The Role of Coral Reef Fisheries in Indigenous Food Sovereignty

Coral reefs provide many ecosystem services for coastal people. Coral reef fisheries are an important asset to food systems but their role in supporting food sovereignty for Indigenous people has not been assessed. Using ethnographic methods, I conduct a small-N

Coral reefs provide many ecosystem services for coastal people. Coral reef fisheries are an important asset to food systems but their role in supporting food sovereignty for Indigenous people has not been assessed. Using ethnographic methods, I conduct a small-N comparative case study of two different areas in Indonesia to discover the role of coral reef fisheries in Indigenous food sovereignty and how food brings value to Indigenous communities.
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Role of Knowledge Exchange in Improving Conservation Management in the Galapagos Literature Review


 This paper identified issues related to the production and use of knowledge in the conservation management of the Galapagos and provided frameworks for facilitating efficient engagement and actionable science to overcome knowledge gaps. The literature emphasizes the need for usable

 This paper identified issues related to the production and use of knowledge in the conservation management of the Galapagos and provided frameworks for facilitating efficient engagement and actionable science to overcome knowledge gaps. The literature emphasizes the need for usable knowledge and knowledge exchange mechanisms to ensure that research findings are translated into practical solutions. The partnership between the Galapagos National Park and the Darwin Research Station has the potential to facilitate knowledge exchange through practices such as co production of knowledge, embedded researchers, or actionable science.

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This thesis addresses fast fashion in the case of Vietnam, a newly emerging economy that is becoming increasingly relevant in garment production, and the recommended policy solutions to further the triple bottom line in the fashion industry.

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Values Reflected in State Wildlife Management Websites in the U.S.


Based on existing research, state wildlife agencies should be diversifying their management activities to reflect both utilitarian and biocentric values. Yet agencies are still focused primarily on managing land and wildlife resources for hunting and fishing, partly because of revenues

Based on existing research, state wildlife agencies should be diversifying their management activities to reflect both utilitarian and biocentric values. Yet agencies are still focused primarily on managing land and wildlife resources for hunting and fishing, partly because of revenues associated with permits and licenses (Jacobson et al., 2022; Manfredo, 2008). My research examines the values which state agencies emphasize in managing wildlife and engaging the public. Public-facing agency webpages are one way to investigate the values that drive agencies’ management priorities and activities. By looking at how information is represented on their main webpages, one can infer who the intended audience is, and which values guide their actions. Thus, my research aims to analyze how state management activities and associated information—as featured on their websites—represent public wildlife values and the trend away from utilitarianism (especially hunting and fishing) toward protectionism through wildlife conservation. Specifically, I ask: How do state-level wildlife agencies present and communicate wildlife management issues and reflect their different wildlife values—ranging from utilitarianism with emphasis on recreational use and enjoyment by people toward mutualist benefits that also protect wildlife—through their websites?

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Transboundary Conservation Efforts in the United States: A Comparative Study Between Glacier National Park and Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument

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Political boundaries often divide ecosystems and create the challenge of conserving the ecosystem across borders. Through transboundary ecosystem management multiple groups can come together and manage the ecosystem that spans their borders collaboratively. In the United States there are several

Political boundaries often divide ecosystems and create the challenge of conserving the ecosystem across borders. Through transboundary ecosystem management multiple groups can come together and manage the ecosystem that spans their borders collaboratively. In the United States there are several examples of ecosystems that span borders, such as the Sonoran Desert along the US-Mexico frontier and the Rocky Mountains running through the US and Canada. To gain insight into what leads to effective transboundary resource management I compared two case studies that manage resources over borders with multiple collaborators: Glacier National Park and Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. These two cases offer contrasting ecosystems and backgrounds in transboundary resource management in the United States. To compare the cases I coded them using a collaborative governance codebook (Schoon et al. 2020). The codebook uses a Context-Mechanisms-Outcomes framework to identify aspects of collaborative governance and contextual factors present in each park (Pawson & Tilley 1997; Salter & Kothari, 2014). Once coded, the cases were compared to identify what aspects were similar and different in the parks to help potentially explain what features did or did not lead to effective transboundary resource management.
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Codebook Development and a Text Analysis of the Effectiveness of Applied Collaborative Governance Strategies in Northern Arizona Forests

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There are two main sections of this thesis: Codebook development and case coding. Over the course of my two years of involvement with the collaborative governance lab with Drs. Schoon and Carr Kelman, I worked on helping to complete the

There are two main sections of this thesis: Codebook development and case coding. Over the course of my two years of involvement with the collaborative governance lab with Drs. Schoon and Carr Kelman, I worked on helping to complete the coding manual built by the lab to test variables from the literature using case studies. My main deliverable was building a Qualtrics survey to collect case studies. Using this Qualtrics survey, the lab will be able to collect coded cases by distributing the survey link through research networks. My thesis project included building the interface for the survey, participating in testing the intercoder reliability of the codebook, and coding one case, the Four Forest Restoration Initiative (4FRI), to provide insight on the collaborative governance strategies of this collaboration. Coding 4FRI also acted as a preliminary test of the survey, helping to provide further information on how users of the codebook might interact with the survey, and allowing the lab to generate a test report of survey results.
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On the virtues of a philosophically pragmatic reorientation in environmental ethics: adaptive co-management as a laboratory

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With global environmental systems under increasing Anthropogenic influence, conservationists and environmental managers are under immense pressure to protect and recover the world’s imperiled species and ecosystems. This effort is often motivated by a sense of moral responsibility, either to nature

With global environmental systems under increasing Anthropogenic influence, conservationists and environmental managers are under immense pressure to protect and recover the world’s imperiled species and ecosystems. This effort is often motivated by a sense of moral responsibility, either to nature itself, or to the end of promoting human wellbeing over the long run. In other words, it is the purview of environmental ethics, a branch of applied philosophy that emerged in the 1970s and that for decades has been devoted to understanding and defending an attitude of respect for nature, usually for its own sake. Yet from the very start, environmental ethics has promoted itself as contributing to the resolution of real-world management and policy problems. By most accounts, however, the field has historically failed to deliver on this original promise, and environmental ethicists continue to miss opportunities to make intellectual inroads with key environmental decisionmakers. Inspired by classical and contemporary American philosophers such as Charles Sanders Peirce, William James, John Dewey, and Richard Rorty, I defend in this dissertation the virtues of a more explicitly pragmatic approach to environmental ethics. Specifically, I argue that environmental pragmatism is not only commensurate with pro-environmental attitudes but that it is more likely to lead to viable and sustainable outcomes, particularly in the context of eco-social resilience-building activities (e.g., local experimentation, adaptation, cooperation). In doing so, I call for a recasting of environmental ethics, a project that entails: 1) a conceptual reorientation involving the application of pragmatism applied to environmental problems; 2) a methodological approach linking a pragmatist environmentalism to the tradition and process of adaptive co-management; and 3) an empirical study of stakeholder values and perspectives in conservation collaboratives in Arizona. I conclude that a more pragmatic environmental ethics has the potential to bring a powerful set of ethical and methodological tools to bear in real-world management contexts and, where appropriate, can ground and justify coordinated conservation efforts. Finally, this research responds to critics who suggest that, because it strays too far from the ideological purity of traditional environmental ethics, the pragmatic decision-making process will, in the long run, weaken rather than bolster our commitment to conservation and environmental protection.
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