to increasing rates of metabolic disorders, such as Type II Diabetes, which is further linked to insulin resistance. Due to this modern epidemic, it has become exceedingly important to

In post-industrialized societies, increased consumption of fat-rich diets has been correlated to increasing rates of metabolic disorders, such as Type II Diabetes, which is further linked to insulin resistance. Due to this modern epidemic, it has become exceedingly important to learn more about these disorders with the ultimate goal of developing more effective treatments. With an overall focus on insulin resistance, the main purposes of this study were to (1) differentiate between two types of insulin resistance and their corresponding measurements and to (2) demonstrate metabolic changes that occur in response to overconsumption of a calorically dense diet. This was accomplished over a 23-week timespan by applying statistical analysis to periodically measured fasting insulin and blood glucose levels in rats fed either a high fat diet or low fat (chow) diet. Body weights were also recorded. The results of this study showed that rats fed a high fat diet experienced fasting hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, and insulin resistance compared to rats fed a chow diet, and that the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) scale and insulin-stimulated glucose disposal (ISGD) measure different types of insulin resistance. This study was unique in the fact that hepatic insulin resistance and peripheral insulin resistance were differentiated in the same rat.
Date Created

Through the Lens: Documenting the Lopiano Habitat Through Photographs and Bioimagery

This creative project documents the changes to the Lopiano Habitat just north of Tempe Town Lake. Over the course of the project, the once restored wetland and desert habitat became overrun with debris and the plants and animals of the

This creative project documents the changes to the Lopiano Habitat just north of Tempe Town Lake. Over the course of the project, the once restored wetland and desert habitat became overrun with debris and the plants and animals of the area were directly affected. Upon researching the city's choice to renovate the space, it was discovered that it was due to the increasing number of homeless and underserved individuals using the space for housing. Using photographs, the project displays the changed environment from lush habitat to trash-filled dirt patches. With the help of Julie Anand and Heather Green, I was able to select the best images to display as large scale prints, as well as small scale books that I constructed for my committee. Bioimagery was utilized to show what does not always meet the eye, and in some cases showed the effects that the demolition was having on the plant life, including what one of my committee members described as "an infection." They also acted as a metaphorical level to the photos in some cases, such as the hooks present on the regrown bamboo shoots that were slowly reclaiming the space. It was with the help of Dr. Page Baluch and her bioimagery lab that I was able to capture the smallest of details present on the samples I collected. The project serves as a potential starting point for other artists and community members to have a voice in the conversation and to hold the city accountable for their actions, especially when it comes to the underserved population. If they can spend so much time and funds into destroying what was once a beautiful habitat, why not put that effort into resources for the population they are trying to remove?
Date Created

Elucidating the Role of PDK1 During Mitotic Cellular Division

Phosphoinositol-Dependent Kinase 1 (PDK1) acts in conjunction with phosphorylated lipids such as Phosphoinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate (PIP3) to activate a variety of proteins that regulate mechanisms ranging from cell growth and survival to cytoskeletal rearrangement. In this investigation PDK1 was examined in the

Phosphoinositol-Dependent Kinase 1 (PDK1) acts in conjunction with phosphorylated lipids such as Phosphoinositol-3,4,5-triphosphate (PIP3) to activate a variety of proteins that regulate mechanisms ranging from cell growth and survival to cytoskeletal rearrangement. In this investigation PDK1 was examined in the context of cellular division. The techniques of immunocytochemistry and live cell imaging were used to visualize the effects of the inhibition of PDK1 on division in HeLa cells. Division was impaired at metaphase of mitosis. The inhibited cells were unable to initiate anaphase cell-elongation ultimately leading to the flattening of spherical, metaphase cells. Preliminary studies with imunocytochemistry and live cell imaging suggested that insulin treatment reversed PDK1 inhibition, but the results were not statistically significant. Therefore, the recovery of PDK1 inhibition by insulin treatment could not be confirmed. Based on these observations a possible reason for the inability of the treated cells to complete cytokinesis could be the role of PDK1 in the Rho-kinase pathway that is required for the processes cell-elongation necessary for anaphase of mitosis.
Date Created

The involvement of S100B in Alzheimer's disease-related processes

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Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and the most common form of dementia. Its cause remains unknown, but it is known to involve two hallmark pathologies: Amyloid Beta plaques and neurofibrillary tangles

Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and the most common form of dementia. Its cause remains unknown, but it is known to involve two hallmark pathologies: Amyloid Beta plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). Several proteins have been implicated in the formation of neurofibrillary tangles, including Tau and S100B. S100B is a dimeric protein that is typically found bound to Ca(II) or Zn(II). These experiments relate to the involvement of S100B in Alzheimer's Disease-related processes and the results suggest that future research of S100B is warranted. Zn(II)-S100B was found to increase the rate at which tau assembled into paired helical filaments, as well as affect the rate at which tubulin polymerized into microtubules and the morphology of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells after 72 hours of incubation. Zn(II)-S100B also increased the firing rate of hippocampal neurons after 36 hours of incubation. Together, these results suggest several possibilities: Zn(II)-S100B may be a key part of the formation of paired helical filaments (PHFs) that subsequently form NFTs. Zn(II)-S100B may also be competing with tau to bind tubulin, which could lead to an instability of microtubules and subsequent cell death. This finding aligns with the neurodegeneration that is commonly seen in AD and which could be a result of this microtubule instability. Ultimately, these results suggest that S100B is likely involved in several AD-related processes, and if the goal is to find an efficient and effective therapeutic target for AD, the relationship between S100B, particularly Zn(II)-S100B, and tau needs to be further studied.
Date Created