Study of Knowledge Transfer Techniques For Deep Learning on Edge Devices

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With the emergence of edge computing paradigm, many applications such as image recognition and augmented reality require to perform machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) tasks on edge devices. Most AI and ML models are large and computational heavy,

With the emergence of edge computing paradigm, many applications such as image recognition and augmented reality require to perform machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) tasks on edge devices. Most AI and ML models are large and computational heavy, whereas edge devices are usually equipped with limited computational and storage resources. Such models can be compressed and reduced in order to be placed on edge devices, but they may loose their capability and may not generalize and perform well compared to large models. Recent works used knowledge transfer techniques to transfer information from a large network (termed teacher) to a small one (termed student) in order to improve the performance of the latter. This approach seems to be promising for learning on edge devices, but a thorough investigation on its effectiveness is lacking.

The purpose of this work is to provide an extensive study on the performance (both in terms of accuracy and convergence speed) of knowledge transfer, considering different student-teacher architectures, datasets and different techniques for transferring knowledge from teacher to student.

A good performance improvement is obtained by transferring knowledge from both the intermediate layers and last layer of the teacher to a shallower student. But other architectures and transfer techniques do not fare so well and some of them even lead to negative performance impact. For example, a smaller and shorter network, trained with knowledge transfer on Caltech 101 achieved a significant improvement of 7.36\% in the accuracy and converges 16 times faster compared to the same network trained without knowledge transfer. On the other hand, smaller network which is thinner than the teacher network performed worse with an accuracy drop of 9.48\% on Caltech 101, even with utilization of knowledge transfer.
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Diffusion in Networks: Source Localization, History Reconstruction and Real-Time Network Robustification

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Diffusion processes in networks can be used to model many real-world processes, such as the propagation of a rumor on social networks and cascading failures on power networks. Analysis of diffusion processes in networks can help us answer important questions

Diffusion processes in networks can be used to model many real-world processes, such as the propagation of a rumor on social networks and cascading failures on power networks. Analysis of diffusion processes in networks can help us answer important questions such as the role and the importance of each node in the network for spreading the diffusion and how to top or contain a cascading failure in the network. This dissertation consists of three parts.

In the first part, we study the problem of locating multiple diffusion sources in networks under the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model. Given a complete snapshot of the network, we developed a sample-path-based algorithm, named clustering and localization, and proved that for regular trees, the estimators produced by the proposed algorithm are within a constant distance from the real sources with a high probability. Then, we considered the case in which only a partial snapshot is observed and proposed a new algorithm, named Optimal-Jordan-Cover (OJC). The algorithm first extracts a subgraph using a candidate selection algorithm that selects source candidates based on the number of observed infected nodes in their neighborhoods. Then, in the extracted subgraph, OJC finds a set of nodes that "cover" all observed infected nodes with the minimum radius. The set of nodes is called the Jordan cover, and is regarded as the set of diffusion sources. We proved that OJC can locate all sources with probability one asymptotically with partial observations in the Erdos-Renyi (ER) random graph. Multiple experiments on different networks were done, which show our algorithms outperform others.

In the second part, we tackle the problem of reconstructing the diffusion history from partial observations. We formulated the diffusion history reconstruction problem as a maximum a posteriori (MAP) problem and proved the problem is NP hard. Then we proposed a step-by- step reconstruction algorithm, which can always produce a diffusion history that is consistent with the partial observations. Our experimental results based on synthetic and real networks show that the algorithm significantly outperforms some existing methods.

In the third part, we consider the problem of improving the robustness of an interdependent network by rewiring a small number of links during a cascading attack. We formulated the problem as a Markov decision process (MDP) problem. While the problem is NP-hard, we developed an effective and efficient algorithm, RealWire, to robustify the network and to mitigate the damage during the attack. Extensive experimental results show that our algorithm outperforms other algorithms on most of the robustness metrics.
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Mining Marked Nodes in Large Graphs

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With the rise of the Big Data Era, an exponential amount of network data is being generated at an unprecedented rate across a wide-range of high impact micro and macro areas of research---from protein interaction to social networks. The critical

With the rise of the Big Data Era, an exponential amount of network data is being generated at an unprecedented rate across a wide-range of high impact micro and macro areas of research---from protein interaction to social networks. The critical challenge is translating this large scale network data into actionable information.

A key task in the data translation is the analysis of network connectivity via marked nodes---the primary focus of our research. We have developed a framework for analyzing network connectivity via marked nodes in large scale graphs, utilizing novel algorithms in three interrelated areas: (1) analysis of a single seed node via it’s ego-centric network (AttriPart algorithm); (2) pathway identification between two seed nodes (K-Simple Shortest Paths Multithreaded and Search Reduced (KSSPR) algorithm); and (3) tree detection, defining the interaction between three or more seed nodes (Shortest Path MST algorithm).

In an effort to address both fundamental and applied research issues, we have developed the LocalForcasting algorithm to explore how network connectivity analysis can be applied to local community evolution and recommender systems. The goal is to apply the LocalForecasting algorithm to various domains---e.g., friend suggestions in social networks or future collaboration in co-authorship networks. This algorithm utilizes link prediction in combination with the AttriPart algorithm to predict future connections in local graph partitions.

Results show that our proposed AttriPart algorithm finds up to 1.6x denser local partitions, while running approximately 43x faster than traditional local partitioning techniques (PageRank-Nibble). In addition, our LocalForecasting algorithm demonstrates a significant improvement in the number of nodes and edges correctly predicted over baseline methods. Furthermore, results for the KSSPR algorithm demonstrate a speed-up of up to 2.5x the standard k-simple shortest paths algorithm.
Date Created

Facilitating Efficient Information Seeking in Social Media

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Online social media is popular due to its real-time nature, extensive connectivity and a large user base. This motivates users to employ social media for seeking information by reaching out to their large number of social connections. Information seeking can

Online social media is popular due to its real-time nature, extensive connectivity and a large user base. This motivates users to employ social media for seeking information by reaching out to their large number of social connections. Information seeking can manifest in the form of requests for personal and time-critical information or gathering perspectives on important issues. Social media platforms are not designed for resource seeking and experience large volumes of messages, leading to requests not being fulfilled satisfactorily. Designing frameworks to facilitate efficient information seeking in social media will help users to obtain appropriate assistance for their needs

and help platforms to increase user satisfaction.

Several challenges exist in the way of facilitating information seeking in social media. First, the characteristics affecting the user’s response time for a question are not known, making it hard to identify prompt responders. Second, the social context in which the user has asked the question has to be determined to find personalized responders. Third, users employ rhetorical requests, which are statements having the

syntax of questions, and systems assisting information seeking might be hindered from focusing on genuine questions. Fouth, social media advocates of political campaigns employ nuanced strategies to prevent users from obtaining balanced perspectives on

issues of public importance.

Sociological and linguistic studies on user behavior while making or responding to information seeking requests provides concepts drawing from which we can address these challenges. We propose methods to estimate the response time of the user for a given question to identify prompt responders. We compute the question specific social context an asker shares with his social connections to identify personalized responders. We draw from theories of political mobilization to model the behaviors arising from the strategies of people trying to skew perspectives. We identify rhetorical questions by modeling user motivations to post them.
Date Created

Behavioral Pattern Mining and Modeling in Programming Problem Solving

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Online learning platforms such as massive online open courses (MOOCs) and

intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) have made learning more accessible and personalized. These systems generate unprecedented amounts of behavioral data and open the way for predicting students’ future performance based on

Online learning platforms such as massive online open courses (MOOCs) and

intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) have made learning more accessible and personalized. These systems generate unprecedented amounts of behavioral data and open the way for predicting students’ future performance based on their behavior, and for assessing their strengths and weaknesses in learning.

This thesis attempts to mine students’ working patterns using a programming problem solving system, and build predictive models to estimate students’ learning. QuizIT, a programming solving system, was used to collect students’ problem-solving activities from a lower-division computer science programming course in 2016 Fall semester. Differential mining techniques were used to extract frequent patterns based on each activity provided details about question’s correctness, complexity, topic, and time to represent students’ behavior. These patterns were further used to build classifiers to predict students’ performances.

Seven main learning behaviors were discovered based on these patterns, which provided insight into students’ metacognitive skills and thought processes. Besides predicting students’ performance group, the classification models also helped in finding important behaviors which were crucial in determining a student’s positive or negative performance throughout the semester.
Date Created

Efficient Node Proximity and Node Significance Computations in Graphs

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Node proximity measures are commonly used for quantifying how nearby or otherwise related to two or more nodes in a graph are. Node significance measures are mainly used to find how much nodes are important in a graph. The measures

Node proximity measures are commonly used for quantifying how nearby or otherwise related to two or more nodes in a graph are. Node significance measures are mainly used to find how much nodes are important in a graph. The measures of node proximity/significance have been highly effective in many predictions and applications. Despite their effectiveness, however, there are various shortcomings. One such shortcoming is a scalability problem due to their high computation costs on large size graphs and another problem on the measures is low accuracy when the significance of node and its degree in the graph are not related. The other problem is that their effectiveness is less when information for a graph is uncertain. For an uncertain graph, they require exponential computation costs to calculate ranking scores with considering all possible worlds.

In this thesis, I first introduce Locality-sensitive, Re-use promoting, approximate Personalized PageRank (LR-PPR) which is an approximate personalized PageRank calculating node rankings for the locality information for seeds without calculating the entire graph and reusing the precomputed locality information for different locality combinations. For the identification of locality information, I present Impact Neighborhood Indexing (INI) to find impact neighborhoods with nodes' fingerprints propagation on the network. For the accuracy challenge, I introduce Degree Decoupled PageRank (D2PR) technique to improve the effectiveness of PageRank based knowledge discovery, especially considering the significance of neighbors and degree of a given node. To tackle the uncertain challenge, I introduce Uncertain Personalized PageRank (UPPR) to approximately compute personalized PageRank values on uncertainties of edge existence and Interval Personalized PageRank with Integration (IPPR-I) and Interval Personalized PageRank with Mean (IPPR-M) to compute ranking scores for the case when uncertainty exists on edge weights as interval values.
Date Created

Network Effects in NBA Teams: Observations and Algorithms

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The game held by National Basketball Association (NBA) is the most popular basketball event on earth. Each year, tons of statistical data are generated from this industry. Meanwhile, managing teams, sports media, and scientists are digging deep into the data

The game held by National Basketball Association (NBA) is the most popular basketball event on earth. Each year, tons of statistical data are generated from this industry. Meanwhile, managing teams, sports media, and scientists are digging deep into the data ocean. Recent research literature is reviewed with respect to whether NBA teams could be analyzed as connected networks. However, it becomes very time-consuming, if not impossible, for human labor to capture every detail of game events on court of large amount. In this study, an alternative method is proposed to parse public resources from NBA related websites to build degenerated game-wise flow graphs. Then, three different statistical techniques are tested to observe the network properties of such offensive strategy in terms of Home-Away team manner. In addition, a new algorithm is developed to infer real game ball distribution networks at the player level under low-rank constraints. The ball-passing degree matrix of one game is recovered to the optimal solution of low-rank ball transition network by constructing a convex operator. The experimental results on real NBA data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Date Created

Towards Supporting Visual Question and Answering Applications

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Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a new research area involving technologies ranging from computer vision, natural language processing, to other sub-fields of artificial intelligence such as knowledge representation. The fundamental task is to take as input one image and

Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a new research area involving technologies ranging from computer vision, natural language processing, to other sub-fields of artificial intelligence such as knowledge representation. The fundamental task is to take as input one image and one question (in text) related to the given image, and to generate a textual answer to the input question. There are two key research problems in VQA: image understanding and the question answering. My research mainly focuses on developing solutions to support solving these two problems.

In image understanding, one important research area is semantic segmentation, which takes images as input and output the label of each pixel. As much manual work is needed to label a useful training set, typical training sets for such supervised approaches are always small. There are also approaches with relaxed labeling requirement, called weakly supervised semantic segmentation, where only image-level labels are needed. With the development of social media, there are more and more user-uploaded images available

on-line. Such user-generated content often comes with labels like tags and may be coarsely labelled by various tools. To use these information for computer vision tasks, I propose a new graphic model by considering the neighborhood information and their interactions to obtain the pixel-level labels of the images with only incomplete image-level labels. The method was evaluated on both synthetic and real images.

In question answering, my research centers on best answer prediction, which addressed two main research topics: feature design and model construction. In the feature design part, most existing work discussed how to design effective features for answer quality / best answer prediction. However, little work mentioned how to design features by considering the relationship between answers of one given question. To fill this research gap, I designed new features to help improve the prediction performance. In the modeling part, to employ the structure of the feature space, I proposed an innovative learning-to-rank model by considering the hierarchical lasso. Experiments with comparison with the state-of-the-art in the best answer prediction literature have confirmed

that the proposed methods are effective and suitable for solving the research task.
Date Created

Mason: Real-time NBA Matches Outcome Prediction

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The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the most popular basketball league in the world. The world-wide mighty high popularity to the league leads to large amount of interesting and challenging research problems. Among them, predicting the outcome of an upcoming

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the most popular basketball league in the world. The world-wide mighty high popularity to the league leads to large amount of interesting and challenging research problems. Among them, predicting the outcome of an upcoming NBA match between two specific teams according to their historical data is especially attractive. With rapid development of machine learning techniques, it opens the door to examine the correlation between statistical data and outcome of matches. However, existing methods typically make predictions before game starts. In-game prediction, or real-time prediction, has not yet been sufficiently studied. During a match, data are cumulatively generated, and with the accumulation, data become more comprehensive and potentially embrace more predictive power, so that prediction accuracy may dynamically increase with a match goes on. In this study, I design game-level and player-level features based on realtime data of NBA matches and apply a machine learning model to investigate the possibility and characteristics of using real-time prediction in NBA matches.
Date Created

Large-Scale Off-Target Identification Using Fast and Accurate Dual Regularized One-Class Collaborative Filtering and Its Application to Drug Repurposing


Target-based screening is one of the major approaches in drug discovery. Besides the intended target, unexpected drug off-target interactions often occur, and many of them have not been recognized and characterized. The off-target interactions can be responsible for either therapeutic

Target-based screening is one of the major approaches in drug discovery. Besides the intended target, unexpected drug off-target interactions often occur, and many of them have not been recognized and characterized. The off-target interactions can be responsible for either therapeutic or side effects. Thus, identifying the genome-wide off-targets of lead compounds or existing drugs will be critical for designing effective and safe drugs, and providing new opportunities for drug repurposing. Although many computational methods have been developed to predict drug-target interactions, they are either less accurate than the one that we are proposing here or computationally too intensive, thereby limiting their capability for large-scale off-target identification. In addition, the performances of most machine learning based algorithms have been mainly evaluated to predict off-target interactions in the same gene family for hundreds of chemicals. It is not clear how these algorithms perform in terms of detecting off-targets across gene families on a proteome scale.

Here, we are presenting a fast and accurate off-target prediction method, REMAP, which is based on a dual regularized one-class collaborative filtering algorithm, to explore continuous chemical space, protein space, and their interactome on a large scale. When tested in a reliable, extensive, and cross-gene family benchmark, REMAP outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, REMAP is highly scalable. It can screen a dataset of 200 thousands chemicals against 20 thousands proteins within 2 hours. Using the reconstructed genome-wide target profile as the fingerprint of a chemical compound, we predicted that seven FDA-approved drugs can be repurposed as novel anti-cancer therapies. The anti-cancer activity of six of them is supported by experimental evidences. Thus, REMAP is a valuable addition to the existing in silico toolbox for drug target identification, drug repurposing, phenotypic screening, and side effect prediction. The software and benchmark are available at

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