Wondering Wanderer: A Collection of Personal Reflections

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Wondering Wanderer: A Collection of Personal Reflections is a creative project that captures the lifestyle and nuances of Florence, Italy through photographs paired with nonfiction flash captions. Excerpts from the novel, The Stones of Florence by Mary McCarthy served as the inspiration for these pieces.
Date Created

Applying Blockchain Technology to Procurement at Bechtel

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The purpose of this thesis is to explore how Blockchain technology can help solve problems large corporations commonly face. For example, it is a common problem for large businesses and organizations to manage sales contracts with thousands of items on

The purpose of this thesis is to explore how Blockchain technology can help solve problems large corporations commonly face. For example, it is a common problem for large businesses and organizations to manage sales contracts with thousands of items on them. Likewise, it can be difficult to accurately monitor complex payment histories with thousands of items on them. Another issue is the difficulty that is introduced when making periodic reconciliations based on separate recording systems. At a broader level, some organizations may hesitate to do business with new strange companies or oversea companies for the first time because they do not trust that the other organization can deliver what they promise. Such problems cost organizations a lot of money, effort, and time to solve. However, Blockchain technology, first developed in 2009, could revolutionize how the business community deals with these common problems. The shared and immutable ledger on Blockchain can help organizations to keep track on transactions, manage the contracts in a smarter way, ensure correct purchase history records, eliminate the periodically reconciliation processes, and provide visibility for real-time transactions.
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Optimal Prosthetic Development for the Good of all Amputees

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This paper emphasizes how vital prosthetic devices are as tools for both congenital and acquired amputees in order to maximize this population's level of societal productivity, but several issues exist with the current technological focus of development by the prosthetic

This paper emphasizes how vital prosthetic devices are as tools for both congenital and acquired amputees in order to maximize this population's level of societal productivity, but several issues exist with the current technological focus of development by the prosthetic industry that creates unnecessary hurdles that amputees must surpass in order to truly benefit from these tools. The first major issue is that these devices are not readily available to all amputees. The astronomical cost of most prosthetic devices is a variable that restricts low income amputee populations from obtaining these vital tools regardless of their level of need, thus highlighting the fact that amputees who are not financially stable are not supported in a fashion that is conducive to their success. Also, cost greatly affects children who suffer from a missing appendage due to the fact that they are in constant need of prosthetic replacement because of physical growth and development. Another issue with the current focus of the prosthetic industry is that it focuses on acquired amputees because this population is much larger in comparison to congenital amputees and thus more lucrative. Congenital amputees' particular needs are often entirely ignored in terms of prosthetic innovation. Finally, low daily utilization is a major issue amongst the amputee population. Several variables exist with the use of prosthetic devices that cause many amputees to decide against the utilization of these tools, like difficulty of use and lack of comfort. This paper will provide solutions to cost, discrimination, issues in development, and daily utilization by emphasizing on how lowering the cost through alternative designs and materials, transitioning the focus of technological development onto the entire amputee population rather than targeting the most lucrative group, and advancing the design in a fashion to which promotes daily utilization will provide the largest level of societal support, so that the amputee population as a whole can maximize their level of productivity in a manner that will allow this group to conquer the hardships that are introduced into their lives due to a missing appendage.
Date Created

Imagining Climate: Combining Climate Awareness and Imagination

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Imagining Climate (www.imaginingclimate.com) is a social media project that gauges how the public thinks about climate change in their community. Users will view climate data from 2017, view projected data for 2050, and then be given a prompt to imagine

Imagining Climate (www.imaginingclimate.com) is a social media project that gauges how the public thinks about climate change in their community. Users will view climate data from 2017, view projected data for 2050, and then be given a prompt to imagine what the future looks like to them and write a short narrative story about their vision. Imagining Climate hopes to provide a public source of data for all and use imaginative writing to help users understand how other members of their communities think about climate change.
Date Created

Influence of School-Based Sexual Health Education on Sexual Behavior and Health Outcomes in the United States: An Analysis of Sexual Health Education in the United States with a Focused Comparison of the Sexual Health Education Curriculums

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Sexual health education varies in its delivery, efficacy, and comprehensiveness throughout each of the fifty states of the United States of America. These differences at the state level in the sexual health education curriculum lead to varying health outcomes for

Sexual health education varies in its delivery, efficacy, and comprehensiveness throughout each of the fifty states of the United States of America. These differences at the state level in the sexual health education curriculum lead to varying health outcomes for students during their time in school, as well as impact their future experiences. This study examines the sexual health education curriculum of two states located with very different perspectives on how sexual health education should be taught, Arizona and New Jersey. This study analyzes the efficacy of curricula mandated by each state by looking at the average age of initial sexual encounter, the teen pregnancy rates, abortion rates, and cases of sexually transmitted infections. The goal of this study is to show the necessity for comprehensive sexual health education in order to reduce risky behavior in adolescents' sexual encounters, increase awareness surrounding an individual's health, and improving health outcomes for all individuals, from adolescence into adulthood.
Date Created

Building Resilience Through Creative Writing

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Resilience is defined as an individual's ability to cope or "bounce back" after experiencing stressful life events (Rew et al., 2001). Survivors of trauma who express high levels of resilience are more likely to experience positive future life outcomes than

Resilience is defined as an individual's ability to cope or "bounce back" after experiencing stressful life events (Rew et al., 2001). Survivors of trauma who express high levels of resilience are more likely to experience positive future life outcomes than equally troubled peers with lower resilience scores. It is possible to increase resilience by targeting several core factors: (1) personal competence, (2) sense of belonging, (3) sense of optimism (Lee et al., 2009). I developed an eight-week creative writing curriculum to boost these three core factors in the hopes of both increasing resilience in homeless youth while also introducing creating writing as an effective coping strategy. Each one-hour session included free-form writing exercises, mindfulness practices, writing workshops, and group presentations. Prompts and activities were carefully developed to encourage resilience-building in a group of homeless children and adolescents of ages seven to fourteen at Homeward Bound in Phoenix. With sample writing works and facilitator feedback, this curriculum was designed to be exceptionally easy and cost effective for future implementation. I hope that other organizations in the future will consider implementing this program to help build resilience in youth who have experienced childhood trauma.
Date Created


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While many report positive changes after completing a long distance hike on the PCT, many who return experience a sense of depression or intense sadness. This sadness can be debilitating, but very little research has been done to explore possible

While many report positive changes after completing a long distance hike on the PCT, many who return experience a sense of depression or intense sadness. This sadness can be debilitating, but very little research has been done to explore possible causes and remedies. This thesis argues that volatile environmental conditions on the Pacific Crest Trail act in a similar way to that of entities such as fraternities and the military in that the effort required to be initiated must be justified with the value received. As such, thru-hikers increase the value of the trail for themselves along with the cultural values that the trail may hold. These cultural values are predominantly equality, liberty, and the concept of the sublime. However, as nature is understood to be the opposite of urban environments, urban environments take on qualities of inequality, oppression, and corruption in the eyes of the hiker. These qualities then cause a hiker distress upon returning from their six month journey in that they have to both exist in and participate with such a society.
Date Created

OIL & GAS IN KAZAKHSTAN: An Examination of Authoritarian Governance, The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, and Labor Unrest

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In this paper I examine the dynamics of oil exploitation in the Republic of Kazakhstan to better understand the impact of authoritarian governmental control of this resource on the lives of everyday Kazakh laborers in the extractive industry. In order

In this paper I examine the dynamics of oil exploitation in the Republic of Kazakhstan to better understand the impact of authoritarian governmental control of this resource on the lives of everyday Kazakh laborers in the extractive industry. In order to do this, I focus on what the state government has done in order to appear more transparent about financial matters in Oil & Gas and how they have addressed or failed to address worker concerns, especially in terms of compensation. More specifically, I look at the Kazakh government's efforts to become EITI-Compliant and at the same time minimize the impact of labor unrest. However, I argue that in its attempt to control society through the regulation of this industry, a "governing of things" in Foucault's terms, the Kazakh government is unintentionally creating ungovernable spaces in the regions of oil exploitation that can be utilized by laborers to negotiate reforms. Furthermore, thanks to an inherent clan culture, this form of modern governmentality actively benefits only the upper echelons of Kazakhstan's political elite, to the exclusion of everyone else, exacerbating problems of regulation, revolt, and subsequent retaliation. I conclude my paper by suggesting topics for further research, such as the exploration of oil's "fetishistic qualities," investigation into other extractive industry transparency or reform initiatives, the study of civil society efforts to promote communication between laborers and their government.
Date Created

From Alpha to Omega: the Creation and Negotiation of a Fan Genre

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While the concept of literary genres has much discussion about them, very little work has been done to address how genres emerge and grow into the cultural shorthand we know them by today. In this paper I seek to explore

While the concept of literary genres has much discussion about them, very little work has been done to address how genres emerge and grow into the cultural shorthand we know them by today. In this paper I seek to explore one specific genre of fanfiction, Omegaverse, what the genre looks like, what permutations it has undergone in the short time it has existed as a standalone genre, how the fan communities that write and read the genre have shaped it, and what this means for genre creation overall. Started less than a decade ago in the form it is recognized as today, the alternate universe setting focuses on a different human biological hierarchy based on adapted physiology of wolves, which recognizes people in three biologically inherent roles, alphas, betas, or omegas. It was created by the Supernatural fandom in one of their LiveJournal forums, and has since been since co-opted by many other fandoms. Being a relatively new genre, very little research has been done on it, despite having over 20 thousand fanfictions tagged as “Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics” on Archive of Our Own alone. However, there is significant overlap between this genre and the wider genres of slash and Mpreg, so I will be incorporating research and conclusions drawn from paper on those topics, such as Åström’s “Male Pregnancy in Supernatural fan fiction” (2010) and Joanna Russ’ “Pornography by Women for Women, With Love” (2014), as well as broad literary genre research and discussions, including Jason Mittell’s "A Cultural Approach to Television Genre Theory" (2001) and Dudley Andrew’s Concepts in Film Theory (1984).
Date Created

Building Bridges: Discovering Ways to Connect Barrett Students with Barrett Summer Scholars Alumni to Increase Academic Success

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Through interviews with student participants in Barrett Summer Scholars during 2012, I uncovered how education in Arizona is failing and succeeding in meeting the needs of its high-achieving, oftentimes academically disillusioned students. Many high-achieving students feel underserved by their education

Through interviews with student participants in Barrett Summer Scholars during 2012, I uncovered how education in Arizona is failing and succeeding in meeting the needs of its high-achieving, oftentimes academically disillusioned students. Many high-achieving students feel underserved by their education and do not receive adequate challenges or one-on-one attention. Socioeconomic, ethnic, and racial limitations further contribute to the disenchantment of students and educational inequalities in the US and Arizona in particular. The Barrett Summer Scholars program itself intends to help engage these students, but it may be failing in its stated goals. Limited resources make it difficult for schools to pay as much attention to the high-achieving students as to the low-achieving, but Barrett might be able to help bridge this gap and provide students with one-on-one attention by way of student mentorship.
Date Created