Differences in Pathway Activity across Grades and Stages in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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While only the sixth most common cancer globally, liver cancer is the third most deadly. Despite the importance of accurate diagnosis and effective treatment, standard diagnostic tests for most solid organ neoplasms are not required for the most common type

While only the sixth most common cancer globally, liver cancer is the third most deadly. Despite the importance of accurate diagnosis and effective treatment, standard diagnostic tests for most solid organ neoplasms are not required for the most common type of liver cancer, Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). In addition, major discrepancies in the practices currently in place limits the ability to develop more precise oncological treatment and prognosis. This study aimed to identify biomarkers, with potential to more accurately diagnose how far cancer has advanced within a patient and determine prognosis. It is the hope that pathways provided by this study form the basis for future research into more standardized practices and potential treatment based on specific affected biological processes. The PathOlogist tool was utilized to calculate activity metrics for 1,324 biological pathways in 374 The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) hepatocellular carcinoma donors. Further statistical analysis was done on two datasets, formed to identify grade or stage at time of diagnosis for the activity levels calculated by PathOlogist. The datasets were evaluated individually. Based on the variance and normality of each pathway’s activity levels in the respective data sets analysis of variance, Tukey-Kramer, Kruskal-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney-Wilcox tests were performed, when appropriate, to determine any statistically significant differences in pathway activity levels. Pathways were identified in both stage and grade data analyses that show significant differences in activity levels across designation. While some overlap is seen, there was a significant number of pathways unique to either stage or grade. These pathways are known to affect the cell cycle, cellular transport, disease, immune system, and metabolism regulation. The biological pathways named by this research depict prospective biomarkers for progression of hepatocellular carcinoma per subdivision within both stage and grade. These findings may be instrumental to new methods of early and more accurate diagnosis. The distinct differences in identified pathways in grade and stage illustrate the need for these new methods to not only look at stage but also grade when determining prognosis. Furthermore, the pathways identified herein have potential to aid in the development of targeted treatment based on the affected biological processes.
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Plant-Expressed Vaccines: Enhancing the Recombinant Immune Complex Platform to Permit Rapid Vaccine Development Against Existing and Emerging Pathogens

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Vaccines are one of the most effective ways of combating infectious diseases and developing vaccine platforms that can be used to produce vaccines can greatly assist in combating global public health threats. This dissertation focuses on the development and pre-clinical

Vaccines are one of the most effective ways of combating infectious diseases and developing vaccine platforms that can be used to produce vaccines can greatly assist in combating global public health threats. This dissertation focuses on the development and pre-clinical testing of vaccine platforms that are highly immunogenic, easily modifiable, economically viable to produce, and stable. These criteria are met by the recombinant immune complex (RIC) universal vaccine platform when produced in plants. The RIC platform is modeled after naturally occurring immune complexes that form when an antibody, a component of the immune system that recognizes protein structures or sequences, binds to its specific antigen, a molecule that causes an immune response. In the RIC platform, a well-characterized antibody is linked via its heavy chain, to an antigen tagged with the antibody-specific epitope. The RIC antibody binds to the epitope tags on other RIC molecules and forms highly immunogenic complexes. My research has primarily focused on the optimization of the RIC platform. First, I altered the RIC platform to enable an N-terminal antigenic fusion instead of the previous C-terminal fusion strategy. This allowed the platform to be used with antigens that require an accessible N-terminus. A mouse immunization study with a model antigen showed that the fusion location, either N-terminal or C-terminal, did not impact the immune response. Next, I studied a synergistic response that was seen upon co-delivery of RIC with virus-like particles (VLP) and showed that the synergistic response could be produced with either N-terminal or C-terminal RIC co-delivered with VLP. Since RICs are inherently insoluble due to their ability to form complexes, I also examined ways to increase RIC solubility by characterizing a panel of modified RICs and antibody-fusions. The outcome was the identification of a modified RIC that had increased solubility while retaining high immunogenicity. Finally, I modified the RIC platform to contain multiple antigenic insertion sites and explored the use of bioinformatic tools to guide the design of a broadly protective vaccine.

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Applying Regulatory Networks to the Immune Landscape of Mesothelioma

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An immune regulatory network was constructed for the purpose of identifying target regulators in malignant pleural mesothelioma for therapies. An identified causal flow linked a mutation of D-dopachrome tautomerase to a heightened expression of regulator ASH1L and consequent down regulation

An immune regulatory network was constructed for the purpose of identifying target regulators in malignant pleural mesothelioma for therapies. An identified causal flow linked a mutation of D-dopachrome tautomerase to a heightened expression of regulator ASH1L and consequent down regulation of chemokine CCL5 and invasion of CD8+ T cells. Experimental validation of this initial use case indicates mRNA expression of CCL5 within the tumor cells and subsequent protein expression and secretion. Further analyses will explore the migration of CD8+ T cells in response to the chemotactic CCL5.

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Genetics Book

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This thesis summarizes the process of writing a children's book about achondroplasia directed at children without genetic disorders. The thesis also includes the children's book The Genetics of Little People that was created during the project.

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Watkins Dissertation Final Draft (Spring 2022)

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This thesis summarizes the process of writing a children's book about achondroplasia directed at children without genetic disorders. The thesis also includes the children's book The Genetics of Little People that was created during the project.

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Process of Writing a Children's Book on Achondroplasia Directed at Children Without Genetic Disorders to Understand the Genetics, Symptoms, Limitations, and Experiences of Children with Achondroplasia

This thesis summarizes the process of writing a children's book about achondroplasia directed at children without genetic disorders. The thesis also includes the children's book The Genetics of Little People that was created during the project.
Date Created

Process of Writing a Children's Book on Achondroplasia Directed at Children Without Genetic Disorders to Understand the Genetics, Symptoms, Limitations, and Experiences of Children with Achondroplasia


This thesis summarizes the process of writing a children's book about achondroplasia directed at children without genetic disorders. The thesis also includes the children's book The Genetics of Little People that was created during the project.

Date Created

Filtering Noise in RNAseq Data of the HLA Genes

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The HLA, Human Leukocyte Antigens, are encoded by a polymorphic set of genes where even a single base change can impact the function of the body’s immune response to foreign antigens [1]. Although many methods exist to type these alleles

The HLA, Human Leukocyte Antigens, are encoded by a polymorphic set of genes where even a single base change can impact the function of the body’s immune response to foreign antigens [1]. Although many methods exist to type these alleles using whole-genome sequencing (WGS), few can use RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) to show the functional expression of the alleles with its inconsistency in coverage, and none of these allow for novel allele discovery. We present an approach using partially ordered graphs to project sequenced data onto the known alleles allowing for accurate and efficient typing of the HLA genes with flexibility for discovering new alleles and tolerance for poor sequence quality. This graph-guided approach to assembling and typing the HLA genes from RNA-seq has applications throughout precision medicine, facilitating the prevention and treatment of autoimmune diseases where allele expression can change. It is also a necessary step for determining donors for organ transplants with the least likelihood of rejection. This novel approach of combining database matching with partially ordered graphs for assembling genetic sequences of RNA-seq data could be applied towards typing other alleles.

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