Understanding Cyberbystander Behavior: An Investigation of Individual Difference Predictors

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Cyberbullying has become increasingly prevalent, difficult to detect, and harmful to its victims. Whereas correlates of cyberbullying victimization and perpetration have been studied extensively, there has been less research on the critical role that bystanders to cyberbullying instances can play.

Cyberbullying has become increasingly prevalent, difficult to detect, and harmful to its victims. Whereas correlates of cyberbullying victimization and perpetration have been studied extensively, there has been less research on the critical role that bystanders to cyberbullying instances can play. This study explored the extent to which Big Five personality traits, social dominance orientation, narcissism, moral disengagement, self-control, and cyberbullying severity level are related to bystander behavior in cyberbullying situations. Adults in the U.S. took part in an online survey in which they were presented with a series of 12 simulated social media interactions in the form of screenshots that involved exchanges between two social media users. Each screenshot depicted one of three distinct levels of cyberbullying severity: none, low severity, and high severity. For each screenshot, participants were asked to report the likelihood that they would respond in a range of ways as a bystander. Participants then completed a series of individual difference scales. The results indicated that as the severity of the cyberbullying depicted in a screenshot increased, bystanders were more likely to support the victim, flag the post, and confront the bully, and less likely to be passive observers or support the bully. Higher levels of extraversion, conscientiousness, and agreeableness were associated with a lower likelihood of remaining a passive observer, while social dominance orientation and moral disengagement were positively correlated with bystander interaction in support of the bully. Additionally, agreeableness and extraversion were positively correlated with the likelihood of supporting the victim; and agreeableness was positively correlated with the likelihood of confronting the bully. No significant relationship was discovered between self-control, narcissism, and cyberbystander behavior. This research offers experimental validation for the predictive value of both cyberbullying severity and individual differences for understanding diverse forms of cyberbystander behavior.
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Active in Structure: An Integrated Model of Structural Theories and Individual Factors in Explaining Audience Behavior in the Post-Network Age

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Over the past 60 years or so, audience researchers have strived to investigate the impact of structural and motivational factors on audiences’ television viewing behaviors. With the popularity of streaming services, the way people consume and discuss media content has

Over the past 60 years or so, audience researchers have strived to investigate the impact of structural and motivational factors on audiences’ television viewing behaviors. With the popularity of streaming services, the way people consume and discuss media content has been fundamentally transformed. However, the academic understanding of whether factors traditionally found to impact television viewing behaviors continue to do so in the streaming age remains limited. Building on both agent-based and structural theories in television audience research, this study employed a mixed-method approach that combines data collected via in-depth interviews with that from screenshots captured with a browser extension to revisit the roles of structural and motivational factors in participants’ Netflix viewing. The study’s results underscore that, even in a high-choice media environment, structural factors (e.g., audience availability, content availability and exclusivity) and traditional viewing motivations (i.e. for relaxation and enjoyment) remain critical in determining participants’ viewing practices. Specifically, the platforms and devices that people use to watch television may differ from those used in the network era, but why they watch, when they watch, and what they watch are still determined by the motivational and structural factors identified in traditional television audience research. In addition, the results showed that newer structural factors such as program scores on recommendation sites have less of an impact on participants’ viewing decisions. Habits, which are commonly overlooked in audience research, played an important role in influencing when, how, and what participants watched on Netflix. Further, despite having access to almost unlimited viewing options, many participants still tended to watch programs that they were familiar with or had watched before. The findings highlighted that, even in today’s fragmented media environment, participants’ Netflix viewing practices were repetitive and deeply embedded in the structured routines of their daily lives. The study advances television audience scholarship by providing fresh insights about the traditional and emerging factors in determining viewers’ streaming behaviors. Theoretical implications and future directions are discussed.
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Transgender Health Disparities: Experiences of Societal Pressure, Gender Dysphoria, and Body Dissatisfaction

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Transgender populations display disproportionately poorer health outcomes compared to the general population. On average, these populations tend to experience decreased well-being in part through increased mental health concerns (e.g., anxiety, depression) and poorer physical and behavioral health status. Understanding the

Transgender populations display disproportionately poorer health outcomes compared to the general population. On average, these populations tend to experience decreased well-being in part through increased mental health concerns (e.g., anxiety, depression) and poorer physical and behavioral health status. Understanding the process by which these deleterious outcomes occur for this population is integral to developing interventions. This thesis aimed to examine whether experiences of gender dysphoria and body dissatisfaction influenced the association of felt pressure to conform to gender norms with mental health and quality of life outcomes. Specifically, I hypothesized that greater pressure to conform to gender norms would be directly related to worse mental health and quality of life outcomes, and that gender dysphoria and body dissatisfaction would indirectly mediate this relationship. Furthermore, I hypothesized that participants' gender identity would moderate this relationship, such that transgender individuals would show stronger associations on all pathways as compared to cisgender individuals. The sample consisted of 211 individuals – 109 being transgender and 102 being cisgender. Participants completed a 15-minute online survey including a consent form. Results indicated partial support of hypotheses – pressure to conform to gender norms directly predicted outcomes of compromised mental health (i.e., depression, anxiety, and stress), but did not predict well-being or quality of life. Furthermore, gender dysphoria (but not body dissatisfaction) mediated the relationship between felt pressure for gender conformity and compromised mental health outcomes for cisgender participants, but unexpectedly not for transgender participants. Post hoc analyses suggest that perceived discrimination mediated the relation between felt pressure and all mental health measures and quality of life measures for both transgender and cisgender participants.
Date Created

The Effect of Dehumanizing Language in the Courtroom on Judgments about Black and White Defendants

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Prosecutors’ use of dehumanizing language to describe defendants in their opening and closing statements can often go unchecked. This research aims to assess the effect of dehumanizing language on judgments about Black versus White defendants.Past research has demonstrated the effects

Prosecutors’ use of dehumanizing language to describe defendants in their opening and closing statements can often go unchecked. This research aims to assess the effect of dehumanizing language on judgments about Black versus White defendants.Past research has demonstrated the effects of dehumanizing language on lay people's perceptions of out-groups, and how those perceptions can lead to consequential behaviors, prejudice, and even retributive violence and conflict. My first aim is to extend this research to the legal context, more specifically, to address a gap in prior research by randomly assigning participants to read the same closing statement in a murder case with (a) no dehumanizing language, (b) animalistic dehumanizing language, or (c) mechanistic dehumanizing language to describe either (a) White defendants (Studies 1-2) or (b) Black defendants (Study 2). There has been ample investigation into subtle dehumanization and how it interacts with racial groups, but research has yet to investigate how dehumanized descriptions (both animalistic and mechanistic) of a defendant may influence implicit and explicit perceptions of a defendant and legal outcomes with the inclusion of a race manipulation. I tested the impact of dehumanizing language on participants’ impressions of the defendant, their levels of explicit dehumanization of the defendant specifically and implicit dehumanization of Black versus White targets generally, as well as their ultimate sentencing decisions. I predicted that closing statements including dehumanizing language would lead to greater dehumanization of the defendant and greater likelihood of choosing a death sentence—and that this effect would be greater for Black versus White defendants. I also conducted exploratory tests of the relative impact of animalistic versus mechanistic dehumanization. Investigation into the effects of dehumanization of racial and ethnic groups can help identify underlying psychological causes of racial bias and help to facilitate potential preventative measures in the courtroom. In this paper, I will report the results from a preliminary study testing the impact of dehumanizing language about a White defendant. I will then report the results from a follow-up study testing the impact of dehumanizing language about a White and a Black defendant.
Date Created

Examining the Relationship Between Regional Implicit Racial Biases & Racial Disparities in the Outcomes of Civil Trials


Even though criminal justice outcomes frequently receive more media, public, and research attention than civil legal outcomes, civil legal outcomes are equally important in ensuring fairness, accountability, and justice for both individuals and society as a whole. This provides individuals

Even though criminal justice outcomes frequently receive more media, public, and research attention than civil legal outcomes, civil legal outcomes are equally important in ensuring fairness, accountability, and justice for both individuals and society as a whole. This provides individuals an avenue to pursue justice and restitution for civil wrongs, protects civil rights, and compensates those who have been harmed financially. This study examined the relationship between regional implicit racial bias and racial disparities in outcomes of real-world civil trials. In particular, I explored whether the racial composition of the attorneys on the defense teams or race of the plaintiff predicted plaintiff verdicts and greater damage awards. I hypothesized that all-White defense attorney teams and plaintiffs would win their cases at higher rates and would subsequently be awarded more in damages than their non-White counterparts, especially in regions reporting high levels of implicit racial bias. Using real-world civil trials and Project Implicit Race IAT data, I conducted logistic and linear regression analyses to test the effects of race and regional bias on trial outcomes. The results showed that the likelihood of a pro-plaintiff verdict increased when the defense team included at least one non-White attorney. That is, more racially diverse defense teams won their cases less then all-White defense teams. Additionally, I found that the likelihood of a pro-plaintiff verdict decreased in regions reporting relatively higher levels of regional implicit racial bias. Future research aimed at understanding and reducing disparities and bias in the legal system should be extended to include civil trials and both attorney and client demographics.

Date Created

An examination of childfree life decisions from a cultural perspective


In many societies, having children is normalized and expected, and individuals who choose to pursue a childfree life are likely under intense pressure to conform and take on a “traditional” role as a parent. Based on qualitative interviews, my thesis

In many societies, having children is normalized and expected, and individuals who choose to pursue a childfree life are likely under intense pressure to conform and take on a “traditional” role as a parent. Based on qualitative interviews, my thesis investigates the factors and motivations that make adults of any relationship status (age 18+) decide to live a childfree life and how such a decision has impacted their relationships with others. I also examine their experiences maintaining their childfree status through obtaining contraceptives and relevant medical procedures (e.g., sterilization). Ultimately, this thesis aims to provide insight to better understand the reasoning behind the choice to be childfree, and the way that choice influences childfree individuals’ daily lives.

Date Created

Sexual Harassment in the Digital World: Developing and Validating a New Measure of Cyber-Sexual Harassment

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With widespread increases in the use of electronic communication technology, cyber-sexual harassment (CSH) has been on the rise. Broadly defined, CSH is unwelcome and repeated conduct of a sexual nature performed through electronic technology. The prevalence of CSH reported in

With widespread increases in the use of electronic communication technology, cyber-sexual harassment (CSH) has been on the rise. Broadly defined, CSH is unwelcome and repeated conduct of a sexual nature performed through electronic technology. The prevalence of CSH reported in previous studies varies significantly due in part to inconsistencies in how CSH is defined and measured. Whereas four existing scales measuring aspects of CSH have been published, each has several limitations. This research aims to develop and psychometrically validate the Multidimensional Cyber-Sexual Harassment Experiences and Attitudes Scale for Victimization (MCSHEA-V), which taps into five key components of CSH, including: (1) gathering sexual information online, (2) image and video-based sexual harassment, (3) offensive comments or posts, (4) coercive behaviors, and (5) CSH attitudes. In Study 1, a sample of psychology graduate students and faculty (N = 13) evaluated the content validity of the MCSHEA-V items, leading to key improvements in item relevance, clarity, and wording. In Study 2, a sample of adult participants (N = 298) completed the initial version of the scale through the online survey platform, Prolific.co. Confirmatory factor analyses indicated the proposed 5-factor structure was a good fit, but exploratory factor analyses indicated the items represented an alternative 4-factor structure. Specifically, these items captured dyadic CSH behaviors, CSH behaviors that affect one’s reputation, perceptions of the seriousness of CSH, and CSH victim-blaming behaviors. In Study 3, an additional sample of adult participants (N = 207) was surveyed via Prolific.co. Separate confirmatory factor analyses indicated the 4-factor model was the best fit. Overall, the MCSHEA-V will contribute to a clearer understanding of the defining features and prevalence of CSH victimization and facilitate future research through the introduction of a psychometrically-validated measurement tool.
Date Created

Is Social Media Prolonging Identity Commitment? The Effects of Social Media Use on Adolescent Identity Formation

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Given the emergence of social media over the past decade and its popularity with adolescents, understanding its impact on this population is crucial to investigate. The purpose of this thesis was to identify potential links between social media use, identity

Given the emergence of social media over the past decade and its popularity with adolescents, understanding its impact on this population is crucial to investigate. The purpose of this thesis was to identify potential links between social media use, identity formation, self-esteem, and social comparison motives. The first hypothesis proposed a positive association between passive social media use and identity moratorium, diffusion, and distress. The second hypothesis suggested self-esteem would mediate this relationship. The final hypothesis posited that the social comparison motives of self-destruction and self-evaluation would exacerbate negative influences of social media use on self-esteem and identity, while self-enhancement and self-improvement motives would buffer them. Two studies were conducted, one observational with 568 participants and one experimental with 15 participants. The first study found active social media use significantly predicted identity diffusion and distress, whereas the second study determined passive social media use led to identity distress. Self-esteem was not found to mediate either relationship. Finally, self-destruction, self-enhancement, self-evaluation, and self-improvement all had differing moderating effects on social media use and the distinct identity outcomes and self-esteem. These results introduce a new concern for late adolescents still developing their identities who utilize social media, as having an online presence can further impede commitment to an identity.
Date Created

Fostering Youth Resilience Through Intrapersonal Skills in the Presence of Adverse Childhood Events

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Although adverse events cannot always be prevented, the negative outcomes on development can potentially be modified by considering methods of fostering positive emotional and behavioral responses. The study examined biopsychosocial health outcomes in the presence of uncontrollable adverse childhood events

Although adverse events cannot always be prevented, the negative outcomes on development can potentially be modified by considering methods of fostering positive emotional and behavioral responses. The study examined biopsychosocial health outcomes in the presence of uncontrollable adverse childhood events with the goal of identifying a potential intervention to increase resilience, health, and safe behaviors among at-risk children. It was hypothesized that adverse events can result in positive biopsychosocial outcomes in the presence of high scores on the Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishments (PERMA) model of well-being, self-efficacy, gratitude, and the ability to envision a positive future self. The study retrospectively examined adverse childhood events and present behavioral, emotional, and physical health outcomes. Participant (n = 685) data were analyzed using Hayes PROCESS (v3.5) to test all components of the moderation model. Results suggest that as adverse events increase, health adversity also increases. However, those with high intrapersonal strengths showed better health outcomes. Through understanding intrapersonal pathways in the presence of adverse events, the study can potentially identify mechanisms important for promoting resilient outcomes in childhood that could cascade into adulthood.
Date Created

Physical Activity and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many aspects of daily life due to social distancing guidelines, including physical exercise. Prior research indicates that physical activity is a potent resilience factor against stress’ impact on mental health. Further, research suggests that social

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many aspects of daily life due to social distancing guidelines, including physical exercise. Prior research indicates that physical activity is a potent resilience factor against stress’ impact on mental health. Further, research suggests that social integration and participation positively contributes to mental well-being. Yet, one aspect of physical activity that may be particularly impacted by social distancing guidelines is the social context. It is unclear if those who participated in social physical activity prior to the COVID pandemic are more impacted by the restrictions placed on these behaviors. In a sample of 519 adults in the United States, the current longitudinal study examined whether participation in social physical activity, compared to individual physical activity, moderates the influence of pandemic stress on mental health and whether there are gender differences between men and women in these associations. Study results indicated physical activity did benefit mental health during the COVID pandemic. However, greater social physical activity did not buffer against the negative impact of stress. Future research should examine other variables potentially influencing these relationships, and examine them under non-pandemic conditions.
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