Detecting Electrical Conductivity Increases Due to Increased Neural Activity In Vitro: Functional Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography

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We describe a secondary analysis of an in vitro experiment that supports the capabilities of a relatively new imaging technique known as functional Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (fMREIT) to detect conductivity changes in neural tissue caused by activity. Methods:

We describe a secondary analysis of an in vitro experiment that supports the capabilities of a relatively new imaging technique known as functional Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (fMREIT) to detect conductivity changes in neural tissue caused by activity. Methods: Magnetic Resonance (MR) phase data of active Aplysia ganglia tissue in artificial seawater (ASW) were collected before and after exposure to an excitotoxin using two different imaging current strengths, and these data were then used to reconstruct conductivity changes throughout the tissue. Results: We found that increases in neural activity led to significant increases in imaged conductivity when using high imaging currents, but these differences in conductivity were not seen in regions that did not contain neural tissue nor in data where there were no differences in neural activity. Conclusion: We conclude that the analysis presented here supports fMREIT as a contrast technique capable of imaging neural activity in live tissue more directly than functional imaging methods such as BOLD fMRI.

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Modeling the Effect of Mechanical Deformation on Electrical Stimulation of Peripheral Nerve Fibers

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There are many challenges in designing neuroprostheses and one of them is to maintain proper axon selectivity in all situations. This project is based on an electrode that is implanted into a fascicle in a peripheral nerve and used to

There are many challenges in designing neuroprostheses and one of them is to maintain proper axon selectivity in all situations. This project is based on an electrode that is implanted into a fascicle in a peripheral nerve and used to provide tactile sensory feedback of a prosthetic arm. This fascicle can undergo mechanical deformation during every day motion. This work aims to characterize the effect of fascicle deformation on axon selectivity and recruitment when electrically stimulated using hybrid modeling. The main framework consists of combining finite element modeling (FEM) and simulation environment NEURON. A suite of programs was developed to first populate a fascicle with axons followed by deforming the fascicle and rearranging axons accordingly. A model of the fascicle with an implanted electrode is simulated to find the electrical potential profile through FEM. The potential profile is then used to compare which axons are activated in the two conformations of the fascicle using NERUON.

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Ultrahigh Field Functional Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (fMREIT) in Neural Activity Imaging

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A direct Magnetic Resonance (MR)-based neural activity mapping technique with high spatial and temporal resolution may accelerate studies of brain functional organization.

The most widely used technique for brain functional imaging is functional Magnetic Resonance Image (fMRI). The spatial resolution

A direct Magnetic Resonance (MR)-based neural activity mapping technique with high spatial and temporal resolution may accelerate studies of brain functional organization.

The most widely used technique for brain functional imaging is functional Magnetic Resonance Image (fMRI). The spatial resolution of fMRI is high. However, fMRI signals are highly influenced by the vasculature in each voxel and can be affected by capillary orientation and vessel size. Functional MRI analysis may, therefore, produce misleading results when voxels are nearby large vessels. Another problem in fMRI is that hemodynamic responses are slower than the neuronal activity. Therefore, temporal resolution is limited in fMRI. Furthermore, the correlation between neural activity and the hemodynamic response is not fully understood. fMRI can only be considered an indirect method of functional brain imaging.

Another MR-based method of functional brain mapping is neuronal current magnetic resonance imaging (ncMRI), which has been studied over several years. However, the amplitude of these neuronal current signals is an order of magnitude smaller than the physiological noise. Works on ncMRI include simulation, phantom experiments, and studies in tissue including isolated ganglia, optic nerves, and human brains. However, ncMRI development has been hampered due to the extremely small signal amplitude, as well as the presence of confounding signals from hemodynamic changes and other physiological noise.

Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT) methods could have the potential for the detection of neuronal activity. In this technique, small external currents are applied to a body during MR scans. This current flow produces a magnetic field as well as an electric field. The altered magnetic flux density along the main magnetic field direction caused by this current flow can be obtained from phase images. When there is neural activity, the conductivity of the neural cell membrane changes and the current paths around the neurons change consequently. Neural spiking activity during external current injection, therefore, causes differential phase accumulation in MR data. Statistical analysis methods can be used to identify neuronal-current-induced magnetic field changes.
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Intra- and Inter-Modality Registration for Validation of MRI based Hypoxia Imaging

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Hypoxia is a pathophysiological condition which results from lack of oxygen supply in tumors. The assessment of tumor hypoxia and its response to therapies can provide guidelines for optimization and personalization of therapeutic protocols for better treatment. Previous research has

Hypoxia is a pathophysiological condition which results from lack of oxygen supply in tumors. The assessment of tumor hypoxia and its response to therapies can provide guidelines for optimization and personalization of therapeutic protocols for better treatment. Previous research has shown the difficulty in measuring hypoxia anatomically due to its heterogenous nature. This makes the study of hypoxia through various imaging modalities and mapping techniques crucial. The potential of hypoxia targeting T1 contrast agent GdDO3NI in generating hypoxia maps has been studied earlier. In this work, the similarities between hypoxia maps generated by MRI using GdDO3NI and pimonidazole based immunohistochemistry (IHC) in non-small cell lung carcinoma bearing mice have been studied. Six NCI-H1975 tumor-bearing mice were studied. All animal studies were approved by Arizona State University’s Institute of Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Post co-injection of GdDO3NI and pimonidazole, T1 weighted 3D gradient echo MR images were acquired. For ex-vivo analysis of hypoxia, 30 μm thick tumor sections were obtained for each harvested tumor and were stained for pimonidazole and counter-stained with DAPI for nuclear staining. Pimonidazole (PIMO) is clinically used as a “gold standard” hypoxia marker. The key process involved stacking and iterative registration based on quality metric SSIM (Structural Similarity) Index of DAPI stained images of 5 consecutive tumor sections to produce a 3D volume stack of 150 μm thickness. Information from the 3D volume is combined to produce one final slide by averaging. The same registration transform was applied to stack the pimonidazole images which were previously thresholded to highlight hypoxic regions. The registered IHC stack was then co-registered with a single thresholded T1 weighted gradient echo MRI slice of the same location (~156 μm thick) using an elastic B-splines transform. The same transform was applied to achieve the co-registration of pimonidazole and MR percentage enhancement image. Image similarity index after the co-registration was found to be greater than 0.5 for 5 of the animals suggesting good correlation. R2 values were calculated for both hypoxic regions as well as tumor boundaries. All the tumors showed a high boundary correlation value of R2 greater than 0.8. Half of the animals showed high R2 values greater than 0.5 for hypoxic fractions. The RMSE values for the co-registration of all the animals were found to be low further suggesting better correspondence and validating the MR based hypoxia imaging.
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Development of A Novel Virtual Tool for Donor Heart Fitting

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Heart transplantation is the final treatment option for end-stage heart failure. In the United States, 70 pediatric patients die annually on the waitlist while 800 well-functioning organs get discarded. Concern for potential size-mismatch is one source of allograft waste and

Heart transplantation is the final treatment option for end-stage heart failure. In the United States, 70 pediatric patients die annually on the waitlist while 800 well-functioning organs get discarded. Concern for potential size-mismatch is one source of allograft waste and high waitlist mortality. Clinicians use the donor-recipient body weight (DRBW) ratio, a standalone metric, to evaluate allograft size-match. However, this body weight metric is far removed from cardiac anatomy and neglects an individual’s anatomical variations. This thesis body of work developed a novel virtual heart transplant fit assessment tool and investigated the tool’s clinical utility to help clinicians safely expand patient donor pools.

The tool allowed surgeons to take an allograft reconstruction and fuse it to a patient’s CT or MR medical image for virtual fit assessment. The allograft is either a reconstruction of the donor’s actual heart (from CT or MR images) or an analogue from a health heart library. The analogue allograft geometry is identified from gross donor parameters using a regression model build herein. The need for the regression model is donor images may not exist or they may not become available within the time-window clinicians have to make a provisional acceptance of an offer.

The tool’s assessment suggested > 20% of upper DRBW listings could have been increased at Phoenix Children’s Hospital (PCH). Upper DRBW listings in the UNOS national database was statistically smaller than at PCH (p-values: < 0.001). Delayed sternal closure and surgeon perceived complication variables had an association (p-value: 0.000016) with 9 of the 11 cases that surgeons had perceived fit-related complications had delayed closures (p-value: 0.034809).

A tool to assess allograft size-match has been developed. Findings warrant future preclinical and clinical prospective studies to further assess the tool’s clinical utility.
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Improving the Realism and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Multicellular Tumor Spheroids

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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of changes in metabolic activity in tumors and metabolic abnormalities can provide a window to understanding the complex behavior of malignant tumors. Both diagnostics and treatment options can be improved through the further comprehension of the

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of changes in metabolic activity in tumors and metabolic abnormalities can provide a window to understanding the complex behavior of malignant tumors. Both diagnostics and treatment options can be improved through the further comprehension of the processes that contribute to tumor malignancy and growth. By detecting and disturbing this activity through personalized treatments, it is the hope to provide better diagnostics and care to patients. Experimenting with multicellular tumor spheroids (MCTS) allows for a rapid, inexpensive and convenient solution to studying multiple in vitro tumors. High quality magnetic resonance images of small samples, such as spheroid, however, are difficult to achieve with current radio frequency coils. In addition, in order for the information provided by these scans to accurately represent the interactions and metabolic activity in vivo, there is a need for a perfused vascular network. A perfused vascular network has the potential to improve metabolic realism and particle transport within a tumor spheroid. By creating a more life-like cancer model and allowing the progressive imaging of metabolic functions of such small samples, a better, more efficient mode of studying metabolic activity in cancer can be created and research efforts can expand. The progress described in this paper attempts to address both of these current shortcomings of metabolic cancer research and offers potential solutions, while acknowledging the potential of future work to improve cancer research with MCTS.
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Observing effects of drug modulation on electrophysiological response of Aplysia neurons

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The effect of three different drug modulators on the electrophysiological response of Aplysia neurons was observed through the use of extracellular and intracellular recordings. Extracellular recordings captured the effects of magnesium chloride and glutamate at a variety of concentrations for

The effect of three different drug modulators on the electrophysiological response of Aplysia neurons was observed through the use of extracellular and intracellular recordings. Extracellular recordings captured the effects of magnesium chloride and glutamate at a variety of concentrations for each. Intracellular recordings displayed the effects of magnesium chloride, glutamate, and GABA for two concentrations each. For extracellular recordings, the average firing rate, average peak-to-peak voltage, average SNR, and sorted units were considered. For intracellular recordings, average firing rate, average peak voltage, and average resting potential were considered. Significance of data could not be determined using statistical analysis due to having a sample size of 1 for every experiment.
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Advancements to Magnetic Resonance Flow Imaging in the Brain

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Magnetic resonance flow imaging techniques provide quantitative and qualitative information that can be attributed to flow related clinical pathologies. Clinical use of MR flow quantification requires fast acquisition and reconstruction schemes, and minimization of post processing errors. The purpose

Magnetic resonance flow imaging techniques provide quantitative and qualitative information that can be attributed to flow related clinical pathologies. Clinical use of MR flow quantification requires fast acquisition and reconstruction schemes, and minimization of post processing errors. The purpose of this work is to provide improvements to the post processing of volumetric phase contrast MRI (PCMRI) data, identify a source of flow bias for cine PCMRI that has not been previously reported in the literature, and investigate a dynamic approach to image bulk cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage in ventricular shunts. The proposed improvements are implemented as three research projects.

In the first project, the improvements to post processing are made by proposing a new approach to estimating noise statistics for a single spiral acquisition, and using the estimated noise statistics to generate a mask distinguishing flow regions from background noise and static tissue in an image volume. The mask is applied towards reducing the computation time of phase unwrapping. The proposed noise estimation is shown to have comparable noise statistics as that of a vendor specific noise dynamic scan, with the added advantage of reduced scan time. The sparse flow region subset of the image volume is shown to speed up phase unwrapping for multidirectional velocity encoded 3D PCMRI scans. The second research project explores the extent of bias in cine PCMRI based flow estimates is investigated for CSF flow in the cerebral aqueduct. The dependance of the bias on spatial and temporal velocity gradient components is described. A critical velocity threshold is presented to prospectively determine the extent of bias as a function of scan acquisition parameters.

Phase contrast MR imaging is not sensitive to measure bulk CSF drainage. A dynamic approach using a CSF label is investigated in the third project to detect bulk flow in a ventricular shunt. The proposed approach uses a preparatory pulse to label CSF signal and a variable delay between the preparatory pulse and data acquisition enables tracking of the CSF bulk flow.
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Analytic Modeling of Neural Tissue: I. A Spherical Bidomain

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Presented here is a model of neural tissue in a conductive medium stimulated by externally injected currents. The tissue is described as a conductively isotropic bidomain, i.e. comprised of intra and extracellular regions that occupy the same space, as well

Presented here is a model of neural tissue in a conductive medium stimulated by externally injected currents. The tissue is described as a conductively isotropic bidomain, i.e. comprised of intra and extracellular regions that occupy the same space, as well as the membrane that divides them, and the injection currents are described as a pair of source and sink points. The problem is solved in three spatial dimensions and defined in spherical coordinates (r, θ, ϕ). The system of coupled partial differential equations is solved by recasting the problem to be in terms of the membrane and a monodomain, interpreted as a weighted average of the intra and extracellular domains. The membrane and monodomain are defined by the scalar Helmholtz and Laplace equations, respectively, which are both separable in spherical coordinates. Product solutions are thus assumed and given through certain transcendental functions. From these electrical potentials, analytic expressions for current density are derived and from those fields the magnetic flux density is calculated. Numerical examples are considered wherein the interstitial conductivity is varied, as well as the limiting case of the problem simplifying to two dimensions due to azimuthal independence. Finally, future modeling work is discussed.

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Improved spatial coverage of high-temporal resolution dynamic susceptibility contrast-MRI through 3D spiral-based acquisition and parallel imaging

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Dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI (DSC-MRI) is a powerful tool used to quantitatively measure parameters related to blood flow and volume in the brain. The technique is known as a “bolus-tracking” method and relies upon very fast scanning to accurately measure

Dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI (DSC-MRI) is a powerful tool used to quantitatively measure parameters related to blood flow and volume in the brain. The technique is known as a “bolus-tracking” method and relies upon very fast scanning to accurately measure the flow of contrast agent into and out of a region of interest. The need for high temporal resolution to measure contrast agent dynamics limits the spatial coverage of perfusion parameter maps which limits the utility of DSC-perfusion studies in pathologies involving the entire brain. Typical clinical DSC-perfusion studies are capable of acquiring 10-15 slices, generally centered on a known lesion or pathology.

The methods developed in this work improve the spatial coverage of whole-brain DSC-MRI by combining a highly efficient 3D spiral k-space trajectory with Generalized Autocalibrating Partial Parallel Acquisition (GRAPPA) parallel imaging without increasing temporal resolution. The proposed method is capable of acquiring 30 slices with a temporal resolution of under 1 second, covering the entire cerebrum with isotropic spatial resolution of 3 mm. Additionally, the acquisition method allows for correction of T1-enhancing leakage effects by virtue of collecting two echoes, which confound DSC perfusion measurements. The proposed DSC-perfusion method results in high quality perfusion parameter maps across a larger volume than is currently available with current clinical standards, improving diagnostic utility of perfusion MRI methods, which ultimately improves patient care.
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