Assessment in Sustainability Education: Learning Towards Innovations in Transdisciplinary Practice

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The learning journey toward sustainability requires the generation of action-oriented knowledge to understand the progress and potential adaptation of strategies to facilitate collective transformation. One integral area where advancing these strategies is essential is higher education. While efforts in the

The learning journey toward sustainability requires the generation of action-oriented knowledge to understand the progress and potential adaptation of strategies to facilitate collective transformation. One integral area where advancing these strategies is essential is higher education. While efforts in the field have identified relevant learning objectives, pedagogies, and broader contributions for sustainability education to make, the sophistication of approaches to evaluating and enhancing collective learning has remained underdeveloped. This dissertation aimed to address this gap by exploring assessment in sustainability education, with the goal of supporting innovations in transdisciplinary practice by developing distinctive approaches for the field through deliberative processes that articulate design frameworks.The first study, Sustainability-Oriented Assessment, applied a formative intervention within an undergraduate course focused on professional skill development to demonstrate how a student-led rubric co-design process that drew from participative, normative, and integrative approaches contributed to student agency, expansive learning, and self-formation. The study demonstrated how students leveraged challenges and changing perspectives towards development as students and sustainability professionals. The second study, Boundary Crossings and Innovations, applied an exploratory action research approach within a community of practice of program leaders and instructors to identify barriers and possibilities for assessment practices, suggesting conceptual, practical, and logistical innovations. The strategies to enable these innovations focused on defining the field and articulating practice characteristics related to interdisciplinary approaches and transdisciplinary strategies, while meeting demands and facilitating innovations across course, program, and institutional levels. The third study, Assessment-Oriented Sustainability, applied a scoping literature review to develop a framework that integrates problem, solution, and learning orientations to sustainability by infusing educational purposes, processes, and principles to strengthen the efficacy of assessment approaches for transdisciplinary strategies. Insights from the three studies suggest that the practice of assessment plays multifaceted roles as it facilitates the design, implementation, and evaluation of sustainability endeavors. These roles include evaluative and formative functions as it appraises and advances learning, normative and deliberative functions in encouraging discussion and critical reflection, and adaptive and generative functions by indicating, motivating, and enabling dynamic learning and action for sustainability.
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Soil Dynamics in Tres Rios Constructed Treatment Wetland


The integration of Urban Ecological Infrastructure (UEI) has gained attention as cities seek to address challenges posed by urbanization. Constructed treatment wetlands (CTWs), commonly used for removing pollutants from wastewater effluent and storm water runoff, have been proposed as a

The integration of Urban Ecological Infrastructure (UEI) has gained attention as cities seek to address challenges posed by urbanization. Constructed treatment wetlands (CTWs), commonly used for removing pollutants from wastewater effluent and storm water runoff, have been proposed as a solution to address challenges posed by rising water challenges. CTWs serve as a unique type of UEI and provide a range of ecosystem services in urban landscapes. With current global concerns over water scarcity and sustainable resource management, wetlands emerge as key components, providing vital ecosystem services, one of which is nutrient filtration. Nitrogen pollution in water bodies poses significant environmental and public health concerns, emphasizing the need for effective mitigation strategies. CTWs present a promising solution for addressing nitrogen pollution in urban settings. However, there are gaps in understanding wetland functioning within arid environments, necessitating arid climate studies to explain nitrogen dynamics. This study, conducted in the Tres Rios Wetland in Phoenix, Arizona, aims to examine nitrogen content in soils. Soil nitrogen content trends from 2019 to 2023 were investigated, with a focus on understanding nitrogen dynamics from inflow to outflow points and comparison from water to shore. There were no trends seen in nitrogen content over time from 2019 to 2023. Additionally, nitrogen levels tended to be higher at the shorelines compared to the open water, likely due to the accumulation of organic matter and soil nitrogen absorption. However, there were no trends observed in nitrogen content from the inflow to outflow points.

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Planning for climate change in US national parks: Assessing the quality of National Park Management Plans

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Global climate change, rising average temperatures, rising water levels, irregularities in climate and river regimes, and increasing anthropogenic disturbances pose a significant risk to the ecosystems of protected areas. Given that past conditions are different from future conditions, managing protected

Global climate change, rising average temperatures, rising water levels, irregularities in climate and river regimes, and increasing anthropogenic disturbances pose a significant risk to the ecosystems of protected areas. Given that past conditions are different from future conditions, managing protected areas faces serious challenges. New management approaches and strategies are needed to overcome these challenges. Planners and academicians have established methodologies for assessing the quality of climate change adaptation and resilience plans. However, a similar plan quality evaluation that considers climate change adaptation for National Park General Management Plans has not been conducted. This study adapted that methodology for national park management plans and applied it to analyze National Park General Management Plans across nine United States climate regions. Furthermore, this thesis aims to address this gap by asking and answering the following question: How do existing management plans for national parks meet the principles identified for effective planning for climate change? In this study, national park management plans are evaluated according to 112 criteria across seven principles, allowing for direct comparison and conclusions on strengths and weaknesses. The study revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the plans. Plans generally have similar weak points and strong points. While some aspects, such as public participation and coordination, perform relatively well, there are critical shortcomings in articulating a vision for climate adaptation, addressing uncertainty, and developing detailed strategies and monitoring mechanisms. The study will contribute to a better understanding of how protected areas can prepare for climate change impacts.
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The Impact of Storytelling on Attitudes Regarding Sustainable Alternative Transportation

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Communications around sustainability have been found to be incongruent with eliciting the transformative change required to address global climate change and its' repercussions. Recent research has been exploring storytelling in sustainability, specifically with an emphasis on reflexive and emancipatory methods.

Communications around sustainability have been found to be incongruent with eliciting the transformative change required to address global climate change and its' repercussions. Recent research has been exploring storytelling in sustainability, specifically with an emphasis on reflexive and emancipatory methods. These methods encourage embracing and contextualizing complexity and intend to target entire cognitive hierarchies. This study explores the possibility of using emancipatory and reflexive storytelling as a tool to change attitudes pertaining to the Valley Metro Light Rail, an example of a complex sustainability mitigation effort. I explore this in four steps: 1) Conducted a pre-survey to gauge preexisting attitudes and predispositions; 2) Provided a narrative that uses storytelling methodologies of reflexivity and emancipation through a story about the light rail; 3) Conducted a post-survey to gauge attitude shift resulting from the narrative intervention; 4) Facilitated a focus group discussion to examine impact qualitatively. These steps intended to provide an answer to the question: How does emancipatory and reflexive storytelling impact affective, cognitive and conative attitudes regarding local alternative transportation? By using tripartite attitude model, qualitative and quantitative analysis this paper determines that reflexive and emancipatory storytelling impacts attitudinal structures. The impact is marginal in the survey response, though the shift indicated a narrowing of participant responses towards one another, indicative of participants subscribing to emancipation and reflexivity of their held attitudes. From the group discussion, it was evident from qualitative responses that participants engaged in emancipating themselves from their held attitudes and reflected upon them. In doing so they engaged in collaboration to make suggestions and suggest actions to help those with experiences that differed from their own. Though this research doesn’t provide conclusive evidence, it opens the door for future research to assess these methodologies as a tool to elicit shared values, beliefs and norms, which are necessary for collective action leading to transformative change in response to global climate change.
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Snake Removals, Residential Yards, and Resident Attitudes Towards Snakes in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Arizona

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Understanding how wildlife interact with humans and the built environment is critical as urbanization contributes to habitat change and fragmentation globally. In urban and suburban areas, wildlife and people are often in close quarters, leading to human-wildlife interactions (HWI). In

Understanding how wildlife interact with humans and the built environment is critical as urbanization contributes to habitat change and fragmentation globally. In urban and suburban areas, wildlife and people are often in close quarters, leading to human-wildlife interactions (HWI). In the greater Phoenix Metropolitan Area, Arizona, HWI can involve reptiles such as venomous (family Viperidae, e.g., rattlesnakes) and nonvenomous (family Colubridae, e.g., gophersnakes) snakes. Rattlesnake Solutions, LLC, a local business, removes and relocates snakes from homes and businesses in the Phoenix area and, as a collaborator, has provided records of snake removals. Using these records, I investigated taxa-specific habitat trends at two spatial scales. At the neighborhood scale (n = 60), I found that removals occurred in yards with abundant cover opportunities. At the landscape scale (n = 764), nonvenomous snakes were removed from areas of higher urbanization compared to venomous snakes. Clients of Rattlesnake Solutions, LLC, were asked to answer a short survey, designed by K. Larson and colleagues, regarding the circumstances of their snake removal event and their attitudes, perceptions, and experiences with snakes. I used responses from this survey (n =271) to investigate if prior experience with snakes influences reported attitudes towards snakes. Respondents with prior snake experiences reported more positive attitudes towards snakes and were more consistent across their responses than those without prior snake experiences. Continuing inquiry into the urban ecology of these snakes is important to fostering coexistence between snakes and people that call Phoenix home.
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Values Reflected in State Wildlife Management Websites in the U.S.


Based on existing research, state wildlife agencies should be diversifying their management activities to reflect both utilitarian and biocentric values. Yet agencies are still focused primarily on managing land and wildlife resources for hunting and fishing, partly because of revenues

Based on existing research, state wildlife agencies should be diversifying their management activities to reflect both utilitarian and biocentric values. Yet agencies are still focused primarily on managing land and wildlife resources for hunting and fishing, partly because of revenues associated with permits and licenses (Jacobson et al., 2022; Manfredo, 2008). My research examines the values which state agencies emphasize in managing wildlife and engaging the public. Public-facing agency webpages are one way to investigate the values that drive agencies’ management priorities and activities. By looking at how information is represented on their main webpages, one can infer who the intended audience is, and which values guide their actions. Thus, my research aims to analyze how state management activities and associated information—as featured on their websites—represent public wildlife values and the trend away from utilitarianism (especially hunting and fishing) toward protectionism through wildlife conservation. Specifically, I ask: How do state-level wildlife agencies present and communicate wildlife management issues and reflect their different wildlife values—ranging from utilitarianism with emphasis on recreational use and enjoyment by people toward mutualist benefits that also protect wildlife—through their websites?

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Understanding Participation in Energy Transitions: Insights from the US and Mexico

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Transitioning towards low-carbon energy systems requires participation from a diversity of organizations, governments, and actors. Yet it is still unclear who, when, how much, and what types of participation are needed to realize such transformations. I address this gap by

Transitioning towards low-carbon energy systems requires participation from a diversity of organizations, governments, and actors. Yet it is still unclear who, when, how much, and what types of participation are needed to realize such transformations. I address this gap by analyzing the role of participation in energy transitions using interviews, participant observation, document analyses, and novel visualization approaches deployed in the USA and Mexican contexts. I offer a framework to explore how engagement in energy transitions unfolds over time and deploy the framework to 1) investigate the role of engagement in decreasing the consumption of gas and electricity at municipal and residential levels in 12 US communities during a three-year competition (2014-2017) organized by Georgetown University; and 2) assess the acceptance and longevity of solar projects that grant electricity access to rural and dispersed Indigenous Ralámuli communities in Chihuahua, México. I found that wider and deeper participation does not always secure lower energy consumption in the US case, which highlights the need to tailor participation for specific goals. Results from Ralámuli communities suggest that the benefits of participation reach a limit; that is, when high participation surpassed the budget (in the form of cash/money and time availability) of solar users, participation became detrimental to user satisfaction and technology acceptance. Lastly, the analysis of how participation occurred in solar home systems with longer longevity (more than five years of use) showed that maintenance and operation costs (e.g. battery replacements) are the greatest barriers to longevity, while knowledge and capacity building might be elements driving longer longevity. Recommendations include: (1) offering clear information in the user’s first language about the costs and maintenance of solar systems, (2) seeking ideas from solar users at the early stages of solar programs, and (3) reducing costs through understanding electricity needs and offering collective forms of ownership. My work expands the theoretical understanding of the role of participation in energy transitions and offers practical resources for practitioners and researchers to facilitate a critical reflection on how participation influences desirable outcomes in different contexts, including communities in the global North and South.
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A Multi-Objective Approach to Community Park Siting in Maricopa County

Urban Ecological Infrastructure (UEI) increases landscape sustainability by meeting multiple socioeconomic and environmental objectives. Community parks are a common form of green or terrestrial UEI that improve access to open space in urban areas. They also provide environmental benefits such

Urban Ecological Infrastructure (UEI) increases landscape sustainability by meeting multiple socioeconomic and environmental objectives. Community parks are a common form of green or terrestrial UEI that improve access to open space in urban areas. They also provide environmental benefits such as increased biodiversity, pollution filtration, urban heat island mitigation, and rainwater drainage. Decision-makers should consider these factors when siting parks to maximize services, especially since land acquisition involves budget constraints. Geographic information systems (GIS) include various tools that can be used to site parks based on multiple spatial datasets. This research develops a GIS process to identify suitable parcels for parks, filling a gap in the literature through developing a small-scale analysis that considers local context and includes smaller pockets of potential green space in Metro Phoenix, Arizona. This process involved compiling a dataset of socioeconomic and environmental criteria, creating park suitability layers in ArcGIS Pro, and conducting statistical and spatial analyses on the suitability layers. The analysis involved assigning scores to each parcel, where higher scores indicate higher park suitability, and lower scores indicate lower park suitability. Factors that resulted in higher suitability scores were barren land cover, low tree canopy, high surface temperature, in a flood zone, far from existing parks and trails, high percentage of minority and low-income residents, and in an urban area. The resulting maps show significantly higher scores in the southern and western parts of Maricopa County, particularly in and around Gila Bend. While most high-ranking parcels are situated along rural highways, there are many large clusters of high-ranking urban parcels along waterways in Metro Phoenix. Based on this assessment, I recommend park implementation efforts focus on land along the Salt River, Gila River, and Agua Fria River in southern and western Phoenix. Further research could build on this methodology, integrating additional datasets such as walkability scores and experimenting with the parameters to see how the results change.
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The Role of Walkability in Fostering Neighborhood Place Identity in a Warm, Desert Metropolis

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In urban planning and design, creating emotional bonds, known as place identity, between people and their surroundings is paramount to improving the well-being of those who reside there. However, determining how to alter the built environment in order to increase

In urban planning and design, creating emotional bonds, known as place identity, between people and their surroundings is paramount to improving the well-being of those who reside there. However, determining how to alter the built environment in order to increase place identity is a difficult task to achieve. Walkability is a good mechanistic link between the built environment and place identity. Walkability is comprised of a suite of factors that take into consideration both the natural and built environment. This thesis aims to determine if walkability is positively correlated with place identity in an extreme climate such as Phoenix. To test this, ecosystem services and disservices are used as factors to measure overall walkability. We found that access to recreational opportunities, aesthetic features of the pathway, and safety were all significant predictors of place identity. This has positive implications for walkable infrastructure to be strengthened in desert cities.
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Conservation of Threatened and Endangered Species in the Phoenix Metro Area Using Social Media

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This thesis explores conservation of threatened and endangered species in the Phoenix metro area using social media. With increased urbanization, rising temperatures, and other issues occurring in the desert landscape, creatures big and small face devastating losses in their populations.

This thesis explores conservation of threatened and endangered species in the Phoenix metro area using social media. With increased urbanization, rising temperatures, and other issues occurring in the desert landscape, creatures big and small face devastating losses in their populations. Informing the public about the species currently on the brink of extinction allows people to identify the animals in the wild, and may encourage conservation practices that would allow wildlife to thrive far into the future. Utilizing social media as a tool for spreading awareness permits information about Arizona wildlife to be free and easily accessible. This project consists of interviews with conservationists and social media influencers, a survey to understand online behaviors and identify level of interest in the different species, and the creation of consumable social media infographics about the threatened and endangered species of Phoenix. Instagram was selected by survey respondents as the platform they would follow conservation accounts on, leading to the creation of @phxconservation to post the social media infographics. Best practices found by posting on social media in this project can be useful information for conservationists looking to build engagement and effectively inform people.

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