Characterizing electrical parameters from two human-derived glioblastoma cell lines in vitro using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

High-grade gliomas are highly aggressive central nervous system (CNS) malignancies with high fatality rates if left untreated. There is currently a lack of reliable diagnostic tools to characterize the diffuse cell populations commonly found in these tumors. Here, we report

High-grade gliomas are highly aggressive central nervous system (CNS) malignancies with high fatality rates if left untreated. There is currently a lack of reliable diagnostic tools to characterize the diffuse cell populations commonly found in these tumors. Here, we report that electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) can be used in an in vitro system to analyze changes in the impedance contributed by the extracellular matrix (ECM) of two glioblastoma cell lines: GBM 22 and GBM 115. EIS was more effective at resolving differences in impedance from GBM 115 cells than GBM 22 cells, which depended on both cell confluency and frequency. However, differences in impedance were more apparent from the supernatant when the cells were removed in both cell lines. Analysis of the PC12 and either of the GBM cell line co-cultures yielded highly statistically significant differences between all comparisons of cell confluencies and frequency steps. These results illustrate that EIS can be an effective instrument for characterizing the ECM surrounding glioblastoma cells, providing insight into the cellular behavior of these oncogenic cells.
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Enhancing Patient-Specific Trigeminal Nerve Visualization and Neuromodulation.

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Non-invasive visualization of the trigeminal nerve through advanced MR sequences and methods like tractography is important for studying anatomical and microstructural changes due to pathology like trigeminal neuralgia (TN), facial dystonia, multiple sclerosis, and for surgical pre-planning. The use of

Non-invasive visualization of the trigeminal nerve through advanced MR sequences and methods like tractography is important for studying anatomical and microstructural changes due to pathology like trigeminal neuralgia (TN), facial dystonia, multiple sclerosis, and for surgical pre-planning. The use of specific anatomical markers from CT, MPRAGE and cranial nerve imaging (CRANI) sequences, enabled successful tractography of patient-specific trajectory of the frontal, nasociliary, infraorbital, and mandibular nerve branches extending beyond the cisternal brain stem region and leading to the face. Performance of MPRAGE sequence together with the advanced T2-weighted CRANI sequence with and without a gadolinium contrast agent, was studied to characterize identification efficiency in smaller nerve structures in the extremities. A large FOV nerve visualization exam inclusive of the anatomy of all trigeminal nerve distal branches can be obtained within an acquisition time of 20 minutes using pre-contrast CRANI and MPRAGE. Post-processing with MPR and MIP images improved nerve visualization.Transcranial electrical stimulation techniques (TES) have been used for the treatment of multiple neurodegenerative diseases. These techniques involve placing electrodes on the scalp with multiple peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve crossing directly under that may be stimulated. This was studied through hybrid computational realistic axon models. These models also facilitated studying the effects of electrode drift during experiments on the recruitment of peripheral nerves. An optimal point of lowest threshold was found while displacing the nerve horizontally i.e., the activation thresholds of both myelinated and unmyelinated axons increased when the electrodes were displaced medially and decreased to a certain extend when the electrodes were displaced laterally, after which further lateral displacement led to increase of thresholds. Inclusion of unmyelinated axons in the modeling provided the capability of finding maximum stimulation amplitude below which side effects like pain sensation may be avoided. In the case of F3 – F4 electrode montage the maximum amplitude was 2.39 mA and in case of RS – LS montage the maximum amplitude was 2.44 mA. Such modeling studies may be useful for personalization of TES devices for finding optimal positioning of electrodes with respect to target and stimulation amplitude range that minimizes side effects.
Date Created

Stretchable and Flexible Dielectric Loaded RF Coil for MR Images

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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most powerful instrument for imaging anatomical structures. One of the most essential components of the MRI scanner is a radiofrequency (RF) coil. It induces resonant phenomena and receives the resonated RF signal from the

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most powerful instrument for imaging anatomical structures. One of the most essential components of the MRI scanner is a radiofrequency (RF) coil. It induces resonant phenomena and receives the resonated RF signal from the body. Then, the signal is computed and reconstructed for MR images. Therefore, improving image quality by increasing the receiver's (Rx) efficiency is always remarkable. This research introduces a flexible and stretchable receive RF coil embedded in a dielectric-loaded material. Recent studies show that the adaptable coil can improve imaging quality by flexing and stretching to fit well with the sample's surface, reducing the spatial distance between the load and the coil. High permittivity dielectric material positioned between the coil and phantom was known to increase the RF field distribution's efficiency significantly. Recent studies integrating the high dielectric material with the coil show a significant improvement in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which can improve the overall efficiency of the coil. Previous research also introduced new elastic dielectric material, which shows improvement in uniformity when incorporated with an RF coil. Combining the adaptable RF coil with the elastic dielectric material has the potential to enhance the coil's performance further. The flexible dielectric material's limitations and unknown interaction with the coil pose a challenge. Thus, each component was integrated into a simple loop coil step-by-step, which allowed for experimentation and evaluation of the performance of each part. The mechanical performance was tested manually. The introduced coil is highly flexible and can stretch up to 20% of its original length in one direction. The electrical performance was evaluated in simulations and experiments on a 9.4T MRI scanner compared to conventional RF coils.
Date Created

Development of a Hydrogel Macroencapsulation Device for Improved Long-Term Islet Survival Using Injection Molding and Oxygen Modeling-Aided Design

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Allogeneic islet transplantation has the potential to reverse Type 1 Diabetes in patients. However, limitations such as chronic immunosuppression, islet donor numbers, and islet survival post-transplantation prevent the widespread application of allogeneic islet transplantation as the treatment of choice. Macroencapsulation

Allogeneic islet transplantation has the potential to reverse Type 1 Diabetes in patients. However, limitations such as chronic immunosuppression, islet donor numbers, and islet survival post-transplantation prevent the widespread application of allogeneic islet transplantation as the treatment of choice. Macroencapsulation devices have been widely used in allogeneic islet transplantation due to their capability to shield transplanted cells from the immune system as well as provide a supportive environment for cell viability, but macroencapsulation devices face oxygen transport challenges as their geometry increases from preclinical to clinical scales. The goal of this work is to generate complex 3D hydrogel macroencapsulation devices with sufficient oxygen transport to support encapsulated cell survival and generate these devices in a way that is accessible in the clinic as well as scaled manufacturing. A 3D-printed injection mold has been developed to generate hydrogel-based cell encapsulation devices with spiral geometries. The spiral geometry of the macroencapsulation device facilitates greater oxygen transport throughout the whole device resulting in improved islet function in vivo in a syngeneic rat model. A computational model of the oxygen concentration within macroencapsulation devices, validated by in vitro analysis, predicts that cells and islets maintain a greater viability and function in the spiral macroencapsulation device. To further validate the computational model, pO2 Reporter Composite Hydrogels (PORCH) are engineered to enable spatiotemporal measurement of oxygen tension within macroencapsulation devices using the Proton Imaging of Siloxanes to map Tissue Oxygenation Levels (PISTOL) magnetic resonance imaging approach. Overall, a macroencapsulation device geometry designed via computational modeling of device oxygen gradients and validated with magnetic resonance (MR) oximetry imaging enhances islet function and survival for islet transplantation.
Date Created

An Android-Enabled Modular Self-Interference Cancellation System for Standalone Simultaneous Transmit and Receive Multichannel Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 1.5T

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In 1946 Felix Bloch first demonstrated the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance using continuous-wave signal generation and acquisition. Shortly after in 1966, Richard R. Ernst demonstrated the breakthrough that nuclear magnetic resonance needed to develop into magnetic resonance imaging: the

In 1946 Felix Bloch first demonstrated the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance using continuous-wave signal generation and acquisition. Shortly after in 1966, Richard R. Ernst demonstrated the breakthrough that nuclear magnetic resonance needed to develop into magnetic resonance imaging: the application of Fourier transforms for sensitive pulsed imaging. Upon this discovery, the world of research began to develop high power radio amplifiers and fast radio switches for pulsed experimentation. Consequently, continuous-wave imaging placed on the backburner.Although high power pulses are dominant in clinical imaging, there are unique advantages to low power, continuous-wave pulse sequences that transmit and receive signals simultaneously. Primarily, tissues or materials with short T2 time constants can be imaged and the peak radio power required is drastically reduced. The fundamental problem with this lies in its nature; the transmitter leaks a strong leakage signal into the receiver, thus saturating the receiver and the intended nuclear magnetic resonance signal is lost noise. Demonstrated in this dissertation is a multichannel standalone simultaneous transmit and receive (STAR) system with remote user-control that enables continuous- wave full-duplex imaging. STAR calibrates cancellation signals through vector modulators that match the leakage signal of each receiver in amplitude but opposite in phase, therefore destructively interfering the leakage signals. STAR does not require specific imaging coils or console inputs for calibration. It was designed to be general- purpose, therefore integrating into any imaging system. To begin, the user uses an Android tablet to tune STAR to match the Larmor frequency in the bore. Then, the user tells STAR to begin calibration. After self-calibrating, the user may fine-tune the calibration state of the system before enabling a low-power mode for system electronics and imaging may commence. STAR was demonstrated to isolate two receiver coils upwards of 70 dB from the transmit coil and is readily upgradable to enable the use of four receive coils. Some primary concerns of STAR are the removal of transceivers for multichannel operation, digital circuit noise, external noise, calibration speed, upgradability, and the isolation introduced; all of which are addressed in the proceeding thesis.
Date Created

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Followed by Exercise as an Intervention to Increase Motivated Physical Activity Behavior in Healthy Participants

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This dissertation research project developed as an urgent response to physical inactivity, which has resulted in increased rates of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic disease worldwide. Incorporating enough daily physical activity (PA) is challenging for most people. This research aims to

This dissertation research project developed as an urgent response to physical inactivity, which has resulted in increased rates of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic disease worldwide. Incorporating enough daily physical activity (PA) is challenging for most people. This research aims to modulate the brain's reward systems to increase motivation for PA and, thus, slow the rapid increase in sedentary lifestyles. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) involves brain neuromodulation by facilitating or inhibiting spontaneous neural activity. tDCS applied to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) increases dopamine release in the striatum, an area of the brain involved in the reward–motivation pathways. I propose that a repeated intervention, consisting of tDCS applied to the DLPFC followed by a short walking exercise stimulus, enhances motivation for PA and daily PA levels in healthy adults. Results showed that using tDCS followed by short-duration walking exercise may enhance daily PA levels in low-physically active participants but may not have similar effects on those with higher levels of daily PA. Moreover, there was a significant effect on increasing intrinsic motivation for PA in males, but there were no sex-related differences in PA. These effects were not observed during a 2-week follow-up period of the study after the intervention was discontinued. Further research is needed to confirm and continue exploring the effects of tDCS on motivation for PA in larger cohorts of sedentary populations. This novel research will lead to a cascade of new evidence-based technological applications that increase PA by employing approaches rooted in biology.
Date Created

Effects of L4-L5 Posterior Fusion on Stress Distribution: Improved Predictions Using a Uniquely Validated Finite Element Model

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Finite element models (FEMs) of spine segments validated in their intact states are often used to make predictions following structural modifications simulating surgical procedures, including posterior fusion with pedicle screws and rods (PSR) and laminectomy (removal of posterior column bone

Finite element models (FEMs) of spine segments validated in their intact states are often used to make predictions following structural modifications simulating surgical procedures, including posterior fusion with pedicle screws and rods (PSR) and laminectomy (removal of posterior column bone to decompress the spinal cord). The gold standard for spine FEM validation compares predicted vs. experimental intervertebral ranges of motion (ROM). Given that muscle co-contraction compresses the spine, validation that considers compression may produce a more robust FEM. One research goal was to evaluate an experimental method of compressing a lumbar spine segment through its sagittal plane balance (pivot) point (BP) using a 6DOF robotic test system. Experimental data supported the hypothesis that structural modifications, such as PSR and laminectomy alter the segment’s BP location and its compressive stiffness. However, evaluation showed that the experimental BP method is sensitive to specimen posture in the robotic test frame; slight flexion or extension produced shear loads during compression that affect BP location and should be included in specimen-specific FEMs to ensure similar load conditions. Another goal was to develop a uniquely calibrated specimen-specific FEM of an intact L4-5 motion segment using the experimental BP data. A specimen-specific FEM was created and calibrated using experimental BP compressive stiffness data, however matching experimental BP location data was unsuccessful. The BP-compression calibrated FEM was evaluated by comparing predicted responses to loads following simulated PSR and laminectomy to specimen-specific experimental data. Predictions using the BP-calibrated and ROM-calibrated FEMs were compared. The BP-calibration process helped identify an unrealistic FEM disc geometry (nucleus pulposus size and location). Both BP-compression and ROM-calibrated FEMs predicted effects of PSR on stiffness (compressive and flexural) that were greater than experimental, which helped identify a problem with simplified representations of bone in the posterior column and at the anterior column interface. The BP-compression calibrated FEMs predicted relative shifts in BP locations and bone surface strains during compression that were closer to experimental data than similarly modified ROM-calibrated FEMs. Collectively, these results support the use of BP measures in experimental and model-based investigations of surgical modifications of the spine.
Date Created

Radio Frequency Stimulation of Gold Nanoparticles For Improved Brain Drug Delivery


The ability to externally stimulate gold nanoparticles (GNPs) that are linked to drugs can improve targeted drug delivery to help patients with Parkinson’s disease to increase the activity levels of their basal ganglia to regain motor skills that were once

The ability to externally stimulate gold nanoparticles (GNPs) that are linked to drugs can improve targeted drug delivery to help patients with Parkinson’s disease to increase the activity levels of their basal ganglia to regain motor skills that were once lost. This paper analyzes 5 nm GNPs due to their biocompatibility and ability to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Studies have shown GNPs heat up when exposed to radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields which could be used to release dopamine-related drugs directly in a patient’s basal ganglia to increase activity. However, GNP stimulation often requires a high power output which could damage tissues. A series of methods were used to first characterize the GNPs to ensure the size and viability of the sample. Then, different stimulation tests were run to evaluate the temperature change of GNPs to determine if stimulation is possible in a frequency range that does not require a high power output. The most successful stimulation method utilized a waveguide, which was able to consistently heat GNPs 0.4 C in 15 minutes more than the negative control. The methodology was then tested within the brain of a perfused rat by using magnetic resonance thermometry (MRT). Two scans were taken at different times to solve for the differential pixel value to evaluate whether the brain cooled down over time after being theoretically stimulated initially. While the initial results of these scans were inconclusive, there was much to be improved throughout the process, warranting further research.

Date Created

Model-based Investigations of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Using Longitudinal Intrafascicular Electrodes

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Electrical stimulation of the human peripheral nervous system can be a powerful tool to treat various medical conditions and provide insight into nervous system processes. A critical challenge for many applications is to selectively activate neurons that have the desired

Electrical stimulation of the human peripheral nervous system can be a powerful tool to treat various medical conditions and provide insight into nervous system processes. A critical challenge for many applications is to selectively activate neurons that have the desired effect while avoiding the activation of neurons that produce side effects. To stimulate peripheral fibers, the longitudinal intrafascicular electrode (LIFE) targets small groups of fibers inside the fascicle using low-amplitude pulses and is well-suited for chronic use. This work aims to understand better the ability to use intrafascicular stimulation with LIFEs to activate small groups of neurons within a fascicle selectively.A hybrid workflow was developed to simulate: 1) the production/propagation of the electric field induced by the stimulation pulse and 2) the effect of the electric field on fiber activation (recruitment). To create efficient and robust strategies for the selective recruitment of axons, recognizing the effect of each parameter on their recruitment and activation pattern is essential. Thus, using this hybrid workflow, the effects of various factors such as fascicular anatomy, electrode parameters, and stimulation pulse parameters on recruitment have been characterized, and the sensitivity of the recruitment patterns to these parameters has been explored. Results demonstrated the potential advantages of specific stimulation strategies and the sensitivity of recruitment patterns to electrode placement and tissue properties. For example, it is demonstrated: the significant effect of endoneurium conductivities on threshold levels; that a configuration with a LIFE as a local ground can be used to deselect its surrounding axons; the advantages of changing the delay between pulses in dual monopolar stimulation in targeting different axons clusters and increasing the activation frequency of some axons; how monopolar and bipolar configurations can be used to enhance spatial selectivity; the effect of longitudinal displacement of axons, electrode length and electrode movement on the recruitment and the activation pattern. In summary, this work forms the foundation for developing stimulation strategies to enhance the selectivity that can be achieved with intrafascicular stimulation.
Date Created

Simulation, Design, and Application of Micro-Lens Enhanced Multi-Emission Optical Nerve Cuff for Peripheral Nerve Stimulation

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For two centuries, electrical stimulation has been the conventional method for interfacing with the nervous system. As interfaces with the peripheral nervous system become more refined and higher-resolution, several challenges appear, including immune responses to invasive electrode application, large-to-small axon

For two centuries, electrical stimulation has been the conventional method for interfacing with the nervous system. As interfaces with the peripheral nervous system become more refined and higher-resolution, several challenges appear, including immune responses to invasive electrode application, large-to-small axon recruitment order, and electrode size-dependent spatial selectivity. Optogenetics offers a solution that is less invasive, more tissue-selective, and has small-to-large axon recruitment order. By adding genes to express photosensitive proteins optogenetics provides neuroscientists the ability to genetically select cell populations to stimulate with simple illumination. However, optogenetic stimulation of peripheral nerves uses diffuse light to activate the photosensitive neural cell lines. To increase the specificity of stimulus response, research was conducted to test the hypothesis that multiple, focused light emissions placed around the circumference of optogenetic mouse sciatic nerve could be driven to produce differential responses in hindlimb motor movement depending on the pattern of light presented. A Monte Carlo computer simulation was created to model the number of emitters, the light emission size, and the focal power of accompanying micro-lenses to provide targeted stimulation to select regions within the sciatic nerve. The computer simulation results were used to parameterize the design of micro-lenses. By modeling multiple focused beams, only fascicles within a nerve diameter less than 1 mm are expected to be fully accessible to focused optical stimulation; a minimum of 4 light sources is required to generate a photon intensity at a point in a nerve over the initial contact along its surface. To elicit the same effect in larger nerves, focusing lenses would require a numerical aperture > 1. Microlenses which met the simulation requirements were fabricated and deployed on a flexible nerve cuff which was used to stimulate the sciatic nerve in optogenetic mice. Motor neuron responses from this stimulation were compared to global illumination; stimulation using the optical cuff resulted in fine motor movement of the extensor muscles of the digits in the hindlimb. Increasing optical power resulted in a shift to gross motor movement of hindlimb. Finally, varying illumination intensity across the cuff showed changes in the extension of individual digits.
Date Created