The Illusory Implication Effect: How Mere Exposure to Ideas Influences Our Beliefs

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Studies have repeatedly shown that mere exposure to ideas makes those ideas seem more true, a finding referred to as the “illusory truth” effect. This feature of cognition may heighten existing concerns surrounding the spread of misinformation. Recent studies have

Studies have repeatedly shown that mere exposure to ideas makes those ideas seem more true, a finding referred to as the “illusory truth” effect. This feature of cognition may heighten existing concerns surrounding the spread of misinformation. Recent studies have shown that the effect extends to fake news headlines and may increase the likelihood that someone shares misinformation. But is this evidence that mere exposure can affect our beliefs? The two leading accounts of the illusory truth effect argue that after initial exposure, participants sense a feeling of familiarity or “fluency” at test that they use as a sign the statement is true. Beliefs however, extend further than just truth ratings. Beliefs also guide actions and imply other beliefs. Three pre-registered experiments were conducted to examine whether mere exposure to statements induces genuine beliefs by first examining if participants draw implications from mere exposure in Study 1. Surprisingly, results indicated that exposure to “premise” statements affect participants’ truth ratings for novel “implied” statements, which cannot be explained by the familiarity or fluency accounts of the illusory truth effect. Study 2 replicated results from Study 1 and ruled out consistency pressure as an explanation for prior findings. Finally, Study 3 replicated results from Studies 1 and 2 and ensured they were not due to demand characteristics by conducting separate analysis for suspicious and non-suspicious participants. Since these findings cannot be explained by the predominant accounts of the illusory truth effect, the authors believe this is evidence of a new effect the “illusory implication” effect. More importantly, these findings suggest that the consequences of misinformation may be larger than previously thought and warrants further study into potential mechanisms driving the illusory implication effect.
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Theta-Burst Stimulation of Area MT+/V5 Does Not Affect Multiple Object Tracking Performance

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Behavioral, electrophysiological, and neuroimaging evidence has demonstrated that multiple object tracking (MOT) tasks draw upon visual perception, attention, and working memory cognitive processes. Functional neuroimaging studies identified the middle temporal visual area (MT+/V5) as one of several brain regions associated

Behavioral, electrophysiological, and neuroimaging evidence has demonstrated that multiple object tracking (MOT) tasks draw upon visual perception, attention, and working memory cognitive processes. Functional neuroimaging studies identified the middle temporal visual area (MT+/V5) as one of several brain regions associated with MOT in humans. MT+/V5 is thought to be responsible for processing motion from visual information, regulating smooth pursuit eye movements, and encoding memory for motion. However, it is unclear how MT+/V5 interacts with attention and working memory performance processes during MOT. To investigate this question, the right MT+/V5 region was identified in 14 neurotypical subjects using structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI). The right MT+/V5 was stimulated using intermittent theta-burst stimulation (iTBS), continuous theta-burst stimulation (cTBS), and sham transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) using a within-subjects design. Average MOT performance was measured before and 5-min, 30-min, and 60-min after each stimulation protocol. There was no significant difference in average MOT performance across time, regardless of the stimulation condition.
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Seen but not Heard: The Effects of Race and Emotional Expression on Jurors’ Influence in Deliberation

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Emotions are an important part of persuasion. Experimental research suggests that White and male jurors can use emotion to increase their influence, while other jurors cannot. This research builds on prior research by examining the relationship between naturally occurring emotion

Emotions are an important part of persuasion. Experimental research suggests that White and male jurors can use emotion to increase their influence, while other jurors cannot. This research builds on prior research by examining the relationship between naturally occurring emotion during mock jury deliberations and the influence that jurors hold. Participants (N = 708) in 153 mock juries watched a murder trial video and deliberated on a verdict. Participants self-reported their experienced emotions and rated their perceptions of the other jurors’ emotion and influence. After data was collected, I extracted acoustic indicators of expressed emotion from each deliberation and used a speech emotion recognition model to classify each mock juror’s emotional expression. I hypothesized that there would be an overall effect of emotional expression on influence such that as mock jurors’ emotion increased, their influence would also increase. However, I hypothesized that a juror’s race and gender would moderate the relationship between emotion and influence such that White male jurors will be seen as more influential when they are more emotional, and that female jurors and jurors of color will be seen as less influential when they are more emotional. I also hypothesized that female jurors of color will be doubly penalized for being emotional, due to their “double-minority” status. Bayesian model averaging suggested that the data was most probable under models that included perceived emotion, race, and the interaction between the two, compared to models that did not. Consistent with the hypothesis, as participants were perceived as more emotional, their influence increased. In contrast to the hypotheses, being perceived as more emotional increased influence for both White and non-White mock jurors but the effect was stronger for non-White jurors. In other words, while all jurors benefited from being perceived as more emotional, non-White jurors benefited more than White jurors. Male jurors were more influential than female jurors, and gender did not interact with emotion.. Although being perceived as more emotional predicted increased influence for all participants, this research demonstrates that there are racial and gender disparities in the level of influence that someone might hold on a jury.
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Cognitive and Affective Consequences of Language Alignment in Dyadic Coping

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Dyadic coping is a couple level coping strategy, where partners respond to relationship external stressors as a unit. Dyadic coping behaviors have the ability to strengthen the relationship and improve both partners’ mental health outcomes in the face of adversity.

Dyadic coping is a couple level coping strategy, where partners respond to relationship external stressors as a unit. Dyadic coping behaviors have the ability to strengthen the relationship and improve both partners’ mental health outcomes in the face of adversity. Verbal communication is one of the primary channels of dyadic coping processes. As such, psycholinguistic investigations of predictors of successful dyadic coping comprise a growing body of research within the field of cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics. Aspects of language such as pronoun use and emotion word use are common areas of study. In this study, I examined the effects of language alignment on dyadic coping outcomes among a sample of heterosexual couples. Specifically, I postulated that lexical and semantic alignment would lead to positive outcomes in the cognitive domain of dyadic coping, while alignment in function word use – also referred to as language style matching – would lead to positive outcomes in the affective domain of dyadic coping. I also explored the effect of the temporal dynamics of language alignment on the relevant outcomes. Findings suggest that while function word alignment is weakly predictive of the hypothesized outcomes, no detectable relationships exist between lexical and semantic alignment and cognitive outcomes relating to dyadic coping among my sample. This study also shows a potential weak recency effect of language style matching on one affective outcome of dyadic coping. The absence of statistically significant effects in this study should not be taken to mean that no such effect exists, but that a more sensitive approach with a larger sample may be necessary to uncover the subtle effects of language alignment on dyadic coping outcomes.
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Enhancing Stress Detection Systems Using Real-World Data and Deep Neural Networks

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As threats emerge and change, the life of a police officer continues to intensify. To better support police training curriculums and police cadets through this critical career juncture, this thesis proposes a state-of-the-art framework for stress detection using real-world data

As threats emerge and change, the life of a police officer continues to intensify. To better support police training curriculums and police cadets through this critical career juncture, this thesis proposes a state-of-the-art framework for stress detection using real-world data and deep neural networks. As an integral step of a larger study, this thesis investigates data processing techniques to handle the ambiguity of data collected in naturalistic contexts and leverages data structuring approaches to train deep neural networks. The analysis used data collected from 37 police training cadetsin five different training cohorts at the Phoenix Police Regional Training Academy. The data was collected at different intervals during the cadets’ rigorous six-month training course. In total, data were collected over 11 months from all the cohorts combined. All cadets were equipped with a Fitbit wearable device with a custom-built application to collect biometric data, including heart rate and self-reported stress levels. Throughout the data collection period, the cadets were asked to wear the Fitbit device and respond to stress level prompts to capture real-time responses. To manage this naturalistic data, this thesis leveraged heart rate filtering algorithms, including Hampel, Median, Savitzky-Golay, and Wiener, to remove potentially noisy data. After data processing and noise removal, the heart rate data and corresponding stress level labels are processed into two different dataset sizes. The data is then fed into a Deep ECGNet (created by Prajod et al.), a simple Feed Forward network (created by Sim et al.), and a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) network for binary classification. Experimental results show that the Feed Forward network achieves the highest accuracy (90.66%) for data from a single cohort, while the MLP model performs best on data across cohorts, achieving an 85.92% accuracy. These findings suggest that stress detection is feasible on a variate set of real-world data using deepneural networks.
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An Action Dynamics Approach to Assessing Potential Implicit Biases Toward Transgender People

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To reveal opinions people may not explicitly portray, researchers have implemented a methodology called the Implicit Associations Test (IAT). While this test saw widespread use after its inception, recent problems have undermined the reliability of the measure. Researchers have begun

To reveal opinions people may not explicitly portray, researchers have implemented a methodology called the Implicit Associations Test (IAT). While this test saw widespread use after its inception, recent problems have undermined the reliability of the measure. Researchers have begun to address these limitations by evaluating different approaches, such as the Action Dynamics paradigm. Like the IAT, the aim of action dynamics is to assess underlying activation and competition amongst beliefs as they unfold in real-time, while adding a number of more sensitive measures, in addition to those used in an IAT. The trajectories of participants’ computer mouse cursors are tracked as they move from a stimulus statement to a response, providing data of the real-time decisions people are making across a number of variables. For this thesis study, the aim was to use an action dynamics paradigm to explore whether implicit biases exist toward transgender people from a larger cisgender population, even if they explicitly support or oppose others with transgender identities. These potential biases were assessed by evaluating the statements people were asked to confirm or disconfirm. There were also a number of analyses conducted in order to investigate whether such predictors such as participants’ gender or political ideology predicted differences in responses. Although differences were seen in the reaction time to statements of a certain category, the other trajectory measures showed that participants’ implicit and explicit attitudes toward transgender people were aligned. Implications, limitations, and future directions of this work are then discussed.
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Talking Together, Working Apart: Predicting Collaborative Problem
Solving Performance Using Language

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Collaborative problem solving (CPS) skills are critical for students and workers in the 21st century. However, reports show that students and workers routinely underperform at CPS-related tasks. While many studies have investigated the factors that contribute to CPS performance, few

Collaborative problem solving (CPS) skills are critical for students and workers in the 21st century. However, reports show that students and workers routinely underperform at CPS-related tasks. While many studies have investigated the factors that contribute to CPS performance, few have focused on prediction, and even fewer have focused exclusively on language. This study takes a unique prediction-first approach, where the goal is to identify the features of language that best predict CPS performance, and then use those linguistic features to build explanatory models of CPS performance. Overall, we found that more sophisticated content words indicate worse CPS performance, while more sophisticated function words indicate better CPS performance. Additionally, we saw that teams using more concrete content words performed worse at the CPS task, while teams using more abstract content words performed better. Finally, we found that teams performed better when using positive emotion words (especially positive nouns) and words indicating high arousal.

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Understanding Emotional Experiences and Partner Relationships Among Individuals with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures

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Individuals with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) show signs of emotion-related dysfunction and disrupted interpersonal relationships. Affectionate touch is an important form of non-verbal communication in relationships that may foster emotion regulation and emotional awareness. The present online survey study included

Individuals with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) show signs of emotion-related dysfunction and disrupted interpersonal relationships. Affectionate touch is an important form of non-verbal communication in relationships that may foster emotion regulation and emotional awareness. The present online survey study included 62 individuals with PNES and 80 seizure-free trauma-exposed controls high (n=40) or low (n=40) in overall symptoms of psychopathology. As hypothesized, PNES individuals reported experiencing less frequent affectionate touch and less interoceptive awareness than either control group. They also reported more somatic symptoms, more emotion regulation difficulties, and less positive emotion than the low psychopathology group. Unexpectedly, there were no group differences in emotional awareness difficulties, nor in initiation of affectionate touch. Across participants, lower interoceptive awareness was associated with lower affectionate touch frequency, indicating that if one has difficulty understanding and being aware of their own body, affectionate touch sensations may not necessarily be understood as pleasant and may be minimized or avoided. Emotional awareness difficulties surprisingly were associated with greater affectionate touch frequency among PNES (versus the expected pattern of awareness difficulties associated with less affectionate touch, as found among controls), suggesting affectionate touch may be used as an attempt to try and understand one’s own feelings, or to compensate for, or even mask a lack of understanding. Findings indicate a distinct difference in physical affection frequency and interoceptive awareness among PNES individuals even when matched to a group similar in psychiatric distress/psychopathology. These findings offer insight into the relationships between interoceptive awareness, affectionate touch, and emotion regulation more broadly.
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Question Based Learning: A Pedagogical Approach for Improving Hypothesis Generation in Active Learning

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Science education faces a distinct challenge in the transition to active learning: how can teachers ensure students reach accurate understandings during the exploration and self-discovery phase of a lesson? Research in hypothesis generation demonstrates human's vulnerabilities to specific biases based

Science education faces a distinct challenge in the transition to active learning: how can teachers ensure students reach accurate understandings during the exploration and self-discovery phase of a lesson? Research in hypothesis generation demonstrates human's vulnerabilities to specific biases based on prior knowledge, selective memory retrieval, and failure to consider alternative explanations. This is further complicated in science education, where content standards are abstract. As such, it is imperative to implement a proactive intervention to curb misconceptions from forming during active learning in science lessons. In this work, a new a model of instruction, Question-Based Learning (QBL) is designed and tested against current learning paradigms. The study aims to investigate whether providing constraint-seeking questions is an effective intervention leading to improved mastery of learning targets during active learning. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions to learn a scientific concept: a blended learning condition, a guided-inquiry condition, or a QBL condition. Mastery was measured at the end of the task using a 12-question assessment. The same measure was also administered one week after subjects completed the study to see whether delayed recall significantly differs between condition groups. Results indicate the QBL model is at least as effective two existing forms of pedagogy at teaching a scientific principle, increasing depth of knowledge regarding that scientific principle, and sustaining knowledge over time.
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Information Density and Persuasiveness in Naturalistic Data

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Attitudes play a fundamental role when making critical judgments and the extremity of people’s attitudes can be influenced by one’s emotions, beliefs, or past experiences and behaviors. Human attitudes and preferences are susceptible to social influence and attempts to influence

Attitudes play a fundamental role when making critical judgments and the extremity of people’s attitudes can be influenced by one’s emotions, beliefs, or past experiences and behaviors. Human attitudes and preferences are susceptible to social influence and attempts to influence or change another person’s attitudes are pervasive in all societies. Given the importance of attitudes and attitude change, the current project investigated linguistic aspects of conversations that lead to attitude change by analyzing a dataset mined from Reddit’s Change My View (Priniski & Horne, 2018). Analysis of the data was done using Natural Language Processing (NLP), specifically information density, to predict attitude change. Top posts from Reddit’s (N = 510,149) were imported and processed in Python and information density measures were computed. The results indicate that comments with higher information density are more likely to be awarded a delta and are perceived to be more persuasive.
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