Age of Social Transition, Parental Acceptance, and Mental Health of Transgender Adults

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The rates of anxiety, depression, and attempted suicide for transgender individuals are extremely elevated relative to the general population. Yet, little research has been conducted about the transgender population regarding social transition (an individual presenting as their authentic/true gender, one

The rates of anxiety, depression, and attempted suicide for transgender individuals are extremely elevated relative to the general population. Yet, little research has been conducted about the transgender population regarding social transition (an individual presenting as their authentic/true gender, one different than the gender they were assigned at birth, in the context of everyday life) and parental acceptance. Both of which have been shown to impact the mental health of transgender individuals. The purposes of this study were: (1) To characterize a sample of transgender adults on their age of awareness of their authentic gender identity and their age of social transition. (2) Examine whether age of social transition, (3) parental acceptance, and (4) the gap in time between age of awareness and age of social transition (awareness-transition gap) were related to mental health. (5) Examine whether parental acceptance was related to age of social transition or to awareness-transition gap. (6) Examine whether age of social transition or awareness-transition gap interact with parental acceptance as correlates of mental health. The sample consisted of 115 transgender adults, ages 18 to 64. Measures were separated into 7 subheadings: demographics, transgender
on-cisgender identity, age of awareness, age of social transition, primary caregiver acceptance, secondary caregiver acceptance, and mental health. Hypotheses were partially supported for age of social transition with mental health, parental acceptance with mental health, and awareness-transition gap with parental acceptance. This study investigated under studied concepts of social transition and parental acceptance that appear to have an effect on the mental health of transgender adults.
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Native American Honors Students: Distinction of Honor or Simply Distinctiveness?

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Native American students are among the least represented in the college population, with some of the lowest graduation and persistence rates. Native American students entering college face challenges such as lack of role models, academic unpreparedness, and cultural incongruities. This

Native American students are among the least represented in the college population, with some of the lowest graduation and persistence rates. Native American students entering college face challenges such as lack of role models, academic unpreparedness, and cultural incongruities. This study examines whether such challenges are heightened or lessened among Native American students in Barrett, the Honors College in light of their particularly small representation in the honors college (0.6%) compared to the state (5.3%) and ASU as a whole (1.3%). Results of a survey conducted with Native American, Asian American, and Hispanic students suggest that students' perceptions of Barrett's inclusivity may mitigate the impact of underrepresentation.
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The Effects of Gender on Performance in Undergraduate General Chemistry Courses

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This study seeks to determine whether female and male students in general chemistry courses differ in exam and course-based performance. Using data from previous semesters of CHM 101 (Marks), CHM 101 (Bauer), CHM 114 (Seo, Windman), CHM 113/116 (Cabirac), and

This study seeks to determine whether female and male students in general chemistry courses differ in exam and course-based performance. Using data from previous semesters of CHM 101 (Marks), CHM 101 (Bauer), CHM 114 (Seo, Windman), CHM 113/116 (Cabirac), and CHM 117/118 (Williams) courses taught at Arizona State University, the total exam scores and final course grades for each student were recorded and analyzed. The results of this study differ greatly by course type, as each course corresponded to a different STEM major. While CHM 113/116, the pre-medicinal majors course, saw evidence of stereotype threat via lower female exam performance, the other courses saw no statistical difference between male and female performance on their exam scores or overall course grades. For CHM 101, this was understandable, as the majority of students were nursing majors, who likely did not experience tokenism or feel stereotyped negatively in their science classes. However, CHM 114, the engineering majors course, and CHM 117/118, the research science course, saw parity with respect to male and female student performance. This suggests the possibility that female students face adversity in science and math courses before college that cause only those with high self-efficacy to advance to a career in these fields.
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The Effect of Gender, Education Level, and Field of Academic Study on Anti-Gay Bias

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Anti-gay bias is a prevalent aspect of traditional male gender norms that has negatively impacted the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, both in terms of mental and physical health. This study examined how anti-gay bias varies as a

Anti-gay bias is a prevalent aspect of traditional male gender norms that has negatively impacted the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, both in terms of mental and physical health. This study examined how anti-gay bias varies as a function of gender, education level, and field of study. We hypothesized that men will have more bias than women, that seniors in college will be less biased than freshmen in college, and that male students in sub disciplines of engineering that have relatively more women (e.g., biomedical engineering), will be less biased than those in more homogeneous, male-dominated fields (e.g., mechanical engineering). Past research has identified the implications of gender and education level in anti-gay bias; the current study looked to further such research and to investigate possible implications of the impact of settings that have a gender imbalance. A total of 303 undergraduate students from Arizona State University completed an online survey that measured attitudes toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals and communities. Neither education level nor academic field of study were found to have influenced degree of bias. Limitations and implications of the study are discussed.
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Impact of Visual Stimuli on Intergroup Perceptions

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a music video that modeled intergroup interaction on reducing bias towards outgroup members. 40 undergraduate students from Arizona State University were part of this study. Participants completed the PANAS

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a music video that modeled intergroup interaction on reducing bias towards outgroup members. 40 undergraduate students from Arizona State University were part of this study. Participants completed the PANAS (Positive And Negative Affect Schedule); measures of openness; a distraction cognitive task; attribution scenarios that asked for trait ratings, reason ratings, and point allocation for reasons; and the IAT (Implicit Association Test). Results indicated no significant increase in positive affect, increase in openness, or reduction of the ultimate attribution error. However, a significant effect emerged for the interaction between watch and listen for negative affect and the watch only group for the IAT. Participants who both watched and listened to the video showed a decrease in negative affect scores. Participants who only watched the video demonstrated an increased automatic preference towards European Americans (an automatic preference toward European Americans is typical). The results indicated desirable outcomes of reduced negative affect, showing the potential for music videos showing intergroup contact and recategorization in influencing affect.
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Perceptions of Relationships: A comparison of Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy, Same-sex, and Heterosexual Couplings

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Abstract The current study examined how people perceive three different types of relationships: Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy (SB/SD) relationships, same-sex relationships, and heterosexual relationships. In an online survey, undergraduate students rated these different types of couplings on overall general view, acceptability

Abstract The current study examined how people perceive three different types of relationships: Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy (SB/SD) relationships, same-sex relationships, and heterosexual relationships. In an online survey, undergraduate students rated these different types of couplings on overall general view, acceptability and approval. Additionally, survey participants were asked to complete measures of religiosity and socio-sexual orientation to investigate whether these individual measures moderated ratings. Overall, SB/SD relationships were rated the most negatively, least acceptable, and least approved of out of the three relationship types. Following SB/SD relationships are same-sex relationships and then lastly heterosexual relationships. Higher religiosity scores led to lower general views, acceptability, and approval ratings of SB/SD relationships. The opposite pattern emerged for socio-sexuality such that higher socio-sexuality scores correlated to higher general views, acceptability, and approval ratings of SB/SD relationships. The findings suggest that societal views toward alternative relationship types are negative, relative to traditional heterosexual couplings, and these views may be exacerbated in the case of more, as opposed to less novel pairings. Just as cross-race and same-sex relationships have faced adversity in the past (Testa, 1987), newer types of relationships, such as SB/SD, that don't follow traditional conventions are still bound to face negativity. Moreover, these views are not monolithic in that individual differences based on religiosity and socio-sexuality lead to variation in judgments. The data presented herein represent an initial exploration of SB/SD relationships, a phenomenon that is increasing in frequency and about which many questions remain. Keywords: Sugar baby, Sugar daddy, same-sex, relationship, perceptions
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He Said What? Guided Cognitive Reframing About the Co-Resident Father/Stepfather-Adolescent Relationship

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We studied young adolescents' seeking out support to understand conflict with their co-resident fathers/stepfathers, and the cognitive and affective implications of such support-seeking, phenomena we call guided cognitive reframing. Our sample included 392 adolescents (Mage = 12.5, 52.3% female) who

We studied young adolescents' seeking out support to understand conflict with their co-resident fathers/stepfathers, and the cognitive and affective implications of such support-seeking, phenomena we call guided cognitive reframing. Our sample included 392 adolescents (Mage = 12.5, 52.3% female) who were either of Mexican or European ancestry and lived with their biological mothers and either a stepfather or a biological father. More frequent reframing was associated with more adaptive cognitive explanations for father/stepfather behavior. Cognitions explained the link between seeking out and feelings about the father/stepfather and self. Feelings about the self were more strongly linked to depressive symptoms than cognitions. We discuss the implications for future research on social support, coping, guided cognitive reframing, and father–child relationships.

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